What if Luffy Fought The Straw Hats?

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Luffy has defeated almost every enemy he's gone up against but what would happen if he fought the straw hats would he destroy them or would some of the stronger members beat him well I split Luffy into five power levels so let's start with Luffy's weakest form can he even defeat one straw hat now this first level of Luffy has zero experience meaning that any of the straw hats can destroy him but there is one member he might have a chance against because nami's lightning attacks might look strong but Luffy has a secret ability that can cancel her powers see Luffy's rubber body is naturally resistant to electricity so if Nami attacks him with lightning he won't get injured and then we'll just smack her in the face to win the fight so for level 1 of Luffy's five forms Luffy would lose to every Straw Hat except Nami and if we move up to level two he's got a huge power boost meaning that now two of the straw hats are in trouble so what happens if this version of Luffy fights his crew members well even if we start out with you can straw hat and soft you'll still be able to do more damage than Nami could see the fight would start with usop immediately sprinting away knowing that the only way he can win is by keeping his distance from Luffy after achieving this step Usopp would use his sniper ability to launch fast attacks and these tactics definitely would have beat level 1 Luffy however against level 2 things change completely because of Luffy's upgraded Powers because even if Usos Snipes from a distance and uses the observation hockey power to predict Luffy's moves he won't be able to keep up for one huge reason Luffy's just too fast you see level 2 Luffy unlocks gear second which gives him the access to game-changing abilities including soru a technique that lets him move faster than the human eye so while usop will be able to predict Luffy's movements he won't be fast enough to react meaning that Luffy can easily close the distance between them and then use his close-up strength to crush usab making level 2 Luffy the winner of this battle next we have Luffy's fight against Chopper and in this battle Chopper is immediately at a disadvantage remember Chopper isn't a fighter he's a doctor so even a thousand episodes into the show he isn't that strong but he does have a powerful ability AKA his monster Point form which allows him to transform into a giant beast and deal out massive damage so he can at least put up a fight against this version of Luffy right well no see Luffy super speed is gonna make it very hard for Chopper to keep up but level 2 Luffy also unlocked another ability called gear third and this one seals the deal because it basically makes Luffy just as strong as Chopper's monster form if not stronger with these two abilities Luffy will run circles around Chopper and then use gear third to deliver the killing blow unfortunately this is the end of level 2 Luffy's winning streak because the moment he tries to fight stronger straw hats like Brooke and Robin he'll quickly find out that his abilities are nothing compared to what they've got meaning that of the nine straw hats level 2 Luffy only wins against three now this is where things get interesting because level 3 Luffy is finally strong enough to start taking down the more powerful straw hats Nami usab and Chopper are already out of the picture but what happens when this version of Luffy goes against Brooke the most talented straw hat so far well right off the bat Brooke has three main powers that make him Luffy's toughest opponent first he can use the cold Aura of the souls to freeze loopy solid meaning that Luffy can't use his super speed to avoid any of Brooke's attacks second one of Brooke's abilities is also Luffy's biggest weakness a sword see Loopy's devil fruit is a very defensive ability so any attack based power like a sword is deadly to him and third even if Luffy somehow manages to unfreeze himself Brooke has insane super speed meaning that he can keep up and perhaps even be faster than Luffy all this makes it pretty obvious why level 1 and two of Luffy couldn't win against Baroque but can Brooks still keep his winning streak against level three Luffy well unfortunately it's not gonna be that easy see this next form of loopy gets an insane power upgrade because in addition to having stronger gear second and third level three Luffy also has hockey a power that lets him use spiritual energy as a weapon now in the show the authors made it clear that hockey always beats devil fruit Powers even if the devil fruit is super strong this means that Brooke's freezing ability won't work anymore and Luffy will be able to use hockey as armor against Brooks sword so with all of Brooke's weapons now useless there's no chance he could even put a scratch on his captain but with all this said Brooke does have a secret ability he can resort to he's already dead so if Lucy punches him into pieces his soul will just pull all the pieces back together meaning that Brooke technically can't beat level three but P can't lose either later in the video we're gonna make this strongest raw hats like Zorro and Sanji fight against Luffy but first what would happen if Luffy fought Frankie now this fight is different because Frankie is the only Straw Hat who relies on inventions and of these inventions the two deadliest are Frankie's robot suit and his powerful radical beams these abilities would easily destroy Luffy at level one and two but for level 3 it's gonna be harder than you might think just like Brooke Frankie is gonna have a hard time winning because in the show we saw this version of loopy easily dodging Frankie's lasers so already Frankie's strongest attack doesn't work anymore and if Luffy uses an attack like Grizzly Magnum he'll destroy Frankie's robot leaving him completely defenseless meaning that for the very next attack Frankie will die now unfortunately level 3 Luffy can't beat the rest of the straw hats because he's missing a crucial ability something that he doesn't unlock until level four now this ability is gear four but instead of explaining it let's see what would happen if level 4 loopy bought Robin and it's gonna be a tough fight because Robin has two powerful attacks that are going to Crush level 4 Luffy at first see Robin will activate demonio LaFleur a form where she leans into her demonic nature and turns into a giant devil with this Robin can Sprout tons of giant limbs making her insanely fast and strong now you might say that Luffy can counter by activating Armament hockey a power that creates Spiritual armor around him but Robin's second technique will beat this defense because by using a power called Fishman karate strikes Robin is able to injure loopy from the inside making his armor hockey useless with all these Powers combined Robin would destroy Luffy in the first half of their fight but after realizing her true power Luffy would pull out an ability that he only has at level four gear 4. as you might know this ability brings Luffy to crazy high power levels allowing him to use his strongness form so far found man this ability specializes in offense and defense which means that Robin's karate strikes won't do as much damage anymore and by using King Kong gun Luffy will break through Robin's remaining defenses without a sweat meaning that Robin loses to level 4 Luffy now that was a close fight but uh Luffy's fight against jinbei is gonna be even closer see jinbei is like the most overpowered guy he can use both observation and armor hockey which automatically makes him stronger than Luffy's creepiest three levels but jinbei has more abilities that might make him stronger than Lucy's level 4 form first he's incredibly strong as shown when he tossed around a yonko AKA one of the strongest Pirates second Deming knows Fishman karate just like Robin meaning that Luffy isn't safe even when using hockey as armor but jinbei's strongest power is his endurance this dude literally bought Ace for five days without having to stop now some people might say level 4 Luffy wins this fight because this form of Luffy was able to beat the pirate doflamingo while jinbei couldn't do it but it's not that simple see Luffy had tons of help from others in this fight and if he had fought Joe Flamingo alone he would have been destroyed so in my opinion I think that jinbei is almost exactly as strong as level for Luffy which means that Luffy only takes the win if he can Outlast Green Bay and I think he definitely can since his biting spirit is Unstoppable so with enough time level 4 Luffy is the winner now let's get to the good stuff the two strongest straw hats Zorro and Sanji vs Luffy in order to even stand a chance against these two Luffy needs his current strength finally leveling up to his strongest form at level five yeah that's right both Sanji and Zoro at their Peak can easily defeat the first four levels of Lucy and this makes sense I mean first off Sanji is definitely the fastest raw hat since he's been shown to move so fast the human eye can't even see him even if Luffy uses his gear set second Super Speed he won't be able to see Sanji meaning that he'll have to go to level 5 to use gear fifth you also gotta take sanji's specialty observation hockey into account although he hasn't been shown using the most powerful version of his ability he has been seen using basic observation hockey at a higher level than Luffy so combining sanji's insane speed and observation hockey he'll be able to dodge all of Luffy's attacks and even get a few of his own in but things get even crazier because sanji's latest power of ethate jambei gives him unmatched strength and with these blue flames he can literally cook people alive with his kicks unfortunately even with all these attacks combined Sanji still won't be able to put a scratch on movie see Sanji at his very strongest still doesn't have advanced armament hockey an ability that Luffy does have and to put things in perspective if someone without this ability tries to fight someone with it they always lose Luffy is the perfect example because he thought kaido was about disability and got knocked out in one punch so this is a huge Factor going against our favorite cook here but Sanji can still rely on his durability due to his enhanced exoskeleton this gives Sanji insane endurance letting him literally snap his broken bones back into place the only way to take Sanji down is to exhaust him since this dude is basically indestructible when the fight starts Sanji will immediately be forced onto the defensive he'll use his speed to dodge Luffy's attacks but eventually some of them will get through with his exoskeleton Sanji will be able to absorb some of the blows but the damage will start slowing him down after a while Sanji will slow down to the point where Lucy can catch him with ease meaning it's only a matter of time before Santi tires out and level 5 Luffy takes the win now let's get to the matchup we're all here for loopy versus his strongest crewmate Zorro this is definitely gonna be Luffy's hardest fight because just like loopy Zorro has all three forms of hockey you also can't forget that swords are Luffy's natural weakness meaning that Zoro slashes will do Furious damage but how would he do against gear 5 Luffy well Zorro has the disadvantage when it comes to speed since he's not as fast as Sanji however if Luffy slips up once Zoro can use an attack like his Purgatory onigiri to try and slice up unfortunately for Zorro Luffy can work around this by changing his size he can make his body bigger and a lethal sword wound will end up looking like a tiny paper cut but here's the thing even though Zorro is pretty dumb he's a genius when it comes to fighting after seeing Luffy do this once Zoro would adapt and change his method of attack instead of fighting up close Zora would fight from a distance using his ranged sword slashes to attack Luffy if Luffy gets hit and tries to go big mode again to counter it Zoro would take this opportunity to use an attack like his Billy and fold world trichilia cosm to unleash a sword slash big enough to destroy an entire Island leaving Luffy with a big wound for his big body but those aren't the only abilities Zoro will use because his endurance in durability ability are absolutely insane too I mean he survived a combined attack from two yonkos the strongest Pirates alive this broke nearly every bone in zoro's body yet he was still able to keep fighting so safe to say it would take loopy a while to take down Zorro and he'll have to keep his guard up the entire time since one good Flash from Zorro could end the fight however zoro's control over Advanced conkers hockey isn't as strong as Luffy's leading to Zorro tiring out much faster not to mention he'll be getting constantly attacked by Luffy's gear 5 leading to Zorro getting seriously injured when Zoro realizes he's running out of energy he'll decide to put everything into one last attack using his Azura 9 sword style to unleash his strongest laughs unfortunately for Zorro Luffy would fire back with his own attack coded and conquers hockey and cause a sky splitting explosion after this Zoro won't have any energy left he'll either pass out or get knocked out by Luffy making Luffy under defeated against his crew so Luffy can officially demolish his entire crew in a one-on-one battle but what if the entire crew fought him at the same time well things would go worse than you think see this is the first time that some of the straw hats will be fighting Luffy's strongest form and for many of them they won't be able to do any damage That's How Strong he is like Chopper won't even participate in the battle since the rest of the crew will need him on Doctor Duty meanwhile usop Robin Frankie and Nami will all be on support Duty attacking from afar the thing is Loopy's naturally immune to nami's attacks and the rest of them don't have the hockey or the Firepower to hurt Luffy so they won't do much damage Brooke will be running around trying to get Lucy's attention by cutting him although the cuts will be surface level since Brooke's Immortal he'll basically serve as a decoy getting Luffy's attention taking a hit pulling himself back together and repeating but that doesn't really change much since Luffy would just turn gigantic and hit the entire crew with a humongous punch knocking out everyone but Zoro Sanji and jinbei Zorro and jinbei would attack from the ground while Jean base stays in front of Luffy taking the brunt of the attacks while Zoro would be attacking from the sides forcing Luffy to block with his Advanced conquerors hockey meanwhile Sanchez would be flying around in the air hitting Luffy with super fast kicks then moving before Luffy can react however this can only go on for so long since Luffy is so powerful that jinbei Zorro and Sanji can't just keep on eating his and one by one they would start falling until just Luffy is left standing so yeah definitely a good thing Choppers stayed behind to nurse everyone back to Hell while Chopper's taking care of the straw hats click this video to see one piece Easter eggs you definitely missed
Channel: IMOTO
Views: 984,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luffy vs straw hats, what if luffy fought the straw hats, what if luffa fought his pirate crew, what if luffy fought his pirate crew
Id: Y1iWrNXA2Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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