What If Darth Vader RAISED Luke Skywalker

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[Music] welcome back to the space school of otherwise known as ppsw today we're back with a brand new star wars tv before we go anywhere thank you for 10k i'm so thank you guys this is amazing it's so much more fulfilling than it ever was on my other channel and i'm so appreciative for it you guys made this happen and i want to tell you guys that i'm so so very thankful for this new milestone i would like to set a new milestone so you guys pick either 25 000 or 50 000 for our next giveaway but for everyone else for for those of you guys that know about the lightsaber giveaway i'll be announcing details of that soon i still have to plan out how i'm going to do the raffle it's a lot of names and i have to get into a raffle so i might do a live stream for it i'm not sure yet but we'll see how that goes i'll give further details in the next coming days as we go in let's get straight into this video one more thing subscribe to this channel for a future giveaway and also subscribe to our twitch and join the discord awesome communities both places let's get straight into the video because i know that's why you're all here for our 10 000 subscriber special let's call it that today we'll be going into the inverse of our what if vader had trained leia video and this time we'll be bringing into question what could have happened had vader raised luke skywalker how would luke's interactions with his father from a young age have changed his outlook on the galaxy would luke become more powerful than vader and kill him or would he rule the galaxy together as father and son let's get straight into our story ladies and gentlemen our story begins in mos espa with former jedi master obi-wan kenobi the desert heirs are full of sand as swift wind blows dust and debris into kenobi's eyes it has been about a month since kenobi's life had completely changed it wasn't long ago that he was side by side with his buddies the clones kenobi couldn't see much with the sand in his eyes but what he could see was vivid flashbacks clone chatter blaster fire flack the war though the war was over the empire saw to it that the separatists had been destroyed and as they destroyed the cis they also destroyed the republic everything this former jedi master knew was gone he had spent the duration of this month migrating around the lars homestead he was still trying to communicate with his former master qui-gon jinn who had died on naboo more than 20 years beforehand kenobi was struggling though he had lost everyone sure he had yoda and he was also protecting luke but these events could have gotten better they could have gone much better the order he loved died at the hands of the clones he served side by side with the masters he respected as a student and grew to become friends with were gone his dearly beloved sateen chris was gone and his brother and student was turned to the dark side and was killed by obi-wan how could he live with what had happened sure it wasn't a ton of physical pain like the still alive vader but it was a mental turmoil kenobi was now a hermit wandering the desolate sands of tatooine no wonder anakin hated it here he thought back to himself espa was where they found the boy maybe it was a coincidence or maybe he was wishing that the boy would still be here but kenobi was in the city that qui-gon had found anakin skywalker he remembered back to what his master told him in his dying breaths he is the chosen one what a full kenobi was to believe that kenobi's eyes cleared filled with water was it tears or just the natural cleansing process he didn't know or really care he reached his arm up and cleared his thickened beard from the sand that covered it obi-wan needed credits and even more than that a place to call home kanubi saw a fight break out in the street a poor man was robbed by a slave owner the slave owner named gretib sent his henchmen to beat the man into submission most of the crowd kept walking but kenobi stopped his hand hovered over his lightsaber and his heart began to beat faster and faster he stopped his hand hovered over his mouth and trembled he stepped back away into a back alley and knelt down placing his back against some garbage cans and wept he was no longer obi-wan kenobi he couldn't do what he had known for 38 years of his life help this broke kenobi's will and even more than that it hurt his character closing in on coruscant was a ship of editor-class star destroyer it was sent to pick up an unknown imperial agent known as lord vader the emperor made it clear to imperial leadership that vader was his pupil vader was still weak clanking around the ship his suit was heavy and the burn still scarred every inch of flesh that he had left the limbs he had lost to kenobi on mustafar were gone but the scars of what kenobi did to him were not vader wobbled to the middle of the command deck the metallic parts made walking anywhere and everywhere a difficult task vader stood at the helm of the bridge so much had happened to him in the past month a lot of regret even more than that depression he wasn't anakin skywalker anymore everyone knew that anakin was either dead or much like sidious dead to him vader looked out amongst the stars from the command deck he remembered something he said to the man who gave him a chance he remembered telling qui-gon that he wanted to be the first person to see every star in the galaxy sure he never knew that leaving tattooing with qui-gon would lead him down such a path of misery vader wanted to kill everything that reminded him of who he was anakin skywalker was dead to him and while palpatine told him that he killed padme he was put in this place by his master sidious if he were stuck and bound to the ways of the sith eventually it would be his time to overthrow the emperor vader wanted nothing more than to have padme back he loved her but as vader he had new ambitions revenge vader turned towards the ship's captain and requested that they go to the planet tad to win vader didn't know kenobi was there and kenobi didn't know that anakin now vader had survived but vader was returning to tattooing to remove himself further from that name skywalker he resented it because he was no longer it and while he believed he needed to suffer for failing padme he never cared for owen and beru owen never deserved to even be close to related to him and so he wanted to ensure that owen and beru died maybe it were senseless killing but vader slaughtered younglings inside of the jedi temple after all the venator arrived out of hyperspace and vader requested a shuttle to take him down to the surface vader looked down on the planet from the command deck as the captain prepared him his shuttle vader hated sand he looked out the window and realized to himself that he never wanted to see this dust bowl ever again vader turned around and his cape whipped in the wind vader moved heavily through the corridors of the venator passing clone troopers who used to admire him now they feared him he passed regular citizens become imperial officers and watched as they cowered aside as he marched down the hallway vader was just learning the ins and outs of the infinite pain his master had constructed for him due to his failures on mustafar the name kenobi haunted him obi-wan vader thought it was a blank stare as he walked the hallways without realizing it he shoved a clone trooper to the ground vader was brought back to reality as he looked down at the clone trooper the trooper didn't say a word as he shuffled away vader watched him and then turned to see three others who watched vader push over their brother without words they filed out of vader's way and moved as fast as they could vader continued walking down the corridors and even though he was working on killing anakin he couldn't help but think what would anakin have done he got into the shuttle and thought about it he sat on a seat a jason from two clones vader didn't speak but what would anakin have done anakin would have apologized and reached over to help the clone off the ground the clone would have made a joke back to him and the two would have parted ways anakin had respect vader had fear he looked up and saw the two clones doing anything to avoid eye contact even through their helmets vader knew that they weren't looking at him they feared him the shuttle landed and vader wobbled to his feet but no one could see it he was struggling to use the force to keep himself balanced vader exited the shuttle as a touchdown outside of the lars homestead he stepped into the sands that covered his boots he didn't miss tatooine but it would be here on tatooine where he would bury anakin skywalker for good vader walked into the homestead of owen and peru as they ran to see what the noise outside was they ran to the middle room before the exit where they were keeping luke their nephew owen and beru stopped in their tracks as they looked into the eyes of fear itself they heard nothing but having breathing in the darkness part of the room they felt fear true fear as brew was pulled by the force in the vader's metallic hand he stepped forward holding beru with her feet off the ground owen looked up at vader who towered over him as he reached for something to defend himself with but it wouldn't matter vader would physically crush buru's windpipe as he tossed her aside as she crashed and it stacked some metallic pieces owen came running back towards vader but it also didn't matter the small spear-like object that owen was holding was pulled from his hands by the force owen then tried to run as he turned he couldn't escape he couldn't move he felt his feet slipping and fear flew through his body but before the fear could fill the man he was full of coldness vader used a spear and rammed it through owen's back as he released him with the force owen who was still trying to move forward ended up running into a wall pushing the spear not fully out of his back only to fall backwards and pushed the entire weapon back through him owen was still alive as he looked at vader walk towards him vader had nothing to say still as he walked lightly he pressed his boot on owen's neck and then he began to apply pressure and slowly ended owen's life vader released the boot and then heard something quite peculiar the sound of a child it wasn't an old child the child seemed to be about a month old one so very dependent on his mother vader walked towards the sound and found a makeshift crib it wasn't the crib of parents expecting a child nor was the setup nonetheless if vader wanted to kill off anakin skywalker the boy had to die as well vader lifted his hand and then he felt it pure power vader didn't think it were possible not only did he not think it were possible it had to be impossible there was no way that padme gave birth the child wasn't a large though it was a skywalker and that child was his one thing vader knew instantaneously was that sidious had lied to him a matter of concern for another time he picked up the child and exited the homestead stepping over the bodies of owen and beru he made his way back out into the unbearable heat he walked towards the shuttle and requested that the two clones go out and burn the homestead to the ground and so with that hesitation the two clones went out and burnt the homestead to the ground they didn't see the child that vader was holding and he wanted it to stay that way as a homestead began to burn the troopers turned and started walking back to their shuttle vader looked at them from the shuttle and raised his hand two cracks could be heard as the two clones dropped to the ground vader told the ship's pilot to take off the ship was heading back to the hangar bay on the venator it was an unsanctioned deployment and palpatine wanted answers vader took the child back to his quarters and returned to the bridge preparing a response as he walked through the hallways he knew he had to keep himself in check if he gave away too much emotion he could ruin the grand plan he was now creating vader walked into the command bridge and a communication from his master came in vader knelt sidious raised his voice at vader asking why he had returned to tatooine vader told his master that he was killing off the remainder of who he was cease without hesitation congratulated his apprentice he told vader to go to an ancient sith planet named craius ii he wanted vader to fetch a sith holocron because it was an ancient sith temple before the rule of two vader would be able to retrieve the holocron without the need of another sith palpatine was still unaware of luke's presence this was what vader wanted palpatine didn't travel much further than korriban the other sith homeworlds didn't have what he really wanted or needed to be there in person to see so he sent vader to do his dirty work for him he also saw this as a way to continuously torture his apprentice mindless tasks that would simply make vader's life drag on and on vader nodded and so vader was dispatched to the ancient sith world of crease ii as vader told the captain the location the captain had the crew pinpoint the coordinates in the nava commuter as they jumped into hyperspace on tatooine kenobi was riding his eop when he saw smoke in the distance he was having a difficult time already he hoped it weren't the tuscan raiders he also hoped that it weren't a band of pirates kenobi jumped off a zeope and ran over a hill wind dust sand flew in the air as his keep whipped off his burning body his old jedi outfit lay beneath he still hadn't found much other clothes to change himself into as he ran his beard filled with sand and his eyes began to get covered as he raised his hand to cover his eyes he kept running as fast as he could there was nothing in the galaxy that could stop him he arrived as the smoke covered him his jedi over tunic was still charred from mustafar but now the smoke and sit were covering what wasn't already burned tears rolled down from obi-wan's face it was the one day he left the one day he wasn't watching like a hawk he fell to his knees but he couldn't let the weakness of this apparent failure stop him he ran into the homestead smoke covered the air as kenobi got lower and lower to the ground he saw beru and ran over and touched her forehead but it were no matter every bone in her neck was broken obi-wan saw owen and knew instantaneously that owen was gone obi-wan went to where the makeshift crib was and the child too was gone sidious but how kenobi started coughing he ran out of the homestead and fell to his knees again all the sulfur he breathed in no mustafar was enough to give him asthma but the smoke inside of the burning building wasn't enough konomi let go of the force he felt free for a moment though his hands and knees were covered in sand kenobi had been using the force to conceal luke and his own location apparently the force range that he was keeping on luke had a limit kenobi looked up and saw two clones that were dead he hadn't noticed them beforehand the same thing that happened to beru happened to these clones they were killed by a powerful angry force user maybe someone who didn't want the clones to know that they were here but nonetheless kenobi decided what to do and what to do was right by the clones and the remainder of the lars family bearing owen lars berulars ct 7687 and ct9009 kenobi walked away [Music] he took his eop back to his residence inside of a dark cave kenobi sat without speaking without blinking his greatest failures became consequential not just for himself but for the galaxy kenobi toiled over this it was driving him insane if he had killed maul on nebu maybe qui-gon would live if he had killed maul maybe sateen would be able to save mandalore from the chaos if he were ready or a better teacher he could have been what anakin needed him to be now he failed anakin not vader but anakin in the afterlife he failed anakin and padme by letting luke slip into the clutches of evil kenobi had to do something but he had no way off planet he needed to find a way to get to bail or to yoda whether bill and his wife liked it or not their adopted daughter needed to be trained in the ways of the force because the family that was skywalker was being torn apart by who obi-wan presumed to be sidious while at the end of the day it were anakin who showed the seeds of downfall into his family's lineage both for luke and leia kenobi regardless needed to find a way off world vader's venator meanwhile arrived at crease 2. the sith had abandoned the planet for thousands of years beforehand there wasn't much to see most of the sith temple that was visible was the top but there was valuable information inside and with that information he would use it with his son luke while vader didn't know that that was the name that he was referred to he did know that anakin and pat may picked out a name for the boy and a girl whichever their child became of course they could have known but they didn't want to ruin the surprise while luke would be the boy's name it was almost like vader was holding on to anakin while trying to move past him because anakin was in there somewhere but that didn't matter now his son was his son meaning that luke would be destined to be at least as powerful as he could have been if he hadn't lost to obi-wan anakin would have been more powerful than any force user in the galaxy maybe just maybe luke could become this it would take patience but it would be the ultimate revenge against palpatine's grooming over the last 20 plus years since anakin first arrived on coruscant vader carried his child into a shuttle and departed for the planet below as they arrived on the planet's surface vader walked out holding his son luke much like anakin had an affinity for the dark side of the horse luke perked up when he saw the temple sure he was only a month old but the force was strong with him vader walked to the top of the temple and placed his son down on an altar then he used a force to open up a passageway into the depths of the temple vader needed to do something about his son he needed to keep him hidden from the emperor and so he recovered two sith telecons two of the same vader grabbed a third this temple used to be an artifact room a library of sorts the sith had many important artifacts and documents kept here outside of the temple a group of women came running to see who had landed they ran to the top of the temple where they had seen a massive dark figure disappear as the women ran to the top they saw a child they gathered around him they all wore cloaks that concealed their faces though it didn't take much to conceal anything the planet was controlled by the darkness and it was influenced by the power and the dark side of the force these women were part of a group of sith loyalists that had been on the planet since the sith had left their name were the sith perpetual the women turned when they heard breathing a large figure climbed out of the hidden stairwell they all kneeled before vader they knew he was a sith and they knew the sith had returned vader was puzzled but then he realized he knew of the sith perpetual he hadn't realized that they still existed they only existed here on crease two so commandingly he demanded that they take care of his son for him the thing about the sith perpetual is that they were completely obedient to the most powerful sith lord they interacted with they weren't force users themselves mostly just peasants who saw the sith as gods because the sith were all-powerful with the force the women looked at vader and they rose vader looked down at his child and knelt before him vader handed luke a sith holocron and though the infant was hardly able to hold it he did vader gently touched his son's holocron with his own this created a holocron bond now luke and vader would be able to communicate because the dark side of the force vader felt confident in the sith perpetual he believed that they would take care of his son vader would be able to train his son using the diet of holocrons the woman gently picked up luke and carried them and carried him away from vader as he watched they ran into the smog that covered the lower half of the temple much like the women of the fifth perpetual vader descended into the darkness below his shadow illuminated the darkness as his ship rose into the atmosphere as vader returned to the venator he placed his holocron in his quarters while carrying his masters the holocron he was going to give sidious was the one that his master wanted vader walked towards the bridge and the ship launched in the hyperspace the journey through hyperspace left vader on the deck thinking about all he could do with his son it was something that vader looked forward to and while having a son could bring vader from the darkness it could also drive him deeper and deeper into it and for vader it pushed him deeper and deeper into a path of revenge it was revenge on kenobi and sidious a path that he looked into with great detail and planning flipping the empire over into the rule of lord vader this would take years of careful planning and obeying his master's game until that time though vader had to prepare himself for the eventual duel of his life this line of thought took vader away from the current moment blue and white lines illuminated across the dark skeleton that was vader's suit he remained steadfast on the bridge of the venator clone troopers and imperial officers walked by him and continued carrying out the operations of the ship until vader's thoughts were stopped and the basey sound brought by the ship out of hyperspace there was the city world of coruscant vader had a meeting with his master and so he traveled down to the surface within his shuttle vader approached the senate chambers where the chancellor's office now belonged to the emperor of the imperial senate vader walked through the halls he wasn't approached by anyone but he was feared by everyone everyone of course who wasn't his master lord sidious he entered his master's office and knelt before his master's chair vader raised his hand and showed palpatine the holocron he collected palpatine lightly raised his hand and pulled the holocron from vader's hand using the force he examined it and then stood up he congratulated vader on his accomplishment from here on out palpatine had a lot of missions he'd send vader on and from here time would blur together for vader for the next 13 years he'd earn himself a crimson blade and learn more knowledge of the dark side of the force he would also communicate with his son and teach him the ways of the force vader also in this time would return to crease 2 and teach his son in person the ways of the dark side of the force as vader killed more and more jedi he found a lightsaber to give and save for his son the first real task that vader had for his son was bleeding the lightsaber crystal of a fallen jedi vader took time away from his imperial missions to spend time with his son luke got accommodated with this schedule but he also found a place of belonging with the sith perpetual though luke was always eager to interact with his father he always found home with the people who took care of him because of the diet of holocrons luke and vader were able to communicate with one another and vader was able to walk his son through training on a daily basis this training helped luke become a powerful young force user even more than that the sith perpetual were giving luke assistance with his training in accordance to lord vader's demand luke by the age of 13 was already rivaling the power that anakin had achieved by revenge of the sith during this 13-year period obi-wan was eventually able to find himself off world and make his way to alderaan the difficult task of the former jedi order was asking parents if the jedi could adopt their child into their order obi-wan went to baal and told him that luke was stolen by the emperor from what obi-wan knew this was most likely to be true bale knew what the implications this could have for the galaxy especially if luke harnessed the dark side of the force bale and his wife said goodbye to their adopted daughter months after taking her in obi-wan knew the most important thing he could do was bring her to master yoda and while both jedi realized that they had failed their order they needed to be proactive in resolving the problems they had created yoda would be mostly responsible for the training of leia while kenobi would be continuously on and off world because dagobah was covered by the dark side of the force it would keep yoda kenobi and leia safe but whenever kenobi left he was making himself vulnerable kenobi though wanted to find and save luke from the clutches of evil and while yoda disagreed with obi-wan's great haste in resolving the mess that he blamed himself solely for kenobi was off obi-wan ventured into the deep core hidden under a cloak that didn't look like it belonged to a jedi he also found a means of travel that got around the imperial public travel codes obi-wan struggled though no matter where he went former clones were suppressing populations they once served he knew he couldn't do anything to help them just keep his head low eventually after rummaging around the deep core he decided that luke may be on the former sith empire worlds it was just a hunch nothing more but he only knew of one of these it wasn't kenobi's fault most of the jedi only knew of the world of korriban after all it was the birthplace of the sith kenobi would travel to khoravan every couple months though a close encounter made him decide to stay off world as kenobi was leaving the world he felt the presence of evil that presence belonged to palpatine konomi knew he weren't powerful enough to take him on alone kenobi would return to dagobah after years of on and off appearances to stay with yoda and leia much like luke leia was talented naturally some may say even more talented than luke she had a natural ability for the force but just like her father anakin luke and leia were almost unattainable naturally born force wielders it was incredible as the years passed obi-wan and yoda both saw what anakin could have become had he been trained as a child and if the child that was brought to the council was trained by a jedi master not an apprentice turned master yoda knew and watched over leia's training with the growth of kenobi's mentoring he wasn't ready and the council's inability to realize it were the ignorance of what would eventually bring the downfall the jedi order as those 13 years passed luke and leia were opposites in the force palpatine was ignorant to it because in the force things didn't feel as if they had changed luke and leia balanced each other out though there was something important for luke vader wanted him to become more active in imperial works so he brought luke in to be his right-hand man the story of luke was a jedi who survived the purge and was powerful enough and wise enough to join the ranks of vader luke was more powerful than most if not the entire inquisitorius the only issue was luke's stature for being anakin's son he wasn't nearly as tall as his father and it showed still in his young age but the height didn't matter for young skywalker though he went under the pseudonym of darth radav it was vader backwards because they were one in the same same blood same name and luke was ready to be his father's pride luke came aboard an imperial one star destroyer with his robe over his head he didn't have the stature of his father vader had an appearance that gave people fear but luke's small size made people look down to him it was quite ironic though luke wanted this he wanted people to doubt him he thrived in the fact that people would underestimate his power the underdog of the empire for now he had no one's respect but alas he would achieve it through hard work his father turned women told him that he would have his first mission he was being sent with some death troopers to track down and kill without mercy a squad of insurgents that were protecting three jedi though luke of this plant was more than capable of taking on this task himself vader was being fatherly with his son it wasn't anakin skywalker though vader had killed that name and though luke still carried it the sith lord that was darth radav was truly the making of evil luke with his cloak raised over his shattered face nodded to his father he knew what had to be done luke carried one primary blade and adopted a secondary choto with his fighting form five just like his father but luke was more agile like the young man that was once anakin skywalker the ship departed an imperial landing vessel the death trooper set idol across from luke they had nothing to say they looked at luke through their helmets unlike vader they didn't fear luke luke could feel it through the force he could tell they didn't respect him but it didn't matter that would all change as the ship landed in a grassy field a bright sun cascaded through the clouds in a tree line luke looked at it for a second as he exited the shuttle first he had never truly seen light everything on crease ii was dark covered in mist and filled with shadows the light he was remarkable though he was still attuned to the dark side he'd never seen anything so beautiful he walked forward as the death troopers towered over him they followed closely eyes peeled into the trees a lightsaber ignited as luke blocked a sniper round back into the tree line the shot would have killed the death trooper if he hadn't acted luke told his men to follow him as erased into the trees covered in darkness and a robe of evil luke progressed through the forest at great speed he saw the encampment but the people were gone nearby he saw the insurgent that shot the sniper round at him luke deflected the blaster shot right back into the blaster itself and had exploded frying the man as he fell out of the tree to his death the death troopers caught up but as soon as they did luke found the tracks freshly imprinted into the mud so luke did what was needed of him to do as he rushed forward his men followed him closely the trees were tall but the woods weren't deep they ended almost immediately a small hill stood before luke and he knew that they were a trap waiting on the other side as the death troopers caught up to luke and exited the small woods luke turned to them and quietly rose one finger to his dry lips he motioned if to tell them to wait for his move the death troopers understood as they quietly marched their way up the hill about 20 of them in full it would have been 19 without luke's help they then looked for luke but they couldn't see him but then out of the forest came a blur luke was running and used the death troopers as a stool jumping 40 feet into the air the insurgents didn't see him but the jedi felt him fear covered their faces as the entire group of insurgents and rebels turned to hear the massive thunk two crimson blades ignited and luke cut down the insurgents using the force to pull one of the jedi towards him he decapitated her two other jedi fled the death troopers assumed that this was a signal and they began to move up and over the hill when they came over the hill they saw what luke had done these surgeons those who were still left alive were mutilated some had missing arms and others had missing legs luke cut through them without mercy they were at the mercy of the death troopers who waited for luke to return luke wasn't too far away the scenery was rolling hills and on the other side of the hill luke hadn't need to duel he decapitated one of the other jedi and thrust his shoulder into the chest of the other luke carried the head of the jedi he cut off back over the hill as he walked down the small incline he let the head roll down into the middle of the massacre the insurgents still alive looked with fear terror and pain in their eyes luke smiled from beneath his cloak he raised his blade and ignited it once more and slashed down one of the insurgents but not killing him he cut the insurgent's hand off sheathing the blade luke turned to the death troopers raising his hand letting up electricity of which was burning and slowly killing the insurgent who he had just cut the hand off of as a man slowly died painfully luke requested that his men execute the rest of them turning and raising his other hand unleashing his full power as the man withered away the death troopers were quick as they killed the man who stood before them it was quick but painful the shuttle hovered over the men and luke as it landed nearby the men hustled on board the shuttle and luke followed them on slowly holding three kyber crystals in his hands sitting down the opposite side of the ship from his men once again they no longer looked at him with disrespect these men respected him and now they feared him even at his young age lord radov was a fearsome young wielder of the force someone not to be messed with someone to be feared luke grinned from underneath his cloak as he juggled the crystals in his hand what would he use these for what would he do with them the ship returned to the hangar bay of vader's capital ship vader was proud of his boy the death troopers all stood behind vader as they waited for lord vader to break conversation as vader walked away all the men saluted lord radov luke much liked these men and intended to serve with them again in the future luke returned to his quarters quietly without saying anything to anyone rumor traveled through the star destroyer of what luke had done on the surface of the planet that had just seen the death and massacre he had created the crystals were laid out before him two green and one blue luke wanted to save these they to him were trophies but even more than trophies luke desired to kill more though the issue were that there weren't enough jedi in the galaxy left to kill luke confronted his father in his father's quarters luke was the only person able to interact with vader without his mask on luke didn't mind the sight but he wanted to know where he could find and kill more jedi or insurgents vader told his young son that he understood the power and excitement that he had from doing so but the time to kill more jedi wouldn't be now there were missions that luke and vader had to uphold being a part of the empire luke didn't understand this and rebelled against vader's lack of enthusiasm towards killing jedi luke yelled out at his father calling them weak vader rose from a seat telling luke that there was a plan in place to secure leadership of the empire vader placed his hand on his son's shoulder and told his son to have patience reminding him that the power he had would become greater and when it became greater he would be able to he would be able to help his father kill the emperor luke calmed down his heightened anger vanished like a gentle breeze with rebellion on the rise the jedi became more and more scarce in the galaxy the years would begin the dragon for luke he was a product of what vader had done vader created a killing animal within luke and luke grew with power he also grew with rage the emperor also began to learn about this young acolyte who served closely with lord vader palpatine wasn't extremely troubled by this but he was watching over this progress he would begin to funnel imperial high command to emphasize luke's powers luke at some point during the following years would first interact with the inquisitorius luke felt through the forest and knew that there were no match for him or his death squad which was now officially recognized as an elite group of death troopers within the empire luke didn't get along well with the inquisitors they were mostly former jedi who realized that the light was weak little did they realize that they had nothing compared to the power of skywalker though the inquisitorius failed missions luke did not he had close calls but he was never one to come back empty-handed serving as vader's right-hand man for all these years he'd grown accustomed to killing jedi and taking their crystals as trophies he was far more experienced as a dueler than anyone he came across and while he was reaching his late teens he was becoming the most powerful being in the galaxy and palpatine could feel it he was in the works of devising a plan that would make it seem as if vader had betrayed him the plan was set in motion by vader who was given a report by the emperor that there were a group of jedi gathering on the planet of mon calamari vader had been there within the last decade because of a jedi insurrection the emperor requested that the inquisitorius guide the acolyte known as radav the inquisitorius knew their orders as luke led the inquisitorius to mondcala the grand inquisitor had tragically died the year prior and then were at the hand of a rebel insurgency squadron with two jedi serving alongside them the report indicated that the squadron was present on mancala and then queers atorius and acolyte radav were being sent there to snuff out the insurgents and kill them travel through hyperspace was tense the entire group of inquisitors stood before luke he could feel that something were off he felt that there was betrayal in the air but he didn't know where from he sat quietly his face hidden below a dark robe his piercing yellow eyes were hidden by the silence in his mind the inquisitors thought of making their move now but the orders were to kill him on mancala and blame the population the empire could risk another full-on invasion of the planet no one could stop the brute force in the galaxy that was the empire but little did the inquisitors know that their emperor their leader had sent them on a suicide mission so that he could make young skywalker his new apprentice steam filled the innards of the ship the inquisitor stumbled as the ship shook as it landed on the rough ground near the ocean that mont cala was known for the group of imperials exited the ship the darkness clouded over the people of moncala a young quaran approached the ship and asked why they were here luke muttered quietly that there were jedi that they were looking for the quorum told luke that the jedi had been banished from the planet since the previous imperial invasion there would be no sign of jedi here luke didn't move but the young quran began to get lifted off the ground luke was force choking him as he steadily marched towards him luke told the quran that he had one chance for survival and that was to tell him where the traitors were the corn with the little bit of air he had left let out a whimper telling luke that the traitors were behind him luke released the quarren as lightsabers ignited several at a time the inquisitorius was here to kill him and they were sent by who his ignorant father luke didn't have time to decide when blade rose from his side luke looked up from under his cloak and his eyes pierced the souls of the inquisitors that he was about to dismantle eight duelists versus luke skywalker vader's pride luke steadied himself as the inquisitor surrounded the young sith little did they know of his true power they'd seen flashes when he killed jedi but they were nothing compared to the power of eight inquisitors the battle commenced as a tenth brother took the first swing his gray hair blowing as a wind as he got caught in an interlocked duel with slook the fourth sister from behind luke ran at him as he felt this he leaped over the tenth brother and using the force he pushed him at the fourth sister the two fools toppled over and luke engaged with the much taller fifth brother their duel was exciting enough to draw the attention of the sixth brother and the seventh sister luke was surrounded three versus one as the inquisitors gathered around luke luke parried the fifth brother and yanked his choto from his belt and combated the sixth brother the seventh sister told her droid to electrocute luke and it began to make its way towards him luke was caught interlocked with two duelists and several more surrounding him as electricity rang out across his back he fell to his knees holding his blades apart from himself this moment luke thought to himself could be his last but then the pain he felt coursing through his spine turned to rage the seven sister creeped up behind luke skywalker to land the killing blow but as she got closer she was blinded as luke spun quickly on the ground using his lightsabers to kick up dust she saw nothing and the inquisitors moved closer they saw that luke had vanished but they soon would learn that he hadn't the 11th brother screamed in pain as the entire group of inquisitors quickly turned to see luke standing on the brother's shoulders with his shoutout deep inside the brother's back luke twisted it and then stepped off as the brother withered his way to the ground luke had escaped with diversion and now he was the embodiment of evil the remaining inquisitors felt true fear with his robe covering his eyes a blur was seen as luke twisted in a great spin he jabbed the twelfth sister in the chest the fifth brother was the first to engage luke who with both his blaze ignited contorted his body around the fifth brother as luke stood the brother fell to pieces five inquisitors remained luke raised his shadow hand and pulled the tenth brother closer with the force the brother dug his boots into the ground but as he did they began to shatter as his boots crumbled beneath his feet his feet were soon shattering every bone that was within his feet crumbled under the immense pressure the force was putting on him luke sheed this shoutout and whipped the brother into his hand with the forest luke twisted his head and stared into the eyes of the gray-haired brother of the inquisitorius fear showered the brother's face and the pain that consumed his feet was a mere joke luke wrapped his hand around the brother's neck and while choking him he drained the essence of force from his body luke grinned from beneath his cloak the scene nearby crashed onto the surface as if the mere presence of luke was upsetting the balance on the planet the four remaining inquisitors decided one final shot one final chance for survival they ran at luke who stood deathly still as they got to their feet away from him luke decapitated the tenth brother and collided blades with the eighth brother using the head of the tenth brother he smashed it into the seven sister's face luke twirled as a whirlwind and pulled his choto out and cut the six brothers legs off luke's feet glided across the ground and when he found his footing he used the momentum to push into the eighth brother shoving the brother back into a one versus one duel he swung with immense speed pushing harder and harder the brother with everything he had defending block after block speed wasn't enough he didn't have the power to keep up luke cut through the wrists of the eighth brother before moonwalking his choto into the brother's neck luke poised himself for combat but when the dust settled the sixth brother was still shrieking in pain after losing his legs the seven sister was still getting to her feet and their fourth sister was in fight or flight panic luke could see it even behind that pathetic little mass of the inquisitor's love to where luke stepped forward shaking his shoulders to draw increments of dust that had laid themselves upon his cloak the two still standing inquisitors were trembling fear when they showed fear before it was nothing compared to the terror they felt now luke wanted to know who had sent them but he also knew they would never tell him holding his blade up he sent electricity tumbling over the ignited lightsaber and from the tip of the blade over the ground and seeping into the sixth brother luke was remorseless though the twist of his shoulders and tightening of the grip of his jaw he glared into the eyes of the remaining two inquisitors he didn't say a word the sixth brother was dying by his hand and the fourth and seven sister couldn't do anything to fight him they looked at each other not knowing what to do next they could fight and die or run and die they knew their best chances were fighting especially as luke was currently distracted they set their blades to spin mode as they creeped forward luke moved his evil glare to the sixth brother and didn't stutter from his position he watched the six brother let out a final shriek of pain at this point the two sisters stood before him moving to adjacent sides hoping to catch him off balance luke lowered his hands and held his two blades to his side waiting for them to strike both sisters ran at luke from opposing sides as their blades neared his skin he used his flexibility to drop his chest to the floor behind him as he looked up he watched as two blades crossed right over his stomach into the stomachs of the two sisters as their blade sheathed they both looked into the mask of one another they killed themselves luke regained his footing and watched as the two of them fell to the ground of course luke wouldn't let this go he sheaved his blade and lightly raised his hands pulling his cloak back over his head he lowered his hands to his hips and then he used the force to drain the entire being from each of the force users they stood no chance as they looked up at luke heaton blink he stared blankly into their masked faces as he watched their lives slowly and the true heir to the name skywalker luke collected the kyber crystals and left the remnants of the former inquisitorius behind as he boarded his shuttle luke sat down inside of the shuttle and juggled his crystals as he told the pilot to take off and head back for vader's flagship luke sat quietly he never spoke much anyways but silence was where he felt the spirits of the ancient sith as if they were communicating with him growing up on an ancient sith world made him susceptible to the powers of the ancient sith and since crease 2 was a world of information luke was filled with the deep sith more as luke returned to the devastator he swiftly rose from his seat he glided through the corridors troopers saw the hooded man and stood aside saluting him fear or respect they knew luke by reputation the stories he and his death squad had accumulated made luke into almost a living myth a living legend no matter luke with rage in his eyes and intention his heart marched his way to vader's personal quarters when luke entered vader was being put together his helmet wasn't on nothing particularly new for luke vader's eyes shot across the room to see his son vader asked how the mission went but before he could get a response the doors to his quarter slam shut crushing the hinge they sat on and vader was pulled from his seat to the middle of the room vader twisted its gaze towards his father asking why the inquisitors betrayed him vader didn't understand but luke didn't have time for this his shoulder blade rang out throughout the room the echo bounced off the walls as a sound illuminated the room father and son confusion enrage vader told luke that the mission came from the emperor not from him vader told his son that imperial high command had been dictating all of luke's missions vader expressed that he wanted to tell his son but luke had been so prideful the missions that he and his squad had accomplished vader didn't want to disrupt the feelings that luke had after all vader remembered what it was like when the 500 first started winning battles consistently during the clone wars luke helped up his father and apologized but then he told his father that he wanted to kill the emperor vader agreed that it was almost time but there was a real mission that he had to accomplish the squadron of rebels that had killed the grand inquisitor were currently in transition and the empire without any inquisitors needed to spring the trap vader told luke to go to the planet that they were on and kill all of the rebels luke nodded and then used the force to open the door so that he could slide out the imperial star destroyer rang out the code for luke and his squad to go to the hangar bay the very distinct squad 13 made its way to the hangar bay another mission and another success was their intention luke was always still but the death troopers consistently chattered amongst themselves in the beginning luke hardly understood even with the aid of the force what they were saying though they had spent years together and luke understood them now and to a certain extent they understood luke the ship landed in a dense city on which planet luke didn't care he was so focused on killing the emperor nothing else really mattered to him the troops marched down the street and a squad of rebels could be seen luke looked at them confused he told his men to follow slowly the jedi were his the younger jedi turned around and saw the darkness emanating from the city corridor he poked his master with panic filling his soul luke kept walking as his cloak fluttered in a wind like a butterfly behind him he moved steadily covered in black the other older jedi turned and told his apprentice to hurry with the supplies they were taking the jedi stepped forward and his apprentice followed him both igniting their blades one of the younger women of the group was pushing the rest of the supplies with a larger creature luke hadn't ever seen before two blades ignited as luke stepped forward blue covered his face as they illuminated from the two jedi ezra and kanan luke took out his primary blade and held it momentarily he didn't ignite it he kept walking like any rambunctious child luke was playing with his food he didn't blink sending chills down the spines of canaan and ezra the supplies were almost fully loaded into the ship but even the ship's pilot who was helping load the surprise felt the fear and coldness that accompanied the presence of luke cannon and ezra worked best as a team and they tried to enact on that both jumping into attack thinking that they could best the warrior of the sith luke didn't ignite his blade he just swerved in and out dodging the lightsabers finding himself behind the jedi from the ship blaster bolts rang out and luke raised his hand blocking them just as his father had shown him when he was such a young boy luke turned and looked at the one who shot the blasters at him from the tips of his fingers electricity shot out of his hands and hit the ship's pilot and threw her into the wall knocking her unconscious kanan and nezra simultaneously yelled out the name hera luke grinned the jedi's weakness was their compassion from their compassion they would act erratically causing them to fall out of line with the light they held so dearly kanan ran at luke first who still hadn't ignited his lightsaber another swift sidestep but this time he grabbed cannon by the ponytail on the back of his head and yanked him back the jedi was pulled so viciously his lightsaber tumbled from his hand as he fell flat on his back kanan groaned and ezra saw his master was in trouble darting for the sith he realized he were running in place luke was lifting the young jedi with his hand luke walked a bit closer as he turned his head ever so slightly to look at ezra he placed his boot on kanan's neck without applying too much pressure the ghost crew who were still up started yelling but their worries were ended when luke was lifted off his feet and sent crashing into a pillar ezra fell and kanan got up coughing and regaining his breath zeb and sabine piled inside of the ship and prepared for takeoff kanan and ezra looked over and they saw two white blades covering the face of a targuta luke whipped up from the ground smiling like the fight had already ended and in reality it had ahsoka much like the inquisitors had awoken a demon within luke he dusted himself off and removed himself from the rebel kanan and ezra ignited their blades to stand against luke none of the three of these people had ever seen this cloaked figure before he had a reputation but nothing more than that he was a pet of darth vader and as far as any of the three jedi knew that was all he was a pet luke stepped forward and then ignited his primary blade this time ignited the crimson from within luke was pissed and he was ready to strike without mercy and without hesitation just like his father taught him all those years ago when he first tasted the blood of jedi slaughter luke knew who the weakest jedi was and whipped his hand out to pull ezra with extreme force ezra's blade fell to the ground as ezra cried out luke viciously grabbed ezra's face and held him down to the floor luke stepped forward dragging ezra who was continuously crying out for help from someone anyone sabine looked on from the ghost and wanted to help but the duel commenced as kanan gave into that jedi instinct to help his padawan luke grinned as he parried and pushed kanan back while holding ezra in his hand ezra kept screaming like a worm under the achilles heel so helpless and worthless yet in luke's mind adorable to watch thinking that there were any chance for survival luke pulled his wrist back and jabbed forward towards kanan catching him in the upper thigh an intended strike kanan fell to the ground in immense pain luke knew that ahsoka would be the true duelist of the fight so saving kanan and ezra for later he tossed ezra aside while lining his blade through one of ezra's thighs both jedi in incredible pain with absolutely nowhere to go they couldn't run or escape by themselves sabine and zeb ran from the ghost but luke before engaging with ahsoka used the force to shove them all back into their ship luke engaged with ahsoka she was a powerful duelist but her blades of purity told luke that she wouldn't go the extra mile for the kill she was more pure than a jedi and this meant an experience of toying with the former jedi luke knew nothing about this duelist but using her goodness against her he sheaved his blade mid duel and used a force to stop one of her blades in action luke twisted under the blade and outside of its range ahsoka could move the rest of her body just not her arm and the lightsaber in front of it luke decided kanan would be perfect for the choice using the force he lifted up kanan and slowly started moving him towards the frozen blade ahsoka needed to do something if she didn't she would kill kanan she panicked trying to sheath her blade but she couldn't luke placed kanan in front of the blade and then gently moved his hand and the swing an intention ahsoka had shoved her blade through kanan's temple luke smiled with his evil eyes ahsoka's blade began to flicker even though she didn't want to kill kanan the intention to swing is what killed him she was no longer pure and that's what luke wanted she looked at luke with tears in her eyes almost as if she was pleading and asking why he had done this and then luke without saying a word ignited his blade and pulled himself into close proximity with ahsoka she tried to defend herself but the shock of what she had just done combined with the speed of luke she looked up and saw the eyes of death ahsoka slumped as her body fell through the lightsaber that passed through her ezra in tears was trying to crawl away by this point the ghost crew knew they needed to leave kanan was gone and the chances of saving ezra were slim as ezra made his way across the street luke steadily followed him back pulling out his choto as he drove it into one of ezra's knee pits gluing him to the floor from out of nowhere a small orange and tan clanker rolled at luke he looked at the droid and gently raised it with his hand bringing his fingers to the palm of his hand chopper began to squeal as metal and bolts began to topple in on one another ezra and all the pain he was feeling cried out chopper's name luke crushed the droid and then walked over to the boy the ghost crew didn't know what to do luke knelt by ezra and asked if the people in there were his friends the closest thing that he ever had to a real family and ezra said that he didn't know them luke sighed and slyly said to ezra as if he'd spare them anyways what a pity luke raised both of his hands as a ship was flown into the air without a pilot or a destination luke pulled the ship back and forth as he whipped it across the sky in a whirlwind sending the crew inside tumbling across the interior luke told ezra that it was a shame that they weren't his friends because if they were they wouldn't suffer like this ezra begged luke to stop but by the time luke said the word this the ship collided into a massive building nearby the building then toppled over killing hundreds of innocent civilians luke knelt down next to ezra and said that his friends just killed innocent civilians of the empire an act of terror he then told ezra that maybe he should have stayed out of things pulling his shoulder through the rest of ezra's body luke stood and sheathed his secondary weapon as he looked at his men and motioned them back to their shuttle it wasn't often that luke took on rebels alone but sometimes he wanted to enjoy the power that came along with being who he was luke did as was tradition after killing jedi he took their crystals and left the rest behind luke boarded the shuttle of death squad 13 and left he sat in the seat and listened as the death troopers began talking about what the hell they just watched they didn't really know if luke knew what they were saying but he didn't and he enjoyed the boasting these troopers did for their leader the ship arrived on the devastator as they left the shuttle lord vader was waiting luke looked at his father and asked if it were time vader nodded telling luke that the two of them were going to visit the emperor on the death star he did warn that a lot of imperial authority would be present on the battle station vader told his son that the time was now father and son walked to the bridge and watched as the interior of the bridge was covered in blue and white rays the ship entered hyperspace for an encrypted location only few imperial vessels knew of where the death star was located vader didn't say much to luke and that was okay they had a bond as such they stood side by side as father and son and that was all the two ever needed by this point it were apparent if luke wanted to he could kill his father with no remorse but he respected his father vader was the only one that luke really respected there was no one else that garnered that respect from him sure the people that raised him on crease 2 but they also worshiped him like a god luke was a product of worship and preparation as a kid he was powerful as a teenager he was representation of power in the galaxy he could kill without merit and without worry someone would stop him from doing it as the ship came out of hyperspace they saw a ringed planet orange with dust and sand they came across a massive structure mostly complete though missing a disc for a super laser and also some key pieces across the hall the death star was under construction but luke imagined what kind of power he could wield with that in his arsenal and then his father spoke to luke to imagine what kind of power they could wield with that in their arsenal luke thought for a moment he and his father had two separate visions vader wanted to rule together and luke well luke didn't have a vision with his father in it the two walked down to the shuttle that awaited them in the hangar bay the shuttle that awaited them was ready when they entered the flight to the death star felt like hours though it were only minutes luke felt the force flowing around everything it surrounded each speck of movement the ship made the movement that vader made as his breathalyzer filled his lungs and the silent movement that surrounded luke as he said idol the ship landed in an empty hangar bay there was no one to greet them but a tall lanky older man vader spoke his name and luke winst the ac cult administrator was tarkin he guided the two to where the emperor's throne room was the room was finished so that he could enjoy time on his battle station when he desired it didn't jut out from the surface of the space station but it had a very clear view of space and most of what the death star could see from any viewport tarkin told vader and luke that the emperor were expecting them as he backed off the two entered the emperor's throne room he sat in the chair large enough to hide his body while he wasn't looking at people who entered his room he sat in the chair large enough to hide his body while he wasn't looking at the people who entered his room the chair swiveled around as he welcomed his apprentice and the young acolyte that's been stirring up excitement within the empire luke may have been aware of this but rumors of the being that was luke skywalker otherwise known as radav was motivating troops of the empire by his continuous victories as vader knelt before his master luke stood silently as if he were asking his father why he knelt down to such a feeble old man luke never knelt to vader luke looked on the emperor as he rose asking why it was that he didn't kneel vader didn't move this was a part of his plan cities kept talking telling luke that he was a powerful sith more powerful than vader and pressed by the sheer power of luke as he walked towards him closer and closer sidious pulled luke's secondary lightsaber towards him and then remarked about having not seen a shoutout in such a long time he handed it back to luke and then spoke quietly telling luke to kill his father luke didn't speak he just looked at the emperor how did the emperor know but of course he did he was a rival to luke's power it wasn't like luke was exactly what vader was supposed to be sidious of course would be interested in the apprentice he should have had luke was everything that palpatine manipulated vader to become of course kenobi had to ruin that but no matter finally a worthy apprentice to the true emperor of the sith palpatine pushed luke to join him but luke had no motivation it wasn't palpatine's offer it was the fact that his entire life he loathed the emperor he loathed sidious because of what he had done to his father he placed vader in a suit and forced him into servitude for the rest of his life and while these may have been exaggerated statements by vader they were from a certain point of view true vader looked at luke and stood sidious decided to use vader as an example he raised his hands and shot lightning across the room a whirlwind of raw dark power the bolts could be seen from the outside of the room that palpatine called his throne room luke looked at his father who was on his back howling in pain luke told sidious to let his father go cities then stopped and spoke with the broken croaking voice of evil telling luke that his father was weak no match for the power of him luke looked down and walked forward sidious smiled saying good good strike your father down and join me luke ignited his blade as vader looked at his son worrying that their vision on ruling the galaxy were not the same but as luke brought his lightsaber above his head vader feared for the worst on the opposite end of that maybe he'd see padme on the other side but then his son did only what luke skywalker heir to lord vader could do he shocked everyone with finesse luke twirled over vader and stood between his father and the dark lord of the sith former dark lord of the sith luke thought to himself he raised his shadow next to his primary blade and city's laughed he knew luke would do this perhaps he even predicted it palpatine pulled out one blade after another two blades filled with crimson against two blades filled with crimson the room illuminated in the blood of thousands slain by the blades that stood between the two duelists luke stepped forward and palpatine jumped into the air like a tornado of force putting luke on the defensive quickly he'd never seen anything like palpatine before never faced someone as powerful but luke was confident in his abilities both blades clashed leaving the middle open two blades on the right and two on the left luke and palpatine were face to face palpatine laughed as he stood poised in combat luke uses nimbleness and kicked forward at palpatine and did a backflip disengaging from the sith lord who is now falling backwards palpatine dropped his blades and raised his hands look who was still in front of his father sheathed his blades and looked into the eyes of the devil palpatine shot lightning across the room luke used one hand to take in the electricity storm and use the other hand to push his father away from the storm that palpatine had created vader was gently moved back towards the door luke then turned as palpatine gave a full barrage of lightning that pushed luke back a little luke took that intensity from the emperor decades of experience against a boy palpatine put everything he had into his first storm luke reciprocated the true power of darkness and walked towards the emperor slowly but steadily walking across the room palpatine saw this and his confidence in the abilities began to crumble this was true power true fear true evil palpatine couldn't face down this evil instead of using his own lightning against him luke took all of palpatine's fourth lightning and when he got close to palpatine he placed his hands on palpatine's fingertips luke closed his piercing yellow eyes absorbed all of palpatine's electricity poutine fell back and looked up with for the first time in nearly two decades fear covering his face luke looked down on palpatine and grinned saying that he wasn't going to kill him he was going to use him luke had plans for the dark user and palpatine was going to suffer like vader suffered but worse this wasn't vader's plan but it was luke's plan palpatine cried out a shriek saying no you were meant to kill me luke kneeled down next to the emperor and grin placing his hand on the emperor's neck and grinding his teeth letting out an evil rebuttal telling the emperor that this was not that kind of story luke like a prideful animal taking its prey back to its nest pulled palpatine across the floor luke harnessed some of his power and blocked palpatine off from reality forced romances separated palpatine from his body it placed him in a voided world that felt real palpatine was himself but he wasn't his soul was transported into another reality it felt so real power he could interact with the environment but it was like a dream not real in reality luke was preparing his throne room and his entrapment for sidious vader reunited with his son after the battle and thanked him luke told his father to sit down in the emperor's seat vader nodded to his son and sat down for the first time in his life no longer a slave luke smiled at his father holding out his hand vader's hand reached out and the two hands met in the middle a handshake of sorts a bond between father and son vader left his seat to inform the role change to the imperial hierarchy meanwhile luke ordered construction of a prison complex for palpatine the troopers said they knew him they said they couldn't make it they were limited materials luke thought for a moment luke contacted one of his men in the desk squad 13 and requested that they go into his quarters and bring him something they complied and within 20 minutes the trooper showed up and in his hands were a bag luke thanked the trooper and then turned to the construction men he told them he could use as many as he needed and use the materials from the death star itself luke wanted this to be done asap keeping palpatine in the void was a tedious task for luke it used a lot of power especially since palpatine was so powerful it was a difficult task to continuously do within hours a prison complex was completed and laid out in the throne room and vader had become seen in the eyes of the imperial administrators as a supreme emperor of the galactic empire raider returned to the throne room and commissioned the throne for his son to be sat next to his luke was on the floor sitting when vader returned he saw the construction being completed at the end of the room luke rose and said it was finished troopers turned and introduced luke and vader to the prison cell for palpatine the cell would revoke all force powers while also allowing the two of them to torture an experiment on the sith lord there wasn't a thing that palpatine could do to stop it either this pain would last until luke let palpatine die because no matter what could happen to him naturally luke would ensure his suffering was indefinite on the other side of the galaxy a young woman ran through the swamps they reeked of toads and reptiles but it was a smell all too close to home for this woman leaping and swinging around without hesitation and complete commitment through the smog under the mass of roots to the tops and branches and over mighty rocks leia skywalker was a true testament to the jedi training and jedi power the equal in the galaxy to luke skywalker leia was powerful with the force she traveled lightly only with yoda the little green former jedi master yoda spoke in riddles but they always made sense to leia she grew up with master yoda and master kenobi after all her perception on life was very secluded she didn't know anyone other than her masters and she represented the perfect jedi balanced without a leaning towards the darkness someone who wasn't afraid of what hidden the caves down below in dagobah's underbelly leia grew up surrounded by the eerie landscape of the swamps leia though was powerful unlike anything either yoda or kenobi had seen well they had but they never wanted to admit it it was their greatest failure anakin skywalker leia had been told stories about her father but not to the extent of becoming darth vader leia wielded a blue lightsaber like master kenobi she built it when kenobi took her to ilum shortly leia was dedicated and strong with her mind focused on the now leia hadn't been corrupted by thinking about the future her mind was always where she was she made a terrific student she was always ready for a new day of training and she progressed faster than anakin ever did though being trained by two of the order's best certainly does help coax someone into becoming the best leia's trials were easily passed and unlike her father she had no struggles with emotional attachments leia excelled in multiple lightsaber forms but she chose a form that not only defined her legacy but that of her father and her brother using form 5 leia was a powerful adversary she trained her entire life to kill the emperor and bring balance to force of course she knew of her twin brother named luke but no one knew or heard of him since he was taken all those years ago leia after her morning warm-up around the swamplands of dagobah returned to a small jedi structure to tell her masters that the force told her it were time the force communicated really well with leia she was very attuned to it and it had a very strong connection to her she told her masters that she returned to the caves and the force told her it had been decided the fate of the galaxy had been put into the hands of skywalker no one on dagoma knew that luke and vader had become emperor and so they believed it was possible that skywalker was singular as in leia the three jedi prepared to fight the emperor because of luke having been ravaging through the insurgents and competent imperial strategists like grand admiral thrawn the rebellion wasn't even a conception of this period of time there were no leads to where to find the emperor the jedi left the dagobah system and made their way for a civilized planet much had changed since obi-wan last left the planet of dagobah the empire was just starting out tightening its grip on the galaxy and now the galaxy were under the full control the newly crowned emperor vader when the three jedi saw that vader had been crowned their shock was immeasurable he had not only beaten and conquered his demons but he had become the face of evil in the galaxy to their knowledge luke could have been dead luke was only well known in the imperial ranks most people who saw him spoke not of him well those who faced him never came away alive luke was content staying in the throne room on the death star because there was almost no need for him elsewhere luke thrived experimenting on sidious draining sidious of any will power there was absolutely nothing that palpatine could do he lost to luke fair and square and now he was living a life of torture luke on the other hand was trying to learn how to make vader whole again turning him into a real man not a machine made to serve vader took the role of emperor well and while a few of the former emperor's little dog struggled with the change there were no seeds of rebellion or deception within the imperial ranks cities built an empire for vader and luke and it was fully operable with a death star nearing construction and a militaristic rule over the galaxy months would pass since leia departed dagobah with her masters and since luke and vader had secured the role of leadership in the galaxy instead of the death star throne room luke requested that director krennic in the imperial science division tasked with operating and designing the death star were present a small group of scientists and director krennic entered the room escorted by death squad 13. the scientists linked up in front of luke in the eerie dark room a room that smelled like old books left outside in a thunderstorm wreaked across the room the ancient books and stories of the sith filled the room and the rotting body of palpatine didn't help the smell either luke rose from his seat elegantly as if he were pulled up by the force he walked over and slowly crossed in front of every scientist before stopping at director krennic cronick didn't say a word much too afraid to unleash that rage that luke had luke spoke softly under the cloak he told krennic that there were a traitor in his ranks someone that would allow the entire project to fail krennic stuttered back a little he didn't know how to react he asked how luke knew and luke said that he could feel it in the force the sanctuary luke built inside of the throne room heightened his forced powers he could feel what every being inside of the death star was thinking he could tell anyone their aspirations their failures or their memories luke was extremely powerful in the force and it was as if the force guided his every movement even though reacted negatively to the darkness luke called out the name galen erso and asked that he stepped forward luke contorted his body around and speared his showato at galen the lightsaber traveled through the air at immense speeds galen didn't have enough time to react but by the time the sound of the lightsaber ignition could be heard by him the shooter was out the other side of his head galen's body dropped to the floor and and as it fell luke pulled the lightsaber back to him and sheathed it he turned towards director chronic and told him to fix the errors that galen had created all of his information was in his study krennic nodded and the scientists and krennic left the room guided by death squad 13. luke hovered near the altar and knelt down feeling the dark side of the forest course through him he closed his eyes and meditated behind him four royal guards stood at the attention they produced to protect the emperor and now they made sure that palpatine would never be set free they stood like ghosts silent and without movement hovering over palpatine's eternal desolation luke was getting closer and closer to achieving power that even plagueis would yearn to achieve the power to make man whole again to make lord vader the powerful nimble man he once was luke was getting closer and closer by the day in the mid rim lei kenobi and yoda set up a perimeter they wanted to find out how to get to vader but it was nearly impossible vader traveled with elite men constantly not to mention most people saw the power he could wield most of what vader did was to ensure the imperial senate operated after all he was no political icon but he was the man with power in the galaxy vader since the imprisonment of sidious had upgraded his suit becoming closer and closer to the man that was once anakin skywalker leia felt the pain of the people around the galaxy and while vader outlawed slavery around the galactic empire and even ensure the downfall of the hutt clans with the help of luke crime was hard to come by and though the empire had a massive militaristic regime the galaxy was more peaceful than it had ever been before vader is respected as emperor because he was a visual force of power in the galaxy though leia knew that the empire's rule had its positives she was aware of the evils that sat atop of power in the galaxy she believed that she had to stop it but in her lost thoughts she tumbled into some perch troopers she was alone her two masters were separated into other planets in the mid room the group of purge troopers were large they're about 30 strong and each individual was trained well enough to kill or capture a jedi knight leia was so focused in her mind that she was walking blankly through the streets but when she bumped into the purge trooper her lightsaber fell off her belt and before them leia felt like she had the weight of the galaxy on her back and when she looked up a gust of wind traveled down the city corridor flapping her fluorescent grey and tan robes in the air she pulled the lightsaber from the ground with the force and she panicked they knew she was a jedi or that she had taken a jedi's weapon both being major crimes in the empire the purge troopers ignited each of their individual staffs as they broke formation to surround leia 30 troops leia was well trained but this was her first real opponent she had never faced anyone else other than her masters leia's blue blade cascaded as a beacon of light in the city streets as day turned the dusk shadows cover the roads and people backed away fearing to watch another jedi die at the hands of the purge troopers leia was no ordinary jedi though leia stood her ground and insured herself to be a vessel of light in the galaxy purge troopers encircled the jedi closer and closer twirling their stabs as leia moved into her personalized defense position instead of focusing on a natural state of combat form five like her father and brother she repaired herself for combat in obi-wan kenobi's form formed three when she felt a surge of electricity fill her back she fell forward as her face almost met the tip of a vibro staff she used this imbalance to correct herself as she moved forward using her flexibility to throw her feet over her head and a front flip kicking the purge trooper in the helmet sending him backwards with her lightsaber she cut his staff and twirled around like a blur of gray leia used the force and shoved a row of purge troopers back into the building behind them leia then ran to their side of the line as the troops began to swing behind her with their staffs leia sheathed her lightsaber as she rolled beneath swinging staffs of more men as she rose from the role on the other side she jumped into the air and twisted her body around as she did the force pulled more of the parish troopers towards her lei ignited her blade and as the men got close to her position she kept their stabs in their blasters so that they would be inoperable leia then moved into a crowd of purge troopers using their flexibility and knowledge of the force to deter those around her the wisdom of grand master yoda and the finesse of master kenobi guided her throughout this combat fierce as the warriors of the jedi's past she moved elegantly like a ballet through the mix of purge troopers leia was swift using the force often and using her talents with a lightsaber the rest of the time she was truly anakin's daughter using a lightsaber with such precise strikes leia cut through the blasters and staffs alike using the force to send purge troopers into one another by colliding their helmets with each other leia put most of the troopers on their backs or into places across the cityscape none were killed though some were hurt and fewer were injured leia then came across the leader of the small enforcement he was a purge trooper with yellow markings down his eyes the purge trooper commander was the best of the group he was the first one who got a hit on leia before she sent the men next to him into a building the purge trooper swung twice missing both attacks and then moved instantaneously into defense position as leia herself jumped into her more offensive comfortable form five leia swung and hit the staff pushing the trooper back further moving forward again and swinging her blade around and collating with not just the staff and breaking it but slashing the helmet of the man who was fighting her the trooper fell backwards and looked up from the ground paralyzed by fear his ocean blue eyes met her amber golden eyes she walked towards him as he began to panic whipping out his blaster as it was thrown from his hands by leia's slight hand movement his face was covered in terror leia walked up to him and gently kneeled next to him putting away her lightsaber and smiling she placed her hand next to his helmet and before he knew it he passed out leia got up and turned as a groud began to applaud her but the worst was far from over as the ground began to shake and the rattling of metal gears began to echo through the city corridors leia looked around the corner and saw an atst walking down the line towards her and behind it a division of stormtroopers leia needed to do something because if she didn't the crowd had a good chance of being blamed for what had happened to the purge troopers lay looked around the side of the city that the troopers and atst were coming from and she saw means a strategy that would allow her to engage the stormtroopers as delicate as she was with the purge strippers she had to be more intent with the stormtroopers they could kill a civilian in the crossfire let alone the damage an atst could do with the group of people ley needs to act with speed and she did lunging across the street and using the skills so natural to her from her training on dagobah to propel herself to a balcony that was about the same height as the atst leia then ran along the balcony's railings and jumped to another with great haste leia's speed was incredible and as the atst caught glimpse of her through the viewport it turned but for them it would be too late leia was running with enough speed and at the right angle to jump from the balcony to the atst using her lightsaber to cut open the hatch as she threw herself inside of the cockpit leia turned to see two imperial pilots and with the force she threw them out of the tiny viewports and into the imperial church down below leia then used the walker as a diversion jumping to the top and then off the backside when leia jumped she used a force to throw the walker towards the garrison the men panicked and ran in every direction many were crushed by the walker but moore escaped leia landed on the ground and looked up the troopers were beginning to discover that it were her leia ignited her lightsaber and threw it into the crowd of stormtroopers cutting through several men at the same time the lightsaber was summoned to a balcony above leia's speed caught the troops off guard as they turned their attention to fighting leia blaster fire ignited the city corridor as red balds flew across the city streets into the balcony where leia was illuminating the darkness she had to get out of the position too many troopers for her to deflect at the same time leia got the cover and came up with an idea she leaned down so that none of the blasters could hit her and so she closed her eyes thinking back to one of yoda's teachings never judged by size leia harnessed the force and a large object began moving the fallen atst began to shuffle a little few of the troopers noticed it let alone took notice of the movement but a moment later the atst swung around like a banshee throwing stormtroopers across the city smashing in the lamppost and buildings alike the blaster fire began to stop but the screaming did not stormtroopers stood no chance against the might of leia skywalker when she opened her eyes and peered over the barrier the few storm troopers left fled the area and terror leia jumped down and ran to the shadows of the city as night covered what had just occurred meanwhile in the death star luke requested that his father return to the throne room vader's summoning was welcomed when he saw his son with a daring smile covering his face luke spoke softly telling that he figured out how to bring him back to the man he used to be after months of experiments vader was excited to become a man again the mask was stuffy and the pain was insufferable even with the modifications to his armor luke requested that while vader was being summoned to have the medical droids in a makeshift medical bay be constructed for vader for when he arrived vader was placed under oxygen as a bacter tank left a glowing shadow on vader's exposed person what was machine was no longer attached to vader as he lay on the medical table luke looked at the rotting emperor and told him that the fun would begin now luke knelt down between the medical table and palpatine's prison cell and palpatine's face was covered in fear it didn't matter though palpatine's limbs were slowly being removed because of the immense power of luke's force they are immediately cauterized two arms and two legs were separated from the huska skin that was palpatine luke transferred these limbs through the prison into an unused bay that had confused palpatine for the longest time but this bay with the aid of luke's force turned the limbs of palpatine into the limbs of anakin though this was the easiest part medical droids surrounded vader who lay incapacitated on the medical table luke pulled out all four of the limbs and placed them at the appropriate places as the medical droids went to work luke focused all of his power on this process aiding the droids and even gave the ligaments the ability to be controlled by vader the droids continued their work and luke released a little bit of lightning to increase the droid's workflow the process was near completion as luke lifted his father into the back to tank and placed him in there with a respirator ensuring his life support luke turned and opened his eyes as he looked at palpatine frowning at this former sith lord who ached across his body luke used the force and began to electrocute sidious to make his burns seethe deeper into his skin palpatine groaned in pain unable to do anything about it but wither in his agony luke felt the presence and turned to see two glowing sith eyes anakin skywalker the darth vader of operation nightfall was reborn lifted from his back to tank he stood weakly his legs were his again but they were shaky nearly 20 years of not being used it would take time for vader to regain his confidence as a fighter and as a nimble vader that he once was but for now luke guided him back to his room to lay down and sleep inside of the throne room the makeshift medical bay was being put away by imperial stormtroopers luke eventually returned and made his way to the throne room to await his briefing from grand admiral thrawn meanwhile elsewhere in the galaxy obi-wan and yoda regrouped with their apprentice leia kenobi had heard communication through imperial chatter that grand admiral thrawn was going to the planet genosis to talk to the emperor they all decided that this would be the moment and time to give light and hope to the galaxy it would take weeks for the jedi to get to geonosis they had to remain hidden especially after leia's little excursion with purse troopers and stormtroopers a couple months ago as the jedi approached the death star they prepared for the most important battle in any of their lives instead of the death star luke and vader sparred in great haste and ferocity palpatine watched miss holding chamber as luke and vader fought as father and son becoming more and more powerful anakin had become attuned to his new legs and arms fighting like the younger man that was anakin skywalker luke and vader stopped their duel and sat down at their respective thrones vader looked over towards his son and told him that he were proud of him vader was appreciative for luke and made sure that luke was aware of it this wasn't a breach on the dark side it was just the appreciation of father for son luke told his father that he always wanted to do right by him no matter what though both thrones twisted around as fire was heard and screaming men too the troopers of death squad 13 were being slaughtered by the jedi vader reached over as if he were telling his son this day but these were his men the men he'd grown up with and served with for so many years gone within seconds the doors flew open as two older jedi and the younger woman walked through with their lightsabers drawn palpatine gazed over from his tank and watched the jedi marched forward and stood in the middle of the throne room vader asked who the woman was because he knew the other two after all an older kenobi was in a bit of shock seeing that anakin skywalker sat in front of him leia stepped forward and proclaimed to be leia skywalker daughter of anakin skywalker hero of the former republic here to end the line of evil that came from the top of the empire the two sith looked at each other and slowly stood up luke stepped forward towards his twin sister interacting for the first time since birth the two twins walked towards each other they stopped face to face and they both raised a hand opposite of one another as they touched hands they looked at one another and they could see the slight similarity between themselves they're most certainly brother and sister but there was an issue as much as the dia these two were in the force they were polar opposites one raised in the light and the other raised in the dark they knew that if they wanted to secure their power they would have to kill the other because at the end of the day they would never become allies and at the end of the day they were representations of polar opposites of the force the two stepped away from one another and their lightsaber's ignition rang out across the throne room green blue and red illuminated the entire darkness of the room and vader stepped forward to engage his former master pushing an offensive against the older more frail obi-wan kenobi yoda leaped into action against luke as luke whipped his choto from his belt to deflect the former grand master as he uses primary to engage leia vader and canoe be locked in hand in hand former master and apprentice and trapped in a duel of the fates luke pushed leia off him and turned to face yoda an old frail master who jumped in the air and did flips to engage with luke yoda wasn't much though luke kicked yo mid air across the room as he collided with the wall yoda fell weak to the ground and many of the bones in his little back were broken luke sheathed his shoulder and picked up the body of yoda with forced choke pulling him towards his duel with his twin sister luke and leia were in a fierce battle but on the other side of the room vader and kenobi's duel was nearing completion as vader used his raw power and energy everything he learned while being the hulking lord vader vader twisted obi-wan's blade to the side knocking kenobi off balance and then striking him down with all of his anger kunoi didn't vanish into the force as he died he fell to the floor below him vader pulled the blade of kenobi back to him and moved back to his throne he watched as luke engaged fierce combat with leia leia and luke were interlocked leia was beginning to lose her cool because yoda was being choked near their duel and she had just watched her other master die luke pulled back from leia while throwing yoda with the force into position that he was previously in leia swung and cut through master yoda yoda's life ended with torture and death at the hands of his most prideful student leia dropped to her knees realizing what she had done luke brendan luke grinned he intended on this igniting his shoulder to kill his sister he never had as he raised his blade a green blade illuminated from below him leia jumped into action with green and blue pushing back luke she was out of balance using the dark side that was natural within her bloodline luke was taken aback by this offensive he fell back a little but he caught himself leia was powerful when she utilized the dark side of the force the two of them dueled fiercely luke's primary blade was knocked away from him and he began to fight with his shoto his only chance of defense caught interlocked with leia's primary blade she whipped yoda's blade at him luke was able to use the force to stop it but leia was incredibly strong with the dark side in her she etched her way with the blade into luke's skin burning him and cutting into his ribs luke howed in pain but a swift movement got him out of it as he used his shoulder and swiped down at yoda's blade destroying it leia stepped back before using her primary blade to swing down interlocking blades with luke's primary ancho leia used her strength to throw luke shoto to the side and push him back off balance luke fought back though a ballroom dance of swords brother and sister they were evenly matched as they both harnessed the dark side of the force swinging back and forth ferociously they interlocked in a stiff collision of blades luke and leia spun in a circle from their immense duel and at the same moment they both drove their blades through each other's chests a moment of shock throughout the room vader jumped forward and palpated and smiled luke and leia looked at each other with pain and shock in their faces vader ran forward and held his son in his arms but then at the end the daughter he never had he held her to both of his children died at the same time with them the legacy and the memories of padme vader sobbed as palpatine in the end always winning as vader watched his two children die vader laid his children to rest forever and made sure that palpatine would continue to suffer for the rest of his life vader would take pages out of luke's book and ensure he used them to enact large amounts of pain onto palpatine's revenge for everything he had done the rest of vader's life would be agony personally he would suffer for the losses of everyone that he ever cared about he would ensure that palpatine lived a long and painful death one that would last 40 years into vader's old age during that time the empire would flourish and the jedi themselves would go its extinct during that time the empire would flourish and the jedi themselves would go extinct the legacy of emperor vader would be that of bringing order to the galaxy and ridding it of the insurgents of the rebels and jedi for good and that ladies and gentlemen is a two-hour long story um i spent about six days writing this so honestly it makes sense why it took so long for this to come out um i still have to edit it it is still wednesday uh the 27th so this is probably gonna take me all morning so just on the account of that leave a like down below for my sanity that is um but this was a really intense story and i wanted to stay that way and it never was intended to be a 10 000 subscriber special and i think i'm gonna keep it at two hours because of that but i mean i really wanted to write a good story here i wanted to flesh out the characters and i really wanted to have the motivation of these characters be known throughout the story and i feel like i accomplished that i think there was a lot of interesting even new concepts in this but i really liked the bond between luke and vader i think they would have had a very nice bond and and while there's a lot to cover here in the story i wanted all the fights to be brutal and i wanted all the fights to make you feel the pain that that the people were going through the fear that people were going through and i think that's the concept of this story and i think this the story of itself is found in fear i think the story itself is the definition of fear it's it's it's total fear and i think that's what was intended by this story fear i think i think the story is the telling of fear and the telling of what happens when people with too much power use that fear against others and i think luke and the story would have embodied that power of darkness i mean being trained by vader growing up on a sith planet and and just interacting with the darkness on a daily basis for 13 years he would have been extremely powerful and i i do believe he probably would have been as powerful if not more powerful than revenge of the civ anakin and i think that's where it all starts i think luke would have just been an unstoppable force even compared to the emperor and i think he would fall short at the hands of leia because i think leia would be the polar opposite to him in the force i think they would be they'd be died in the forces source because they they really they would be polar opposites one would be polar like full dark and the other one would be full light and yeah i mean i really hope you guys enjoy this this one i'm gonna tell you i i'm not a person that talks a lot and talking for two hours i'm not gonna end up speaking for the rest of the week but um the story was very very intentionally emotional and i think that's what i wanted to come from this i wanted you guys to feel that and i wanted you guys to feel the connection between vader and luke and i wanted you guys to feel like luke had the chance for redemp redeeming and though it wasn't possible and i feel like it never would have been possible i think this story could have gone completely differently and i think it really hinged on the idea of well is vader going to turn to the light or is he going to stay in the dark and i think it could have gone either way i think with the with having his his own son i think it's very possible that he could have turned to the light but i think he also could stay in the dark using his son as a tool for himself and i think the true irony at the end of this is that at the end when vader is gonna die he's going to kill the emperor and he's gonna die himself and tragically he'll be the one that does bring balance to the force the force will be balanced out there will be no more sith there will be no more skywalkers there will be no more palpatines everyone will have died and the force will kind of just be seen as this lost religion and i think it's really a tragic ending and i think i went through a lot of iterations originally i thought i was going to have luke and vader fight over slavery and then i kind of lost that because i felt i felt like the bond between father and son would be stronger than that and i really wanted a lot of personal not my own personal but a lot of personal feelings that people would feel for a father figure to go into this and i feel like uh some of those were accomplished and i really hope you guys enjoy this this one is a pride a very very very prideful story that i've just written for you guys and i really i hope you guys enjoyed this this one was special anyways everyone thank you again for 10 000 subscribers i will be announcing that giveaway really soon um so so please stay tuned for that as for all of you that are new subscribe for a chance to win something on our next giveaway i have to decide what i'll be giving away for either twenty five thousand or fifty thousand let me know what you want the next giveaway to be be at i think after 50 i'll turn it to 100 but we have to get there first so you guys have to help me get there let's keep going there let's blow this video up too make this video huge share it to everyone please i put a lot of time and effort into this and you can see it because i just hit the two hour mark um on my recording you might have a much shorter version because the editing that i put into it but anyways all i love you all spread the love and always remember my friends may the force be with you [Music] you
Channel: Pente Patrol Star Wars
Views: 245,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Darth Maul, Savage Opress, Mother Talzin, Star Wars, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Star Wars The Phantom Menace, Darth Plagueis, Darth Sidious, Sheev Palpatine, Emperor Palpatine, Star Wars Fan Theory, Star Wars Fan Fiction, Star Wars Theory, Anakin Skywalker, The Chosen One, Star Wars Attack of the Clones, Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress, General Grevious, Order 66, Execute Order 66, May the Force Be with You, Dark Anakin Skywalker, Skyway, Luke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 28sec (6208 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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