What If Iron Rattler Was Designed in 2022?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: EliteCoasters
Views: 58,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roller coaster, roller coasters, elitecoasters, elite coasters, coaster, rmc, rattler, iron rattler, fiesta texas, iron rattler fiesta texas, iron rattler six flags, iron rattler six flags fiesta texas, six flags, six flags fiesta texas, fiesta texas wooden coaster, rocky mountain construction, rmc hybrid, rmc no limits 2, no limits 2 coaster, no limits 2, no limits 2 rmc hybrid, iron gwazi, zadra, steel vengeance, untamed, hakugei, wonder woman coaster, dr diabolicals cliffhanger
Id: WUqsxJg2OgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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