What if the Earth was Cube Shaped? | #aumsum

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It's AumSum Time. What if the earth was Cube-Shaped? Holy Moly. Will my cute chubby round face also turn into a cube? Oh AumSum. Earth is spherical in shape because of Gravity. Earth's gravity pulls everything equally towards its center. And thus gives it a spherical shape. Now, if the earth was Cube-shaped. Firstly, it would look weird, right. Secondly, just like gravity. Our weight would be different at different places on earth. This is because the 8 corners of the cube. Would be much further away from the cube's center. As compared to the rest of the cube. But this would be good news for people who are over-weight and lazy. Now they can just go to the corners and voilaaa, their weight gets reduced. Thirdly, due to low gravitational force. The cube corners would have very less atmospheric cover & almost no water. Thus rendering them inhospitable. What if the Earth had 2 Moons? So What. Even I have my 2 lollipops, I lick them every day. That's gross AumSum. The most obvious effect of 2 moons would be that. Our nights would be much much brighter. That would certainly be bad news for stargazers and astronomers. Also, as you all know that tides on earth are a result of the moon. So, 2 moons would either amplify this effect or cancel out each other. If they were to amplify then we could have huge tides. Effectively making living near shorelines almost impossible. But it will definitely be good news for all the surfers. Finally, as the number of moons increases, so will the number of solar eclipses. Also, hypothetically, if they were to ever collide with each other. Then the amount of debris coming out of such collision. Would make living on earth almost impossible. What if Earth Stopped Spinning? It would gain weight. No AumSum. The Earth spins at a speed of 1000 miles-per-hour. Its atmosphere also moves along with it at a constant speed. If the earth stops spinning suddenly, the atmosphere would still be in motion. Sending everything on the earth's surface, flying into the atmosphere. Now, earth's spinning generates a centrifugal force. Which is responsible for the huge bulge of water around the equator. No spinning means no centrifugal force. This water would migrate towards the poles, where gravity is the strongest. Leaving behind a giant landmass. Also, remember that, even though the earth stops spinning. It is still revolving around the sun. This means, we would experience a 6-month day, followed by 6-month night. Some experts also believe that earth's rotation generates its magnetic field. Without rotation, there would be no magnetic field. To protect us from the harmful solar winds. Making it extremely difficult to survive. What if there was no Gravity on Earth? No Problemo. I will order my burger from space. Oh AumSum. From purely physics point of view. There would be no earth left, as no gravity means no mass. But, leaving this point aside, let's see what else will happen. Oceans, rivers and lakes will float away. Entire atmosphere will vanish, only vacuum will be left. Everything on the surface of the earth including humans, cars, rocks, etc. Will become weightless and float away into space. Things which are rooted into earth like trees, bridges. And buildings will remain, but not for long. On a funnier note, anybody will be able to lift heavy weights. Football will become a one kick game. And there will be no need of stairs or elevators. Finally, earth will also start breaking into chunks as it is held together by gravity.
Channel: It's AumSum Time
Views: 202,890
Rating: 4.8301454 out of 5
Keywords: aum, aumsum, aum sum, it's aumsum time, smart learning for all, animation, student, school, education, science, kids, children, Secondary School (School Category), What, if, what if, What if the Earth was Cube Shaped
Id: 5YPye_D19mU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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