What if Goku revives his parents Bardock and Gine? Part 1,2,3

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everything would start after the fight against Broly Goku was with Goten training and the little Saiyan had asked his father to train him to be stronger than Trunks 2 hours would pass and the training of the two had finished so Goten tired would throw himself to the ground while he said how strong you are dad in all the training I couldn't hit you you too can become as strong as me Goten you even have the potential to surpass me if you set your mind to it tell me something dad you have had many Masters throughout your life life but who is the first one you had it was my grandfather Gohan since I was a little boy besides helping me he was in charge of teaching me martial arts and what happened to him because I've never met him I prefer not to talk about it Goten okay by the way Dad why haven't you ever talked about your parents I don't really know anything about them either I just know that they lost their lives Frieza destroyed their Planet I understand but tell me something haven't you thought about meeting your parents parents I mean it would be very easy to do it we just used the dragon spheres to bring them back to life I hadn't thought about it son but I think it would be a good idea that's what I'll do I'll gather the dragon spheres and bring them back to life Goten upon hearing that would be very happy because he would be excited to meet his grandparents meanwhile Goku using teleportation would go with Goten to bma's house to borrow the dragon radar when Goten arrived he would go to trunks's house to tell him what his father was going to do while Goku would look for Vegeta because before Reviving his parents he wanted to know a little more about them Goku would find Vegeta next to balma and raising his hand he would start to greet them both what are you doing here cockro hi Vegeta long time no see how are you a few days ago we saw each other when we went to train with whis you already forgot that anyway just tell me why you came insect don't get mad Vegeta you see I came all the way away here because I need you to tell me everything you know about my parents this is the first time I've heard you talk about your parents and now you're thinking about them what happens is that I plan to revive them but I don't know anything about them neither their names nor what they look like physically I wanted to know if Vegeta could tell me what they were like I don't know much about them either rat just a little I heard from rits never mind just tell me what you know okay your father's name was Bardock and your mother's name was Gina they were both lower class Sands and I also remember hearing that you look a lot like your father I see thanks for everything Vegeta BMA can you lend me the dragon radar of course I can Goku wait for me for a few minutes and let me look for it balma went in search of the Dragon radar when she came back she would give it to Goku who would immediately start looking for the dragon fears an hour would pass and Goku had already gandered the seven Dragon spars so he would put them on the ground and Shout get out of their sh shenlong and fulfill my wish immediately from the Spheres shenlong would come out which would say I will fulfill three wishes tell me what is your first wish shenlong please I want you to bring to this place The Souls of my parents that is Vegeta's father what did you say cockr are you crazy that's too easy really what's wrong with you insect I didn't ask for anything like that I don't even want to see him again calm down Vegeta I know deep down in your heart you wanted me to don't be mad Vegeta I'm happy to meet your dad me too Daddy I want to meet my grandfather I'm curious to see what he was like then tell me what your wish is going to be Goku as my first wish I want you to bring Vegeta's father to life and as my second wish I want you to bring my parents to life okay I'll fulfill it but before I bring bring them back to life I want you to know that they don't know anything since the moment of their death thank you for letting me know but please fulfill my wish and then you can go as I will not take up the next wish suddenly shenlong's eyes would turn red and a strong blizzard would have started in the place a wind tornado would form in the place and from there would come out the king of the Sans Vegeta's father and Goku's parents I already fulfilled your wish as you don't have another one I'll see you soon shenlong would vanish instantly in front of Goku so the dragon spars would have spread Again by the planet Earth King Vegeta was very confused as for Goku's parents since they had appeared in that place from one moment to the next what happened what is this place where is the Damned Frieza Vegeta son what are you doing here why am I here I remember that I was eliminated by Frieza besides you are no longer a child you've grown up a lot you were revived by some wish fulfilling spars Dragon spars what is that supposed to be Vegeta looked at his father but he really didn't care about his presence kakat they are your parents Goku wouldn't answer because he was very surprised to see his parents for the first time are you kakarat it can't be really you is it you look a lot like your father Gina would start running to Goku and hug him while tears came out of her eyes I really don't know what to say at times like this but I feel like I've seen you before I don't know what's going on but I'm glad to see you again cockro I'm your father my name is Bardock you are very similar to me when Vegeta told me that I didn't believe it I see that it's true cockr I need you to tell me what's going on because your mother and I appeared here suddenly from what I see if you could survive on this planet it's complicated to say this but on this planet there are some spheres which are capable of fulfilling any wish and thanks to that I was able to bring you to life that's very strange isn't it don't worry you'll get used to it in time Vegeta son tell me about yourself I bet you already Avenged our race and finished with that damn Frieza after all you are my son my blood runs through your veins you're a high class Warrior W my life has changed a lot now I no longer dedicate myself to conquering planets now I live on this planet in peace and I have a wife a son and a daughter hello I'm balma your son's wife and the boy you see here is your grandson his name is trunks I'm sure this is not true how is it possible that you my son you married a human from this insignificant planet besides look at this boy he looks very weak and I imagine that your daughter must be just as weak King Vegeta's words would have made Vegeta angry but he would only clench his hands to avoid unnecessary problems s because he knew that both balma and Trunks were very excited to meet Grandpa don't talk nonsense parents that child of weak power as you call him is able to defeat you in a fight easily and effortlessly you're telling me that this kid is capable of beating me don't make me laugh I didn't know that now you were making jokes you went from conquering planets to becoming a comedian if you don't believe in my words why don't you fight him how about attacking him with all your power don't worry I'll show you the difference in power that a king has King Vegeta without thinking much and confident about what he thought would have thrown a punch at trunks but trunks with one hand would stop it easily and then give him a punch in the stomach which would make King Vegeta get on his knees and then start sweating from the blow I'm sorry grandpa I hit you harder than I thought I swear I didn't mean it Bardock seeing what happened would be very surprised that boy was able to defeat King Vegeta with a single blow I can't believe my eyes don't be so surprised father it's normal that trunks beat Vegeta's father actually our sons are very powerful did you say our children kak do you also have children and a wife that's right mother I have two sons the older one is called Gohan and the younger one is called Goten and he's here behind those bushes he's just very shy sometimes Goten don't be shy come say hello to your grandparents Goten would come out of the bushes and let himself be seen by Gina and Bardock he is very similar to me and conrat no doubt he is their son and my grandson hi nice to meet you Goten I'm your grandma Gina it feels a little weird to call myself a grandma come give me a hug you look just like my son when he was little Goten would hug Gina nice to meet you Grandma you're very young my mom is going to like meeting you I would like to meet your mom too tell me your mom's name her name is Chi-Chi what a nice ni name he has kakarat tell me what happened to Frieza is he still alive or did you defeat him well how can I explain it to you what happened with Frieza is that at that moment Goku would be interrupted by Vegeta if you want I can explain it to you better yes you're right Vegeta it's better that you explain it to him Frieza has died twice the first was because he was defeated by cockr on planet NX the second was eliminated by my son from the future because somehow he came back with a body replaced by robotic Parts the third time he was eliminated by cockro somehow he could also revive but that time it was because of the Dragon spheres and in the end a universal emergency happened and the idiot cockro brought him back to life and now he's walking around the universe again Bardock and Gina couldn't believe what Goku did you did what Bardock there's no doubt that your son is stupid doesn't he know how dangerous Frieza can be tell me cockro why did you do that Frieza is the worst scum ever he doesn't deserve to be alive please everyone calm down Frieza is currently no threat to us Vegeta and I are very powerful if we fight together we're even more powerful besides if it wasn't for frieza's help this universe would have ceased to exist I refuse to believe that I won't be calm until that guy is lifeless I see that you say your words with confidence and security tell me conrat do you really have the power to defeat him that's right Dad do you want me to prove it to you yes I want you to prove it to me then what are you waiting for attack me with everything you have Goku would say that and make a very defiant face then come and attack me hey you guys don't fight your father and son you shouldn't fight don't worry Gina it's just a friendly fight what are you waiting for Dad attack me whenever you want pay close attention to everything father Vegeta would say Bardock without hesitation would begin to attack Goku starting a small exchange of blows that would be dominated by Bardock which confident in believing he had the advantage with say what happened cochat this is all your power I'm starting to believe that everything you told me was a lie okay Dad I'll show you some of my power Goku would hit bardock's face making him go back several meters at the same time with great speed he would appear behind him without not letting him react he would give him a blow in the back of his head that would leave him out of the fight King Vegeta seeing how Bardock Was Defeated with such ease would feel a little fear all over his body and at the same time he would say how is it possible for such a low class Saiyan to have so much power I wasn't even able to see how he moved to knock out Bardock you surprise yourself with very little father if you really knew what kakra and I are capable of but a few minutes would pass and Bardock would get up from the ground a little dizzy in turn Goku would approach where he was and tell him how are you feeling dad relax I'm fine rat you really surprised me you have great power you're no slouch dad you've got a good level you're just saying that to make me feel better but it doesn't matter answer me something cockr that's not all your power is it of course not Dad that's not all my power I still have a long way to go to reach my limit I haven't even transformed yet you can transform I know you're talking about transforming into ozaru you're wrong Dad I'm talking about the Super Saiyan transformation and its variance Super Saiyan did he say he could transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan I think I heard wrong cochat you said that you can transform into the Legendary Super Saiyan but that's impossible since the Super Saiyan was just a myth that a race had you're wrong dad the transformation into Super Saiyan is not a myth since Vegeta and I even our children can transform into Super Saiyan look if you want I'll prove it to you Goku would instantly transform into Super Saiyan leaving Bardock G and King Vegeta amazed this is awesome my son is the Legendary Super Saiyan I can't believe it I didn't think it was true what you were telling me krat but it is so that's the transformation of the Legendary Super Saiyan wow that's amazing so that's what the Super Saiyan looks like I never thought I'd live to witness it how about Dad how do you like it tell me what do you think of this transformation I'm very surprised cochat I'm proud to know that my son has already achieved such power it's an amazing key isn't it gakura remember that they don't know how to sense key that's right I forgot the key what is that barock just so you understand it better the key is nothing more than the fighting Power that was reflected in the tracker that's right Dad I understand krat then teach me how to feel the key okay Dad I'll teach you but I'll do it tomorrow for now let's go to Chi-Chi so you and my mom can meet her all right let's go Goku would say goodbye to everyone present and used teleportation would go with Goten and his parents to Chi-Chi's house for his part balma he would invite King Vegeta to enter his house would accept without thinking but before entering he would say Vegeta son you must also teach me to feel the key and you must also show me your Super Saiyan yes yes I guess I have no choice after saying that Vegeta together with his father would enter the house in the same way balma and Trunks would do the same on the other hand in the house of Goku he would have appeared outside his house and approaching it would knock on the door immediately Chi-Chi would open the door and would be surprised to see how one of the people who accompanied Goku was exactly like him so doubtful she would ask Goku tell me who are those people who come with you and Goten you see Chi-Chi this is going to be strange for you but those two are my parents what did you say but as far as I knew your parents were dead it's a very long story I'll tell you when we get inside for now I'll introduce them to you she's my mom and he's my dad hi I'm Gina I'm Kat's mom the one you call Goku I'm glad to meet you hi my name is Bardock nice to meet you hi it's nice to meet you I'm Chi-Chi Goku's wife sorry for this welcome but this is very strange for me but please come in everyone would enter the house and Goku would immediately proceed to tell Chi-Chi everything that had happened and why his parents were next to him Chi-Chi upon hearing everything that Goku told her would say I'm so glad that Goku has revived them I always wanted to meet them I hope we can get along Ong very well I also say the same I hope to get along with you you must tell me how you met my son and also how you decided to get married of course I'll tell you everything mother-in-law while I make the food because I guess you must be very hungry yes a little bit but let me help you Chi-Chi and Gina while they were still talking would start to prepare the food for their part Goku together with Goten would stay talking with Bardock after 2 hours the food would be ready so every one would start to eat after eating they would stay talking for a good while until it would get dark and everyone would go to sleep the next day in the morning Goku and Bardock would be ready to leave for training but when they were about to leave the house Bardock would stop and say hey kakarat before going to train can I ask you a question sure Dad tell me what do you want to know do you know where your brother radit is I was hoping he was with you Goku when he heard the question that Bardock asked him he would remain silent for a few seconds until he became certain he would say anyway I should tell them this Mom you also pay attention to what I say all right son tell us what happened to Raditz Raditz died several years ago Gina and Bardock were shocked when they heard that more so Gina who couldn't help but shed a couple of Tears kakat tell me how did that happen how did rits die before I tell you I want to tell you that I hope you understand that it wasn't my fault now I will tell you you see Dad years ago when I was still very weak and didn't know that I was a Saiyan one day rits came to this planet with the purpose of me joining the group that he had with Vegeta and Nappa but I refused because I did not like what the three of them were doing and because I refused rits kidnpped My Son Gohan who at the time was a very weak little boy to force me to join even so I did not do it but I had to fight against him to save my son unfortunately we both died in that fight I hope you can understand me don't worry cockr I understand what happened you don't have to feel bad for what you did you only wanted to save your son I'm still sad to know that rits died that's right son your dad is right don't feel bad it's not your fault thank you very much for understanding me hey cochat I want to ask you something tell me dad what do you want to ask me I know you have a very bad memory of rits but however he's still your brother it's possible that you can also revive them using those strin spheres you told me about to tell you the truth the memory I have of radit is not very good it's okay Dad I'll gather the dragon Fierce to revive rits thank you very much son but there is only one drawback dad I won't be able to revive rits for another 6 months since that time has to pass before the dragon speres can be used again it's okay cockr there's no problem with waiting right Gina that's right very well okay rats now we can go train ready Dad wait a minute son what happened mom I've heard a lot about your son Gohan but when are you going to introduce him to me that's right I forgot to do it wait a few minutes I'll be right back when he said that Goku using teleportation would appear in Gohan's house right next to it Gohan seeing Goku would be surprised and would ask his dad why he appeared out of nowhere to which Goku would quickly explain the reason and after talking using teleportation he would take Gohan Fidel and Pon to Chi-Chi's house ready I'm back Mom this is my son Gohan and this is his wife Videl and my granddaugh Pon so you are my grandson Gohan nice to meet you and your wife I'm Gina Goku's Mom hi nice to meet you I'm Gohan my father told me a little about you when he teleported to my house I'm very happy to meet my san grandmother I guess the gentleman who looks like my dad is my grandfather that's right right I'm cat's dad nice to meet you Gohan Dad Let's GO train okay cochat let's go see you later I'll leave you to get to know each other better after saying that Goku would go with Bardock to look for an uninhabited place where they could train without interruptions when they found the place they would descend from the sky and they would face each other and start talking are you ready father whenever you want rat I'm more than ready how do we start well the first thing I will do is to teach you how to feel someone's key and it's very easy to do you just have to use your own key just concentrate and try to feel my presence I understand then it is done this way Bardock when saying that he would start to concentrate to feel Goku's key and although at the beginning it was a little complicated after a few minutes he would succeed ready cockro I think I've learned to feel the key we'll see if it's true dad close your eyes and count to 10 I'll hide over there and you'll have to look for me through my key okay KCK but Bardock would close his eyes and start counting to which Goku would quickly move to a cave which was several meters away from where Bardock was the letter when he finished counting without saying anything would move quickly and reach the cave where Goku was to which he would say I think I did well cockr what do you think very good dad you managed to learn very fast how to sense key this is getting interesting after that Goku and Bardock would return to where they were initially to start talking again now dad from now on the hardest part will begin I hope you're ready of course I am coat hey by the way now that I know how to use key why don't you show me all the power you have okay Dad besides I think this will motivate you even more Goku was about to show all his power to Bardock when suddenly Goku would feel two familiar key to which she would say these key are from whis and Lord beerus so they came to earthart Dad we're going to have to suspend training for a few moments you have to meet two people on the other hand at bma's house Vegeta and King Vegeta would be training when suddenly out of nowhere whis and beerus would appear interrupting their training that's beerus but what's he doing here as you told me have you forgotten who I am you must speak to me with more respect kneel down oh I I'm so sorry Lord beerus whis tell me what are you doing here hello Lord Vegeta Lord Lord beerus and I have come as we want to try some more of that food you call Pizza any problem with that Vegeta of course not Mr beerus hey hi Mr beerus and whis it's good to see you again I guess you're here for lunch aren't you hi Miss Bulma that's right that's what we came for tell me do you have any more of that thing you call Pizza of course we do Mr beerus you know that for you and whis there will always be everything but I want to ask ask you something Mr beerus don't make my father-in-law kneel again it doesn't look good doing that okay but just remember to always speak to me with respect hey you King Vegeta stand up already King Vegeta who was still kneeling would stand up while saying how come that woman is also getting along with Lord beerus I can't believe it calm down for us we currently get along well with Lord beerus and whis you just need to treat him with respect Bulma on the other hand hey what are you you waiting for Mr beerus and whis come on in so you can eat some more pizzas come on whis whis and beerus were about to enter bulma's house when they fell to Goku's key so they stopped hello Mr beerus and whis how are you hello Goku hello Mr Goku it's good to see you this time I see you accompanied by someone very much like yourself hello whis yes let me introduce you this is my father his name is Bardock your father I didn't know you had one wait that's right I hadn't thought that much of it but Vegeta was also with his father I get it you two revived your parents oh Mr beerus as clueless as ever hey whis don't disrespect me remember that I am the God of destruction hey cockr what are those two right Dad I forgot to introduce them to you he's Lord beerus the God of destruction of universe 7 and he is the master of Lord beerus his name is whis both both are the most important beings in this universe what did you just say they're both Gods I can't believe it I never imagined they really existed the first time I found out I was a little surprised too hi nice to meet you you must be Mr Goku's dad right that's right my name is Bardock you're a God from what kakarat told me well let's say yes although in reality I am an angel the God is Lord beerus Oh I see that's right Dad he's Lord beerus the God of destruction of universe 7 Universe 7 are there more universes that's right Dad in total there are 12 universes which were created by zenos Sama and who is he zenos Sama is the King of Everything the most important and Powerful being that exists in the 12 universes oh and he's also a friend of mine what how is it possible that you cockro are friends with someone as important as him well I don't know we're just friends you've given me a lot of surprises Son Goku with what intentions did you and Vegeta decide to revive your parents don't worry Mr beerus it wasn't with any bad intentions I just wanted to meet my parents I hope that's the way it is and you're not lying to me or else you will receive the wrath of a God of Destruction come on Mr beerus don't say such things anyway see you later from all that talking I got hungrier whis are you coming or staying here of course of course I'm coming with you Mr beerus saying that beerus and whis would go inside with balma to her house while Goku and Bardock would go back to where they were training now dad there will be no more interruptions let's start again ready cockro then let's start where we left off show me all your power okay as you can see this is my normal State this is the Super Saiyan and this is the one that surpasses the Super Saiyan you could say it's the Super Saiyan Phase 2 he has amazing power how did cakra attain so much power that would be bardock's thought and this one do you have even more power yes this is the powerful super saiyan phase 3 Goku upon transforming into Super Saiyan 3 would leave Bardock very surprised by his power on the other hand ab's house King Vegeta who was still training with Vegeta would feel Goku's key in Super Saiyan 3 and very surprised and Afraid would say this to whom does this great power belong this is the key of kakat what are you telling me this is the power of bardock's son how is it possible for that guy to have so much power he's most likely using Super Saiyan 3 so kakra showing all his power to his father I think I should do the same going back to Goku and Bardock the ladder would still be very surprised by the power Goku was showing and would say you have left me speechless cockr now that I know what I can see what a big difference there is in our powers I know you're going to achieve this power too dad for now I see it impossible rat but tell me something I guess Super Saiyan 3 is your limit right of course not Dad I still have two more transformations to go let me show them to you saying that Goku would transform into Super Saiyan red God Bardock seeing Goku would be very confused and say what happened to you cochat your key disappeared but I feel a great pressure that doesn't let me move easily you see Dad this is the Super Saiyan God in this transformation he stopped using the normal key to use the Divine key which is the key possessed by all the gods like Lord beerus what did you say I can't believe it my son is a God I'm not a god dad I only have the key of one now pay attention I'll show you my latest transformation Goku saying that would transform into Super Saiyan God blue now to add this is the last transformation that I have and also Vegeta for now this is our limit although I in a tournament that there was exceeded my limits and I managed to reach a state that even a God of destruction is difficult to achieve I really don't know what to tell you cockro you've left me speechless I'm just more motivated to train now so let's start teach me how to become a Super Saiyan that's the attitude dad although for now I think it's going to be difficult for you to reach Super Saiyan you still need to increase your base state power a little more you're underestimating me cockr I'm a Saiyan just like you clearly I can be a Super Saiyan too all right listen to me well to transform into a Super Saiyan there are two ways the first and with which I Got It is anger and the second which is easier is by concentrating key in the back come on try it so concentrating key on the back I see so that's how it is saying that Bardock would start to concentrate a lot of key on his back as he did that his key would be increasing Goku who was watching that would think is it possible for him to succeed apparently it seems so yes Bardock would continue concentrating key in his back at the same time that his power would be increasing and his hair at times would turn yellow even so he could not hold on and would fall to the ground very tired and angry at the same time damn I was about to get it hey easy dad for your first attempt you did well don't get discouraged you're right cockr I shouldn't complain for now I won't try to reach Super Saiyan and I'll rather listen to you and train to increase my power in my nor normal State that's the best decision father well then if you're already better let's start training of course kakat after that event Goku and Bardock would begin an arduous training quickly 6 months would pass in that time both Bardock and King Vegeta had managed to reach the Super Saiyan and were training to master it to the level of Goku and Vegeta on the other hand Goku since he spent the six months went to fulfill the promise he had made to his father looking for the seven Dragon fears would invoke Shen long and ask him to revive rits when shenlong fulfilled his wish he would leave and then rits would appear in front of Goku Bardock and Gina to which Goku looking at him would say long time no se rits kakarat it's you wait there's not only you but my parents too what's going on I'm supposed to have died from the green g attack hello rits you see what happened is that you have been revived by some strange spheres that are on this planet your mother and and I have also been revived by that means and we owe it all to cochat strange spheres I seem to remember the green guy mentioned something about those fears I see so it's true that they could fulfill any wish the green guy as you call him his name is Piccolo just so you know whatever I'm not interested in cockr don't think that because you received me that we'll get along hey radit don't say that you should be grateful to cockr thanks to him we're all together for the first time I already said that I won't thank Kaka for anything not even because your mom asked me to what's more now I'm going to make him pay for letting that green guy kill us both stop rits rits without paying attention to G's words would throw himself against Goku but when he was about to attack him Goku would disappear leaving him confused in that moment Goku would appear behind rabbits and touching his shoulder would say I think you should listen to Mom what the hell how come kakra mov so fast fast I couldn't see anything would be the thought of Raditz who would quickly turn around as he launched a powerful attack against his brother Goku
Channel: Dragon Ball Super Stories
Views: 375,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fgDwzUg6ur4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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