What If The MOON Disappeared? | Space Video | Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz

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foreign [Music] the Moon [Music] well it's okay for the sake of this fictional movie little kitty but in reality life on Earth without the moon will go for a tours hey friends I'm sure just like kitty you two must be wondering about the importance of the moon so in today's episode let us step out on the lunar surface and answer a fascinating question what if the moon disappeared zoom in the moon the shiny silvery natural satellite of the earth is the closest object to our planet and its location is not merely a chance but it plays a massive role in the existence of the Earth yes as we know the most basic thing the moon does for us is that it provides some light in the night so in case if it suddenly disappears the first thing we will notice is that the Knight will get even darker although it will be an excellent sight to gaze at stars however for most of us especially many animals a missing Moon could cause a lot of confusion yes that's because nocturnal animals like owls rely on both the darkness of night and a small amount of moonlight to hunt effectively without any light at night Brave would likely Thrive because Predators would have a more challenging time gating them in the long run this chaos would cause an ecological imbalance leading to the extinction of many predatory animals next as we know that the moon's gravitational force is responsible for causing tides in the oceans so people living near the oceans would find the waves produced because of which we won't be able to do water surfing anymore but worse many marine animals would depend on oceanic currents for survival will be wiped down and the next thing to go for a course will be our 24 hour day night cycle yes the moon's gravitational pull is solely responsible for keeping the Earth rotate around its axis for 24 hours at a suitable speed so without the moon the Earth will start spinning three to four times faster than it is now due to which a day on Earth will reduce to around 6 to 8 hours long not only that while rotating at such a high speed we would experience winds up to 480 kilometers per hour due to this anything that is not attached to the Bedrock will eventually fly away especially the birds and animals and if a shorter day and a faster atmosphere weren't enough for you to understand the importance of our moon then how about a messed up season cycle yes we experience Seasons because of Earth's 23.5 degree tilted position held up by the moon so without the moon stabilizing our tilt it is possible that the Earth's Tilt could vary drastically eventually affecting the season and climate cycle which will turn extreme and lastly it is said that the craters on the moon are the result of it shielding us from many incoming asteroids and comets so if the moon goes missing many asteroids will shoot directly on the Earth's surface which can wipe out an entire species as we have seen in the past so my dear friends next time you see the Moon Illuminating our dark sky make sure to thank it for everything it does for us trim your time did you know the moon was made when a rock smashed into Earth also you won't believe it but the moon's surface is actually dark yes the Moonlight we see is actually the Sun's light reflected of the lunar surface and in case you want to know more about our moon and its phases do check our video on the lunar cycle the link is in the description below hope you learned something new in today's episode until next time it's me Dr binox zooming out ah never mind
Channel: Peekaboo Kidz
Views: 2,780,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: moon, what if, earth, solar system, what if the moon disappeared, astronomy, science fiction, earth without moon, fun science, what if there was no moon, earth and moon, what is the moon, space videos, best kids videos, preschool learning, videos for kids, best educational videos, just for kids, fun learning videos for children, learning videos for kids, physics, universe, geography, The Dr. Binocs Show, Peekaboo Kids, astronomy for kids, science videos, binocs show
Id: JWPy9zhQLJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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