What If More TF2 Maps Had NO Invisible Walls?

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invisible walls and video games are something that's always bothered me i know games have to put a limit on how far in the world you can go but oftentimes i see them being used to block off areas that should be perfectly accessible well from this day forward i say no more i've gone into hammer and completely opened up several tf2 maps just to see what would happen and i find the results to be pretty interesting so what i've done is i've removed everything that might prevent you from going where you want to go that includes invisible walls like clip brushes doors and windows that block off rooms fences and barriers that block off terrain that sort of thing because some invisible walls have to exist for the map to function properly i've also gone ahead and replaced all the necessary invisible walls with a gray dev grid so things don't look too confusing when we go out of the intended areas so the theme of today is attack defend maps i picked out a couple that i thought would be interesting uh three to be exact it was gonna be four i'll show you what happened to the fourth one when we're done with the three that i've picked first but uh let's start on cp gorge i think this is probably one of the most tame uh kinda so because i'm mostly going to be focusing on what's changing gameplay-wise i'll be pretty brief with the the inside of the spawn rooms but i think there are a couple things worth pointing out uh first of all when we remove the fences behind blue spawn i mean you can just kind of run back into this hallway there's also a little like side thing that's opened up right here with some like terminals and chairs and stuff in it obviously since you don't like get into blue spawn if you're on the red team these aren't going to change the gameplay a whole lot but they're pretty neat areas regardless the main changes occur when we walk out of spawn and we can look around and see holy crap look at all the terrain that's now accessible to us so now that we're a class that can actually get to it let's uh come up here and take a look at what's going on um i didn't get a chance to adjust the collision for some of the stuff so it looks like we're gonna be walking through some walls and trees and random other stuff here but uh what matters is that the terrain that you can actually walk on goes all the way around basically from all the way over there to all the way over here and it keeps going past what we can see i would imagine that this would change the dynamic of like the first little bit of every match on this version of gorge dramatically i mean you just look at like how many areas the defenders now have to stand to like be able to flank and stuff normally it was just like on top of this little uh cube thing here was the main uh the main thing that people would stand on to flank but now that you can go all the way up onto this bit of terrain you can run all the way around attackers are going to have a little bit of a problem getting out of their spawn room i mean especially if you get like an engineer up here to build a teleporter for the rest of the team you can have things like snipers and demoman standing like in these trees sniping down it would be a little bit of a mess now assuming the uh the blue team is able to get out of spawn successfully they actually do have a little bit more options uh at the first bit of the game because i mean you can kind of just jump right up and over the uh the top mid area to be able to like rain down upon whatever centuries or whatnot maybe down there so blue team actually does have like some advantages that they wouldn't normally have which is very unusual for a map procedure like this usually changes that are made benefit the defender completely and never the attacker but this is i guess say a unique case um the defending team does still have some stuff though because you are able to jump up on top of this building do whatever you want again the demomans soldiers engineers really anybody that can get up here is probably going to cause a problem so um just because of like how much high ground there is and how much the war for the high ground is going to be important i would imagine that capping this first point which is effectively in a valley is going to be super difficult in this uh this extended gorge taking a look off in this direction there's a lot of terrain over here i'm surprised they would actually bother like adding everything out here especially because normally especially with like the fences and stuff you wouldn't really be able to get a good view of it it's pretty cool when a map maker kind of decides you know what even though people aren't really going to be paying attention to something that's over here i'll still put some uh some detailed stuff just for the people who might happen to be uh looking out the fence and uh really there is a whole lot of area over here to walk i could imagine too i mean like if you got a sniper up here good luck capping really um snipers kind of have free pickens up here especially if they hide behind trees or whatever so um just because of this like extra wildlife preserve area i wouldn't imagine that uh it would be super balanced to make these changes but um it is kind of neat to be able to explore the cliffsides and have a nice day freaking camping down here i don't know this building over here you actually can go all the way up on top of it's basically just a massive cube so i don't know why you'd want to do that but uh it is solid and i actually forgot that this building was even a thing so doing this kind of reminded me of a portion of this map again you really just don't pay attention to what's what's outside when you're not interacting with it a whole lot but you can also go off to the right or i guess left depends on what team you're on uh this other side there's not a whole lot to do over here uh presumably these rocks would be solid if we were actually making this a real thing but um i mean you can kind of see where they supplemented finishing the terrain with some gray grids if we go too far behind here um again it's just kind of neat being able to like explore the map from this angle you never really were intended to go behind the area where they didn't finish the terrain just because i mean again they had no reason to finish the terrain so it's kind of cool to be able to like run all the way behind there so that's it for the outside of gorge i think the rest of the changes uh lie inside and uh speaking of the inside changes we can actually get inside using the numerous amount of windows that are kind of all over the place um for instance if there's like there's one over there there's another one on this side and then there's one over there as well and those kind of make it so you don't have to go through the two sliding doors to get into the gorge buildings so it kind of makes these areas down here a little bit less chokey but for reasons i'll get to at the end of the the little tour here i don't think that's super important other areas of notes are you can go up here into this little office room there's not a ton to do in here but you can crouch jump through this window to get over to this side faster so it does allow you to get uh kind of around the top decks a little bit quicker and safer you can jump up onto these little rafter beams here there's one over here and there's one on that side as well as well as being able to get up here nothing that would really be impacted a ton it's just kind of neat that you'd be able to stand there what i think is probably the coolest easter egg area on gorge or at least one of the coolest is um up here this platform that's you actually can go on this platform normally not a ton of people know about this um but you also when the uh the map is opened up you can go inside this little server terminal room obviously again because this like platform is probably out of the way and most people don't know about it i'm not sure how much use you'd get out of the server room but uh you can kind of go back in here and build a teleporter make a flank route there's endless possibilities as long as you do that one exact thing so um it's kind of cool again just i doubt a ton of people have really seen back this far because this is already an obscure sustainable area as it is i doubt many people have looked in here and said wow what a cool server room but again just exploring around the map like this is super neat there are two more things that i want to show off with gorge actually no three more things i want to bring attention to the weirdest design philosophy in team fortress 2 which is platform between two doorways there's one of these in almost every single map here's the one for gorge i have no idea why they've decided to make this many of them it's just something kind of funny that you really don't think about a whole lot until you start exploring the map like this but yeah you can stand here it makes me happy because obviously these look like they should be somewhere that you can stand on but you can stand on these and all of the others and i will point them out every time they come up because i don't know why there are so many of them but there are looking inside of red spawn isn't that interesting but what is that interesting is if we go out onto the second point here you can see that one of the things that have opened up because i removed all the windows is this little floor room now all this would mean gameplay wise is that you have to make sure you're not just falling into the abyss if you fall off the the little skywalk there but um it's cool because this is actually a pretty big room i'm surprised of how much detail they put down here because again nobody's gonna be looking through the glass paintings on the floor if you're capping the last point of gorge you're probably gonna be fighting somebody so this this neat little extra area they didn't have to make this but they did and it's pretty impressive regardless um you can't get out of this room if you do fall down unless you're a soldier or a demo man or maybe a scout but maybe if i ever end up like finishing this map i know a lot of people have requested that i uh finish these uh opened up maps and put them on a server if i ever finish this one i'd probably just make down here a kill zone so there's like extra turmoil when you're trying to cap this uh the last point i don't know there's possibilities with that however i think most of what i just talked about with the last point of gorge is pretty much negatable because when you go up and over onto like the main building uh you can actually go into the skylight this is completely opened up now and what this means is that anybody on blue team who has any kind of vertical mobility or if there's a teleporter you can use that too now have complete and total access to anything that may be down here you can walk across these beams to get a better view you can freaking see pretty much anything uh you have the high ground which means that you're pretty much invincible i know it's a star wars meme but it really is true people don't look up in tf2 really this area being open means that if anybody were to get up here they would pretty much win the game i think the second point becomes immensely favored for blue team just because of that um it doesn't really matter because literally there's no reason to drop down until you've like destroyed everything already so you can just quickly fall down capture the point and there you go you've already won the game so that's all the changes for cp gorge i said i was gonna keep it short maybe um there are some extra little areas like being able to run all the way back behind here this way and um i mean that's not really doing anything gameplay-wise but it's kind of neat um but i think in terms of whether or not i'd want these changes to be made kind of i would say maybe i don't think it would really add a whole lot into the map that couldn't be done just by remaking another map i think some of the changes like the skylight are super extreme but um these changes would completely reverse the dynamic of gorge because usually what it is is like this point's pretty easy to cap this point's significantly more difficult to cap but then when you like change everything like this point would be almost impossible to cap but then if you capped the first point you'd just be able to steamroll the second point without blue without red having much to say about it so um it's kind of interesting like what these changes would cause but i don't know if i would want them implemented if this map was like a real thing so i'll leave that up to you the viewer and i suppose the second map i ended up doing this with was mountain lab which is uh the non-halloween version of man manor for those of you who have never heard of this before like me maybe anyway this map is actually pretty cool in terms of uh what you can see uh most of it is aesthetic though like i don't think there are a ton of gameplay changes um that are like super noticeable but honestly with how much nature there is kind of surrounding each and every point this feels like an open world game just because of that the gameplay would be dramatically altered if people decided to use it inside of spawn is kind of interesting uh there's some upstairs areas and spawn and uh there's a little dockyard behind spawn i don't know why there's just this gray grid across the entire floor but that's that's something i guess if you're not careful you can also walk off into the abyss so yeah make make sure you're not uh you're not going too far out of bounds there otherwise it gets dangerous um this this is a little cool area that i wanted to show off though i'm going to try to stick with like talking about gameplay changes but as i'm running around just kind of look around and think to yourself wow we can actually go there now that's so cool right outside of spawn is mostly the same i mean there is a whole lot more area i think this does suffer from the same problems as gorge where people can go on any terrain they want and just kind of camp the heck out of it we've kind of run into a problem immediately that i think would need to be fixed where you can just kind of rocket jump over top of the blue spawn building and go into blue spawn no matter which team you're on um other than that though it's kind of cool to be able to explore around i think nature does offer a little bit of a flank route here if you go up around the band to the right of spawn you actually have a super good angle to look down on the first point if you're attacking um i guess it's not super good but it does allow you to get on top of this building completely naturally without like rocket jumping or anything so i would imagine that this would get a decent bit of use as it does pretty much open up like another section of the map almost this building this kind of near spawn as well is also pretty much untouched but if we go up here there's another layer of it that can be accessed now uh up right here um i don't know who to even be able to get up here that's not a soldier so i mean really just watch out for like rocket barrages but um i mean there's there's a lot of like upper area that again kind of like gorge would make uh the first point a little bit of a hell to capture if people decided they wanted to take advantage of it i can just imagine a demo man standing right up here on top of these like pipes just kind of like raining stickies down and not really having much counter attack another thing i do feel compelled to point out is wow look at this uh pathway between two doors i told you every map has one of these this one i think has multiple but one of them is right here on top of the first point so outside of this little hole that if you fall down you can only rock a jump out of not a ton with the first point changes but um again just because of like how much area there is up above that you can now access first point's going to be a little bit hard to capture for blue team i think second point becomes significantly more interesting when you do these changes uh first of all i did forget to remove a lot of stuff i was more interested in making some of the uh the props solid but there are some areas that you should be able to go such as like up here's one um if i properly took off this door you'd be able to go in here uh like i said the process that i used to uh to make everything removed was a little bit imperfect so b point actually has a super aesthetically pleasing change in my opinion where um the area that was behind b point previously you actually can just completely go into now it's this like fully fledged area there's a lot of models and stuff behind here that you can like play around on and stuff there is some terrain problems that might need to be fixed if this were actually like done up properly but um again it's just like it's kind of cool you can actually go in here now it's like this really does look like it should be a playable area um so you have a little bit of options if you're trying to uh to cap b but other than that i think for the most part this uh this stays pretty similar to what it was going into the uh the building where c is is a little bit of an adventure this door also should be open i guess i just like crap the bed with thunder mountain here geez there are a bunch of like random things i forgot but uh had this been open you would be able to freely walk from the outside of the upper decks to in here which actually does allow you to drop down and have a nice little flank route um i don't think this would be a huge change but it would be at least something that would uh change how you were able to enter the map a little bit um you can also run to this room so this looks like a fun little ambush spot if nothing else you can go a little bit up here um there's not anything super interesting up here i guess another pathway between two doors okay mark that is number two for this map um yeah this the uh the hallways i think change just a little bit because of the uh the areas that you're now able to like rocket jump up to other than that though i'm just uh i'm not really sure what the gameplay dynamic really would uh would affect the top room really only has a couple interesting things um you're able to rocket jump up to these things up here theoretically there we go uh a double pathway between doors i don't okay i've pointed this out a lot sorry if i'm annoying anybody with it but like seriously why the frick are there this many of them in team fortress 2 it's it's like one of those things i want to start a conspiracy video on this um anyway yes the the amount of interesting things is basically up here there's slightly more area this is not a skylight uh this i think yeah the sky box for this and for the last point are completely secluded from the rest of uh the normal sky box you can see where i'm like traveling between them the sky turns black which means i'm not actually in the sky box um so really you wouldn't be able to like get any sick flanks by like running around up here i don't know what the frick i just did there but um yeah these are pretty much secluded so the the dynamic of c i think would remain pretty much intact so as far as mountain lab goes that is pretty much it i'll take a quick look inside of uh red spawn here i don't think there is anything super interesting i didn't remove any of the doors that weren't blocking anything because sometimes that would break the map and obviously that's not good so i don't know if i mentioned that yet that's why there are still some doors um yeah the other the other thing that should be open is this this room but nothing much in there to do so whatever so the main gameplay differences for thunder mountain are the first couple of points are just a lot more open would these changes be beneficial to this map i mean it's really anyone's guess i think it would make the rounds go a little bit longer maybe if you increase the timer on a it would it would be a lot of fun but really anything where you open up this much terrain that's not intended to be open is going to have some problems and that inclines me to say no probably don't do this if you want a balanced map it would be really cool though i mean there's a lot to explore and i've had a lot of fun just kind of like rocket jumping around the edges when i was testing this map out so if nothing else that's that's kind of a neat thing oh oh okay and the last map that i'm going to be taking a look at today well the last functional map is the group keep this one this one's really cool i won't i i i was messing with this um and honest to god i'm probably going to make this map just be a thing after some of the stuff that i figured out there's not a ton that changes gameplay wise i mean you have like a little bit more area to explore behind the the blue spawn which is kind of neat some of the rocks just don't have any collision which kind of sucks but uh you can fall out of the map pretty easily sometimes which is obviously a problem what i think is really cool about the groot keep though is because of how much stuff you're opening up there's a lot of trimpable angles i mean a lot of them you can go flying off of about any surface that's now opened up like look at this you can get like all the way on top of the castle just by flying off some of these roofs and all it takes is a couple jumps i'll get to some of the uh the cool trim spots that i found later after we actually explore what's now open but uh first looking at a the only thing that really opened up are these houses that you can now go on top of um medieval mode i think the uh the changes that you can get are pretty mitigatable just because like you don't really have to worry about like rockets or grenades or engineers or whatever um you just kind of like it's something where somebody can like stand menacingly with a sword is really the uh the worst possible thing you're gonna get maybe like drop down onto you but um you could just there's a lot of uh random stuff that these rooms changes if you get a good angle jumping onto them but the point itself is mostly uh mostly the same you can go into this little like tunnel here i don't know like there's nothing really in here it's just like a neat little amber spot i can see like someone with a skull cutter just standing right here and obliterating somebody on the point um you can also go into this house but again there's not not really much that this does let's go over to b now b actually does change uh how the map is played a little bit because you there are a couple tunnels that are now open uh the first one's over here and there's not i mean there's nothing really back here uh but the second one actually allows you to get right into the castle which means that you don't actually have to cap both points or trip to be able to get over the castle walls now which is kind of nice i would imagine this meaning that b would become a little bit more of a hotly contested point because uh people defending would have to kind of guard this tunnel now if they wanted to like kind of i guess prevent people from coming in it would also mean that the uh the main gate isn't as much of a choke point which i guess uh that would be a huge benefit to the mode for being honest but um yeah b becomes a little bit interesting i do want to show you too uh this isn't really a change but i did remove the kill boxes down here because i thought it would be kind of cool if you could go down here and uh for the most part i was right i say for the most part because you can still kind of clip into some terrain down here but um this bit of land that's down here actually does make for a nice little picnic area i don't know if there's any way that you can get back up to the top if you fall down here maybe we could add like a little pathway or something on a finished map oh it might just be trimpable but if you're like a sniper or somebody who's gotten knocked down here i don't know i think it's pretty much game over for you if you happen to land in the water um oh yeah no you can completely get out this demo man that's kind of cool but um the uh the down here area just because it's so out of the way i don't think would change how the map is played a whole lot but it is pretty cool that you can go down here you just have to be careful not to fall into gray grid hell inside of the castle not a ton has changed uh you can go into the terminal room and inside of the towers which is kind of neat um other than that though i mean really all the changes are like if you decide that you're a shrimp god you can like go on top of the castle um i've not been able to hit that specific one much so i won't try to like fish for it here i'll just fly up but there is a bit of area like on top of the castle and stuff that if you somehow got up here would be pretty cool to be able to like explore around um both of the guard towers are also standable so like if i go over here then i can stand up here again i don't think this would be like much of a gameplay change just because snipers wouldn't really be able to get up here and they would be the only things that would uh really cause you problems um but yeah it's kind of neat to be able to like stand on top of these like random towers and stuff although i don't again i've said this a lot but it wouldn't really change a whole lot also you can't actually get here anyway but uh there is a terminal room that is by the most technical of definition standable so i mean yeah maybe maybe this is the dungeon they just like lock you in here and force them to scan the radars or something i think that would be appropriate for uh demo knights using the scotsman skull cutter looking in red spawn not a ton has changed you can run up the stairs oh no you can't even run up the stairs they don't actually have proper physics never mind the only thing that's actually changed then is this room in here so cool now you can scan the radars yourself alongside of the person that you've dropped into the dungeon yeah there's not a ton interesting with the actual stuff what i do want to show you though and the reason i've been kind of hurrying through everything else is because the trim spots on this map are insane let me let me show you a couple ones that i found that i think would be particularly uh useful uh but like for instance ramping off of this roof let's see if i can do it here oh almost had it but yeah you can see where um if i would have had a little bit less velocity coming in i would have been able to get onto this little ledge um the the trims that you can do off of this particular roof are insane oh i do feel compelled to point out too that because the um the blockade above spawn or above blue spawn is now removed if you do a precise trim you can actually get over the blue spawn so that's that's something you can just kind of spawn camp now there's also a reverse version where you can trim out of blue spawn although it's kind of risky considering sometimes you can go under the map although i'm pretty sure you can still hit people through the floor so this actually might need patched really getting into blue spawn is not even that hard you might not even have to trim you can just crouch jump up on top of these barriers so uh that might be an issue too if snipers can get up here but um i don't know we we'd have to put more measurements in place for this to be super playable but it's it's just so much fun like watch wee sorry i'm having too much fun with this wait okay that's weird i don't know that you could get on top of the towers like that i feel like there actually might be a reason to go down there now seeing how much that launches you you can kind of use this roof too i managed to hit one of these something like that i don't know where the frick i am right now oh okay i'm up here yeah so there's there's a lot of creative trips that you can do the source engine is really janky and this map takes absolutely full advantage of it i do want to show you how to get on top of here this might take a couple tries but it is possible i think at least as a claymore demo to get all the way on top of the castle oh there we go it's a little bit crazy you have to know exactly where you're going but just to clear the record yes it is possible to get up here and the only thing you can really do while up here is move over here kind of well theoretically i guess that's also one two well the limits are almost non-existent what you can do with tripping you can pretty much go anywhere on the map at any given time this is insane i didn't even find some of these when i was messing around okay that's an easier way to get on top of the main castle okay we're discovering a ton of things the amount of slope service is on this map it's like a demo night's wet dream i swear okay anyway now i need to stop screwing around and finish the video okay as we're loading the final map this was the one that i was originally intending to throw in this video uh you're very quickly going to see why i decided not to because the error that you're about to witness i literally have no idea how to fix so let's spawn into moss rock really quick let me show you what the console looks like for this there's a lot of missing map materials so instead of this nice weird green map we have this nice weird purple map um yeah it's it's kind of like this everywhere it's too bad too because this is a really interesting one when you are able to remove all the kill boxes and run around the ground i was actually kind of looking forward to doing this one but there is to my knowledge no way to fix this without having all of the original textures so while i could do something talking about what's different honestly i have no idea what the frick is going on so i'm not going to just know that you'd be able to go on top of everything i guess and that would make both points harder to capture for a blue team i think that's a pretty fair like 10 word analysis anyway yes this is probably one of the last videos i'm going to be doing on maps without boundaries assuming this one does as well as the other ones if people want this series to come back i would be all for it it just doesn't seem like people are super interested in this concept so that's fine that's uh not everything's going to be a winner but if this does well i might try some more in this specific format so let me know i guess if you want to see this again why or why not and what the next pool of maps you want to see would be okay bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Great Blue
Views: 172,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, tf2 secret, tf2 secrets, tf2 glitches, tf2 secret spots, tf2 hidden spots, tf2 easter eggs, tf2 easter egg, tf2 glitch spots, tf2 invisible walls, tf2 no boundaries, tf2 open maps, tf2 secret room, tf2 extreme rancho relaxo, tf2 hammer, tf2 hammer tutorial, tf2 map editor, tf2 map glitches, tf2 map secrets, tf2 spy, tf2 gameplay, tf2 memes, tf2 15.ai, tf2 funny moments, tf2 scout, tf2 soldier, tf2 demoman, tf2 heavy, tf2 engineer, tf2 medic, tf2 sniper
Id: xVg9-o_1wds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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