What if EVERY Starter Pokémon Got a Regional Variant Evolution? #4

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So lately I've been on a quest to imagine what every starter Pokémon can be like with a regional variant Evolution and we have come up with some great stuff so far today though is the grand finale at least for now because we are down to four starters that I have not covered and in this video we are going to cover them and give them some Regional variants of their very own so let's get to it [Music] okay so the first variant we are covering in today's video is actually the sponsor of today's video manscaped and it's a variant because this isn't the typical manscaped promo manscaped provides awesome products like the lawn mower 5.0 Ultra which is designed to keep you groomed and help you keep you looking and feeling your best and that's a little more important in April because April is testicular cancer awareness month testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer in men ages 15 to 35 and manscape wants to make sure everyone is taken care of in this regard they're donating $50,000 to the testicular cancer society as a part of this effort and are offering their lawnmower 5.0 razor for 20% off so you can also take care of yourself to the best possible degree the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra comes equipped with skin safe technology which prevents Mi and cuts it's cordless rechargeable it has interchangeable blade heads it has an LED light built into it that you can toggle on and off and it's even waterproof so it's honestly a phenomenal razor that can help you keep looking your best feeling your best and making sure you stay that way so pick it up for 20% off by using my link in the description below and code hoops vgm at checkout and you'll even get free shipping along with that as well it also helps out the Channel 2 which is definitely super appreciated so check that out and a big thank you to manscaped for supporting the channel alrighty So today we're going to be covering incinerar reloom skele durge and Quack waval and I'm going to start with incinerar because the possibility of a regional variant incinerar has been on the minds of lots of people lately with the reveal of Pokémon Legends Za and Linton being a potential candidate to be one of the starters in that game so if that happened what could a regional variant incinerar look like you may ask well maybe something like this meet my concept for an incinerar of the regional variety shout out to my man Oscar as always for drawing the artwork of the designs in this video and be sure to check him out with the links in the description with this design in particular though the big thing that I wanted to do just for the heck of it was put in incar on all fours because that is probably the biggest criticism of its design from many fans myself included especially with what's happened over the past few generations with all of the bipedal starters I honestly doubt though that game freak would actually change incinerar that drastically if they did actually do a variant themselves but like I said it's what the people want so I just decided to say to heck with it and do it anyway from that simple idea though is what actually brought about a super sick design because the next step for this incinerar was to pick its typing obviously it had to stay fire type as a starter and I wasn't about to make it fighting and there are a bunch of other types as well like dragon or flying or bug that just don't work so ultimately with what was left over I settled on Rock because it would make for a cool interesting type combination in fire rock and it's something that isn't impossible either like the bug type is just don't put any water near this guy cuz he's not a fan with the typing now in place though that really brings everything together full circle here shout out to my brain on this next part because it kind of just took over from here but my first thought at this point when it came to the rock type for this Pokémon was the Stone Age yeah that is probably really basic and uncreative but it actually works here really well because with incinerar being a tiger we can use this Stone Age idea to make it a saber tooth tiger and now we have a legit theme for this Pokemon this also works because at this point if a starter Pokemon is going to get a regional variant it's probably going to be in a Legends game and with Legends Za now on the way in addition to Legends archus it seems like these games are going to be taking place in the past at least for these two games anyway and this feeds into this Regional incinerar even more since saber-tooth tigers are obviously an extinct species of the past finally the cherry on top to this whole thing is something that provides justification for this Pokemon becoming quadrupedal so not only is it cool but it also has a reason for being there and isn't just random that reason is with the past Stone Age theme that between the regional variant and the normal incinerar that this would represent this Pokémon evolving over time and going from walking on four legs with the variant to walking on two with the more modern day incinerar this fits the Stone Age Vibes it would fit thematically in a Legends game that takes place in the past and it honestly in my opinion just ties the whole design together in a really nice neat little bow so I really like this idea and I also love how Oscar portrayed that idea to where it's sort of in a transitional State between four legs and two legs in its artwork so kudos to him once again overall my consensus is that I am not an incinerar fan but I would be a fan of this design if it was real and to be honest it would actually raise my overall opinion of incinerar quite significantly but that's just my opinion so you guys are going to have to let me know how you feel about this design in the comments below let's move on though and talk about another fire type this time it's skurge and if skurge ever gets a regional variant somewhere down the road this is what it could look like I began this design by trying to figure out what the heck a Skeletor variant could be based around in the first place so I started my search Naturally by looking up some crocodile monsters within the various folklores of the world and that is when I came across sobec sobec is an ancient Egyptian deity which is always a fun point of inspir ation and Egypt specifically ancient Egypt in particular evokes a lot of themes of the past which ties into my whole point earlier about starters getting variance in Legends games which to this point seem like they're taking place in the past so Egyptian Skeletor is what I decided to go with with that in mind and honestly anything that brings us closer to an Egyptian Pokemon region is always going to be a good thing to go with in my book the next thing to do though was then to figure out the typing but with an Egyptian deity based Pokémon it wasn't really that hard which is why I went with psychic for a fire psychic type combination because psychic and Supernatural deities obviously go together pretty well the psychic type is also where the gold comes into play Within this Pokemon's design because gold particularly in Pokemon is known to be associated with psychic powers and the psychic type and gold is also a color that is well known to be typ to Egypt as well with their sarcophagy and their jewelry and all of their other stuff within that culture that is notably painted and colored gold so this is another design that just fit together really well all things considered the other big thing with skeletor's design though is the little Firebird that sits on its nose so where is that in the design you may be asking well this skeler just ate him that's what happened on a real note though obviously it is a big part of skeletor's design but we just weren't able to really find a place for it in this design specifically which personally I'm not too miffed about because the bird is just a flame anyway which naturally can just change its shape and be something else honestly we could just say that it ended up on skel's tail and that's how that whole situation happened and speaking of that fire tale maybe since this guy is hypothetically from the past and is themed around an ient Egypt maybe that's where we could say the Charmander family broke off and evolved from point is there is a lot of fun you can have with this design bird present or not and overall it turned out great in my opinion and like I said seeing some more Egypt stuff in Pokémon would also just be really cool to see as great as that would be though let's take a look at another type of Pokémon like the grass type reloom reloom has never been my favorite starter ever and it comes from arguably one of the weakest starter trios ever so a variant is definitely in order here meet Regional variant reloom conceptually I did my best here and overall I think this one ended up all right with reloom being based around music and more or less being a rock star I thought changing the genre of music of this Pokemon would be a good way to give this Pokémon a variant which is why I ultimately went with a classical vibe remin of Beethoven or Mozart this provides some good contrast to reab boom's current design and again if you feel like beating a dead horse it does give off the past Vibes that would fit well in a Legends title being based on both music and classical music in particular made me feel like grass fairy would be a good type combo for this design it definitely needs a second type in general to not only be different from normal reloom but also just to redeem the Galler starters a little bit who are all monot typed so I feel like overall grass fairy works here pretty well there was some challenge with this design though and that came in the form of this Pokemon's freaking hair Reb boom's hair is like the key point of its design and Game Freak did a great job of making it look good and also natural because it is hard to give Pokémon human like hair and not have it feel goofy at least in my own opinion so that was the biggest overall challenge with this design for me but overall I think we turned out okay we went for that Beethoven type look to go with the composer theme it also looks like a bush cuz he's a grass type and then you've also got all of these fun little composer conductor details like the bow tie and the suit coat and the shirt cuffs and the fancy white gloves so yeah this design feels feel all right in my opinion this next variant though I have saved specifically for the end of the video because it is my favorite of the bunch and it concerns quac waval now quack waval is not my favorite at all I don't really like its design and overall I just don't think it's a very good Pokemon but I feel like the design that I'm about to show you totally redeems it at least from my own perspective me NE Regional variant quack waval this guy is amazing and I absolutely love the way he turned out at first I was like how the heck am I going to do a variant of quaal because not only do I not like it but it just feels like a hard Pokemon to give a regional variant to based on its design but after a lot of thought I ended up landing on something that I think is a perfect concept and that is Native American dancing Native American culture is well known for its dances that are performed for various ceremonies and rituals and they often are performed with the performers being dressed in feathered clothing so dancing and an association with birds made this the perfect concept for a quack waval variant in my opinion because just in case you didn't know quack waval is a bird and also is heavily and centrally themed around a concept of dancing and and in general I also thought this would help quaal's design a lot as well with the Native American Association I thought quack waval could also naturally go from more of a peacock like design that it is currently to more of a eagle based design in this variant and that just helped it to look all the more awesome in my opinion the typing for this Pokémon meanwhile was a bit of a challenge but I ultimately settled on water ghost due to the spiritual nature of Native American culture as well as the spiritual nature of many of the dances that are performed within Native American culture I thought that this was perfect as well as not only does it fit but anytime you add the Ghost type to something it's just going to up its coolness by default so this design really turned out just so awesome in my opinion I honestly thought that this one had a ton of potential right away from a concept standpoint and I really wanted to de quack waval as well at least in my own eyes anyway so I really put a lot of thought into this one and also shout out to Oscar once again for helping me make all of this turn out so well as well and with that said I really do think this one turned out great and in my opinion it takes quack waval from kind of a lame Pokemon to a super super cool one what do you think about these variants though be sure to let me know in the comments and be sure to check out the other vide in this series as well because I have now covered every starter Pokemon final evolution to this point with a regional variant if you want to support the channel further as well in videos just like this you can also check out my Pokemon remixes over on Spotify or wherever you get your music which is super appreciated and helps out a ton and you can also give this video a like as well if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you haven't already to help out as well thanks a ton as always for watching this video it is super appreciated I'll be back with another one very soon and until then as always I will smell you guys later [Music]
Channel: HoopsandHipHop
Views: 30,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, starter pokemon, new starter pokemon, fakemon, fakemon starters, fakemon game, fakemon region, fan made starter pokemon, best starter fakemon, starter pokemon regional variants, fakemon dex, regional variant pokemon, incineroar, skeledirge, rillaboom, quaquaval, pokemon scarlet and violet, fakemon regional variants, nintendo, nintendo switch, hoopsandhiphop, pokemon legends z-a
Id: 7Qr4folKs0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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