What If Minato Namikaze Never Died?

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[Music] [Applause] just how different with the story of normals will be if Venus will never died how much with the null so story changed and what character interactions would have been impacted in today's edition of Naruto whatever we're gonna look at just that scenario before we go any further I'm not gonna be taken in consideration any of the filler that was added to the notes of supporting anime for the infinite tsukiyomi filler arc because that filler was packed with numerous plot holes and even more retcons to the story instead I'm gonna look at the original Naruto manga and all the reference material relevant to the discussion now that you've forgotten that atrocious pillar arc let's dive right into this edition of notes or whatever in order for Minnesota to never die we have to establish an opportune trigger act a close read of the notes whoremonger reveals that Mina told didn't actually have to die in the scenario if you recall there was a moment where casino was begging Minato to allow her to use the last bits of her chakra to drag the Kyuubi with her into her death and Mina toe would have to live so he could raise the newborn son originally Minato refused to honor casinos wishes declaring that he wished to keep the balance two tailed beasts between nations by using the reaper death seal as part of the Kyuubi being sealed into Naruto in this scenario mean it so what honor the request of his wife holding their newborn son as he held over her lifeless body and as he held Naruto in his other arm after she dragged the Kyuubi with her to her death now this would have changed the story drastically Danzo would have used the Kyuubi attack and the loss of the villages jinchuriki as grounds to try to have Minato being removed as Hokage this undoubtedly would have been part of this plan to become the fifth Hokage however the moment mean it so reveals that he fought off the masked man who he believed to be moderate Chi huh any talking of removing mean it so it be stopped what Mina toe is still in power there are a few things that need to be the first thing that we need to address is the reconstruction of the village and the Uchiha clan who had previously lived in the village mixed in with the other villages prior to the QB attack after the reconstruction of the village they were moved to the outskirts of Konoha while it can be argued that mean atoll wouldn't want this to happen having the other two elders in Danzo continued to rule for this move and keep it in place is something I could see happening even if hears and doesn't completely agree with the isolation of the Chia clan as he did originally there will be three against two when it came to the voting also given Harrison's actions in the past the revelation that the Chia clan was likely behind the Kyuubi attack would sway him towards the aggressive move this creates an even bigger issue that needs to be brought up in the notes owed a light novel it was revealed that through Chia clan had already been against the nomination of Minato being named the Hokage with puga Cuccia going so far as to be the only head of a clan to not issue a public statement of support for Minato being Hokage but moving the Uchiha clan to the edge of the village is one of the key components to pushing the core members of the clan to push towards a coup d'etat elsewhere Obito will find it harder to accomplish his goal of recruiting members into the Koski though he'd already made a deal with Naruto to form the Akatsuki he would be able to form the Koski from the shadows though it would take a little bit longer to do so it is possible that Danzo in a bid to undermine Minato lets it be known the food Shia clan was the one behind the attack because the new Chia was the one who spurred the nine tails to attack thus creating more distrust amongst the villagers towards Uchiha clan was composed to be a problem for me at all Naruto's character will be drastically different given there is no definite timetable for how long a tailed beast stays dead before is reborn into the world there's no clear point in the timeline for the QB to reappear give Naruto's a newborn in this scenario it's possible that the QB resurfaces before Naruto is 12 and graduates the Academy this becomes very problematic nematodes own words to Cocina was that as a non ginger key the only way that he could seal the QB in sin also was to use the Reaper death seal won't be easy to say that mean ahsoka rummage through the remains of the ooze ìmake shrine and the no mask call for a jutsu to seal the QB like Orochimaru did when he was looking for a way to reverse the reaper death seal there is no confirmation that such a jutsu was left behind in a scroll I'm disregarding that possibility this either leaves the Third Hokage or the fourth Hokage to seal the reborn QB in to Naruto given the age of the Third Hokage it's highly debatable if he possessed enough chakra and stamina to seal away such a huge mass of chakra into Naruto depending on when the QB is reborn hiruzen could be anywhere from one year to 11 years younger than he was when he used the reaper death seal on Orochimaru the closer to 10 years younger at this point that he is then the more likely this could be possible you have to remember that Orochimaru and Kabuto flat-out stated that at perusing was 10 years younger he would have defeated a will tomorrow in battle meaning that his chakra levels and stamina would have been significantly higher than what we saw during that fight assume in hiruzen seals the QB in turn also while he stole a toddler this means that no Toa possess both halves of the cubes chakra and the Third Hokage would die meanwhile with the Third Hokage gone this least mean it's over one less ally when it comes to dealing with Danzo and the elders the growing unrest mutia clan would continue to build Cuccia were already round up over the ANBU being given the responsibility that the you see how police force previously had and now having been pushed to the edge of the village isolated from everyone it's likely the pressure on food guards who are Bell continues to bill especially since now host a light novel revealed that Minato wasn't viewed in a favorable light by the chia clan and Fuu gaku took such a public stance against him being Hokage it would be here that the Hokage in the elders could be made aware of the Chia clans plants or Bell Mina taupe would suggest meeting with youichi ha but Danzo was still likely meet with Itachi directly after the meeting essentially to blackmail him into the Uchiha massacre one of Dawn's those backup plants that you have to remember is that in case the Hokage didn't agree to eliminate through the Chia clan Danzo was gonna have all of the ANBU in all of his root ninja attacked through Chia claimed the night before the coup with Danzo leading the charge killing the Chia before they knew what hit them the knowledge of this what foresee taught you to carry out the massacre however just as hiruzen frowned upon Itachi's choice so to Ameena toe however before Itachi left to spy on the organization he tells mean it's all about that we all know to be the Koski Mina told would hand him a kunai marked with the flying Thunder God seal things would take a drastic change here originally it was revealed in the manga that Orochimaru left Konoha right after mina too was made Hokage however towards the end of the notes a manga Kishimoto made a retcon to the story where it was revealed that Orochimaru left the village a few years after mina tose death taking this into consideration I believe that the moment it was suspected that Orochimaru was behind the disappearance of ninja and young children Minato will lead a team to confront Orochimaru just as hiruzen did with no attachments to Orochimaru Minato wouldn't hesitate to either kill Orochimaru or to render him a mobile meanwhile Sasuke will still be driven by hatred and revenge to get stronger but in altering the scenario would be a lot more powerful than he was originally and this composed to be a problem Naruto would have grown up with special joaneen like a blue suit training him just like he did for Konohamaru Mina toll also would a trained also to harness the power of the QB or at the very least would have worked with him to master chakra control and to help Naruto differentiate between his own chakra and the cubes chakra making no two more skilled due to them being the reincarnates of Austria and Indra Sasuke will be further annoyed and driven by Naruto's progress thus matching his advancement this means that no toll wouldn't fail the graduation exam three times due to being more skilled and Sasuke likely would have graduated earlier as well due to the rivalry effect that comes with them being the reincarnates this opens up the door to the possibility that team seven as we know it wouldn't exist Naruto's test scores wouldn't have been the lowest due to mean it so being there to teach him which means that Naruto wouldn't be placed on Sasuke's team since in the manga it was revealed that Sasuke and Naruto are placed on the same team due to Sasuke having the highest test scores and Naruto having the lowest I'm well aware that the saputo anime add a fill er that contradict at this however like in my other videos I am NOT taking biller into account for this scenario this place does mean it's owing a bit of a bind Kakashi would be the ideal person to train Sasuke to use his Sharingan but Naruto would be the jinchuriki of the QB and what needs somebody powerful enough to watch over him it would be for this reason I believe that Yamato will be called up from the ANBU due to his ability to use wood style to suppress the cubes chakra this will leave Kakashi training Sasuke and the other two members of Sasuke's team by the time the land of the waste ARCIC errs Naruto Sasuke's teams will be in possession of enough mission experience to be preparing to enter the Chunin exams which you have to remember being held twice a year whatever team accompanies toss na is likely brought back to the villa Mina told would likely sent a team of johna to the land of waves of toss enough with the roti are out of the picture I don't see the Sand Village attempting to attack Konoha this means that if Naruto and Sasuke hadn't passed the Chunin exams held before the one in the main story that they would retake the test with the class that they graduated winning the manga wit team guy participating as well since guy would have had his team held back from the last exam just as he did originally with the hope of training them up to better prepare them for the Chunin exams Naruto's team and Sasuke's team would blitz through the forest of death likely making it right behind gars team if we assume that the final exams perceived just as they are formatted or more powerful and more skilled Naruto would absolutely curb-stomp Neji in the fight Sasuke will win a very high difficulty battle against gar with the Minato or the Kazakh a guy stepping in if gar lost control of the one tails and began to transform this will lead to the Noto versus Sasuke battle in the second round this fight will be absolutely insane to watch with Naruto being more powerful more skilled than originally Sasuke on the other hand would be better trained with a starring Don though if he wasn't in full progression of maturity of the Sharingan like he did during the first valley of the end fight I could see Naruto defeating Sasuke in a very high difficulty battle meanwhile the winner of the Shino versus tamari fight would go either way in my opinion the winner of that fight would end up fighting Naruto in the finals regardless of who wins Naruto would win the exam and in typical North Uzumaki fashion despite winning the exam he likely still wouldn't be promoted to tuning since it was stated the winning the exam doesn't automatically get you promoted to Tunney singing also when the exam would absolutely destroy Sasuke since his sole reason for getting stronger was to kill Itachi and yet he wasn't able to beat Naruto given it was stated by again ma in the that Sasuke was already at a tuning level I could see Sasuke being promoted to tuning despite losing with the other promotions being tamari Shino and Shikamaru Tsunade would never be brought back to the village this would leave her drinking her nights away proving why she was called the legendary sucker when she stumbles into the wrong gambling hall with Jiraiya never tracking Orochimaru he wouldn't have been made aware of the Koski which is Hieu meanwhile the Kazekage in turkey hunt would continue uninterrupted after capturing the two tails he Don and kikusui would attack the fire temple Konoha will be made aware of the fire temple having a lone survivor who would describe the two attackers is wearing a black cloak with red clouds on it due to not knowing the true threat of the Akatsuki like Tsunade did in this scenario mean atoll wouldn't be pressed to assemble such a large hunt team the reason being is Tsunade had the benefit of knowing what the Akatsuki is organization was in terms of them traveling in two-man teams and what they were after Mina told wouldn't have this information instead he would only know the two men attacked the Fire Temple and they killed Chirico in my opinion Kakashi were beyond the team meant to find hedonic kakuzu his summoning dogs could pick up their scent and Kakashi would be one of the more skilled members of the village when Ausmus connection to cheer kun I could see ausma joining the team and by extension I could see Shikamaru I could also see Hinata being added to the team because of her vehicle gun and I could see a scenario where Sakura's add as a support ninja since she would have likely mastered her affinity for genjutsu since she wouldn't have medical ninjutsu and that would allow her to support them by using genjutsu before Kakashi's team fights the duo I could see them sending a message to mean itself however the wild card here is kakuzu he will recognize Kakashi immediately likely due to Kakashi having a bound his head he would also recognize the cloth on Ausmus waist likely causing him to step into the battle at this point things could get really heated really really quickly there will be no prior intel on the Koski or about heat on and conquer Zeus abilities except for what they are able to discern in the battle this means that Ozma or Kakashi or anyone on the team were cut by heat on their likely dying in a brutal death like Ozma did originally then this has the potential to turn into a bloodbath especially if he knots or a sock or as Shikamaru or dragged into the fight however just as the team are pushed to their limits Minato would arrive in the following scene would occur [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after quickly taking out heat on mean--it Oh what absolutely demolish kakuzu destroying each of his hearts in a dazzling display of power while the Koski continue their hunt for the jinchuriki Itachi nearing the end of his life will find a way to confront Sasuke this is where another major change would occur and when I say major I mean major Itachi would have never met Naruto which means he would never give him the crow containing sheesh sweets I before the battle Itachi would likely go with his trump cards as she squeezed I used on Sasuke Itachi plan to have the I cast the genjutsu on Sasuke in case Sasuke were ever a threat to Konoha while Sasuke would still be a ninja in the Konoha ranks Itachi will be aware of Obito's plan to pull him into the Husky giving him more incentive to use the I on Sasuke before their fight and then imprint a Mathura sue in his right eye just before he passed away if Obito reveals too much to Sasuke then ultimately it would cause Sasuke to attack him since the genjutsu order Sasuke to protect Konoha in my opinion all we told catch on to the fact that Sasuke's been placed on a genjutsu and forced to retreat when Sasuke doesn't react in the manner that he anticipated Sasuke will return to the village knowing the truth about the massacre in a little bit about the Akatsuki but without any ill intent towards Konoha causing Itachi's will to be carried out in Sasuke choosing to see the villages Itachi did is something precious that needed to be protected at all costs the truth behind the claim as well as Itachi sacrifice would cause him to awaken is mangekyo Jiraiya wouldn't have the intel on the Koski leader being in the hidden rain village which means there will be no battle that occurs which means that pain arrives in konohana sooner while the other team moves on to the eight tails which be Killer Bee this will ultimately lead to Obito in kissimmee attacking killer be due to some a hada being able to sense chakra B wouldn't be able to fool them like he did with Sasuke and given how powerful Obito is when he gets serious it's possible that the duo is able to capture killaby before any reinforcements show up especially if Obito reveals himself to kisame as being modern with gia meanwhile back in Konoha while all of this is going on meaning so would quickly connect that Koski to the attack on Konoha 16 years ago where the QB was almost taken he wouldn't know the Akatsuki were after jinchuriki and that the man he believed to be moderate Shi I was behind it just as meaning so we'll begin the preparations to contact the other villages for a 5k summit he would look up into the distance to see several explosions as the six paths of pain but gained their attack Mina toll would likely have flying Thunder God seals all across the village standing atop of the Hokage tower mean it so would quickly assess the situation realizing that multiple attacks were going on at once if team guy is in the village then it's very possible that guy is fighting alongside Kakashi which means that the daiva path is likely to beat it things begin to look really bad for pains invasion once Mina's hope begins teleporting around the hidden leaf village upon seeing the Rinnegan eyes Mina toll would at first be startled but protecting his village would come first entering in a Sage Mode and spamming playing Thunder God Mina toll would aid the various Konoha ninja fighting the six paths however before any real damage could be done the Naruto who would be better trained and half years working towards mastering the Kyuubi chakra would be able to put up more than enough fight so hold off until minutes her arrive the father and son duo will finish off the last remnants of the six paths this ultimately means that Konoha will never be destroyed however I do believe that Conan would take the opportunity to retreat once she realized that the six paths are being defeated and she would make her way back to Nagato which will prompt them to retreat afterwards with konohana not knowing the truth behind the six paths which they wouldn't know that Nagato controlled him from a distance until this bodies of the six paths were examined sensing more urgency than ever before or mean it so what call the five cog a summit with Kakashi and Jiraiya serving as his bodyguards it will be here that Obito will reveal himself is moderate Shia accompanied by the new daiba path that Nagato creates after announcing the next great ninja war Obito would order the daiva path to use Shinra Tensei to destroy the venue but only the army of zetsu that Obito created in secret and no Kabuto to aid his edo tensei the Alliance would still be faced with a very tall task the remaining members of the Akatsuki aren't pushovers especially if you've seen my true power series then you know that the Akatsuki are insanely powerful the huge plus for the Alliance is that Sasuke will be fighting alongside them though he wouldn't have the eternal mangekyo sharingan since Obito likely would have collected Itachi his body however things get even darker if Obito convinces Nagato to use the jinchuriki as its new six paths of pain which means we could potentially see Gaara and killaby you says one of the jinchuriki six paths which would enraged the Reika gay if this were to happen and they go into the BG transformations the five cog a we have no choice but to step in or else the Alliance will be wiped out however with Jiraiya still being alive and likely having seen the eye eCos dead body he would likely be on the battlefield as well since he would know that Nagato was one of the pains if there were any zetsu in the area minutes on a will likely speed bliss them with a using his lightning chakra to amp his speed and mean it so using his flying Thunder God the battle that ensued would be absolutely epic any BG bombs that were fired off mean atoll will be able to use his flying Thunder God guiding Thunder to teleport them away however if Nagato gets in in his mind to have one of the six paths use Chewbacca senses this means that if the five cog eight can't react fast enough they're likely crushed inside to Chewbacca ten say however if Minah so were able to coordinate his attacks with the other COG a before this happened then the six jinchuriki could be defeated knowing that the six paths were being controlled remotely meena so would use sage mode to reverse check Nagato and San Jiraiya they're deciding to face off against the one that he believed to be moderate Jia and the one that he knew to be the true puppet master while Jiraiya confronts Nagato the five cog a will lead a battle against Obito this fight quickly goes against Obito in the scenario he doesn't have Naruto's Rinnegan what meanest are using sage mode and flying Thunder God and having the five cog a there to add him his backup Obito will find himself pressed to the point he would have to consider retreating the Nagato location the reason being is that Obito would have no choice but to carry out moderates will to betray Nagato and force him to use the Rini rebirth to revive Madara in exchange for yet Naruto's life the moment that Obito appeared the plan would go into effect and moderate would be or revive after taking possession of both of his Rinnegan modern would quickly kill Jiraiya and obito would update him on the situation moderate would attempt to summon the QB like he did when combo 2 revived him and fail and confirm what Obito told him not knowing Obito have retreated to her bike moderate if Minato teleports the 5 car gate to the location seeing the real Madara Uchiha standing beside Obito would throw him for a loop moderate would use both were any gone and quickly dominate the COG a especially if Obito were there to aid him on top of having all of his six paths jutsu moderate will also have his limbo combs to attack the COG a which mean it'll be able to sense using a Sage Mode and could be used to coordinate attacks this would ultimately force mean it so to use this ultimate trump card in the battle if moderate fights being in character then he would toy around the COG a which would allow for Minato to counter any attacks that modern uses by coordinated attacks with the COG a with them providing diversions and after extremely high difficulty mean it so could mark moderate with the flying riding seal mean it soul would then order may to use the Hidden Mist jutsu pouring nearly all of her chakra into the mist mase jutsu would be able to hide me natto in the thick mist while the Sharingan would be unable to see through the mist like misha and the manga it is also highly likely that the Rinnegan could see the mists but couldn't see through Mae's color chakra however in the brief seconds meaning so we'll be able to produce the shadow clone and perform the hand seals for the Reaper death seal due to moderates arrogance and tendency to play around with fights with weaker ninja is very possible that mean it so takes advantage of moderates character defect and in that split-second uses the Reaper death seal to seal away Obito and Madara after the mist vanishes the dead bodies of Menace home Obito and Madara what lay scattered across the battlefield realizing that his plans have been foiled and at the koto monster commie being used on sasuke to protect Konoha was still in effect zetsu will be forced to hide away in the shadows and wait for the next reincarnation to Ostra and Indra and it's a quest to revive Kaguya in the aftermath of the war Mina told would be celebrated as a ninja who ended the third and fourth great ninja war cementing his legacy is arguably the best Hokage in Kona history as well as the greatest ninja in the Naruto universe what do you guys think could have happened if Sasuke had been hit with Kota mizukami and how do you personally see the battle with Minato and the five kaga against mod or being do you think moderate stays in character or do you think that moderate because he's so close to accomplishing his goal doesn't drag out the fight but instead goes for the kill let me know down in the comments section below but as always guys if you like anything I had to say don't forget to comment rate subscribe share and never forget that sanju DNA is love it's in your DNA is life
Channel: Naruto Explained
Views: 409,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, naruto shippuden, boruto, naruto what if, what if minato never died, what if minato lived, what if minato stayed alive, minato vs obito, minato namikaze, pain invades konoha, akatsuki, uchiha massacre, naruto vs sasuke, nagato, rinnegan, sharingan, mangekyou, mangekyou sharingan, sasuke, sasuke uchiha, itachi, minato hokage, hokage, chunin exams, naruto vs neji, sasuke learns about itachi, madara, madara revived, naruto explained, anime, manga, ninja, uzumaki, chakra
Id: jHsBNmk8F5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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