What if Gohan Was The Legendary Super Saiyan Full Story

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yo what is good everybody that's golden golden Falls golden the Golden Emperor whatever you really want to call me and uh yeah I'm back this is going to be a compilation of a full story that I did a while back I want to give a preference to this though I decided I'll I might as well revamp the thumbnail and give a little compilation so maybe people want to check it out my mic is a lot worse in these videos just want to let you know that but also on top of that um the last part that I did doesn't have any editing at all it's just one still image so that's what you'll see in the last part this is the only video that will do this um this is the only video that I'll have that's older that's a compilation because it's the only one I quote unquote finished so uh yeah I just wanted to say that really quick nonetheless I hope you all enjoy and I uh hope you all just show some support for this video but if it's you don't like it because the quality is not as good I get it I understand but nonetheless I hope you enjoy it and let's get into it this story will begin right after the story of Dragon Ball everything that occurred in normal Canon of Dragon Ball would occur the exact same all the way up until the meeting at Comet house Goku yes of course wanted to have a reunion after all these years but in this Canon it was far more than just that when Goku arrived he was greeted by everyone but there was more to the story and why he wanted to meet up he introduced his son but then asked Master roshi if he knew why his son's power was so extremely high especially for only being four years old roshi tells Goku that now that he thinks of it it is odd for a young child to be this strong obviously they don't know power levels necessarily but they could sense Gohan the half say and half humans power everyone's power levels were the same or are the same as in Canon but Gohan actually had a power level of 100 which is very outlandish at this point especially when he's only about four years old yes this may seem like nothing like I said but at this time being four years old I mean and you account for the rage boost it would be even more insane because of the dormant Legendary Super Saiyan Powers within him that currently nobody truly knows what the group didn't know for sure is that not far away a space pod just landed and out came a Saiyan by the name of Raditz Raditz began searching for his brother Kakarot K and he came across Piccolo but quickly left after noticing another high power assuming that this has to be his brother Raditz arrives and the group can tell he isn't very good and he questions why his brother hasn't taken over this planet already and he ends up revealing that he is part of a powerful race called the Saiyans Krillin steps up but is knocked out quickly and Raditz grabs Gohan and takes off Piccolo who was watching this the whole watching this whole thing unfold approaches Goku and for the time being they have a temple a temporary Alliance to save Goku's son Goku calls for Nimbus and Piccolo flies next to him eventually seeing Raditz who has Gohan in his pod Brad it's questions if he really wants to fight his brother but Goku tells him that his brother would never act in such a way Goku and Piccolo take off their weighted clothing and the battle begins the battle the battle is extremely similar to Canon but the difference here is that when Gohan sees Goku get extremely injured his power skyrockets far beyond what it was in Canon when this happens Gohan smashes into Raditz dealing a considerable amount of damage stunning Raditz and Goku was able to grab him and everything that happened in Canon occurs once again Piccolo lands a special beam Cannon killing the two brothers sending them both to the afterlife but Goku before he dies hears the words of Raditz as he tells them that in ye in a year's time two more Saiyans will arrive on Earth from here on out Goku's story is exactly the same so let's talk about Gohan just like in Canon Piccolo takes him away knowing that he needs to train the child because of this this large Outburst of power that was just revealed Piccolo begins training Gohan as much as possible teaching him how to survive and other various things obviously toughening him up the difference here though is Gohan was already decently powerful and he actually got a slight power boost Boost from recovering from that headbutt the real change comes when the full moon arises and Gohan goes berserk but the thing is he doesn't turn into a great ape when Gohan sees the moon his muscles bulk up slightly and his eyes grow a slight yellow tint his power spikes tenfold and Piccolo is forced to destroy the moon and it luckily Powers him down and Gohan passes out what Piccolo gains from this is that the Saiyans can actually gain power through the use of the moon but he doesn't know that they could actually turn into something known as a great ape as as the year goes by the training is very fruitful for both Gohan and Piccolo actually Gohan grows a lot faster than normal and his raw power actually helps Piccolo grow faster as well in terms of actually having a half decent sparring partner by the end of the year these are the power levels I mean that would be different from Canon Piccolo is actually at four thousand Gohan at two and a half thousand and everyone else would be about the same as Canon including Goku who has not quite arrived yet finally the Saiyans have arrived the Z Fighters meet up and all head to the Wasteland waiting when the two Saiyans approach the big brute says that all their power levels are in the high hundreds but Vegeta tells Napa that it is definitely a possibility being that they defeated Raditz so strength like that with a bunch of numbers could have defeated them Napa decides to plant the Cybermen but in this Gohan feels more confident in his power because it took him way less time to do the normal training he went through in Canon allowing him to actually have more combat experience against Piccolo quickly the Cybermen are actually defeated and yamchu actually doesn't die because of the fact that Gohan can actually carry his side of the fight a lot easier Napa is slightly impressed and even tells them that basically they did well he approaches saying that they must be hiding a tiny bit of power to kill those off so they must fight him Piccolo approaches egging on The Brute the fight begins and they are both pacing themselves and are evenly matched but even Piccolo knows that the others saying there is far out of their league his plan is basically to stall this fight as long as possible since both of them are equal strength the fight is all about technique and frankly Piccolo has the advantage being being able to stall the fight Vegeta gets pissed off after after a while realizing what actually is going on deciding to step in himself to kill the namekian Napa asked Vegeta why he did this and he tells Nappa that the others will be more fun but there was a massive that was a massive mistake the ground begins to shake like crazy and their scouters begin to see a power level increasing four thousand five thousand no 25 000. Napa asks if this is real but before a word can be spoken by Vegeta an enraged Gohan in his akari form kills nap Nappa using a masenko Vegeta Powers up and begins to fight but the raw power difference is a problem realizing this he begins getting beat down but he is finally able to make some space and creates a Powerball other known as an artificial Moon he throws it to the sky and begins transforming into a great ape Vegeta being that he made the Powerball himself and was getting beaten pretty badly he is currently at a power of a hundred and thirty thousand this alone though is far more than anyone in front of him he slaps Gohan away and then proceeds to beat him down then the fights and fights the rest of them with ease he kills Tien then chansu Yamcha and then he turns to Gohan about to shoot a mouth Beam at the unconscious Gohan a red blur Races by slicing off his tail Krillin looks on to see Goku and he just sliced off the tale of Vegeta it hopes that I mean that it's a weak spot I'm doing this Vegeta actually begins to shrink Vegeta looks to see Goku questioning how how how how he him and that damn brat were so strong How could a low-class warrior like Kakarot be this strong Goku stands above Vegeta telling him that he will allow him to leave this planet as long as he never returns a pod comes down and Vegeta takes the offer and begins to leave Goku turns his back as Vegeta enters his pod he tells Krillin not to worry but as he says this Vegeta blasts Goku in the back before he actually leaves not killing him but injuring him greatly because he had his guard down Vegeta then gets away in his space pod Krillin brings both Goku and Gohan to the hospital but realizes that Goku actually has two centu beans in his pocket he gives both Gohan and Goku a sensu and they both pop up with an insane power boost Gohan shut up to shot up to about six thousand because of his insane potential and also the fact that he was beaten just as much as much as Canon if not more in this scenario and Goku is close if not the same as Canon maybe even a little bit less but nothing to write home about before I mean about the same as Canon before he left to name it speaking of Namek the news was brought to them that there were dragon balls on this planet Goku and Gohan are up and ready to head off but popo tells them that based on the strength of Vegeta it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think that there were also other strong beings out there waiting for them meaning it would be for the best for them to train beforehand Bulma enters and says why not do both she explains that using Kami ship and the schematics of Goku's old pod her father can create a new ship while the two others go off to Namek first Goku asks if they could add maybe a gravity chamber like how King Kai's Planet had extra gravity to Aid in training and she says why not so in this Bulma and Krillin head off before Gohan go without Gohan this time in hopes that their allies will come come meet them as soon as possible with the new faster ship as well as more power to combat any foes ahead of them Krillin Obama head off and Goku and Gohan be in training normally together and Gohan gains even greater greater fighting prowess with his with the help of his father after some time the ship was then done and both Goku and Gohan were ready to start their Six-Day journey to Namek in hopes to wish their fallen friends back Gohan and Goku then went on their six day trip to Namek and keep in mind now that there's two of them the strength they're gonna gain is a lot more especially when they train in the gravity chamber they got way stronger than normal because obviously having that sparring partner both Goku and Gohan which Gohan normally wasn't even here see insane amounts of growth Gohan also was kind of getting taught how to control that rage power that they don't really know what to call it but they just know it's the power of the great ape really without going great ape but what they don't know exactly is that it's actually far more than just that and he actually started getting a grasp on it so he's somewhat able to transform into this state on command he basically just used the idea of how Goku relaxes his body and uses the way he basically uses Kaioken to try and activate that form which wasn't the best idea but ended up working out because he figured out how to unlock it or and and re-unlock it but by the end of the trip well Goku is actually at a power level of about a hundred fifty thousand like I said having a sparring partner is insane and it's been said on multiple occasions when you spar with someone you'll gain power a lot quicker than if you're training by on your own and Goku originally was only at a power of 90 000 in Canon Gohan I put at a power of a hundred thousand this may seem like a lot but you've got to remember Gohan's a half half breed in in the first place I have say in half human but on top of that he's the Legendary Super Saiyan obviously he doesn't know that currently but all he knows is that he has this insane potential in terms of his rage boost and stuff like that so it wouldn't be too outlandish putting Gohan at about a hundred thousand so what happens on Namek then everything goes very similar to Canon I mean maybe Krillin was definitely in maybe a little bit more danger but Vegeta kinda handles the Doria zarbon obviously after getting completely destroyed bizarbon and then and then eventually killing him and we don't really nothing really happens until you get to the well the Ginyu Force uh I could go through this long explanation of what happened but frankly there's really no reason Vegeta and Krillin practically are just Punchy punching dummies throughout this entire time I can see them killing gold though that doesn't surprise me by any means but obviously Vegeta gets completely destroyed by raccoon just like well in Canon and finally Goku and Gohan then arrive and when they basically get there Gohan helps completely obliterate Jay's murder and everyone else except for Captain Ginyu in which well Goku basically can handle ginyo on his own until he gets hit by the well the body change this definitely is gonna play a role because obviously Goku's gonna get beat up pretty badly and obviously Vegeta is gonna attribute to that as well and then eventually leading to him going to get healed right now actually we have Gohan Vegeta and Krillin just like in Canon with dende about to well wish back their friends leading to the Revival of Piccolo and wishing him there and then unfortunately Guru dying but what all y'all been waiting for after this occurs the emperor of the universe Lord Frieza then arrives Vegeta just like in Canon will fight first form Frieza but once Frieza well transforms he begins beating on on Vegeta Krillin cuts off frieza's tail trying to use a kenzon but well that doesn't work out too well for him because he ends up getting impaled by his horn Gohan in a fit of rage activates his akari form and well begins beating on Frieza with this rage and with the form you can easily put him above 1 million power level and he begins smashing Frieza but right when Frieza got a slight upper hand it can kick away he then transformed into his third form changing the tide of the battle very quickly and even when Piccolo arrives they still they can keep up a little better but they're not at the advantage by any means eventually leading to well Vegeta getting blasted like by Krillin and then healed reluctantly by dende finally the final form of Frieza arrives the the Z Fighters watch as an overconfident Vegeta approaches Frieza spouting I'm a Super Saiyan and that Vegeta is going to be the one to defeat him and that he's the last of his Royal Blood but as you all know Vegeta well proceeds to get his you know destroyed and eventually well leading to the arrival of Goku after being healed Frieza immediately realizes Goku's strength right win Goku charges at him and they begin fighting while their fight is pushing Frieza to actually half of his power being 60 million but he's only 10 million more than Goku currently at Kaioken times 10. Goku's base is now 5 million using the well the zenkai multiplier that he got originally in Canon taking him from well 90 000 to well 3 million if you use that same multiplier we're taking someone that was from 150 000 all the way to about 5 million being that now that obviously he has kaokan times 10 that's 50 million only 10 million less than what Frieza is so when Goku knows that he has to finish the fight and he pushes the Kaioken up to 20 times Kaioken it gives him a power level of a whopping a hundred million beating Frieza into practical submission with well him beaten Goku tells him to leave you know the the normal Goku thing let the the villain leave and hope that he comes back for a better fight and maybe changes his ways maybe they can fight again one time or another but instead of that Frieza sends a blast at the ground trying to destroy the planet but luckily Goku is able to use Kaioken times 10 able to stop it and ends up finishing the job by using a Kamehameha well at least that's what he thinks after using the wishes they needed they head back to Earth in Goku's ship and they did more gravity chamber or gravity training but not as hard as they did before obviously because they have no real reason to suspect anything bad or anything in general so they do mild training in 100 times gravity which obviously is not my old training but to them they're pretty used to 100 times Gravity by this point and Gohan does seem see pretty good growth because at the end of the day Goku is far beyond his son nowhere near where they were in terms of the 50k power level Gap but Gohan sees really good growth where Goku sees very minor Gohan's growth is actually to about 300 000. but while the Z Fighters didn't know is that they were missing out on a crucial part of the story Goku isn't no super saiyan he doesn't know instant transmission and well now for a future someone will be arriving in the timeline that is very different than what he expects trunks the future time traveler then arrives but he arrives to well no Frieza no King cold this is odd for him he doesn't know what's happening and maybe King cold will arrive soon but he swore he heard from well his timeline that they did arrive that Goku spared Frieza and he somehow survived so he has to wait for Goku to arrive but the thing is Goku already has Goku arrives and well he's been there for a while with his son trunks confronts him and asks about some things about Frieza but he just says that Frieza is dead trunks is visibly confused but he begins explaining the whole well time traveling thing saying that he's from the future and that the Androids will come very soon in the next three years or so and that well they actually exterminate practically everybody on the planet but the person that is well the key to solving this problem is Gohan in his future Gohan was the Legendary Super Saiyan as well but the thing is is the Androids were that much stronger the Androids were extremely strong and only when Gohan lost control he was able to kill one of them but he well killed himself in the process the energy alone made him explode they obviously don't tell Gohan this because they don't want to frighten the young child but Goku does put more strict regimen on Gohan to basically follow up with his training and that's what they do over the next three years they basically begin training just like in in Canon but Gohan actually gets a hold and finally gets well Mastery of his akari form not his well Super Saiyan form it's actually going to be seems like a decent while before he can get a Mastery over it but maybe he'll get it sooner than we think so finally they all go to meet the Androids after three years of waiting meeting well Androids that are definitely odd Android 20 and Dr Duro obviously they don't know who these Androids are or which ones they should be looking for but obviously just like in Canon Goku does succumb to the hard virus and then Gohan actually steps in to fight Android 20 defeating him with ease with his akari form Gohan is extremely strong at this point and it wouldn't surprise me if he was able to actually overcome this hurdle of Android 20 not without struggle don't get me wrong there's gonna be some pullback because he is just a child and his techniques aren't Flawless but he's able to defeat him and Vegeta then comes in right after to fight Dr gero but Dr zero is able to will create a diversion and Escape unluckily for them Jerome makes it to his lap and finally well he releases the real Androids the real Androids then proceed to kill Dr zero or more like Android 17 proceeds to kill Dr zero and awaken another Android three more Androids these Z Fighters the Z Fighters were only expecting two now there was five I mean they might have defeated or well two of them might be already gone but three is the even more than what trunks initially said trunks arrived seeing this and blast the bass but nothing works these Androids are well seem to be even stronger than the ones in his timeline ones that had the modified strength based on Gohan's potential based on Gohan himself but this one these are even stronger it seems and this isn't good the team of the Z Fighters are beat senseless but luckily are allowed to leave the androids for some reason just let them leave and explain that well they just want to kill Goku so they finally leave but Goku stays hidden luckily and Piccolo obviously temps with the idea of fusing with Kami to stall for time eventually some time passes and Piccolo finally meets cell confronts cell but this time it's not so easy when they fight it's almost even if not cell has the advantage getting substantial energy from Piccolo but luckily he's able to escape Piccolo's surprise he can feel the energies of everyone even the energy of Gohan but what's really bugging him is that it feels like cell has this dormant power just like Gohan it feels like cell has a potential well that could destroy everything but Piccolo escapes luckily with his life but this fusion with Kami well puts him on the level of at least Android 18 but frankly this won't matter very much when he goes out to fight Android well 18 and 17 cell then arrives and absorbs Android 17. and proceeds to kill Piccolo and ten shinhan Goku maybe have may have awakened by this time but there's one big thing that well I talked about before Goku doesn't have instant transmission he has no way of saving them Gohan wants to go down and help but Goku refuses saying that that's a ridiculous idea they do that their hope of winning is now Stripped Away just like that they need to wait for Vegeta and well trunks to get out of the time chamber and hope that well will be enough to defeat him and their prayers are quote unquote answered when they arrive out of there Vegeta's cocky matter makes Goku believe that maybe he could beat him but the energy difference does feel weird it seems like Vegeta isn't going to be a match for well sell but he's not so sure about that yet so Goku and Goku and Gohan go into the chime Time Chamber and begin their training their training begins to well get Gohan to his Super Saiyan form in which they do but it does take a long time so Goku makes it a point to basically train himself and get himself into that mastered Super Saiyan form Gohan's form is interesting it's so strong but it seems practically uncontrollable he finally gets a grasp on it but the anger built up beside the form and behind the form is insane but it seems way stronger than any regular Super Saiyan form it seems like the multiplier is far beyond anything Goku could actually muster Gohan might even be able to wipe out Goku currently with a single blast but with a really good training partner in Gohan well this seems great this sees great results better than in Canon Goku is extremely strong coming out of the time chamber and so is Gohan but the power difference is Bland Gohan is extremely strong especially in his Super Saiyan form but that's what's scary can he control his Super Saiyan form can he do it long enough to defeat cell and that's when they hear of cell reaching his perfect form Goku decides to sense him and basically try to go and size him up but well that doesn't really matter cell seems out of their league for some reason and Goku comes back after hearing that cell created something called The Cell games Trunks and well Vegeta head back into the time chamber and Goku's worried Goku's worried about this monster that stands in front of them he was so he is so worried that they go back in the Time Chamber with Gohan once again after well Vegeta comes out go Goku initially would not consider this but he's worried about the aspect of cell being like Gohan he's heard from Piccolo that that he's sensed well multiple Fighters within him and Goku ascensed it before as well so what does this mean so Goku and Gohan go back in the time chamber and train once again but they don't see the best results they see good results but Goku was right it's all diminishing regain or gains from this point on it's destroying your body that's the whole idea behind it and that's what he felt and there's not more much more he can do Gohan eventually gets more control over that Super Saiyan form but Goku's still not sure if it's enough some more time passes and the Cell Games then arrives doomsday for the Z Fighters and well Goku steps up first and this isn't good Sal seems to be using only a partial part of his strength and Goku seems to be on par and Goku is outputting as much as strength as he can as possible and it seems like he's losing cell with the DNA of everyone there seems to be outmatching Goku Goku decides to step down and say that it's now time for Gohan to fight in which this was a good idea Gohan well will get stronger as the fight goes on and not only that his Super Saiyan form is far stronger than anybody else is there he activates his Super Saiyan form immediately and charges that cell Landing clean hits on him and then skying and then pulling him up to the sky and throwing him back down charging up a Kamehameha wave but immediately cell is up on his feet and begins laughing Gohan blasts at cell but he smacks it away Gohan's eyes go wide and they drop in fear cell begins to mock him asking if that's all the boy can muster but Gohan charges in once again with even more strength but this isn't good cell blocks it with ease and grabs him by the face slamming him down he begins taunting him you know my boy I knew you all were training so why wouldn't I well figure out my power myself his eyes begin to flicker this weird color this orangish yellow color and sells power erupts once again he begins telling Gohan that he is part Saiyan as well correct and he begins beating on Gohan beating him down bad to the point that Gohan can barely breathe the rest of the Z Fighters decide to step in but with one swipe of his hand they're all knocked out of commission more or less Vegeta and Goku are the only ones that are really able to hang on to like their last bit of consciousness cell smiles and says that there is no running from the inevitable and there is no chance in this fight he was built to perfect Goku stands there and yells for his son to wake up yells for his son to do the thing that he couldn't and Gohan grabs the hand that well cell is about to punch him with and his Aura erupts erupts into a fiery green aura this Aura was no other he begins to bulk up like crazy and begins to pile Drive cell into the ground and begins to smash him senseless Gohan is on a new level Goku Smiles but then realizes his sons no longer there his son is no longer in the eyes of Gohan so Gohan proceeds to brutalize cell eventually shooting a giant mouth Beam at cell obliterating him every cell in his body but Gohan's not done he charges in at the at the people that are injured and begins to beat on them too Goku tries to reach out and talk to him but there is no reaching out Gohan is lost lost in anger and he stands up and flies up to the sky blasting a giant Kamehameha wave at the ground and blows of the planet the planet that will Gohan Goku and all the Z Fighters swore to protect is now gone everybody is gone Gohan is now well in space floating through the area with a cloak of key around him what's going to happen to Gohan is anything at all well the Legendary Super Saiyan was well that of a legend Gohan Son Gohan and his power was too much for this world too much for himself so much so that he drifted off into space with Power boiling within him until well he exploded until the energy leaked out and killed him sometimes something that is so legendary should stay a legend and that is what happened with Gohan the boy that was born from Chichi and Goku the one that was supposed to protect Earth ended up destroying it [Music]
Channel: The Golden Emperor
Views: 6,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dragon ball super, dragon ball z, dragon ball, dbz what if, what if, dbs, dragon ball what if, goku, dbz, saiyan, dragon ball z what if, what if goku, what if gohan, what if gohan was the legendary super saiyan, full story, What if Gohan Was The Legendary Super Saiyan Full Story, dbz what if full series, gohan, gohan what if, dbz gohan, legendary super saiyan gohan
Id: XM559Vw0L6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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