What If the Megalodon Shark Fought the Mosasaurus?

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want to learn how to survive a tsunami grenade blast or even falling out of a plane well we have a new channel called how to survive check out the link at the end of this video [Music] millions of years ago the megalodon shark was one of the scariest creatures to ever lurk in our seas and even before that the mosasaurs reigned supreme terrorizing every ocean creature in sight both these creatures were the apex predators in their separate eras but what would happen if they had lived during the same time and thought how would this battle play out which creature would have the most advantages and who would win this is what if and here's what would happen if the megalodon shark fought the mosasaur before we begin our main event let's look at the tale of the tape weighing in at 60 tons you have the megalodon this giant shark is 25 meters in length and swims up to 17 meters per second watch out for its bite as it has a force of 278 000 kilopascals the mosasaur is disadvantaged in almost every aspect it's shorter by five meters it's about one quarter of the megalodon's weight and it has only about half of the bite power of the megalodon's mighty jaws but will the mosasaur be able to make up for it with its increased maneuverability let's find out [Music] the megalodon begins by hunting for its prey since it never had any foes it will be the initial aggressor in this battle the megalodon's hunting style relies on sneaking up beneath its prey and quickly attacking the shark spots the mosasaur near the top of the water since that's where it mostly hunts its prey the mosasaur as a reptile also comes up for air every hour the megalodon approaches the mosasaur but as it begins to open its mouth the mosasaur is able to dodge it this is because unlike the megalodon the mosasaur has defensive traits although it was the apex predator in its time mosasaurs would also hunt each other this means the mosasaur knows how to fight and with that skill it's just able to narrowly dodge the megalodon's initial attack right now the megalodon is confused after all it never had to win any sort of battle unlike the mosasaur this is a rude awakening for the shark as the megalodon is confused the mosasaur is able to sneak away quickly using its defensive traits the mosasaur uses this time to find some cover in hopes of getting the upper hand on the megalodon the mosasaur's forward-facing eyes make it easy to spot the megalodon this means the mosasaur has binocular vision like a bird as the mosasaur stays in hiding it waits for the megalodon to get close enough finally it strikes since the megalodon's body is far too big for the mosasaur to bite the mosasaur attacks one of the megalodon's fins and despite the megalodon being such a massive intimidating creature the mosasaur is able to chew through it quite easily that's because the megalodon is made out of soft tissue and cartilage the only hard part of its body is its teeth as the mosasaur bites into the shark's fin the mosasaur might expect the megalodon to either retreat or die but since the megalodon shark is so massive it won't give up just yet with the mosasaur chopping on its fin the megalodon knows where the reptile is at this point the mosasaur is trying to swim away and it can swim as fast as it wants to but despite being injured the megalodon is faster and will be able to catch the mosasaur the megalodon opens its mouth and quickly chomps down on the mosasaur and oh the mosasaur is down for the count one two three and the new champion of the seas is the megalodon unfortunately the megalodon won't be able to comment for a post-fight interview that's because this win wasn't without consequences the megalodon took quite a beating more than it's ever experienced before depending on how bad the bite is the shark may bleed out but if it manages to survive it will continue on being the one true apex predator of the ocean sure the megalodon managed to survive this but what can you survive well luckily we have the answer with our new channel called how to survive there we'll teach you how to survive a tsunami falling out of an airplane and so much more and we promise we won't kill you check it out in the link in the [Music] description
Channel: What If
Views: 2,692,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what if, what happens if, scifi, science documentary, what if scenario, mysteries, What if the megalodon shark fought the mosasaurus, mosasaurus vs megalodon, megalodon sharks, extinct animals, the most dangerous animals, prehistoric animals, what if dinosaurs were still alive, what if animals, what if earth, documentaries, scariest creatures, ocean creatures, possible scenario, competition
Id: eOT-zxWi-94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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