What If Tanjiro Had God Level Powers Like Yorichi 1

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[Applause] hello and welcome back to my channel fanfic fantasy join us as we delve into the Realms of fanfiction and fantasy bringing you the best stories and discussions today we're kicking off the first part of our series what if tenjiro had God Powers y Richie if you enjoy en this video please give it a like And subscribe for more content in the future the author of this story is Lucas xfun 171 from watpad all the relevant links are in the description feel free to say hello to the author on their profile now let's dive into the fanfic summary Yori itch's swordsman skills are reincarnated into tangero since birth he has the same birth mark as him and the Rising Sun earrings since he had lots of stamina ever since a small child he started doing the hinami kagura dance in place of his father so he already knows how to perform all 12 forms easily tanjiro doesn't know the extent of his abilities so when coming home one night and finding his family massacred he seeks revenge on whoever destroyed his family little does he know he wouldn't need to put much effort into becoming a Demon Slayer the snow crunching underneath a worrisome boy while unable to control his breath his mind is racing how could this have happened I can't believe it while I was sleeping peacefully my family was getting massacred I'm sorry mother and sorry nzuko I'm sorry Teo and sorry hanako and sorry shidu and sorry rokita the pile of corpses that used to be his family flash though his head I'm so very sorry everyone as the eldest I should have protected you all but I failed nuko don't die please don't die I'll definitely save you so don't go dying on me we'll reach the village soon and I'll find a doctor for you your big brother will definitely save you while being lost in his thoughts nzuko who was being carried on his back suddenly woke up and distracted tangero that he slipped of a short Cliff not paying attention he was falling until he hit soft snow that softened his fall what I fell the snow caught my fall wait where's nazuka the boy started to panic unable to find his sister Standing Tall off in the corner of his eye tenjiro spotted nzuko nzuko are you okay you don't have to walk I can carry you to the Village to his horror he saw big protruding veins coming out her forehead along with vertical slits in her eyes and fangs that were extremely sharp she then flew into a rage and pounced at him he pulled out the hatchet he was carrying in front of him defensively she bit down into the handle suburo words ran through his head there have always been human eating demons that prowl during the night because of that it's not safe to walk outside during Nightfall but there have also always been demon Slayers that kill the demons so we can live peaceful lives kenjiro then thought does that mean nzuko is a demon no she's always been a human as long as I can remember but her scent is different than the normal nzuko that means she wasn't a demon before someone forcibly made of her a demon trying to get through to her tangero screamed please nzuko go back to being normal it's me tenjiro your big brother you wouldn't want to hurt me right tears started forming in her eyes she was indeed trying to fight the urge for human flesh rapid footsteps approaching alerted tangero someone was heading toward them a man with a half red and half green and yellow patterned hiori was worn on his chest KIRO then flipped over his body so that he was protecting nuk because he saw that he had a sword and was trying to attack her the strange fitted man seemed surprised and missed both tenjiro and nzuko who is this why was he trying to attack nzuko tenjiro thought why did you protect it he asked to tenjiro she's my younger sister tenjiro screamed to the man in hopes of convincing him to not attack the only family member tenjiro still had that thing is your sister he asked almost feeling disgusted someone is still holding close a demon that will eat flesh any chance it gets stay away since you already tried to attack her you might do it again I won't let that happen tenjiro shouted warning the mysterious man he then tried to grab her but tenjiro noticed at the last second and jumped into the air surprising the attacker huh what how did he evade my attempt at grabbing the demon has this kid had some form of training that's so odd I told you stay away I won't ask again tenjiro screamed while pulling out his Hatchet if you attack again then I have no choice but to defend defend is this kid stupid I've had years of pain aing training he can't go up against a hashira even if this kid did have training it wouldn't amount to how much I trained I can be sure of that The Tall Man thought while having a confused look he then lunged himself at the boy holding nothing but his Hatchet in one hand and his sister in the other water breathing third form flowing dance the man started turning and twisting his body in ways tenjiro couldn't predict where he was aiming for tenjiro then started to see through the man's body as if he was transparent he saw his muscles bones and organs waa what is this it's like I'm seeing through his body also it seems like he's moving slower or am I just seeing his movement slow down I've never had this happened before with this tenero could predict where the man was going to attack as the man was nearing close tenjiro swung his Hatchet to hit the man's Katana away from his sister tenjiro didn't have the intentions of hurting the man but he would surely do anything to protect his sister what he parried my attack but how there's no way he could have predicted my attack t flew into a rage I said stay away I'm really pissed off now first I have had to deal with the image of my entire family dead do you even know how it feels to see your family members blood splattered all over the walls do you then I have to deal with you trying to take the only family member I have left away from me I won't allow it she isn't trying to eat my flesh even though I'm holding her in my arms do you not even realize that for the last and final time I'm asking you to stay the hell away from me and my sister while absolutely ranting on to to the man he put so much grip Force into his Hatchet because of his anger it started to turn bright red his words really angered the man too I have seen my family's blood splattered all over the walls too you think you're different than me wrong all of us in the Demon Slayer Corp have gone through traumatic events in our lives as well stop spouting nonsense wait I just realized did his Hatchet turn red I thought the color was silver did it change color that's odd I don't care if you have had the same thing happen to me just stay away from me and my sister the Zuko hasn't eaten anyone if she really is a demon I'll turn her back into a human I have no choice but to attack you now tenjiro let go of his sister and then ran at full speed towards him he swung his Katana but so did tenjiro they exchanged blows for a couple moments with tenjiro able to land some very shallow Cuts but then the man got the better of him and saw an opening not wanting to hurt tenjiro he raised his hand and made a chopping motion towards his neck leaving tangero on the cold snow unconscious damn that took a lot more effort than it should have I was wrong before he never had training he just has an incredible amount of Talent with some proper training I think he could be a very successful Demon Slayer maybe even a hashira he has skills but they're unrefined for some reason the blows he did manage to land are hurting a lot he was just using a hatchet but the cuts feel like they're burning the Zuko saw this and feeling like she had to protect her brother she jumped toward his direction oh crap I forget about the demon girl I had my full focus on him now he'll get eaten but what he saw was something he never thought he would see in his entire life as a Demon Slayer the demon girl stood in front of her brother defensively and nuko is asuko is different she doesn't eat people tangero words ran through his mind a long time ago there was somebody who said the same thing but was devoured moments later demons in a starving condition would eat parents or siblings because they have high sustenance this girl has a wound fixing that would consume a lot of energy also because turning into a demon would consume a lot of stamina without out of doubt she is in a severely starving condition any minute now she's going to want human flesh and blood yet she is protecting the boy maybe she is different she lunged at the man but is the same with her brother he raised his hand and made a chopping motion towards her neck also leaving her unconscious tenjiro family huddled around him in the afterlife I'm sorry for leaving you tenjiro take care of nzuko he suddenly awoke grabbing onto anything he could his hand landed on his sister which was still laying on the cold snow tear started to form in his eyes are you awake the man now standing behind a tree asked him go see an old man named sakonji yuraki that lives at the bottom of Misty Mountain tell him giu Tomoka sent you since it's cloudy right now your sister is fine but under any circumstances don't ever let her walk Under the Sun good luck with that guu vanished so his name is guu at least he's being friendlier than before they walked back up the mountain to their house and buried the lifeless corpses that used to be their family Fango got on his knees and started to pray for their family to find peace he stood up and said let's go nzuko TS note o finally done man that was a lot harder than I thought it would be thought to give credit to people who write regular fan fics it's not easy but I had a lot of fun writing though I'll try to post chapters every Friday I'll write a little bit each day instead of one whole chapter in a day so I don't get burned out if you enjoyed this chapter don't forget to vote and comment what part you like the most if you didn't enjoy this chapter that's okay too tell me in a comment which part you didn't like so I can improve also I made some changes to author's note number one so go back and reread to see what I've changed remember to please vote share with friends and family comment and follow me if you have read this far I thank you your time means everything to me I really do mean it when I say that I appreciate anybody who reads this story I love you all time Skip it's been around a month since Mr yuraki started teaching me how to use total concentration breathing and how to swing a sword I'd say it's going pretty well he told me that I'm improving at such an incredibly fast rate that he's never seen someone with this much talent I have already mastered total concentration breathing and all of the water breathing forms but something feels off whenever I use water breathing I'm not sure what it is but it's like my body is telling me it's wrong even though I know I'm doing it right it doesn't feel natural no matter how much I train I've wanted to ask him about when I was fighting gu that I saw through his body and saw all his bones and organs but I I haven't found the right time to ask maybe he might think I'm crazy for saying that time skip I don't have anything more to teach you a tjo asked in confusion tenjiro I think it might be time time for what the young boy asked him follow me I'll show you the two started to walk to an open area y a kodaki hadn't shown tenjiro yet they arrived at a clearing in the forest with a huge Boulder in the middle if you can cut this Boulder and two I will allow you to participate in the final selection a is it even possible to cut a rock in half with my sword I'm not sure it's possible I don't think I can do it my blade will snap Mr yur kodaki started to walk away with nothing more to say Mr yuraki please wait a moment Mr urokodaki with that he left never to teach me anything ever again I continued to practice what he taught me every day I wrote down what he taught me into a notebook I wrote down things like total concentration breathing and basic flexibility training after two whole weeks I still couldn't slice The Rock in two even though it's only been a month and a half I was getting frustrated that my skill hasn't improved since the first week I had performed all of the things yur kodaki taught me perfectly even though I can't cut the boulder in half time Skip it's been one more week since Mr urokodaki left me to cut the boulder I still can't cut it I'm planning on asking him about the time I saw theu in his body Teno was walking back to the small house Mr yur kodaki lived in late at night even though he was extremely tired and hungry he found the courage to ask yod Aki on how he saw through J's body sit down tenjiro it's time for supper all right while they ate in silence tenjiro broke the quiet Atmosphere by asking hey Mr yuraki can I ask a question of course what do you wish to know so the time that I was fighting J I was swinging my Hatchet at him to protect my sister because he was trying to kill her but then something happened that I didn't expect I started to see through his body and saw his muscles and bones do you know anything about this what you saw through his body I've never heard heard anybody that can do this is this a joke this isn't very funny no it's not a joke I actually saw through his body well even if you are telling the truth I haven't heard of anyone do that let alone know it's possible okay if you don't know it's fine I'm really tired I'm just going to bed good night Teno as tenjiro drifted to sleep he would have a dream of one of his memory play in his head Teno you're breathing control your breathing become more like hinami his frail father said his mother was showing him the dance that his father did look tenango it's your father's kagura dance our family works with fire so to ward off injures and disasters we offer this dance to hinami along with our prayers the start of each year as tenjiro heard his mother explain the dance to him he watched very intensely at his father performing the hinami kagura dance he felt like he could watch his father dance until sunrise tenjiro suddenly woke up very startled was that a dream about my father's dance I do remember 2 years before he died I started doing the dance in place of him him for some reason it felt more natural to my body I wouldn't get tired even when I danced from Sunset to Sunrise now that I think about it I use the same technique whenever I try to do total concentration with water breathing my heart and lungs were working at the same level as when I try to do water breathing now he felt the urge to get up from his futon and try to do the hinami kagura dance instead of water breathing even though it was the middle of the night he didn't feel tired he got up from the futon and without thinking he immediately grabbed his nickon sword and walked over to the training spot with the boulder close by he started thinking of how to do the hinami kagura dance he shouted the first form named total concentration in aami kagura at that moment his sword lit up in flames and fire engulfing The Sword and anything around it dance he brought the Sword Down vertically with such force that the mark on his forehead changed from the usual pinkish color to a bright red that looked like Flames coming down his forehead as tenjiro finished the technique the fire from his sword dissipated he was very surprised that the technique felt so much easier than water breathing he felt that he need to complete the forms in a Calli kagura once again his sword burst into flames he jumped into the air with his torso and sword aiming downwards Clear Blue Sky he slashed the air horizontally since he put so much force into the swing it made a huge divot in the ground in the direction he swung even though the sky was Pitch Black it turned a bright blue for a couple seconds before reverting back to normal he landed on the ground and immediately started to set up the next technique he tilted his sword horizontally again but this time on the ground in aami kagura Raging Sun he made two swings in the direction he was aiming it made the ground shake by how much power was going into his sword he set up his sword for another attack he grabbed his sword with both hands but one of them was reversed when holding he did this to make a fast twisting Motion in aami kagura burning bone Summer Sun he turned his sword to the right to make two circular flame ends he finished the technique and immediately set up the next one he jumped into the air and rotated his body upside down and shouted hinami kagura Setting Sun transformation he swung his sword vertically but upside down he landed and set his sword horizontally in a CI kagura solar heat Haze his sword swung through the air and the tip of it got very hazy and hard to see in aami kagura benefit Radiance kenjiro swung his sword close to himself in many directions and the space in front of him got engulfed in flames in a Calli kagura sunflower thrust he put the handle of the sword close to his chest and very fast extended it outwards with Incredible force in aami kagura Dragon Son Halo head dance he pointed his sword horizontally and swung while twisting and turning the Flames that erupted from The Sword was different this time though with it taking the form of a Sun Dragon H A Calli kagura fire wheel he back flipped through the air and swung his sword upwards he landed and yelled hinami kagura fake rainbow he seemed to not move but after a couple of seconds he disappeared and reappeared appeared a couple meters away in a call me kagura flame dance he brought down his flam engulfed sword vertically but once he finished his swing he made a horizontal one right after after finishing all 12 forms he knew he looked down at his sword in shock that he did all that with a sword he only knew how to do the dance with a stick that had papers coming off of it he didn't know it yet but he just completed the 13th form he sheathed his sword content on what he had now achieved wow I didn't know I could apply my father's dance to a sword wait let me try to SL smash the boulder that I couldn't for 3 weeks he walked up to the boulder that yur kodaki said he need to cut in a half to enter final selection he un sheathed his sword once again and concentrated as hard as he could in aami kagura dance he brought down the sword with enough Force to cut five Boulders he had cut the rock so effortlessly that even urokodaki that was watching from a distance was surprised tenjiro had such confidence of cutting the boulder that he knew that it could be done IR kodaki walked up to tenjiro as he sheathing sword once again Jiro already knew yuraki was watching because he felt his presence and could smell him he turned around to a shocked yur kodaki as he could smell that too the old man said I'm so proud that you slashed the boulder in such a short amount of time I'm not even upset that you took up a different breathing style as tenjiro and urokodaki was walking away from the sliced Boulder he felt confident that he would do well in the final selection tenjiro had practiced the hinami kagura in the middle of the night that he dreamt of while walking back the sun started to rise yodak jaie was curious on how tenjiro learned another breathing Style say tenjiro how did you learn that breathing style you performed tenjiro thought what to say for a couple seconds before responding well I actually had a dream of the dance my father performed every New Year's before I had to do it for him two years before he died urokodaki still was confused about one thing but why did you wake so late in the day and trained for hours tenjiro cocked his head at urokodaki and confusion waited I spent hours training it only felt like minutes yes tenjiro you woke 2 hours before midnight and slashed the boulder 4 hours later tanjiro seemed impressed that he could train for that long without feeling tired he could barely do 10 minutes of water breathing without feeling frustrated as they chatted about how tangero felt doing the kagura dance they arrived at yaki's house well tenjiro since you cut the boulder in half I will allow you to enter final selection it starts tomorrow I've crafted this fox mask for you it has a protection spell on it tenjiro took the mask and looked at it it was white all over with red spots on the ends of the mouth and red eyes just like Tango's mark on his forehead The Mask had Flames coming down the upper left side wow it's very pretty yur kodaki had another gift to tenjiro I'm also giving you these clothes for final selection the kimono was blue with white cloud marks wait but Mr you're a kodaki I don't use water breathing this kimono is for water users right while that is true it also shows that you were trained by me all of my students used this kimono when they went into final selection C tenjiro had a determined look while saying okay I will make you proud I will come out of final selection alive I promise you that Ur kodaki had a surprised look on his face Beneath The Mask yes tenjiro I really hope you do Ur kodaki seemed proud as to the man tenjiro had become and felt a smile creep up on his face all I wish is to see you walking back alive from final selection please Grant my wish tangero I do not wish to lose another under the mask tangero could hear the soft sniffles of yur kodaki oh Mr yur kodaki must be sad because his students in the past didn't pass final selection tenjiro had some Newfound motivation don't worry Mr yur kodaki I will pass final selection for you to see my face again so don't be sad having said what he wanted to tenjiro suddenly felt a rush of tiredness overcome him and laid down in his futon he immediately fell asleep because of how tired he was time skip tenjiro woke up to the next day feeling refreshed and prepared for the final selection he put on the clothes and the fox mask your Kaki gave him the previous day and grabbed his sword he gave yur kodaki and nzuko one last hug before standing and leaving the house that he was so grateful to live in for a month and a half he opened the door and waved one last time knowing that he wouldn't see their faces for another week feeling prideful and courageous he walked the path that lead to Mount Fuji Cass time Skip by the time tanjiro had arrived at his destination it had already become nighttime he walked up to the entrance of the mountain but noticed Wisteria flowers blooming on trees trees like wildfire are those Wisteria flowers I thought they were out of season why are they growing now they're everywhere too strange as he was climbing the steps that lead to where the other Slayers where he found himself encouraging himself that he would do all right and come out alive he noticed there were many other people there too many had scars on their face he noticed two short girls standing in front of another set of stairs they spoke up in unison and said greetings everyone thank you for joining the final selection tonight there are many demons held captive on on this mountain brought back by demon slaying Swordsmen they are unable to leave because from the mountain foot to halfway up there are a lot of demon repelling Wisteria that bloom all year round however from here on out there are no more Wisteria only demons if you can survive here for 7 days then you pass the final selection now let the final selection begin okay I will survive here for 7 days and kill any demons I may encounter I will leave with my body intact as tenjiro started walking up the stairs with the other players in front of him he already started smelling horrible demons coming from within the forest KIRO walked for about 10 minutes before encountering one of these horrific beasts tenjiro heard them arguing over who would eat them hey this human is mine no I saw him first so I get to eat him okay my first demons to kill calm down and concentrate that's my prey shut up we'll just decide by see who gets to him first I haven't had human flesh in so long chiro put both of his hands on the handle of his katana and quietly muttered total concentration in aami kagura Dragon sun halo head dance the flames on his sword came out and engulfed the Demon's neck he twisted and turned so his flame sword could reach their throats he landed on the ground hearing the demon decapitated heads Hit the Dirt I did it I sliced them I really have gotten stronger my training wasn't wasted tenjiro felt happy that the training he did with yurak kodaki for a month and a half wasn't wasted time he saw the Demon's body and head crumble and disintegrate into nothing the blade that Mr urokodaki gave me sliced their necks they've completely disintegrated not even leaving Bones behind tenjiro clapped his hands together in respect may you rest in peace tenjiro then smelled a wave of rotten hit his nose ug where is this foul smell coming from I should investigate it could be a demon standing before tenjiro was the biggest demon he's ever encountered the demon had the smuggest grin plastered on his face even though tangero was standing in front of another participant of the final selection trying to protect him he himself was nervous because he wasn't sure if he could take down a demon of this magnitude here comes another Fox he heard the absurdly big demon say tenjiro still feeling like the boy's life behind him was in danger if he left him alone looking over his shoulder tenjiro whispered hey what's your name I it's tanaki was the only thing the boy could blurt out tanaki if you can still move I need you to get out of here I'll try to handle this demon myself tanaki looked at him dumbfoundedly and tried to object I I can't though I sprained my ankle and can't run that's why if you weren't here I would have surely been eaten by now okay just stay where you are and I'll try to protect you KIRO then set his sight once again on the enormous demon say little fox what year of the Magi era is it tenjiro looked at the demon confused and said I it's not the Magi era anymore it's the teso era the demon finally looked down at tenjiro hearing something he could not believe already a new era has passed unforgivable unforgivable unforgivable how long have I been locked in the Wisteria prison I'll never forgive him never damn you Yaki damn Yaki damn Yaki damn you tenjiro just had to ask why the demon despised his mentor so much w why do you hate Mr yurak kodaki because he's the one responsible for capturing me and bringing me to this Wisteria hell I won't ever forget that moment 47 years ago he was still slaying Demons back then it was during the Ido period during the K era tenjiro was getting more nervous as the seconds passed by tanaki shouted I I don't leave you there aren't supposed to be any demons that have lived for that long the demons here have only eaten two or three people only the demons are killed and during selection also demons eat each other which makes this impossible and yet here I am alive and still stuck in this Wisteria prison I've eaten a total of 50 small kids tenjiro couldn't believe how many lives the demon has took 50 that many tenjiro started to remember yur kodak's words never forget this the number of humans a demon eats determines how powerful it is is some demons use a type of magic they call blood demon art with time your nose will be able to tell how many people a demon has devoured 12 13 and then you're the 14th tenjiro looked at him with a confused look and said W what the hell are you talking about as his smile grew and his eyes curved upwards he had the most menacing look that really startled tenjiro that's how many of your kodaki students I've eaten I've decided to eat all of his students's revenge for locking me up in here Fufu if you really think that you can defeat me 50 other people F the same thing but look at them now oh wait you can't because they're inside my stomach fufo as the demon was saying this tenjiro could feel his blood boiling and him getting angrier as the seconds passed Tango's breathing was started to get uneven and protruding veins were coming down his forehead his heart rate increased as he could feel the anger seething out of him the only thing he could do as his rage elevated was tighten the grip on his sword he put so much pressure into his sword unknowingly that it started to turn bright red and start to sizzle with how hot the blade became you also want to know how I know you're one of yaki's students those Fox masks that he makes tells me you're his student I know that because I remember the same mask he wore when he captured me the other Fox masks are carved the same way he called them masks of disaster prevention or something right but it was because of the fox masks that I had so much pleasure eating them it's like he lead them right into my belly fuu all of his students limbs were torn from their body like a doll fuu I've had enough of toying with you I'll end you now the hand demon launched his multiple hands at tenjiro tenjiro had heard enough he lowered his head and lowly muttered total concentration in AI kagura burning bones Summer Sun tenjiro had heard enough he lowered his head and lowly muttered total concentration in a Calli kagura burning bone Summer Sun tenjiro held his sword horizontally and it ruptured into hot flames he jumped into the air and twisted and turned his body to make two big circular Flames that sliced the hands the demon sent out to finish off Tango the demon cried out in pain W what was that I thought he was a student of uraki so why isn't he using water breathing he is using some other breathing style why is he so strong by the way I thought all kids in final selection are weak tenjiro had to let out some of his rage on the hand demon I won't let you torment the weak any longer it is unjust and unfair that such a powerful demon sits here in the final selection waiting to Massacre inexperienced Swordsmen the hand demon feeling backed into a corner wanted to intimidate Teno as shut up you piss me off I'm going to rip off your limbs and let you bleed to death I'll make you feel pain you've never felt before tenjiro let a smile grow on his face feeling he had won this he opened his arms as if he had given up with the evil grin on his face just try it very dumb of you to let your guard down like that the hand demon Unleashed all of his hands at once to take down tenjiro instead of blood spraying everywhere as the demon had hoped for Tango's open arm figure disappeared what where did the rat go how did he vanish like that this whole fight isn't making any sense in a Calli kagura fake rainbow tangero reappeared behind the demon with a pose like I had just cut something down the demon turning around seeing tangero standing there confidently the Demon's neck had started to leak blood as a slic Mark was starting to appear his head had fallen off his body completely from his body what how did he cut off my head no I wasn't ready to die like this damn you brat damn you as his body was started to crumble t still not facing the demon sheathed his sword he turned around with a sad face he walked over to the crumbling demon which still had its hands stretched out Teno reached out and closed his overly big hand and pressed it to his head he smells of Sorrow God please allow this person to never become a demon when he reincarnates the demon had felt tears rolling down from his eyes Mr urokodaki the students that have fallen by the hands of this demon you can rest in peace now your worries of letting the being that killed you stay alive are now over thees now the other swordsman who tenango had saved sat there on the ground unable to believe what he just saw well that guy that defeated the demon is super strong he's definantly going to do well in the demon Slayers he might even be a hashira tenjiro looked at the shocked kid sitting on the ground hey you okay why ya tanaki answered since you have a sprained ankle I'll carry you around for the rest of the selection why ya thanks but more importantly how did you defeat that super strong demon oh well I don't actually know how I did did that exactly I just focus really hard on my forms Trying to minimize any unnecessary movements tanaki still looked confused but what breathing style were you using anyway I saw fire come out of your sword so I assume you're using flame breathing actually no I'm using a breathing style called hinami kagura it's a dance my father used to do before I had to take over for him but how could that translate to a breathing style I don't know but it somehow does time skip 7 days went by without much demon slaying for T years and tanaki tenjiro wanted to ask how he was holding up hey so is your ankle still hurting uh a little bit but it's okay to walk now are you sure yes really I'm fine tenjiro looked up to the to the sky and saw the sun rising oh looks like the selection is over it's the seventh day so we should head back to the entrance yeah let's go as tenjiro and tanaki walked down the stairs that they step foot on seven days prior they walked in silence wondering what lies ahead for them they stood in front of the two short girls that explained the fight selection to them welcome back everyone the blackhaired girl spoke and congratulations we are pleased to see you safe there's only five of us left didn't we start with over 20 people tenjiro looked around to the other survivors of course there was tenaki which he had been spending the entirety of the selection with he also saw a dark-haired girl that looked content holding a butterfly on her finger he noticed a panic boy in yellow Whispering on how he wasn't going to survive another boy that had a mohawk and a scar on his face spoke up hey what do I do now where's my blade have patience we must all issue you uniforms by taking your measurements then your rank will be engraved in your hand in the Demon Slayer core there are 10 ranks in total we will list them out now Moto miso kodo canoo suino hinoto Kino kinoto Chino all of you start at the lowest rank Moto what about our swords yes in a moment you will chose the ore that will be used to forge your swords however it will take 10 to 15 days to complete tisk the boy with the scarred face seemed annoyed that it would take that long but first she clapped her hands and everyone heard Birds squawking as they circled air on them and landed on on each of their shoulders everyone except the pink kimode girl was surprised now that you are demon Slayers you must be assigned your own cuki Crow Tango looked at the crow and wondered what the purpose was w we get crows what do we need them for the girl spoke up again the kasugi crows are primarily used for communication they will deliver information of a mission as well as direct you to where the mission is also after missions have been completed you will give the report to the crow who will then relay it back to Demon Slayer core headquarters the yellow-haired boy was confused with the small brown bird wait Crow isn't this a sparrow the boy who was asking about their blades got irritated with his Crow and threw it off his arm I don't need this crap he walked over to the white-haired girl and grabbed her hair give me my blade now the color changing Katana the nickon sword give it to me before I get angry KIRO could not stand someone else hurting someone else with no remorse he grabbed his arm hey you let go of her right now if you don't I'll break your arm you looked at him with a confused face huh who are you there's no way you can break my arm so try it if you want ten jiro's thread of Reason finally snapped he squeezed his arm as hard as you could and immediately the boy could feel his the bones in his arm crack but tenjiro didn't stop there he went all the way and broke his arm completely the boy retracted his arm and cried out in pain a [ __ ] that hurt you [ __ ] I'll put you in the dirt before the boy with the Mohawk could attack the white-haired girl spoke up are you done if so please come here and choose the ore that will be used to craft your Nicon Blade the alloy for the blade that will destroy and utterly annihilate demons will all be personally chosen by each of you time Skip tenjiro and tanaki were chatting as they were both heading home before their paths split kenjiro had learned that tanaki was also a survivor of a demon attack and wanted to avenge his family tenjiro had to walk very slowly because tanaki was holding a stick so he could support himself to not fall because of fatigue hey tanaki are you sure you don't want me to carry you it seems your legs could use a break tanaki looked at tenjiro with a genuine smile you are right when you say that my legs are very tired they feel as heavy as lead but I don't want to be disrespectful because you are older than me tenjiro shook his head in protest no I really don't mind just hop on kenjiro faced his back to tanaki and looked at him with a a small grin tenjiro crouched down inviting him to be carried tanaki wanted to refuse politely but his legs said otherwise he sighed I guess it can't be help them KIRO held on to his legs as tightly as possibly so since I'm kind of hungry and want to get home as quickly as possible I'll be running at my top speed is that okay with you uh yeah sure how fast can this kid run that he has to warn me oh one more thing just let me know when to stop so we can go our separate ways since our houses are not in the same direction sure got it okay we'll be off then tenjiro let his legs rip through the air like thunder tanaki was surprised of how fast he was running well he wasn't kidding when he said he was fast no wonder he had to warn me how fast are we even going if I had to guess we're probably be around 50 or 60 km per hour tanaki was just enjoying the scenery Zip by him and feeling the wind in his face before he knew it he was close to his house he tapped tenjiro on the shoulder tenjiro you can put me down now I'll walk the rest of the way tenjiro slowed down and let him get off before you leave tanaki I have to ask you a question sure what is it is it okay if we keep in contact via letters tanaki seemed surprised he thought tenjiro was going to ask a more serious question oh sure I don't mind do you need my address tenjiro shook his head no I'm pretty sure once I give my letter to my Crow it will be delivered to you regardless where you are oh okay tanaki sighed happily well I guess I'll keep in contact with you tenjiro hopefully we'll meet again in the future of course let's both do our best to slay demons tanaki nods yes let's do our best it was nice meeting you tenjiro I hope you stay safe tanaki extends his hands to shake them with tenjiro you as well tenjiro grabs his hand and shakes them as they both say goodbye to each other they walk down different paths that lead to where they currently reside after tenjiro and tanaki had split to go their separate ways tenjiro just wanted to get home as quickly as possible to eat and sleep even though the boy had extreme stamina surviving seven days in the final selection took a toll on his physical and mental health a damn it even though I killed 16 demons in total I couldn't have a conversation with them the only thing they were thinking about was killing me and eating my flesh I wasn't able to ask them how to turn a demon into a human and sorry nzuko and so sorry as the boy was speeding past the trees and Farms he arrived at yur kodak's house he looked up to the sky seeing that it had already turned dark as he approached the house he heard knocking of the door then suddenly he saw nzuko kick the door tenjiro was left astonished nzuko walked out of the house with such a peaceful look on her face and nzuko you woke up nzuko nzuko turned her head and noticed tenjiro she immediately started running for tenjiro as nzuko was out to reach tenjiro she extended her arms and embraced tenjiro into a tight hug tenjiro was surprised but immediately started feeling his eyes water up tears flowed from ten jiro's eyes he couldn't contain how happy he was to see nzuko awake even though it had only been around 2 months that nzuko was asleep for tangero worried relentlessly they even called a doctor after the second week she was asleep only to find out that the doctor didn't find anything wrong with her but of course unbeknownst to the doctor she was a demon you won isuko why did you have to sleep for so long I worried about you so much I thought you were dead as yur kodaki was walking out of the house holding a pile of firewood to keep the house warm he saw tangero hugging his sister he didn't think he would come back alive from the final selection he immediately dropped the wood he was holding and walked over to embrace both of them in a tight hug both tenjiro and urokodaki were crying tenjiro you came back you came back alive thank you for surviving time skip 15 days later a man with a windchime hat was walking towards the urokodaki residence swaying in the wind the metal rods of the wind chimes hit the glass to make peaceful sounds carrying on his back was 10 jiro's new ncon sword as the man AED the house tenjiro noticed him while he was sweeping the front of yaki's house tenjiro spoke up oh hi there what brings you here I am hu Haggin Yuka I am here to deliver tenjiro kamado's sword oh yes that's me please come inside and sit down Hagan zuka ignored tenjiro and started talking about the sword this is a Nicon blade um dot dot dot you can come in and have a seat I was the one who forged this sword yes would you like to come in and have some tea then the ncon blades raw materials are iron sand and ore from the highest mountain that is closest to the Sun Scarlet Crimson iron sand and Scarlet Crimson ore these are metals that have been absorbed in sunlight tenjiro looked slightly irritated this guy dot dot dot he isn't listening to me at all but I'm pretty sure your bag will get dirty if you sit on the ground the mountain the materials are from the Sunlight Mountain is bathed in sunlight all year round never troubled by clouds or rain Ur kodaki was inside the house listening to the conversation that was happening outside I see that hu is his usual self never listening to what others have to say I'm Mr Hagin zuka could you stand up the way you're crouching on the ground is a bit then Hagan zuka lifted his head to show that he was wearing a strange tangu mask l dot dot dot that's one weird mask I wonder why he wears it h h wait a minute you're the child of brightness aren't you this is very interesting no actually I'm uro and Kai's son I didn't mean it like that your hair and I are a dark shade of red right if a family has a business of making fire then they will have a child like you this is supposed to be considered lucky you should feel happy um I see that means there's a good chance that this blade might turn red right you're a kodaki yes Haggin zuka stood up and finally sat inside he started waving his arms in front of tenjiro pull the blade out already let's see the blade okay nickon Blade's other name is the color changing Katana the blade changes color based on the individual owner as Tang pulled the blade out of its Scabbard he held it upright it started changing from a light gray to obsidian black gasp wow its black stated yur kodaki tjo started getting very anxious WWE black feels really ominous is this a bad sign no it's not like that it's just I've never seen a blade this dark of a shade of black you well I thought I could finally witness a bright red blade this time damn it Haggen zuka started pulling at ten jiro's face seeming very angry at not witnessing a red blade hey oh you're hurting me please calm down how old are you anyway I'm 37 then suddenly the crow that was given to tenjiro at the end of the final selection had entered through the window and started talking Kawa Kawa tenjiro kamado hurry and go to the town Northwest of here there is a demon lurking there this is your first assignment young girls are constantly disappearing every night every night there are young girls are disappearing Kawa Kawa oh my first assignment okay I should get going then f Jiro stood up to grab his Demon Slayer uniform that was given to him 10 days prior urokodaki wanted to explain the strengths of the uniform the uniform of the Demon Slayer is made from a special fabric it is very breathable and also has good resistant against moisture and fire even the attacks of weak demons can't rip this uniform also I wanted to give you this box to keep your sister in for traveling during the day it's made with an extremely light type of wood called Miss Cloud fur after painting with rock lacquer the outer layer hardens strengthening its durability although this is cuss a guess nzuko might have been regaining her strength through sleep and not through eating and drinking the flesh and blood of humans maybe that's why she slept for that long thank you Mr yorak kodaki I will do my best to defeat demons I will be off then yes but before you go urokodaki pulled tenjiro in for a hug this surprised tenjiro no matter what happens just please stay alive your life is like a book I'm very proud of you for passing the final selection but this will be a new chapter in your life just make sure not to cut your story short tenjiro could feel how emotional yur kodaki was I promised to stay alive and die as a old man no demon will ever take my life tenjiro walked over to the Box urokodaki gave him and asked nzuko to climb inside he opened the door and looked behind him one last time before he left he gave kodaki a genuine smile before waving to him and walking out I will do my very best to kill demons for the sake of turning nzuko back into a human tenjiro was running as fast he could turn reached the town in the Northeast before nightfall he wanted to investigate before it was night and everybody was sleeping he could tell that he was getting close to the town because the house appeared more and more frequent just entering his view he could see the bridge leading to the town ah finally I arrived now let's start investigating into what happened here I wonder where the demon is lurking as tenjiro slowed down to a walking pace and crossed the bridge he turned his head in every direction looking lost he wanted to find the latest person the demon attacked very soon tenjiro then heard Whispering from some women tenjiro turned his head in the direction of the women to hear what they were saying did you hear what happened to Mr Kazumi I heard satoko was taken from him last night oh no dot dot dot that sounds terrible yes dot dot dot look how devastated he looks it's so frightening that this happens every night yeah I hate this I wish this would stop every night more young women will be taken tenjiro could not stand hearing this Mr Kazumi I would like to find out what happened last night from you may I kazmi looked confused why it's not like you'd believe me anyway I have to found out because it's my job also I will believe everything you say I'm sure dot dot dot if you say so I'll walk you to where satoko was taken last night tenjiro and Kazumi walked in silence around town until Kazumi stopped I was walked satoko back home and we were talking but then I suddenly stopped hearing her voice I turned around and she was gone it's like she vanished Into Thin Air but it's not like you believe me so I believe you I believe what you said tenjiro then crouched on the ground sniffing it even though the scent of the demon are faint I can still smell it but I don't smell just one thing there seems multiple sents very strange could it be multiple demons at once kmy looked very confused at what tenjiro was doing what's this guy doing is he saying since he said that it was his job to investigate does that mean someone called the police for me in a house nearby a young woman was getting into her futon to sleep I wonder what has been happening to the young young women getting abducted I hope they're safe just under her pillow started forming a black puddle A Pair of Hands started coming out of it it then grabbed her mouth the girl was extremely surprised as the black puddle grew and grew the hands pulled in the girl until she was completely gone tenjiro could smell the scent get much stronger he knew this meant that the demon was lurking somewhere he took off at great speed leaving Kazumi in the dust why did you suddenly he's so fast the scent has gotten stronger the demon has shown itself Kiro then jumped onto a rooftop kazimi was left astonished on how fast tenjiro jumped from the ground onto a rooftop he dot dot how did he dot dot dot he flew dot dot dot that rooftop is almost 10 m dot dot dot he jumped from the ground up into their dot dot dot how dot dot dot weight demon did he say demon does that mean demons are real I thought they were children's stories Tango ran across the rooftops until he jumped off he could feel this was where the scent was the strongest but he couldn't see anybody in sight he pulled out his sword the demon is here there are two scents the scent of a demon and a human women but I don't see them anywhere then I'll just strike my sword where the scent is the strongest KIRO held his sword vertically with the handle pointing towards him he brought his sword down into the ground yah a black puddle started forming and a woman's head was poking out of it KIRO grabbed the woman by her arms as quickly as he could then a demon with red eyes and three horns appeared from the puddle a blood demon art urokodaki told me about this he said that some demons produce a special special type of magic called blood demon art I can't believe this thing was the one abducting the young women you make me sick where did you take the abducted women the demon didn't answer but it just started grinding its teeth tenjiro was surprised with how loud the teeth grinding got the demon just started retreating into its black puddle Mr Kazumi please hold this women and stay near me as long as you are nearby I will be able to protect you tenjiro handed over the women to Kazumi now I just have to concentrate on my job of killing this foul demon as tenjiro handed over the unconsciousness women to Kazumi tenjiro concentrated on focusing where the demons were in trying to attack them if the Demon's blood demon art is to appear out of a black puddle then he could summon the puddle anywhere right he could summon it from the ground or the wall or even out of thin air if he wanted but it's a good thing I have this nose even when the demon vanishes its smell doesn't disappear it's right here Teno could feel the concentrated smell in a particular spot and then waited for the demon to reappear from the ground tenjiro was only expecting one demon to emerge from the ground but to his surprise three different demons unexpectedly lunged towards tenjiro th there's three of them don't panic I can take them all in aami kagura dance as tenjiro swung his sword downwards his sword lit a blaze and it incinerated the demons I managed to cut one of the demon neck off this is good now just for the other two both two remaining demons looked surprised that tenjiro managed to kill one of them the demon instantly turned to Ash one one of the Demons spoke up you how did you you managed to cut off one of my necks you'll pay for this both remaining demons sank back into the black puddle as I thought all three demons are the same demon but just split into three it's not three individual demons I need to protect these two and kill the two demons left I need to concentrate no need to be scared one of the Demons appeared back out of the puddle and was trying to attack the women still in Kazumi's arms Kazumi spotted the demon lunging for him and got scared I won't let you hurt Kazumi or the women going to call me kagura clear blue sky kiro's sword turned into flames once again he tilted his blade sideways and swung his arms as hard as he could his blade managed to reach the Demon's neck the demon instantly turned into Ash once again yes I got another one two down just one more to go this isn't as hard as I thought it would be I just have to concentrate on which form to use and to hit the demon it's almost as if my body moves on my own when I pick the right form to use and glad that I don't have to put much effort Kazumi was absolutely stunned he could not comprehend how tangero could move his body so fast so precisely how can this boy move like this I don't understand how there is fire coming out of Sword dot dot dot am I seeing things no there's no possible way I was hallucinating I was seeing it clearly two times the last remaining demon reemerged from the puddle seeming extremely angry you bastard stop getting in my damn way if I don't eat that women now she'll go stale why can't you understand that t could feel him being disgusted with what the demon was saying kiro's anger was slowly but surely Rising Kazumi also felt disgusted with what the demon was saying that woman is already 16 if I don't eat her quickly she's going to lose freshness then she won't taste good anymore casmi wanted to know what this demon did with his fiance you monster dot dot dot that girl you kidnapped last night give satoko back to me right [ __ ] now the demon seemed confused Soko I don't know who you're talking about the demon opened the flap of his kimono to reveal all sorts of hairpins if that girl's hairpin is in this collection then that means I've already eaten her Kazumi saw the big red bow that sat in the Demon's kimono and felt tears coming from his eyes Ten's family flashed through his mind he became extremely angry you pathetic demons stop taking innocent people's lives the demon jumped out from the puddle trying to surprise attack tanjiro as soon as tenjiro saw this he evily grinned you dumb demon I can see the opening thread now as soon soon as I dodge your attack you're done for this fight is already over the demon tried to pierce his arm through ten jiro's body but failed when tenjiro dodged the Demon's arm hit the wall and tenjiro was ready for his Counterattack I got you now you vile demon H Calli kagura dance tenjiro brought down his fire burning sword straight into the Demon's neck the demon was shocked with how fast tenjiro managed to dodge and attack him as the demon was turning into Ash he wanted to curse out tenjiro one last time a you [ __ ] how did you evade my attack damn you tenjiro looked at the demon pathetically shut up die and turn into dust already you foul demon you're pathetic tenjiro sighed as he finally finished the battle he looked over to Kazumi to see him still crying slighty Mr Kazumi are you all right I've just lost my fiance do you think I'd be all right Mr Kazumi no matter how many people you may lose you have no choice but to go on living no matter how devastating the blows may be Kazumi grabbed tenjiro hiori what would a kid like you know about about this KIRO didn't say anything but he just just gave a sad smile and grabbed Kazumi's hand off his hiori I'm leaving here dot dot dot take this maybe you'll find sato's hairpin in here tenjiro gave the ripped off piece of the Demon's kimono with The Hairpin still attached tenjiro bowed and started walking away kazmi wanted to apologize for what he said after realizing that tenjiro went through similar events in his life I am sorry I didn't mean the things I said to you please forgive me tenjiro turned around hearing what Kazumi said he just waved as tenjiro was waving to the apologetic Kazumi he turned around seething at how mu has ruined other people's lives tenjiro Crow landed on his shoulder it looks like it wasn't just me there are a lot more people that have been killed tortured and in pain because of him mus and kibutsuji I'll never forgive you I'll never [ __ ] forgive you tenjiro Crow spoke up bringing tenjiro out of his thinking your next location is asakusa in the Tokyo prefecture there are rumors of a demon hiding there Kawa KIRO was surprised he couldn't even rest for one night before his next mission a is it time to go to the nest location already Kawa yes go now can I just get some rest first none no rest you have to go now Kawa okay stop shouting I'm going tenjiro and his Crow walked in silence for 40 minutes before the crow spoke up again Kawa tenjiro kamado the Demon Slayer core wants to know your report for your previous Mission give your answer now oh my report I'm well when I was investigating the demon I found out the demon had split itself into three different bodies it wasn't three different demons but just one demon into three duplicates I'm not trying to brag or anything but it was fairly easy to defeat each of the three bodies it only took one slash to each of their necks I'm glad that it wasn't a hard battle because I wouldn't want to get injured thank you for your report this will be given to Demon Slayer headquarters immediately your service is much appreciated you're welcome I didn't really do much now hurry you have to reach a sakusa by nighttime Kawa yes I didn't forget I'm still walking start running hurry Kawa Tango just ignored the bird feeling that it was pointless and trying to argue with it he just increased his speed and started sprinting at full speed time skip Teno had finally arrived in asakusa after a whole day of running with only a couple hours of rest during the night he was completely astounded that the city was so bright yet it was in the middle of the night T the streets are so bright dot dot dot wow the buildings are so tall too two dot dot dot are all cities like this I think I'm starting to get a headache Theo was out of her box and walking with tenjiro El let's go over there nzuko tenjiro and nzuko had walked over to a old man with a noodle cart um High I'd like to order a bowl of yamatake noodles please sure coming right up thanks tenjiro waited a couple of minutes drinking tea while the man prepared the noodles for him here's your noodles kid tangero grabbed the bowl of noodles while reaching into his pocket for the money thank you here's your payment enjoy your meal tenjiro just ate his noodles in peace as he was trying to calm down after getting dizzy from so many bright City Lights a these nudles are Soo good it reminds me of the noodles mom used to make me I wish I could go back to those days tenjiro got a bit sentimental as he remembered his family but suddenly he felt extremely strong scent of the same smell that was left at his house when his family was devoured he dropped the bowl of noodles it hit the ground and broke into many pieces the noodles spilled all over the floor he stood up instinctively and his breathing became rapid and uncontrollable he started running as fast as he could towards the smell that sent why is it here that's the same smell that was left at our house when my family was killed using kibutsuji as tenjiro ran through the crowd he started pushing people out of his way to reach the man he was looking for he saw a man with a black suit and white hat and angrily grabbed his shoulder he turned him around to see his face the man had a pale face with vertical slits in his eyes tenjiro couldn't control his anger he he let it consume him and he started pulling out his sword mus could feel the rage and anger pour out of tenjiro he couldn't believe the fighting spirit of tenjiro in that moment M saw tenjiro Han Auda earrings and was shocked he started shaking uncontrollably W who is this kid why does he have the same earrings as that guy just by standing here I know he's strong [ __ ] this isn't good is he a hashiro or something I need to create a diversion I shouldn't bring unnecessary attention to myself Nan looked around frantically trying to get himself out of the situation [ __ ] why am I shaking so bad there's no way that this kid is as strong as when I fought him it just is impossible the world wouldn't create two such powerful beings daddy who is this person mus turned himself fully towards tenjiro to reval a child in his arms tenjiro became extremely shocked as he looked to a child in mu's arms tenjiro could not believe that muen was disguising himself as a human this guy this guy this guy H he's living as a human m just became calm and turned his eyes back into a normal shade of red with no slits in his eyes do you want something with me you seem to be very panicked are you okay a woman turned around in a very elegant white dress seeming to be the mother of the child oh what's going on mommy Teno just put his hand over his mouth in pure disbelief that these two people were humans associating with a demon these people are humans the girl and woman both smell like humans do they not understand do they not know this guy is a demon a demon that eats people is this someone familiar you know no this is just a child we don't know it seems he's in some sort of trouble might it be that he mistook us for someone else mus looked behind him he saw the perfect Target he lifted his arm and swung it down extremely fast just in that Split Second mu had cut open the man's neck and inserted his blood in his bloodstream the man felt a sharp pain in his neck and grabbed it you well the woman standing beside him was confused on why her husband was acting strange husband what's wrong is something the matter the man didn't respond but just attacked the women ah tenjiro pushed muan out of his way and yelled toward the man stop the man didn't listen to tenjiro and just bit down into the woman's neck everybody around them was shocked at the commotion what's going on somebody's bleeding ah tenjiro rushed over to the man and stuffed the scarf he was wearing in his mouth to restrain him H husband Madam please mind your own safety first compared to your husband use some fabric to cover your wound and apply pressure to it oh damn it m will get away since I'm holding down this man mus must have wanted to create a distraction so he can get away damn it damn it damn it I just need to calm down this person will be fine the woman didn't receive a fatal wound so she should be fine musan looked to his wife and tried to calmly make a getaway Reay it's too dangerous let's go somewhere else KIRO looked as M and was started to walk away see mu is leaving [ __ ] I won't get another chance anytime soon to confront mu he's walking away and there's nothing I can do to stop him I want to go chase after mu but I can't just leave this man and let him attack other people M kib suji I won't let you get away no matter where you run to I will pursue you until the ends of Hell itself my blade will be the last thing you see I will absolutely never [ __ ] forgive you Nan started shaking again he couldn't control his fear he started to get flashbacks from when fought Yori Itchi Nan's wife saw that he was shaking husband what's wrong why are you shaking oh oh it's nothing I just think we should leave it's much too dangerous some policemen arrived at the scene and ordered tenjiro to leave the man alone what are you doing are you drunk get off of him the policeman tried to grab tenjiro please don't do that bring some restraining equipment please the policeman didn't listen to him and just pulled on him harder please don't pull me like that nobody else except me is able to hold him down the policeman saw the man's demon face and started questioning why his face was like that thought what is up with this guy's face as he lost his sanity pulled the young man off of him understood tenjiro became frustrated that the policemen weren't listening to him no don't do that this person hasn't killed anybody yet please don't interfere with me I beg you blood demon art Aroma of visual fantasy tangero smelled an extremely sweet smell and was confused if someone else was trying to attack him flowers and colorful plants were surrounding him and blocking his vision what is the smell why can't I see anything P it's surrounding me [ __ ] if this a surprise attack I could really be in trouble the policemen were also blinded and couldn't see anything a women in a colorful kimono with the flower pattern appeared out of the blinding wall of plants beside her was a white-haired man that seemed pissed at 10o you dot dot dot you called the thing under you a person dot dot dot when in fact he is a demon dot dot dot and you're trying to save him well then I will lend you a hand as well huh y t that sent your giving off yes dot dot dot as you might have noticed all already I am a demon but I am also a doctor I want to eradicate that man is well dot dot dot The Man known as musen kibit suuji time skip the man that gave tangero the bowl of noodles was extremely angry that tangero not only didn't eat his food but also wasted it seriously what I wanted to say was this it's not about the money if you don't eat the udon I may I'll never forgive you tenjiro grabbed the Chopsticks from the man's hands and started eating his food furiously he finished the bowl in seconds thank you that was delicious um T thank you tenjiro looked at nzuko and remembered how he left her at the bench where the noodle cart was he felt bad about it I'm sorry I left you behind nzuko I shouldn't have done that tenjiro saw the white-haired demon from before waiting for him oh the Zuko eyes went from the normal pink to slits because of the demon standing in front of her she was ready to fight at a moment's notice W are you waiting for me you know I can track you by your smell right impossible you wouldn't be able to find me since since the house has a cloaking spell to mask it from other people's sight also isn't that woman a demon not much to look at either w dot dot dot what does he mean does he mean ugly wait is he trying to say nuko is ugly how is she ugly look at her face she was the beauty of our town we're going I'm going but take back what you said I'll take you somewhere bright so you can see her face properly time skip the trio entered the house I'm back maybe it's because of this mouth restraint if I remove it you'll see how pretty she is the woman from before was in a doctor's gown and was seated beside the woman who was attacked welcome back Tango spoke up wondering about the Woman's Health uh is she all right and sorry to leave her with you she's fine now her husband dot dot dot he's a different case he's held in the dungeon now does it feel uncomfortable handling the wounds of a human the white-haired demon beside tenero hit his chest oh what you think us demons have to hold back our saliva when seeing humans you disgust me stop why must you resort to violence I haven't introduced myself yet my my name is tameo and this child is yushiro please try to get along with him I think it'll be very hard to get along with a person like him and to answer your question it does not feel particular uncomfortable I have an easier time compared to normal demons I am dot dot dot able to manipulate my body to my own whim which made it possible to remove kibit tsuji's curse Manny manipulate your body it means I can survive without eating human flesh all I need is to drink a small amount of blood that's all Tango put in his Zuko's box on the floor and then sat down nuko laid down beside him blood that's a little maybe it might make you feel unhappy about it but we buy blood that was originally given for transfusions from people who don't have a lot of money of course I only take enough not to injure the person I see dot dot dot so this is this the reason that these people don't have the smell that regular demons have but they still need human blood to survive as long as they don't harm other people I guess it's fine yiro here is even more impressive than me as he only needs less blood than I do I was the one who transformed him into a demon I it was you but why it is true that the only person that can transform other people into demons is kibutsuji however after 200 years of trial yushiro was the only Survivor what 5 minutus 500 years just how old are you Tamo yiro hit tenjiro because of the rude question don't ask a woman her age you brute it's rude yiro I'm not going to forgive you if you hit him again you understood I hope you don't misunderstand tenjiro I don't wish to increase inre the number of demons I only offer the option to people who are on the brink of death by disease during that moment I ask the person if they wish to continue living forever as a demon her smell tells me she isn't lying I think I can trust her tamio is there a way to turn a demon back into a human ring ring ring ring in that moment on the far side of the Town two demons were walking in the direction of the house tenjiro was in one demon held a ball bouncing it up and down and the other had eyes in his hands ring ring ring can you see it I see it I see Footprints it looks like he turned around here and went back that way I see three different people come I'm wondering how to kill them suuu I feel much stronger because of the blood Lord mus gave us well of course we're going to slaughter him as painfully as possible back in the house tenjiro was still curious if there was a way to turn a demon back into a human a way of turning a demon back into a human there is a way are really please tell me don't get to close to tameo ishiro threw t across the room tameo was pissed that yiro was not listening to her yushiro I didn't hit him this time I just threw him don't do either of those things no matter what illness it is there will always be a treatment for it however I can't currently turn Demons back into humans but I will do my best to research for a treatment to make this treatment I have two things to ask of you first I want to investigate your sister's blood second I need blood from demons closely related to mus nzuko is a rare case she probably changed when she was asleep which you told me about normally when a demon hasn't eaten flesh in a long time it would no doubt grow very violent however nzuko isn't showing any signs of that she might be the key to making this treatment Tango looked at nzuko which was on the floor tenjiro gave his hand to her and she held it tightly against her face the second thing I ask of you is very brutal the demons with a lot of muss blood in their veins are very strong it won't be easy taking their blood even so are you willing to accept my request if there isn't any option then so be it I'll do whatever it takes to cure nzuko also if you create this medicine to turn Demons back into humans then not only nzuko will be saved but many more is well right tameo smiled brightly and was appreciative that tenjiro was so understanding yes Tango could feel a slight blush rise to his cheeks because of the soft smile tameo gave yiro was angry that tenjiro was becoming so close to tameo but then suddenly tenjiro and yiro could feel danger in your body [ __ ] not good get down tenjiro held nzuko tightly and yushiro held tameo a tamory ball came flying into the house and started destroying the walls and Furniture it bounced off the floor and walls destroying everything it hit ring as many holes in the wall had been formed by the tamory ball an unknown demon appeared from the dust and was smiling deviously just like you said yahaba a house appeared out of nowhere the paper that was making the house invisible fell off the nail that was holding it up it slow SL drifted to the ground making it useless the other demon with eyes in his hands had an evil grin and spoke up seems like they used a blood demon art that conceals things looks like a Demon Slayer with three other demons how strange anyways susamaru the way you handled things is so immature you got my clothes dirty with dust tisk so annoying oh be quiet yahaba you're the one who's being annoying it was thanks to my Tam ball that I was able to find this place so you should actually be thanking me I want to play a a little longer and your clothes aren't dirty you germaphobe tenjiro was looking in shock that the house he was sitting comfortably in minutes ago is close to being destroyed a tamy ball a ball thrown by that woman destroyed the house this much aaha found you she threw the ball she was holding and it bounced countless times off of the walls and floor the ball seemed to be aiming for yiro but he dodged it but then the ball stopped midair and changed direction to take yushiro head clean off of his shoulders tenjiro cried out for yushiro yushiro the ball how did it change direction midair it took yushiro head nzuko take tameo and yushiro to a place outside where it's safe tenjiro un sheathed his blade ready for combat The Tam ball demon was giggling mischievously I killed somebody hm tenjiro was standing in front of tameo protectively she has a stronger scent than the demon on my last mission not as strong as Mu of course but there is a significant difference the Demon Slayer with the hanafuda earrings that's you right she's targeting me tameo please get to a place where you are able to hide Teno please don't mind Us carry on with your battle we will be fine without your protection because we are demons we can't be killed by other demons remember the demon threw the ball straight at tenjiro if I dodge the ball then it will turn towards me and hit me maybe if I attack it then it will stop in it call me kagura sunflower thrust as tenjiro sword erupted into flames he thrusted his sword straight into the ball his sword went through the ball completely but it started started vibrating and shaking this confused tenjiro on how the ball could still move the ball then moved still penetrated by tenjiro sword right into his face tameo looked at tenjiro and the fire coming out of his sword she started to have flashbacks from hundreds of years when she watched in awe as yorichi almost defeated nusen and saved her she was shook that another person of the same breathing style saved her and no way is it really the same breathing style ten jiro's potential might just be as great as that man huh how can this ball still move it moved weirdly as well when it hit yiro but this isn't a special ball that can curve midair what's controlling it as Tamo was holding yirk headless body it started to slowly grow his head back Miss tamio I told you this before I knew it was a bad idea to get involved with demon Slayers my blood demon art that hides things still isn't perfect you know this don't you I can hide a building where the signs are the smell of people but I can't erase their existence completely and the more traces there are the higher the chances of kibit tsuji finding us tameo didn't say anything she just kept quiet because she knew what yoshiro had said is right I hate it when someone gets in the way of our time together I really despise it I'll never forgive this the tamy ball demon was just smiling as she wanted to continue her Twisted game that she has fun playing kaha what are you talking about this is all so much fun consider it an honor that you're about to be killed by one of the 12 Kazuki tenjiro was confused as he had never heard this term before 12 Kazuki tameo knew what that was so she wanted to clear up Tango's confusion she is one of mu's direct underlings the demon then grew four more arms from her waist this increased her power by a significant amount each of her arms was holding a ball waiting to be launched tenjiro just looked at the extra arms in shock he started having doubts he could win this battle W what the [ __ ] SS she G grew more arms this can't be good let's keep playing until dawn until your worthless life ends haha she threw all six balls at tenjiro the balls bounced in the house destroying more of the already falling apart building as the balls were heading towards tenjiro he tried to regain his confidence [ __ ] no time to be scared I I need to concentrate I'm going to have to put in all of my effort if I want to win raah I won't let you take my life I promised nzuko that I would turn her back into a human no way in hell am I going to die to a weakling like you the mark on his forehead changed once again it changed to flames coming down the left side of his forehead Cameo looked at tenjiro in awe T the mark on his forehead changed dot dot dot the Demon Slayer Mark dot dot dot only powerful hashir get the Demon Slayer Mark dot dot dot how did he dot dot dot dot that man that saved me as well had the mark on his forehead that tenjiro has now in a Calli kagira beneficent Radiance tenjiro slashed all of the balls in front of him with his fire infused sword the balls lit up in flames and disintegrated midair I need to end this now or else tameo or yushiro might get hurt again I have to make the demon throw another ball so she's distracted tenjiro started running around the demon trying to lure it in hey stop running around you little brat G I can't hit him when he's running so fast oh [ __ ] it I'll throw one anyway the demon finally took the bait and threw one of her balls at the running tenjiro tenjiro stopped running and smiled F finally took the bait I see dumb demon W what as the ball hit tenjiro the ball split in half and tenjiro disappeared Into Thin Air in aami kagura fake rainbow w W what the hell where did he go the demon looked around confused wondering where tenjiro was tenjiro then reappeared on the other side of where the demon was he was holding his sword outwards he stood up and sheathed his sword that should do it the tammery bald demon started to feel an itch in her neck she touched her neck wondering what was going on she lowered her hands again and saw lots of blood then her vision was flipped and she saw everything upside down huh when her head hit the floor only then that she realized that tangero had severed her head what H he took my head how is this possible tenjiro looked in the direction of tameo already starting to think how to kill the next demon tameo I killed one of them could you please get their blood quickly tameo was still stunned on how how she lost track of where tenjiro was then spotted him again off to the side youum yes I I will retrieve it don't come anywhere near me you [ __ ] how could you have killed me the Demon's body was disintegrating fast and soon her whole body turned to Ash all right now that one is down just one left remain all right now that one is down just one left remains tenjiro set his sights on the other demon sitting in the tree the demon was frustrated and shocked that tenjiro was able to kill the other demon so easily G I didn't think susamaru was going to be taken out this quickly yoshiro wanted to warn tenjiro on the dangers of the demon that remained tenjiro be careful if this demon really is a part of the 12 Kazuki then he's much stronger than any other demons you've faced before tenjiro looked towards yiro tenjiro had a menacing GR on his face ishiro was took aack from this thanks for your unnecessary concern dumbass W what do you not believe in my abilities do you think I will die in this fight do you think I'm weak I don't k no well then you're in for a real surprise tenjiro turned to the demon still in the tree and rushed forward towards it he stopped just at the trunk of the tree hey why don't you come down here and fight like a man are you perhaps scared of me I I I am not your stuttering says otherwise fine I'll fight you and prove I'm better than you highly unlikely the demon jumped down from the tree tenjiro and the demon stood meters apart both of them were ready for an attack looks like you're not attacking are you waiting for me to attack you and then you think you will Parry me keep dreaming in aami kagura solar heat Haze tenjiro swung his sword and the tip wavered in the air seeming to flow like the wind but before tenjiro blade could reach the Demon's neck he raised his hand that had an eye on it stop kicking up so much dust stay away from me the eye on his hand closed violently and tangero felt the grip from his feet leaving the ground his body was thrown through the air and he hid a tree behind him he broke the tree by hitting with so much force ARG so you have some dirty tricks up your sleeve huh you can't even fight me properly so pathetic KIRO stood up wondering how he was going to win this battle [ __ ] not good he has some sort of blood demon art that I can't see it throws me around like it's nothing I have to think of something yiro saw that tenjiro was losing the battle because he had no way of combating the demon powers tenjiro do you not see the arrows you need to avoid them arrows I don't see any arrows what is he talking about I will lend you my sense of sight ishiro threw a paper towards tenjiro forehead and it attached to him tenjiro began to see the arrows that the demon was producing he was shocked that he could see his abilities now my I see it the arrows are following a set pattern that the demon can change at any time ishiro thank you I can see the arrow patterns tenjiro looked back towards the Arrow demon I can now see your attacks it's over just because you can see them doesn't mean you will be able to evade them we'll see about that it's actually very simple dumbass I just need to move faster than you can generate the arrows and I have the perfect form for that going to call me kagura fake rainbow tenjiro stood there unmoved the demon realized that tenjiro wouldn't make the first move the demon raised his arms again and the eye on his hand closed violently the demon got cocky and wanted to say his final words to tenjiro goodbye this is the end for you it was a good fight but Master mus will be pleased with your head as trophy as soon as the arrows that were directed towards tenjiro hit him he dissipated immediately he disappeared Into Thin Air shocking the demon W what where did he go how the [ __ ] did he vanish Into Thin Air actually this is your end goodbye the demon heard tanjiro's voice but looked around to see where he was SS Show Yourself gladly tenjiro reappeared right behind the demon crouching down with his sword in one hand the demon 's head hit the floor G you cut off my head damn it damn it damn it all I had to do was bring back your head and master would recognize my abilities I won't forgive you I won't forgive you I won't for the demon turned to Ash completely and was blown away by the slight breeze tenjiro sighed in relief that the fight was over thank God the fight is over it was so tiring I want to sleep tenjiro walked over to tameo and yiro and wondered why they still had shocked faces they looked absolutely dumbfounded but teni was completely clueless on why what's wrong looks like you saw a ghost haha yiro spoke up first tjo you dot dot dot you looked so scary back there I did yeah I was trying to warn you that if they really were part of the 12 Kazuki they were going to be much stronger than any other demon you face dot dot dot but you dot dot dot you said my concern was unnecessary oh sorry I said that I just get really focused when I'm fighting I get that but dot dot dot it's like you become a completely different person when fighting I didn't even even recognize you at all yeah again sorry for that tenjiro felt kind of ashamed for that and started rubbing the back of his neck not sure what else to say Tamo just remembered what she had wanted to tell tenjiro oh right tenjiro I have some bad news oh no dot dot dot what is it both of those demons weren't part of the 12 Kazuki members have a marking on one of their eyes if they are a lower Moon and upper moons have a marking on both of their eyes both of these demons didn't have marking on their eyes they were too weak o do dot dot that makes sense I guess dot dot dot they were extremely weak after all it wasn't even a fair fight with them they stood no chance oh well yes let's all go to the basement since the sun is rising in a couple of minutes tenjiro looked up towards the sky realizing that she was right the sun is dangerously close to rising and tameo and yushiro had to take shelter yes sure tenjiro turned to nzuko and hugged her I'm glad you're safe nzuko mmm they walked down to the basement so tameo and yiro wouldn't get turned to dust as the walk down the last few steps of the stairs leading to the basement they saw tameo and yiro standing in front of a cage Inside the Cage is the man that was turned into a demon his wife who was bitten was sleeping peacefully in front of the cage as soon as nzuko saw tamio she went walked over to her and hugged her yushiro was very pissed and shocked at the same time nzuko even patted yushiro head which he did not like at all tameo spoke up W what's going with nzuko it's okay Miss tameo she probably thinks of you too as family but you said the spell put on her was to treat humans as family dot dot dot we are demons well that is true but nzuko is probably acting like this because she decided to treat you as humans and is willing to protect you tamamo's eyes went wide she couldn't believe she was getting treated as a human nzuko didn't care if she was a human or demon tamamo was non-hostile so she protects them tenjiro wanted to explain further I somewhat don't like the spell put on her to behave against her will but it seems that she retains well so I'm grateful for that tameo started tearing up hearing this she had never been treated the same as a human kenjiro took this the wrong way and thought nuko was bothering her oh I quot him sorry and easy UK and easy UK let go of her you're being really disrespectful thank you nzuko thank you tamio let go of nezuko's arms raped around her and she let go as well anyways tenjiro yiro and I will have to leave this place this house is too close to mus if we don't fight somewhere safe to hide we will be in grave danger even if we do hide ourselves by another Blood Demon art since a doctor needs to come into contact with people people are bound to find out I'm a demon children and the elderly have especially sharp senses so tenero I have a favor to ask yes ma'am would you be willing to leave nzuko with us a even though we can't say for certain that we can keep her away from harm it would be much safer than to bring her with you on the battlefield a I do dotm do dot dot that's a little damn tameo might be right here here nzuko would be much safer with her than if I brought her with me then suddenly nzuko grabbed tanjiro's hand she looked him dead in the eyes without saying anything she confirmed she wanted to stay with tenjiro and not leave him tenjiro gripped nezuko's hand back tenjiro bowed to tameo thanking her for the offer thank you for the offer but we will continue this path together we won't be separated again tenjiro family flashed in his mind the time he left his family never again I understand tenjiro I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming battles oh also tenjiro I wanted to ask you something I'm curious about oh yes sure what is it what breathing style do you use I use the hinami kagura although I was previously trained by Mr yurak kodaki to use water breathing but I couldn't grasp it I felt slow and heavy when using water breathing and then I had a dream of the dance my father used to do when I tried to apply it breathing Styles and it worked you a call me kagura yes dot dot dot is there something wrong that's not what that man called it back when he said save me who saved you back in the sangoku era when M just turned me into a demon the man that saved me called the breathing style he used something completely different SS sen gokua yes wait but what does it have to do with me because the breathing style you use looked identical to his are you sure it was the same one yes what did he call it he called it sun breathing wow dot dot dot and what was his name yoritsu jauni well he doesn't have my last name so he must not be related to me that could be true dot dot dot but I'm positive that you both use the same breathing style and you might even have the same amount of fighting ability as him know that's not possible haha why not because you said that he saved you from musum there's no way I could do that no Tango I believe you have the same amount of power as him I just saw you fight I don't know tamel well anyways tenjiro we should start heading out yeah that seems like a good idea well then I guess it's goodbye for now we will leave this place once we erase all traces of us from this place you should get going right since it's day outside I just need to get the box for nzuko and we'll be on my way ishiro turned his back on tenjiro and just wanted to say one last thing before he left tenjiro your sister is a great Beauty tenjiro was surprised about the compliment towards nzuko he just smiled warmly
Channel: FanFicFantasy
Views: 3,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PzOtIP0u3CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 17sec (4997 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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