what if Naruto was Sasuke’s brother

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what if Naruto was in uchia and this what if Naruto would be born to fugaku and Mikoto uchia the parents of Sasuke and Itachi which means they'll all be siblings this story starts off with Sasuke and Naruto sitting in class all the girls glare at Sasuke with pure amusement and Fascination wondering how a boy could be so handsome none of none of this attention is given to Naruto leaving him to think damn Sasuke we're twins but he gets old the girls I wish we were more identical life for Naruto would be great he's a bit smarter than he would be in the original series but he's still far from a genius like his two brothers are Sasuke and Itachi with having siblings like that Naruto would train hard to keep up with them one night Naruto and Sasuke head home from the academy looking forward to dinner something's not right what do you mean bro look around idiot there's not a single person around where is ah Naruto screams cutting off Sasuke what is it Naruto's left so stunned that he can't even mutter a word Sasuke walks over to see whatever it is that could make his idiot of a younger twin brother react like that stop fooling around Naruto we should really get going oh no what what's going on let's hurry home to check on Mom and Dad and Itachi once the two brothers reach home Sasuke would slowly push the door open to his surprise both of his parents are laid out on the floor dead the boys are confused how or who was capable of doing something like this as a shadowy figure steps Out of the Shadows revealing himself to be Itachi Itachi do you know who could do this who could have committed such an evil act against our family mon you shun Itachi forces Naruto and Sasuke to live through everything that had recently transpired Sasuke passes out because of the shock Nar on the other hand is still standing there but with his head down then suddenly a burst of chakra appears and he is now in four tailes mode so the Beast has finally awoken Naruto raises his arm in the air and then sends a powerful slash straight at Itachi the scene shifts to the front of theia household their home suddenly explodes Itachi hops out with Sasuke in his arms just the end there is the four Tales Naruto looking as angry as ever Naro sends 04 Tales at Itachi but this wouldn't be a problem for theia Prodigy he just leaps out of the way of every attack and continues to dodge dodge and Dodge until he activates his susano and holds the tail beast in his susano hand Itachi stares into Naruto's eyes and puts him to sleep with the genjutsu Naruto and Sasuke both wake up in the hospital with perfect synchronization the two young uchia began crying and shouting with immense pain a few days later the siblings are shown sitting in class hey did you hear about the incident yeah I heard the entire Gia Clan got wiped out clean out well except for those two right over there hearing the inappropriate gossip from behind him Sasuke would just side eye them with disgust while nar's reaction is a bit more brutal he clenches his teeth and his fist to then jump over the tables behind him to teach the two boys a lesson during Naruto's lesson Sasuke would just sit there pondering reminiscing about the family that he and Naruto lost years will go by and Nar and Sasuke are placed in a three-man team with Sakura under the leadership of Kakashi just like the original series Kakashi asks the three of them what they like and what their goals are their answers wouldn't change much and this what if Sasuke continue to say that he doesn't like much and that he has the goal of killing a certain someone Naruto's answer is slightly different from his original he says that he loves Ramen and he wants to become aagi like usual but this time he musts become AAG to treat all people with equal respect and give equality to all Naruto understands that if theia wen't treated like Outcast and sent to live on the outskirts of the village then maybe Itachi would have been stopped maybe Lord third would have gotten word sooner and defeated Itachi maybe our parents would still be alive Naruto Sasuke looks at Naruto with the face of empathy next is the belas Kakashi tells them to fight as if they were trying to kill him or else they wouldn't stand a chance Kakashi shouts begin all three Shinobi stay in place Sakura thinks why not just jump into the forest to hide in strategize the plan however that won't happen because her two teammates are khaki Brothers both Naruto and Sasuke start putting putting together hand signs and release two humongous fire style jutu Kakashi is in shock and thinks how can two geni bring forth such a powerful jutu du are truly amazing then quickly Kakashi himself begins to form hand signs and releases a water style water dragon jutu the water dragon comes out of the water a few feet away and clashes with the Fireballs steam forms and no one can be seen Naruto and throw numerous shuriken in the direction of where Kakashi was once standing Sakura is just standing in the distance amazed at how powerful her comrades are once the Smoke Clears Naro and Sasuke are seen standing there but where is Kakashi Sakura suddenly screams as she is suddenly pulled into the ground with just her head sticking out kind of simle to how Sasuke's head was sticking out in the the original show Kakashi hops out of the ground looking down at Sakura he says says when on the battlefield you shouldn't lose focus one moment of distraction is all it takes to be killed Sakura is left annoyed and speechless the two brothers from both sides opposite directions come running with their fists in the air aiming to hit Kakashi but he simply jumps back then Sasuke ends up punching his brother Naruto straight in the face damn it Sasuke Naruto swings a kick at Sasuke but Sasuke easily parries it to then throw a jab at nar's stomach Kakashi comes forward and sweep kicks to both of them I get it Brothers bicker and fight all the time but now is not the time you're supposed to be a team now act like it or I'll send the both of you back to the academy Naruto Sasuke both look at each other and NW their heads they both shout shangan if you want to see the next part to this video please leave a like comment and subscribe see you next time
Channel: Nimbus
Views: 15,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k-t2QU8eLPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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