What if Pokemon was set in the WEST COAST?

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what if there were a pokemon region based  on the west coast of the united states   well we can see what that  might look like with the westco region hey everybody brandon here and we're  back with another region review where we review   different regions around the fakemon community  today we're going to be reviewing the west coast   region over on instagram wesco and i are actually  pretty good friends we talk fairly frequently so   i'm pretty familiar with the west coast region  itself but i've never really taken a deep dive   into the region to learn all there is to know  about the western region so i'm excited to do   that today before we do that though make sure  to hit that like button subscribe and hit that   notification bell to keep up to date with future  region reviews and other fake month videos on   this channel oh and one more thing before we get  started let's talk about today's video sponsor   we have officially made it folks this  video is sponsored by the one and only   rage shadow legends the game with over 600  champions an awesome campaign pvp and more   and it's party time everybody raid is  celebrating its third anniversary this month   happy birthday raid there is a ton to experience  in this game like the new doom tower with 120   levels filled with new and terrifying bosses that  will challenge even the most experienced players   and as i said before raid has hundreds of unique  and badass characters to play and the roster   is still growing and as if adding new characters  wasn't enough raid has added an entire new faction   the shadowkin one of the coolest looking factions  in the game characters and factions are cool and   all but what about the bosses well for that raid  has added one of the biggest baddest and scariest   creatures in all of taliria the hydra with four  heads that each have their own unique function   and strategy and as you probably know if you  cut off one head it can just grow back it's one   of the hardest fights in the game but gives you  some of the best rewards for each head defeated   again raid is celebrating its third anniversary  to celebrate their giving away free gifts and   adding even more new contents and events with  new champions new artifact sets a personalized   video of your raid journey and special events  and tournaments that give you even more goodies   now is the best time to get started in raid and  if you aren't playing yet click my link in the   description or scan the qr code on screen and  you will get a special birthday package with 40   dollars worth of stuff you get three free  champions at once plus 10 magic force and   spirit xp brews that's a lot of stuff all this  treasure will be waiting for you right here and   the birthday presents just keep coming all new and  experienced players can get gifts worth over 25   once you're in game after clicking my link  just enter promo code three years raid to   get your hands on everything it's that easy so  once again make sure to click that link in the   description and thank you so much to raid  shadow legends for sponsoring this video   and starting us off is our grass starter okub  which is a grass bear pokemon uh grass cup pokemon   it is the baby bear pokemon and i love this design  it's so simple and elegant it has the maple maple   leaf mohawk the little headphone situation as  like you know its ears kind of look like little   headphones looks kind of like has a little punk  aesthetic to it which i like it's super cute but   looks super tough at the same time and i love that  about this design next up we have kittle the goat   pokemon it is our fire starter and i just love  this design it's so simple it follows the goat on   the chinese zodiac which is great and i love its  little tail it's so simple and effective um all of   these you know base starter stages are very simple  yet effective with the design they feel very much   like starter pokemon that would actually exist  i really like if we get anything close to kittle   whenever we get to the goat zodiac representation  in the actual games um i'm really excited to see   if it looks like this because i would love for  it to look like this i'm rambling sorry anyway   next we have osprey which is such a clever pun  of a name the osprey plus spray like spraying   water super clever also i love you know this is  this is the original this is the original water   um water bird starter um before we actually got  quacksley this one was was my favorite like he's   still is my favorite i actually really like osprey  um and it's got that sailor aesthetic to it this   is the original sailor water bird pokemon i love  its little you know the handkerchief neck band   what's it what's one of those things called ascots  it's a little ascot around its neck it's super   cute super simple design like it's like i said all  three of these bass stages super simple yet very   effective next up we have fisticub which is o cubs  evolution and it's just such a great word play   with fisticuffs plus cub as well as it looks like  it says fist plus stick plus cub so it's fists   fist stick cub which is also a great word play  because you know sticks or you know grass you get   the association anyway fisticuff looks like it has  this training headgear like you know okub was like   a fighter it kind of just like one was a pretty  scrappy but physical is actually getting in to   like do some actual training like it's trying to  refine its skills which i think is a really cool   little bit of a design story there i love its  green boxing gloves and the little you know   fall autumn maple leaf kind of situation going on  there i love that they included like the kind of   an autumny feeling to this pokemon because it's  got those browns in there as well as the greens   and i like how they're featuring the browns of  you know a traditional grass starter in a very   different way by making it orange because you know  brown is just dark orange moving on we have gotemp   and it is a fire rock type i absolutely adore  this this uh this little billy goat with the   flame beard like they're upping the fire elements  a little bit making literal fire out fire elements   uh rather than kittle who had like kind of more  of a subtle design elements i i really like the   firebeard um you'll see how this progresses  it's one of my favorite fakemon starters of   all time um for this reason but you have the  little crags like little cracks and like craggy   um you know uh one of the word hooves has a little  craggy hooves and it's just a really good midstage   definitely progresses in a good way to the final  stage which you'll see in a moment next up is aya   sale the evolution to osprey i don't know what  an is but i'm assuming it's some kind of bird but   i think this is a really really clever wordplay  buy a sale it's pretty simple yet effective name   um this all these starters that's just the  label of these starters simple yet effective   um and i like how it plays up more into the sailor  elements um like i said in a video where i was   talking about like my video on the gen 9 starter  evolutions if quacksley starts evolving in this   direction i would absolutely love it um so i  really appreciate and love this design itself   the sailor aspects really they really merge well  with a bird pokemon i will say i just think it's a   really natural fit and again i love how the ascot  has gotten a little bit bigger now it looks kind   of like wings super cool next up we have bruisely  which is the final evolution of the o cup line   and we've gone full on fighter martial artist  boxer um this is one of those fake one that i   could definitely see in like pokken or smash i  mean like the super smash brothers not i don't   want to smash this pokemon markiplier screwed  up this community i swear anyway i love the   hood and cape elements it definitely feels like a  champ ready to enter the ring like it would take   off this like this this you know hood situation  and just be ready to like go at it i don't know   i love i love bruce lee it's not my my starter  pick but it's one of my favorites of this region   they're the starters all just fire off they're  just the 10 out of 10 firing on all cylinders i   can't think of the proper words to describe them  whatever moving on next up we've got the final   evolution of the kiddo line it is ldram and this  is definitely my starter pick eldrim is so good   turning the billy goat beard into a viking beard  and like the horns to a viking helmet giving it   that flamey beard like all the elements of this  just merged together so well and i love it so   much it's one of my favorite fake one starters of  all time um it is just so good lgram like this is   freaking uh open soupiest wishes it was eldrim  i'm gonna i'm calling myself out on this one my my   corner of fire starter wishes it was lgm this is  this is what you know freaking oversouvenius could   have been also the little elements like the you  know norse kind of ruin in on the the on the leg   all these little detailed elements come together  so so beautifully for this design i love it   fire rock type is also unique i know quad weakness  to water and all that but i think it's really just   a fun type combo to see for a starter last of the  starters we have cap talon which i featured in my   gen 9 uh starter predictions video this one is so  fun and i love the little starmie staryu kind of   badge uh that it has that it's wearing you know to  make sure you you know show you it's the captain   uh that captain's badge and the the hat mixed with  the the like the plumage of the shoulders to give   that kind of uh military officer kind of feeling  to it it's so good i like the water flying type   you have the rock flying fighting trio which is  super cool i like this of the secondary typings   play into each other in a unique way because i  feel like a lot of the time we get fighting dark   and psychic or some kind of variation of those  three but getting a rock flying and fighting   type trio is really fun anyway kept allen the  the elements all work together really well like   this is some of my favorite starter set in  any fake one region ever so so clever and so   well done next up we have the professor of the  region which is winona pine and gosh dang is she   a cutie she's just cute the little lightning  bolt bangs is so adorable and i like that um   i'm pretty sure is this supposed to be a wind  goal like thing around her waist it kind of has   that wing coloration i'm not entirely sure maybe  a pokemon from this region that i'm not familiar   with um but generally she's just super cute i  really i really like her aesthetic and she's got   i'm pretty sure this is a ver mini is the name um  and we'll see that in a second next up we have tp   which i love this name it's tp plus peep um it's  it's i think it's supposed to be a turkey pokemon   this is our this is our normal flying route one  bird and t-peep is just a fun name it's just fun   to say tp um that and it also kind of gives me  like a cheap cheap like the cheap sheep like   you know the sound that birds make like little  little baby birds make you've got that native   american inspiration playing into a turkey pokemon  which i'm fairly certain this is supposed to be   like a turkey pokemon um so i think this is super  clever and i i like i have i feel like i've seen   its evolution but i'd love to see it again next  up we have na wing which is adorable i'm actually   not fairly familiar with this one i don't think  i've actually taken a look at the route one road   and i always thought it was for many um and that  they did something different with the one rodent   but we've got two normal flying types in a row  which is interesting um going with the flying   type for the normal rodent we've got ourselves a  flying squirrel um it's called the aviator pokemon   so we got a flying squirrel mixed with like an  aviator got the aviator goggles and helmet there   super fun aesthetic and i just very floofy and  cute and i just i really enjoy it generally just   generally enjoy it next up we have prince  act which is our route 1 bug pokemon and i   just love the name the names in this region are  top tier princess or prince plus insect great   best just so good and giving a royal aesthetic to  a bug is super fun i'm pretty sure where i know   i know where this goes and it's even it's even  more fun the further it progresses so uh we'll   keep going next up is tri beak and tribe plus  b again the names the names the names in this   region are so good and once again it's  keeps that normal flying type and it is   you know a turkey which you know honestly i feel  like this you could have even done a fun thing   where you switched it just being a normal type  because turkeys can fly but not really they're   kind of like chickens in that way where they can  just like fly short distances but turkeys are so   fat that like they i'm pretty sure that they can't  fly can they fly can turkeys fly i think they can   fly short distances i'm pretty sure they can fly  short anyway moving on next up we have a rodent   i'm never gonna get over it the names dude air  rodent great and also it's just giving me a whole   squat to greet it kind of thing going on there  where it goes from like cute little chubby cheek   boy to big large like boy i don't know how to say  like chunky boy um and that's what this gives me   like it's one of those things where you're like  how do you fly with that bigger body you know   one of one of those pokemon that makes you ask  that question but design wise it keeps that whole   aviator aesthetic you know giving enlarging like  the whole you know goggles and kind of what do you   call that helmet would be the leather with their  hats leather cap kind of thing going on there with   the scarf works really well on a flying squirrel  and yeah and the name just it's just the cherry   on top next up we have arrest which is heiress or  air plus rest and i just think that's so clever   i'm never gonna stop saying the freaking names  in this region dude the names are so clever   um the fact that you can do air or heiress plus  this is it like that that in and of itself is very   clever as far as the design goes it's actually  really not my favorite pokemon of this region i   think it's a little the proportions are a little  weird to me and i'm not quite certain like i know   know where this goes but i'm not sure how this  exactly progresses in that line and that's that   that's just my personal opinion the name  though just on point finally we have poultry so good so good it's a grass flying type and we've  now added these kind of bushy more bushy aesthetic   to the already existing you know parts of this  kind of native american inspired turkey mon i love   the blue face to break up the rest of this design  as well as the little green elements from like   you know the bushes along the back and the tail  super well done i and honestly the name the name next up we have dignifly and that's dignify or  dignified plus butterfly great name we have a   female and a male version i like how the male  version has a little mustache you know me i   love facial hair but it is a psychic bug type and  i just i love that psychic bug i i love that as a   type combo it's a fun type comb to play with the  ideas of and it is a play this whole design is a   play on the monarch butterfly it's literally a  monarch butterfly that is top tier top tier top   tier if there were one bug pokemon i wish we  could bring it to reality i think this is it a   literal monarch butterfly is so clever dignified  the the cleverness of this region knows no bounds   next up we have shocks you know what i'm going to  say all right it's an electric ox and it's just it's super cute it's so cute i like that  the elements of the electricity are subtle   uh they're not like out there in your face it's  just like a little electric bolt and it's tough   done it's fur and a little electric tail and it's  eye just simple yet effective i'm just gonna say   that a thousand more times there's always like  one phrase per region review that i just have to   say over and over again and it just encapsulates  the entire region simply yet effective and super   clever are probably gonna be the ones for this  region next up we have phantom um it's just   crazy i can't get over it man the names they  can't they give me everything this is just   what i think i'm like oh there's probably gonna  be one that's not clever it just keeps coming   don't take that out of context i realize how  weird that sounds but as far as the design   this reminds me of my own fun pokemon fantasy and  it just kind of speaks to my you know heart here   i love i love the skull with the the flame eyes  it's badass and cute at the same time which is   really hard to do um and they met you know wesco  managed to do it really well next up we have   steedster which is steed plus speedster that's fun  uh fire steel type heatran is the only fire steel   type we have currently and i just think that's a  damn shame like give us more another fire steel   type there's so many design possibilities with a  fire steel type um as well as this is just such a   fun idea it's literally like horsepower like it's  it's a horse plus a car and like that's that's   great and it's like it's got this locomotive thing  to it almost as well and it's called the racehorse   pokemon is literally i just i can imagine people  racing their steedsters um and i'm pretty sure   this evolution kind of plays into this as well um  i can just imagine both of those just like racing   i could even imagine like one of those race movies  where there's like the evolution and then this the   the the steedster like there's a guy who wants to  write a steedster it's the little steedster that   could i don't i don't know that's that's what's  playing into my head right now could even be an   episode of the anime i don't know i'm moving on  next up we have by surge which is an electric   ground type super great stun fisk is the only  one with the electric ground type what a shame   so that element of it is fun element i guess  no pun intended there but anyway as far as   the pokemon goes this doesn't really feel like a  pokemon to me there's something about the design   or maybe the artwork that's done it just doesn't  really feel very pokemon to me that's just me   um but the name typing and general concept are all  really cool and i like next up we have the venison dude medicine i've seen this pokemon before and  i know the name but the name always is so good   venison for a ghost type is so good it's so good  it's just it's just so good and the the the mod   itself is all right i think it's a little too much  but um i think i still think it's really cool the   general idea of it is really cool i like the way  they did the flames i love that whole you know   flame with a little circle in the middle reminds  me of wind waker with the bombs and the little   curly smoke that's kind of what it gives me and  i just really adore that kind of design aesthetic   um i like how it's kind of see-through you can see  like certain parts of it are are transparent super   cool but like i said as far as the design just  a little much for me next up we have engineering   and great name engine plus nay also giving that  it kind of has ingenuity in their ingeneity i   don't know something like that um but like i said  earlier this reminds me like steedster like the   little sister that could versus an engineer i  can imagine it i can picture it in my head um   this very much gives go goat but like literally  like a motorcycle plus a plus a horse which is   this is so fun it's so fun and i like the little  like um smoke maine kind of thing going on there   it kind of looks like one of those horses that has  their like their main braided and then they let it   flow at the top i think that's a thing i'm pretty  sure that's a thing but that's that's kind of what   it reminds me of in general this design is really  fun again one of those it's a little bit too much   there's a little bit too much going on here but  generally the concept really shines next up we've   got capricci which is capricious plus chihuahua  and it kind of plays on the idea of chihuahuas   being super cute but also little hell spawns it's  very dark typing you can see it has a good doggo   mode and a bad doggo mode yeah so you can see it  literally has a little demon it's a little demon   it's perfect it's exactly what i think of when  i think of chihuahuas next up we have starsky   which is like starling plus birdie but it's also  giving me like starsky and hutch kind of thing i   don't know anyway this is psychic flying type and  i'm actually pretty sure this has a schooling form   it's a it's a murmuration form it's a murmur of  murmur of starlings there um i think this is super   fun i i generally enjoy grouping or schooling  forms um for pokemon and i think this one is   super fun i like the whole space galaxy aesthetic  it has going on and each of the eyes looking like   a little star um it's super fun i will say  though generally the shape of this feels a   little weird to me like the proportions of it  and i think i would have made the head bigger   or made the wings do something different it looks  a little weird to me generally though i like the   concept next up we have paw seam which is a ghost  normal type and you can see it has a stitch form   um you know i'm pretty sure you can see where this  is going but generally let's start with this form   the stitch form it's fun it plays kind of on the  whole possums playing dead thing and we will see   here we have the seamless form and it is literally  you can see the the seamed for stitched form   is you know playing dead and it has the ghostly  spirit coming out with the fuzz of it like that   the fuzz is its being its essence which is  kind of fun because a lot of people think of   like the stuffing as the thing that gives you  know the stuffed animals life in some media   um and i just think that's fun generally this  concept is just a really enjoyable um play on   the whole playing dead of the possum as well as  just kind of incorporating that kind of almost   build-a-bear aesthetic to it next up we have water  which is so good so good i would have done an a to   get the water um but i guess i would have been  too like on the nose uh because then you it's   it's watt plus water plus otter which is fun i  just i kind of i do i do wish there had been the   a there because it would have made the water  whatever anyway electric water electric type   super fun typing i'm pretty sure the only one that  has that is lantern if i'm not mistaken i'm pretty   sure lantern and uh chincho are the only ones  that have the water electric type i think it's   super cleverly designed you get the water type you  get the electric type from it the design elements   speak for themselves and it's you know i the name  is super clever that's what else can i say next   up we have trevor which is a grass-type beaver  pokemon and it just makes perfect sense beavers   they not on trees they build dams it just kind of  makes sense for a tree you know beaver retriever   i think the name is also really really clever  like i said i'm gonna say that a thousand and   one more times someone make a counter say you  know what someone in the comment section count   how many times i say that this you know the names  are clever please do um anyway i like the overall   design of this i like the kind of it has like a  polyworld swirl here but it's actually supposed   to be the inside of a tree like the trunk like the  what's the word you know the the life rings that   trees have that kind of thing um the wood elements  play into it really well i would say i would say   i kill me um anyway i would say that um there's  a little bit too much going on here i think   that like you could you could subtract a  few of the leaves or something or maybe   maybe some of the woody elements uh stuff like  that but generally again once again concepts   strong next up we've got ocelot which is a  fire type ocelot pokemon also ocelot plus lit   what am i going to say folks what am i going to  say it is clever that's you know it's just kind of   this is kind of you know it's a clever name that's  a clever name but something you might have noticed   about the last three pokemon is that they are  fire water and grass um and i think that kind of   plays into the idea of a secondary starter trio  in a way i think they kind of would act as the pan   or semis um like in unova where you pick you know  the grass starter and they give you the fire or   the water or whatever you know that's kind of  what i feel like they would play into with that   maybe maybe i'm wrong i'm not sure what the exact  intent was for west coast but that's what i kind   of imagined them as as far as the design it's  simple it's cute gives off those fiery elements   mixing in perfectly the elements of  an ocelot mixing with the fire type   just simple yet effective next up we have the  evolution to water and it is lutricity um lutrus   plus electricity i'm not sure what lutris is  i'm assuming it's something to do with an otter   or some kind of muscle lid something like that um  but i like the design once again this one that's   not my favorite design it's a little i don't know  what's inside there's something about it that it's   not like doesn't make it my favorite generally  like i said it gives water it gets electric   it's good it's good it's a good design next up  we have lumbee which is grass steel i love that   once again i think there's just one  step too far with this and i'd say like   maybe subtract the leaf elements i think the  chainsaw tail while cool it's just a little   too much little like it pulls away from the rest  of the design very much so i like the grass beard   the glass glo glas the the leaf the leaf beard  the leaf gloves that's what i'm trying to say   but generally i think it's there's just a little  too much going on and lastly we have also hot   good one yet again another good pun there um and  i think this is probably one of my favorite of   the three just because they keep it simple um  the flame patterns are really fun really cool   incorporate into an ocelots you know pattern  really well and doesn't put too much into the   design like the other you know or like lumbee  or even um lutricity um does i think this one   you know plays into those fire type elements  without taking it too far next up we have snow me   and oh my god the name it's snow plus homie and  this note is my homie i psychic type i love this   type combo i love this concept a little snowman  friend he is friend-shaped he's 100 friend-shaped   love it love it to death um gives me that  frosty the snowman which is kind of you know   classic americana the classic american you  know christmas kind of aesthetic to it love   that um has the top hat and the scarf and the  and the mittens i i just love this little guy   next up we have what's going beneary and it is  a pure ice type frankly just adorable just just   adorable and adorable version of beniri and i like  how he played into the one ear being down now he   brought both ears down and made them into little  ear muffs and it's just a floofy little bun and   it's so cute and i have nothing else to say about  it next up we have lava that's that's fun that's   a little bit of a stretch but it's fun it's  uh it's llama plus lava kind of plus lava lamp   actually i just realized that's kind of clever  because lava lamp ll lava okay i take it back   that's that's that's really clever that's really  really clever fire fairy type little lava lamp   llama pokemon so unique so unique i like i've  seen a good amount of uh llama pokemon but i've   never seen one quite like this so and i just like  how fluffy it is these last few have been just so   friend shaped and i just i love it next up we have  frigion and it is a magician uh snowman pokemon   that's so fun and it's kind of giving me house  moving castle you know like the i think his name's   turnip head the one that has like a little he's  bouncing around the whole time during house movie   i love that guy and this is what that gives me  and it's also kind of got four hands in a way   because it's got the gloves and then it's got  the hands on its scarf that is super clever um   generally i think this design is super fun  something about it doesn't feel very pokemon to me   um but generally i think the idea of this  monster is really fun and and unique next   up we have wisconsin and it's ice fairy type  and it's so cute this gives me like you know   the original lampanis kind of based on you know  playboy bunnies um but this one gives me like   one of those like models that goes on a winter  trip and she's in these these really fun you   know wintry clothes you can see them in like  the winter edition of whatever magazine she's   you know featured in you can also see there's ice  skates there as well she's got little ice skates   i will say this does not i don't like the skates  being between the toes i just i don't like things   being between toes and like standing up that just  doesn't sound nice to me this sounds painful but   overall as a design it works well next up we have  la mera which is llama plus mira i'm pretty sure   mara so like there's maramon in digimon which is  a fire data digimon it's like he's like he's a   you know a fire elemental so i think maybe that's  where they were going with this like i don't know   if mara actually translates to fire in japanese  i'm not 100 certain on that but i think that's   what they're going for on this uh but continuing  that fire fairy type adding these little globby   fur you know elements to it and it kind of  has like a pompadour kind of thing going on   i think it's super cute and again very clever next  up we've got lapsky which is a alternate evolution   to beniri and it is an ice electric type rather  than the ice fairy um and so yeah we got a split   evolution for beniri which is super fun i again  don't like the toes with them between the skates   that looks painful to me but i love  the lightning bolt um i i don't know   what are these things called what are they  called the poles whatever the skiing poles   i guess skiing poles are cool i like how the ears  have become like this kind of rap helmet thing for   them based on speed skiers which is super super  neat um once again i think this is one of those   that are a little bit too much for me i think the  there's too much going on with the body and head   with the you know skiing poles and the and the  skates i think there's just there's a little too   many too many elements for a pokemon for me but  that's just me next up we have the pen ultimate   pokemon of the west coast region and that is  kamikin kamikid was actually the first uh pokemon   that wesco made along with its evolutions um and  it inspired him to make the west coast region so   um so yes that's this is definitely the mascot  of the west coast region and it is so iconic   it's based on comic book superheroes that kind  of very americana kind of thing going on there   um and i just love it i love i would love  to see just a classic superhero pokemon   um just but not like a japanese one but like  an actual american superhero um kind of thing   in an america region you know i think we had a  chance with that in unova but i would love to   see it if we ever got a west coast space region  i'd love to see this kind of superhero pokemon   next up we've got vermini and it is based on lab  rats it's giving me pinky in the brain kind of   that that kind of a stuck to it um but the way it  evolves is super fun um and the lab rat aesthetic   really plays into that and it's actually really  fun how the you know the lab rat plays into that   you'll see in a second next we have comic kids  arch nemesis crooked um it is a pure dark type   it's based on classic comic book villains just  super fun just got that kind of old-timey robber   bandit kind of aesthetic to it that that classic  villain archetype to it and i just generally enjoy   it and it's a nice foil to comma kid next up we've  got the first evolution to come kid this is dark   owl obviously based on batman or owlman i guess  there's owlman 2 in there but it is dark knight   plus cowl dark howl um good one and i just think  that's super fun super fun to play into the whole   you know batman thing this is one of three  evolutions for comic and you'll see the others   coming up but batman pokemon dude batman pokemon  so cool especially with the recent movie that came   out that's that you know my batman love has been  relit and so this one that especially appeals to   me i really really like dark hell next up we've  got moisture at and this is the evolution to   vermini as you can kind of tell there's going to  be a multiple evolutions thing going on here where   um crooked comic kid and for many all have  multiple evolutions for mini takes the kind of   eevee route where it takes the you know original  eeveelutions into account there and i like   the lab rat aesthetic it has to it like instead of  the dna just being unstable this rat pokemon was   experiment experimented on um giving it these  multiple evolutions as far as the design goes   this one's super fun plays on the whole vaporeon  thing uh this is one of those things where i think   it's a little just too much like the the tail  plus the the ears and the bubble helm i think   you could probably pull it back i do kind of like  how the tail is like um one of those like half   eaten fish where you can see like the bones and  then there's the tail kind of like that next up we   have the foil to dark l and it is joe crime fairy  dark type perfect type combo for a joker pokemon   this is just so well done this is so so so well  done joe crime as a name is great plays on the   joker but also plays on the fact he's a villain  and the fairy dark type so fun because he's just   this cheerful villain who just wants everybody to  laugh but it's also just this sadistic it's it's   great it's perfect perfect joker pokemon next  up we have hero bust which is hero plus robust   and it is still fighting to play on the idea of  the man of steel himself superman this design   really plays well on the whole superman aesthetic  and it just very feels that that feels that heroic   feeling that the heroic superhero not the one that  has dark past or anything like that kind of like   dark owl but this one is just that perfectly  and perfect embodiment of good you know it   definitely has that aesthetic to it next up we  have generat which is probably my favorite name   in this region generat is generate plus rats or  generator plus rat great and also the design is   really fun really fun i like how the lightning  elements like that you know the kind of scraggly   elements of a rat are played up into a kind  of electricity kind of thing going on there   super fun um and yeah just generally the name just  makes it it just it just does next up we've got   luthority lex luthor plus authority psychic dark  type to play on um to play on you know like super   being brainy particularly good foil to superman  this is a good foil to a hero bust um and it's the   mastermind pokemon and it's just it's got that  kind of like armor thing that luke lex luthor   has sometimes design wise it's kind of you know  it's lex luthor so you know lex luthor is just an   ordinary dude with a really big brain kind of like  the iron man of this is this a hot take it's kind   of like the iron man like the villain iron man of  dc is that a hot take i think that might be a hot   take but generally as a design it's it's okay it's  okay it's almost giving me buzz lightyear a little   bit with the coloration next up we have amazon  fairy fighting type and i just love the name   amazon that's just wham like the classic like  superhero like onomatopoeia like wham you know   plus amazon it's clearly based on wonder woman  um and we've even got um the w's in there it's   kind of wonder woman and amazon it's great  and yeah this is that the final evolution of   comic kid um and it really plays in you know of  course to wonder woman wonder woman's a good one   kind of they didn't they didn't do a good job  with the last movie but we'll forgive them the   first one was really good but next up we've  got pyrat wait hold on i thought that was a   in pokemon i'm just kidding we have the same  name have the same name in mind pyro plus rat   um he has his pirate i have my power right  i actually like his pirate better than my   pirate i think it's really clever i like the  smokey tail i like the ears and like the the   fiery mustache like whisker thing i that's super  fun i really i do i do really enjoy this mon um   and i like that i also just noticed that their  stats are 520 which is awesome for like a rat   pokemon to get that kind of representation super  cool next up we have manita which is suck it's   playing the play on the word man eater like she's  a man eater um plus cheetah because cheetah it's   like you know we got the uh the wonder woman's  villain and i just think it's cool it's it's   especially speedy fighting dark type i find that  super fun um and the way that they incorporated   the it's kind of giving me life hard in a way  because life art is you know a leopard pokemon   cheetah leopard print kind of the same idea there  um but that that's fun that they play that into it   like a super villain that wears a leipard like a  dark types you know skin as a that sounds creepy   the way i say it it sounds creepy but it's to me  it sounds cool i don't know whatever next up we've   got devasar which is devious plus dinosaur or sore  um or sores i guess um and it's rock fire type and   it is just this little devilish theropod i just  think that's so fun um and it's got the little   spiked tail to give it you know a little devilish  aesthetic to it i've seen its evolutions it's   evolution it's one of my favorite fossil pokemon  in the fake monk community this region has a lot   of my favorites i'm not going to be at this this  region is really just fires on all cylinders so   anyway let's move on to the next next up we've got  pre-chew which is an iraq electric type and this   is the ancestor to pete the pichu pikachu line  um this is their ancestor so it's a rock electric   type um and it's the prehistoric mouse pokemon  and i just think this this is so so so ingenious   so ingenious it's giving the pikachu line  a caveman aesthetic and calling it pre-chew   big brain huge brain i'm assuming this i can't  remember if it's pikachu i think it's prickachu   is the evolution but we'll see um but overall  this aesthetic is super fun and super fun to see   these kind of concepts combined next up we've got  cobble which is rubble plus cub great name rock   dark type i think this one is super fun i love  having a saber tooth pokemon that's not just   raikou or raiku however freaking pronounce it i  pronounce things wrong get over it anyway as a   little baby saber tooth pokemon i think this does  the job wonderfully um and i like his little mask   super cute let's see how these dudes evolve next  up we've got satanosaur rockfire type the name   not my favorite the design absolutely one of my  favorite oh my gosh this thing is so unique so   fun i love the blacks against the reds and  grays and yellow or like or yellowish oranges it's so good it's such a good design so clever  you've got that it's it's literally supposed   to be the devil it's literally like it is a satan  dinosaur and that's so fun rock fire type is such   a fun type combo we could quantum mean just to  water but you know whatever we we forgive because   it is so badass next up we have pika dye sorry  it is not prikachu it is pikadai which is   pikachu plus pika plus kodai kodai means ancient  and japanese i like this it's interesting because   it's more human than pikachu it's kind of  got like that like the very um what's the   word neanderthal pikachu like like if pikachu  evolved to be human you know what i'm saying like   instead of apes it was pikachu's that's kind  of what this gives me i like how it's holding   its tail like a club now that's super fun and i  like how they muted the cheeks uh that they're   they're not actually red they're like a very  bright brown like almost like a desaturated   reddish brown which i appreciate because it plays  into this whole rock electric typing very well   next up we've got mount tiger which is rock dark  type i love this design i love this design the   fossils of this are like i said some of my  favorites the the mount tiger especially is   really great because i love how it's not just the  teeth it's not just his teeth but it's like a mask   like a mask it's wearing and then it's  got the freaking like pirate eye patch uh   going on looks totally badass and i just  love the scraggly kind of scruffy fur   element it's just chef's kiss next up  we have goro chew that's right garochoo   the beta evolution to raichu instead it's been  swept in as a new evolution for this prehistoric   pikachu line rocket lecture type and i love i love  love love that they put the little you know rygine   um swirls on the club of of its tail it's got  this like club tail i will say it's a little crazy   there's a lot going on there's a lot going on  here but generally i think it works i think   it's super clever to use a beta design as a  prehistoric version of an uh you know evolution   of pikachu very very very genius great next up  we have compadre which is a dark psychic type   coffee pokemon it's like a coffee plus a genie for  its cup plus compadre or buddy or um and that's   just he's your just little coffee buddy give you a  little kick of caffeine say hey what's up dude you   need that little lip pick me up here take it like  that's that's i imagine he almost is kind of like   deliberate with his gifts except it like he gives  you energy that's that's kind of what imagine   it's just super fun and i believe that this is  actually kind of like a mascot for coffee in   the western region i think it's super fun that he  he incorporates like the pokemon into brands and   stuff like that i love when pokemon does that so  him doing it is really fun next up we have quilder   a pure steel type porcupine builder pokemon giving  me bob the builder energy and that name is so good   i just think this dude's super cute i like how you  can see kind of like the quills as it's on it's   like little utility belt i think that's super fun  using a little rock to hammer its quills into the   ground the design story of this is just gold just  gold pure gold actually it's silver because that's   a lot of his quills are silver okay i'm sorry  i'm moving on next up is filter a ground type   dog pokemon it's filthy plus fur i think this  one is cool it has it has you know the basics   of a dog pokemon giving it that kind of scruffy  dirty aesthetic really helps play into that   ground typing i think that's super fun silver has  something special to it but we won't see that's a   little bit later next up we've got brudini oh  the name the name the name houdini plus brew   great and also this design is super fun i love the  like steamy coffee genie aesthetic oh it's so good   it's also i also just realized that genie is in  there too broudini because that's deeney genie   you see what i'm saying um generally this mod  is just so fun it's it's so fun it's just such a   classic mischievous you know that kind of like  genie that wants to play a trick on you kind   of thing it gives me that aesthetic next up we  have hysterfix and it is a steel type and it's   kind of like a master builder um it's histrix  plus fix historics i'm pretty sure is like the   porcupines like the scientific name that's what i  mean the scientific name um it's not my favorite   name in the world from his i think this is one  of my least favorite names that he's done um but   generally the design was really fun and it's  give it evokes that kind of like japanese   like the precision of like a japanese builder  you know what i'm saying like they kind of have   that headband with the whole ponytail you know  what i'm saying that's the kind of the aesthetic   it gives me next up we have barkhop and it's  ground fighting and it seems it's like that dog   that's reformed it's a german shepherd i'm pretty  sure it's supposed to be like a german shepherd   and it's like that scrappy stray that reformed  and became a cop it's like it's like this bar cop   saying it that way makes me think in the pokemon  world there's got to be some kind of good cop   bad cop show with bar cop like balwowski and bar  cop or something like that i could totally imagine   it oh my gosh next up we've got wisconsin meowth  and if you are familiar you should be because that   is our fairy type representation in the mouth of  every type video check that out if you missed it   that was a good one that was one of our first of  every type videos i'm sure it was the first was   it the first i think it was the first yeah the  first of every type video um and i love this mod   it's just so cute and cuddly cute and cuddly mouth  and just you just want to you want to have it as   a pet i don't even like cats as pets i don't i'm  not really a pet person but i want this to be my   pet you know my comment section is going to devour  me for saying i'm not a pet person next up we've   got west going magikarp and my goodness gracious  if there were ever a more perfect variant of any   pokemon it's this giving you know giving magikarp  that kind of bass aesthetic to it it's called   the bass pokemon but giving uh giving giving  magikarp going take him from a carp to a bass   so clever i love the evolution as well  by the way i love the evolution and this   i just i love giving magikarp that variant love  it's one of the few pokemon that hasn't had that   kind of love the kind of variant love and i just  i don't see it very often um and i just think it's   so clever so clever next up we've got wiscons  and it is a tomahawk it's an axe well it's an   axe but it's supposed to be a tomahawk it's rock  ghost got that new type combo in there that hasn't   been seen yet as of this video i mean gen9 is  coming up so who knows but i love the idea of   taking hot edge which is this you know the sword  pokemon and making it a little bit more gritty and   turning into this like axe i think that's super  fun kind of shifting it um you know instead of   a possessed swords possessed axe i like i like  that idea of possessing a different weapon i   would love to see this concept incorporated  in actual pokemon having hon edge you know   possess a different kind of weapon just be super  cool to see as far as the design goes i think   it's super clever they keep it simple with the  coloration you go white red grays very simple and next up we have pampered which i think  is fun it doesn't play on the whole per   thing where you got berserker persian  it's pampered so it puts that at the end   i mean the the the the name is pretty clever i'll  say the name is clever it doesn't follow that's   that you know whole idea but it gets it in there  in in a in a unique way as far as the design goes   i think this is super fun it's got that spoiled  house cat kind of thing going on to it it does   very much exude that fairy typing it's very jovial  happy spoiled probably spoiled rotten by their   owners but i just like it next up is suck chaos  which is sake which it says it's salmon in japan   i'm not 100 certain on that but it plus chaos  and it's a water dragon type finally giving that   dragon typing to a magikarp evolution not exactly  gyarados but i think it's super cool i think it's   so unique to make a salmon gyaranos so unique  so unique and giving it that dragon typing makes   sense a dragon salmon oh this is so unique this  is one of those concepts that i constantly think   about and i think man i wish i had thought of this  concept first because it is that smart it is that   clever so um this is one of my favorite pokemon  from the west coast region for sure next up   we have what's going doubleblade and it you know  continues that whole now two tomahawks rather than   one continuing that rock ghost type and now it is  blue so we have red and white and now we have red   and white and blue and gray so i'm kind of getting  that red and white and blue thing too i mean you   have it in the delay out here it's very americana  in that way i've said america like three times but   you know it's it's the word to describe it it's  very america in that way and finally we have a new   evolution no more aegislash no this is exorcist  top tier name top tier name rock ghost type and it   puts all the elements together red white and blue  very america you know and we got the tomahawk it   actually has two forms um this is the axe form  and then it has a bow form which i think is so   cool i think that's so cool like you have the  axes that get turned into a bow instead of being   a sword and shield form it's an accent bow form  so so incredibly clever next up we've got tripoli   and now that i say that i said that like tripoli  like the game well anyway we've got tripoli um and   they are three separate little entities it's kind  of like phalanx in that way where it's just like   one pokemon that's like a couple pokemon this  one's kind of interesting so it's triple plus   flea obviously um and plea apparently like i don't  know where the plea comes in but this one also has   another thing that's special about it that we'll  see momentarily as far as the design itself it's   cool i like the little mustaches it's not my  favorite uh it's it's it's decent it's decent   next up we have the gimmick of this region  which is called immix evolution and yep it is   pokemon fusion straight up pokemon fusion and the  way that wescom handles it i think is super fun   and super unique so i can't wait to show you guys  we have our first mx evolution and it is swarmat   and it is filther plus tripoli and so you get the  fleas overtaking like the filth of of filter like   the filth mixing in with the fleas and the  fleas like do this swarming thing and turn   into two other heads making a cerberus this is  so out of pocket but genius at the same time   absolutely love this design and the name just the  names the name next up we have der timid and it is   a ground type groundhog and it's a play on you  know the groundhog seeing its shadow but this   one is afraid of a shadow it's very ghostly very  ghastly very creepy um and i think that's really   fun it actually has an ability called spooked  where it gives it the ghost type weakness   so like it's it's it's scared you know it's scared  of the ghost type so therefore it's weak to it   um and it's just so sad it's sad um but there's  there's a story to this there's a story to this   that you'll see later next up we've got barbari  which is a grass type and it is barb plus berry   you gotta get a barbarian kind of in there too but  this one's just kind of cute just simple you know   bounce sweet kind of aesthetic to it and yeah  it just kind of has like a cheeky like i like   how it's less cute but like kind of more cheeky  and like like confident you know i like that next   up we have wescoan a pum and it is a normal steel  type you know the normal steel type's not done yet   as of right now i mean you know again gen9 we'll  see and it's a grease monkey so clever um i love   that like also i just noticed how it's kind of  like an unknown face on its wrench which is also   a monkey wrench like it's not a monkey wrench i  mean but it's a monkey holding orange so therefore   it is a monkey wrench anyway this concept works  so well and especially for the normal steel type   which we haven't seen yet yes next up we have  terrain and it is terror plus terrain plus rain   so it like to rain and it is gotten it uh this is  der timid has imx's evolved with a ghost type and   so therefore it has gained control over its shadow  um tokuyami style giving it that ghost typing and   it also has long reach which is fun because like  it's it's also got like kind of like a stand from   jojo's it's like a stand mixed with tokugami from  my hero academy there's all kinds of anime in   this and i love it and it's such a fun concept  the the groundhog who has had mastery over its   shadow and now uses it to you know fight that's  super clever next up we have bear rage which   is an emix evolution of three barberries um  and that's it's super fun i like i like how   um barbari has you know fused together  with two others to make this kind of   beast it's like a bush beast bush beast okay  something fun about saying bush beast i i don't   know anyway next up we have wisconsin ambipom  and to get this one you have to do something a   little bit different because as you can see by the  background it is an imx evolution to get this form   of ambipom you need to mix a what's going apom  with a magneton and i just think this is so clever   it's got this little tool belt in it instead  of having hands attached to its butt it has   hands that are freaking metallic and it's giving  me that like junkrat like genius who is makes you   know a tinkerer tinkerer that's what i'm thinking  of like a kind of a tinkerer kind of thing going   on there that's exactly what this reminds me  of and i love this aesthetic when wesco show   just go show this to me before it came out and i  just died because it's such a such a such a clever   concept i i just i can't say it enough this is  so clever so clever next up we've got barry vern   and it is a grass dragon evolution to  bear age and this one is just it's just   fun it's just generally fun it's got that whole  multiple-headed dragon thing going on i will say   i think the two barbarians on the end might be  a little bit much but i generally i think this   is such a fun and unique concept i like that it's  breathing fire yeah it's a grass dragon type and   like this there's no fire involved in it but maybe  oh you know maybe kind of plays into like instead   of being a barrier maybe it's like a chili in that  way i don't know i just think this is generally   just fun next up we got zenetic which is steel  type i'm not sure on the name it says auguste z   i'm not sure what language that is but um maybe  it's a kind of like specific thing i'm not 100   certain on the inspiration of this one this is  actually one i'm kind of familiar with um the idea   of it is kind of fun i like to play on a turtle  who's got like this like kind of fragmented shell   um and i think it's supposed to play on you know  magnetism obviously because it's got magnetic in   the name so magnetic turtle that's that's pretty  fun next up we've got cubling which is an ice   poison type got that ice poison representation  i think that's fun you know a freaking scorpion   mixed with an ice cube who thinks of that  also its tail is a snow me to try and bait   other pokemon out and they can just get its prey i  think that's super fun i think an ice poison type   as a scorpion is a super fun concept that i'd  really love to see implemented in in pokemon so   um this this concept i like but i kind of kind of  like to see it implemented in a different way next   up we've got viper race which is an electric type  snake pokemon viper plus race it's a speedy boy   definitely a speedy boy it's speed stat is pretty  high um you can see that if you want to check out   the instagram the stats the stats are all there um  but it serves a good electric type snake pokemon   you know it gives it looks like it's speedy with  a little electrotype wisps it looks like it just   dart at you through the grass or whatever surface  this thing hangs out maybe in the power plant or   something next up we have tremaxi i'm not sure  where the tro mag like it looks like it got   magnetic in there and the z from the previous  one i'm not sure exactly sure but it's a steel   electric type this kind of looks like uh one of  those orbs you would touch as a kid like you put   it's like electric orbs that you touch and  the electricity would go to your finger   that's what this is giving me i'm pretty sure  that's probably what this is supposed to be   anyway as a design this isn't one of my favorites  i think it's a little again one of those things   there's some some designs that are just a little  too much for me in this region and this is kind of   one of them next up we've got isoclaw and actually  this is this is what i kind of imagined when i was   thinking of an ice type poison scorpion i think  this this very much serves like it's giving me   um lavos from chrono trigger it kind of gives  me that i love chrono triggers so this makes me   love it even more the layering ice on top of each  other really cool um it doesn't really feel like a   pokemon to me i will say um like there's something  about it that doesn't like it feels a little too   threatening to me um pokemon you're still supposed  to make him feel like you're fine almost like a   ultra beast it's almost like an ultra beast  to me because ultra beasts while they still   kind of feel a little bit friendly they have that  kind of weird aesthetic that puts them like that   makes them a little threatening and that's kind of  what this give is giving me right here next up is   hycillarate and yes it is evolved into an oroboros  that's a dire electric steel type i think it's   it's it's just it's just genius  it's just an oraboros that's a tire   kind of giving me that whole doll fan thing where  it rolls up into a tire kind of that kind of thing   um super fun so i just think it's it's a very  very very very fun concept next up we've got   the box legend for pokemon virtue this is  zapper which i think is zap plus zephyr   which is very clever i'm not sure what the typing  is it doesn't say whether the typing is here but i   assume electric flying um you know plus you know  the wind plus the electricity plus being a bird   i assume that's what the typing is um but this  this this is so cool i like the design is very   very legendary it has that elegance but also that  intimidation to it the long flowing cloud-like   uh feathers and wings is just really good i i  i've seen the other legend and i think i would   pick this one but i'll show you guys the other  legend here is the box legend for pokemon vice   we have vicerp really great i love that um vice  plus serpent obviously and we've got ourselves   a horn serpent looks like a dark type i assume  you know by vice would probably be dark type   maybe dark poison i am not 100 it doesn't doesn't  stay here but i'm sure um west coast will tell me   but i love a horn serpent obviously i have  hydrena in my region which is a horn serpent   i love that whole aesthetic and it plays into  the logo really really well um yeah definitely   a really cool one though i will say i'll  probably pick zapper i'll probably pick virtue   because i'm just such a virtuous guy no i'm just  kidding i just raised really like the legend   next up we have dakota who is our rival for this  region he is actually also the professor's little   brother his last name is pine you know winona  pine dakota pine i think that's kind of fun   that their names kind of rhyme i just rhymed  oh my gosh rhymeception anyway i think it's   fun that um dakota is the little brother rather  than being some kind of child or grandchild of   another character it's actually the brother that's  your rival i think that's pretty fun design wise   i think it's really fun i like the different kind  of style he has kind of got that western style to   him as well as it gives me that punk energy kind  of like a blue or a silver where they just kind   of look like they're you know they don't really  care about you they're just kind of be trying to   be stronger you know one of those rude rivals you  know i'm saying next up we've got the champion of   the west coast region and this dude is warren and  i'm pretty sure he's a poison type user but he's   a poison type pippy you can kind of see like he's  got like this um nuclear kind of aesthetic on his   pants um let me see i'm pretty sure yeah has his  team he has a um ace pokemon that we haven't been   introduced to yet but we will see shortly next  up we have pebble a rock ground type mole pokemon   pebble plus mole uh it's kind of got that whole  thing with the you know we had diglett which is   a mole pokemon and then we have drill bear which  is also mole pokemon i think this gives me doesn't   really give me anything different than drill birth  to be to be honest i think the rock typing is fun   um and i like the rock claws but design wise it's  kind of got a similar pose it's very cute it's   very cute but i just don't think it's served like  we already had drill birth that's just me that's   just me next up we have rap tile which i think  is so good reptile plus rap he's got cds all   over him he's got an aux cord tail he's a normal  dragon type playing into the normal type being   associated with sound and music it's just super  fun super fun name super clever concept i think   the design is a little a little much but that's  just me next up we've got spruce row which is a   grass-type scarecrow pokemon i think this is fun  this is once again one of those ones where it's   giving a full-on scarecrow but we already kind  of had a scarecrow thing going on with cacturne that that that's a i think i think it's  cute i think it's fun to get a full-on   scarecrow i just don't think it was an entirely  necessary that's me i just noticed something and   this is really this is a really clever thing  the shadow on its head is actually a crow   that's that's that's pretty that's pretty  clever i like that next up we have gemmol   now this actually this has me rethinking because  that i've seen this before but i've forgotten   about it i really like the idea of like a  straight up star-nosed mole that is like a diamond   that's pretty cool that's pretty cool i  like how like it's giving me like mega   mart mecca marshtop mega freaking swampert  giving me mega swampert vibes with that like   very bulky kind of low to the ground  kind of thing i really like gemma   i can't i really like gemma that's a really fun  one next up we've got sound bite oh my goodness   that name is too clever that name is too clever um  it's the mc pokemon and it's a it's it's giving me   what's his name what's his name oh my gosh what's  his name it's giving me vector the crocodile from   sonic that's what it's giving me a hundred percent  i love that i will say once again i thought the   little the one before was a little too much this  one it's definitely too much i think that the cds   being everywhere on it are a little much i think  maybe you could have just done the cds down the   spine on the hands i don't think they're necessary  the aux cord claws are okay generally i think   is a little bit over designed next up we have  scarecrow which is a grass electric type scarecrow   i think that's fun though i will say the only  thing really giving it the electric typing   is the scythe um like in the design maybe the eyes  kinda but aside from that really the only thing   that makes this part electric type is that scythe  i feel like i wish there was more electric typing   incorporated into the overall design um maybe  even that instead of straw coming out of his   body it could have been like maybe a little  electricity like it's an electric scarecrow   i don't know something like that next up  we have crumb bay which is chrome plus bay   um it's a normal type little doughy pokemon i  think that's super fun it's giving me like milsay   milcery's cousin is it milkery or milcery it's  giving me whatever that pokemon's name is cousin   that's kind of what it's giving me i actually  think this is supposed to be a reference to   the pillsbury doughboy and i love that next up is  narcrocs it's a poison psychic type and this one   is based on the sonoran desert toad just like  uh my regional uh my cornering temple line is   but they handled this in such a different way i  love the smiley face on the stomach i'm pretty   sure this is supposed to reference you know the  same thing that my corner and temple does uh but   i like that they went with poison psychic rather  than poison fairy i think that's fun you know you   have that psychedelic kind of thing going on there  psych psychic it makes sense honestly when i look   back on it i kind of wish i had done um psychic  typing for it but i'm glad i didn't because we   have this pokemon um i like how it's hold i like  the bubble it's holding it's very pleasant like   the whole rainbow kind of thing going on in the  bubble very pleasant looking next up we have bay   bite which is baby plus bite and this is a cute  little shark pokemon it looks like it's like drawn   on itself or some kind of kid has drawn on it to  like try and make it look more tough than it is   and that's really fun i kind of like that  trying to put on a face to be like no i'm   i'm a little guy i'm really tough i promise it  almost like it's like it's almost like it's trying   to be a sharpedo in a way like it's got these x's  all over it i think that's fun next up we have   sweetum which is a normal fairy type evolution  to crumble i think this is interesting it's   kind of giving me like it's a like she's got  the oven in her stomach so it's giving me like   bun in the oven you know like she's having  a bait like a baby crumb a kind of thing   i don't know it i will say it makes me very hungry  for sweets that like that like the top of its head   very giving me muffin or cupcake and i really  want a cupcake now overall sweetums design is   really fun and it gives me that fairy type waifu  kind of thing going on next up is cytodelic oh   man that name is a lot i like that i like it but  it's a lot um the poison psychic type continues   and it's just kind of a hippie frog almost gives  me hypno toad but like if hypno toad was like   chill next up we have chomp punk and it is you  know chomper little chompy boy he's got like   a hook through the nose that's kind of sad but i  like that we've we're getting all you know full on   shark mod i kind of expressed this in my mega  ranking video that i wish that torpedo in its   mega form had become a full-on shark so i really  like this kind of idea that they have going on   with a full on shark a shark shark don't shark me  oh man next we have a normal fire type evolution   to crumble we have grill yum and it is the burger  king of the west coast region is what it says   and then yeah he does look like the burger king  it looks like that proud dad standing on the grill   cooking up his burgers um and instead of it being  like a grill it's actually his stomach i love   this i think this is so fun i think the crumb bay  line is just just fun just just a good fun pokemon   that's just silly in the best ways next up we have  scrubble a water poison type soap bubble oh come   on i love that because it's kind of like you know  you're not supposed to ingest soap or put it in   your eyes or anything but it helps does help clean  you um it's got a oh it's got an ability called   squeaky clean where no ground type moves can be  used that's nuts so you get rid of that freaking   poison type ground weakness altogether that's  crazy i think this is cute it gives me almost   ghost type in a way um and i like like it's just  like it's kind of we have like it's like an object   pokemon because it isn't like a living thing so  that's pretty fun too next up we have joss sunken   water steel type wow i like how they did i think  this is one of those pokemon i really haven't seen   like i don't think i i've seen this and i like  it's got this kind of like pirate beard but also   an anchor tale that's really clever that's really  clever i will say some of the designs elements do   reflect sharpedo like the scars everywhere  it's a little and even the coloration a bit   and this looks like like like torpedoes sad  cousin like like beaten up cousin like he beaten   up even more than sharpedo um and like someone  hooked an anchor to its tail you know super cool   i think this is i think this is  actually supposed to be a reflection   of the beta shark pokemon i'm pretty sure there  was a beta shark pokemon with an anchor tail   that's why this is feeling so familiar to me i do  i do very much enjoy this pokemon though though it   is kind of similar to sharpedo next up we have the  final line of the west coast region currently um   currently because it's an electric type  it's retro and the story behind this mon is   so fun like at first i was like a little not  behind it but the story really makes it for me   um the story is actually retro is an attempt to  recreate rotom so it does have multiple forms um   and they're all based on games as you  can see retro is based on a game boy   um and i think this is so fun it's so so so clever  i can't wait to show you guys all the different   forms so here we go first up we have retro jump  form and this is based on platformers like mario   sonic to a degree sonic is kind of a is a  platformer yeah so it is an electric flying type   platformer and you can see the little  symbol on the bottom is changed to a wing   rather than the little electric bolt it was before  and as you can see in the bottom left it has a   little cartridge each cartridge that you give it  it's kind of like genesect in that way where each   cartridge you give it gives it a different typing  next up we have retro drive form it's electric   fire type to reference racing games you can see  the little cartridge on the bottom left it's got   that fire type symbol on it and it's got the fire  type symbol on its little side here as well super   fun i think the fire type is fun because it kind  of evokes that like you know mario kart where   you're drifting and then the flames appear or even  like turbo boosting and other kind of racing games   and even though our like arcade cabinets where  you can like turbo boost and stuff like that   i think that's super fun um i just noticed that  it's kind of got like one eye that's like like oh   we're going fast you know i think that okay let's  go on to the next next up we have retro shoot form   it's electric steel type to reference shooters and  it kind of has that mega man kind of thing going   on to it you can see the bottom left corner has  like the little gear um i think this is so fun i   love mega man mega man's a great series um it is a  platformer as well but it is mostly a shooter and   there's other shooter games this could reference  easily um even even uh metroid this could   reference metroid as well like metroid mega man  though anything that has those arm cannons next   up we have retro brawl form which is an electric  fighting type new type combo and it references   fighting games like streets of rage or street  fighter lots of streets lots of streets where   people are fighting smash bros brawl could even be  included in that generally i think this is so fun   just making it look so serious you're like yeah  let's go let's duke it out and it is his uh pants   like little pants are even giving me blaziken  which i find really fun last but not least we have   retro quest form it's an electric dragon type to  reference rpgs and this is my personal favorite   because i'm a huge rpg fan and the electric  dragon type is such a fun type combo and i love   how it's like it's almost like the game boy is  inside it as like a little treasure it's not even   like that it's its main body it's like this little  treasure hidden in its stomach kind of like how   when you defeat dragons and rpgs they usually have  some kind of really great treasure but that's it   for the west coast region so make sure to let me  know in the comments which of these fake mom was   your favorite and what maybe your team would be  for the west coast region and if you enjoyed the   video make sure to hit that like button subscribe  and hit that notification bell to keep up to date   with future videos make sure to go check out west  coast page linked in the description down below   and a huge thank you to wesco for letting me  review this region it was a really awesome   experience thank you guys so much for watching  and with that i will see you guys next time you
Channel: PragMagik
Views: 252,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, fakemon region, fan made pokemon region reaction, Pokémon, Pokemon Gen 9, Regional Forms, Fakemon, Fan Region, Fan games pokemon, fakemon pokedex, fakemon dex, pokémon go, fakemon starters, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon go, gen 9, wesco region, pokemon region, west coast pokemon region, pokemon gen 9, pokemon fakemon, pokemon what if, gen 10, Gen 10 pokemon, pragmagik region review, region review, pokemon fan region
Id: Bl_IUleNIdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 31sec (4051 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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