What If Rioters Stormed The White House

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the United States of America is a nation born of protest revolution and open rebellion don't believe me just take a look back at the Boston Tea Party of 1773 when American colonists dumped 342 chests of British tea into Boston Harbor in protest of British imperial rule in fact these ideals of revolution are so fundamental to the fabric of America that freedom of expression and the right to bear arms are literally the first two amendments in the American Constitution but what if the tables turned and the American government became the very subject of that rebellion if rioters were to march upon the gates of the White House how would the u.s. keep its president safe as you can imagine being the President of the United States of America is an incredibly high-risk job as evidenced by the 30-plus assassination attempts recorded over the last 100 some odd years as a result every US president is afforded the highest levels of security and protection the world has to offer from bulletproof cars with built-in oxygen tanks to a plane that is literally built to withstand a nuclear blast so it makes sense that the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States would have some crazy high-tech built-in protection - right well the truth is we don't really know a lot about the White House's defenses after all you know what they say the best defense is a defense that your opponent doesn't know that you have or whatever okay fine that's not a real saying but that doesn't mean it's still not true we may not know everything about the White House's defense system there are some things that are common knowledge the first line of defense between the White House and a riot is just that defense that's right there's a literal 11 foot fence that surrounds the White House to keep out potential intruders it's climb resistant tipped with spikes and has been constructed with heavy-duty steel and rebar that is capable of stopping speeding vehicles in their tracks not only that but it has sensors all over it the presidents ever-vigilant Secret Service the moment anyone puts pressure on it oh yeah the Secret Service ever heard of him this not so secret police forces the president's personal security team responsible for keeping the leader of the free world safe at all costs they're said to be around 1,200 uniformed Secret Service agents posted around the clock in Washington DC with an additional 2,800 plain-clothed agents stationed nearby should a threat to the president's domicile emerge these highly trained elite soldiers would materialize seemingly out of nowhere - put it down indeed hidden groups of armed agents supposedly circulate the White House lawns and gardens as a sort of Emergency Response Team their standard gear includes semi-automatic pistols shotguns and machine guns and they frequently train and are tested for situations in which the president's life is at risk due to a hostile force supporting the agents on the ground is a team of snipers stationed on the roof of the White House each sniper is a crack shot who has to wreak wala five for the position every month by demonstrating that they can accurately - targets over a thousand yards away that's ten football fields so assuming riders were able to hop the 11 foot spike tipped steel and rebar fence they'd have to get through a small army of highly trained highly equipped secret agents with sniper support if they wanted to get to the White House just to make the process even more difficult a series of encourage sensors blanket the sky surfaces and very soil that the white house sits upon and a number of surveillance drones patrol the grounds to ensure that any potential disturbance is detected and pounced upon immediately even if the crowd managed to get to the building itself they'd have a hard time getting in back in November 2011 a man shot seven rounds into one of the white house's windows with a semi-automatic rifle and even that barrage couldn't shatter them clearly the building is constructed with heavy-duty materials and breaking it would be no small feat plus by this point the president wouldn't even be in the White House anymore he'd be below it that's right under the East Wing of the White House lies the presidential Emergency Operations Center a subterranean command center designed for emergencies such as terrorist attacks protected by airtight steel doors the bunker is the last line of defense for the US president that said rumor has it that a new underground bunker was constructed for the White House back in 2010 that goes above and beyond even the PEO C's defenses this new bunker is five stories deep has its own air supply and food supply and is sealed in such a way that even nuclear radiation can't get in the bunker allegedly costs a whopping 376 million dollars to make and has a built-in escape route that the president can use to escape should the bunker become compromised long story short if rioters really tried storming the White House they'd have their work cut out for them and again these are just the defense's we know about according to a recent tweet by President Trump there are potentially canine units that protect the grounds - and hominis weapons is the likes of which we've never seen before which I'm assuming can only be code for China normos laser guns that's not to say the White House hasn't seen any unwanted intruders before there's actually a long list of security breaches dating as recently as 2017 but if individuals successfully get over the fence and make it on to the White House grounds unauthorized perhaps the most bizarre example took place back in October 1978 when a man in a karate outfit hopped the fence with a knife that was hit me in a Bible and attacked a couple of Secret Service officers seriously I'm not and the most successful attempt probably took place in 2014 when a 42 year old man got through the houses front door and into the East Room with a 3.5 inch folding knife in his pocket while individuals have been relatively successful at getting into the president's residence that rhymes their success was dependent on the complacency of Secret Service officers during a peaceful time it would be way tougher for rioters to get as far as staff would be on high alert and all defenses would be engaged the last successful attempt by a large group to get into the White House dates all the way back to 1814 when British troops marched down from Canada and set fire to the building well this was a devastating attack on the nation's capital it took place over 200 years ago before the White House had such high-tech defenses and was orchestrated by professional military force for a revolutionary force to try and accomplish the same task today yeah it's almost unthinkable as I said America is a nation born of rebellion and as an American you do have every right to protest but the White House is one of the most heavily guarded fortresses in the world and the odds of a full-blown riot even getting nearer are slim to know if you enjoyed this video be sure to LIKE and subscribe below then head over to the Braniac youtube channel for even more educational content [Music] [Music]
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Views: 36,854
Rating: 4.8389897 out of 5
Keywords: Rebellion, Revolution, White House, Defences, USA, President, Trump, Bunker, PEOC, Brainiac, brainiac, protest, riot, education, animation, animated, protection, what if, what would happen, facts, interesting, things you didn't know, cartoon, illustrated, smart, donald trump, security
Id: Oo2rXVGV_X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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