What If Darth Vader CONFRONTED Anakin on Mustafar?

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what if Darth Vader confronted his best self for most of all let's find out through a vision that Darth Vader has so the Story begins with Vader inside a back to tank one is Castle on most of our due to the damage that was the intubated by Obi-Wan roughly 10 years ago at this point where often need to use the back to tank to keep his broken body functioning as best as possible they are also experienced less pain when he was inside a back to tank as opposed to the suit which was a constant source of pain for the dark lord and so because of this his time will set it back to dang were really the only moments when Darth Vader experienced anything even slightly resembling peace of mind and sometimes all rare occasions Lord Vader could even manage to sleep while he was recuperating inside bhakta but sleep for Vader never lasted too long because whenever Vader slept he would get nightmares and visions of his past as Anakin Skywalker this would probably wake waiter from his sleep and for this reason Vader almost never allowed himself to sleep but on this day has the bag that healed his body Vader perhaps annoyingly allowed his mind to be free of thoughts and soon enough sleep found the dark board but unlike usual this time mirror was not met with a vision of his dying mother or Obi while leaving him to die as his skin melted no this time Vader fought himself standing on what look like a landing platform for a Starship this confused Lord Vader and he began looking around trying to make sense of what was happening and soon enough Vader saw something familiar an astronomic Droid R2D2 and next to R2D2 said Anakin Skywalker's Starfighter and then Vader looked behind him and noticed the river of lava beneath the platform he was standing on and it was at this moment that realization turned on Vader he was on Mustafar but none Mustafar as it existed now instead this was Mustafar years ago when Vader was sent here by Sidious to end the separatist leaders the day he burned the day he killed Padme this realization would confuse Vader because this was different from the nightmares he usually gets this time he would feel like he's actually there on Mustafar hadisam had been sent back in time where I would wonder before quickly dismissing this thought Vader would then tell him off that all this must be a vision a lie was the force itself somehow ridiculing him this thought would ignite Vader's anger but breaking his train of thought a beeping noise for Greece Vader's ears or rather the electrical implants that now served as his ears there would then turn around to face this noise and through his red tinted transparent steel Hall plate later so I was making this noise it was R2D2 when it would then walk closer to the Droid at this point guard he would ask him who he was where it would pass he was once Anakin Skywalker Jedi Knight General in the Grand Army of the Republic but Anakin Skywalker died or rather he was killed by Darth Vader and Vader to put things lightly never like to be reminded of Anakin and about hearing Erica Skywalker sold after mcdroid asked him who he was memories of the long dead Anakin would enter Vader's mind this would do nothing but real Vader with rage and this rage made Raider raise his left arm and make a crushing motion with his metallic fingers and in corresponding with this motion the astronomic Droid was crushed letting out Daniel electronic scream as it was crushed Vader then stood there for a long moment looking at the crushed Droid and then he felt a presence which was somehow strangely familiar to him later then looked towards where he was sensing his presence and upon doing so waiters saw a hooded form in the distance and then later washed as this would figure ignited a blue lightsaber and started making his way towards Vader and soon enough this figure was close enough for Vader to see its face and upon looking at this figure's face Witter felt as though he was looking at a mirror to the Past because the blue lightsaber wielding figure was of course Anakin or Nightfall Vader to be more accurate but for convenience let's call a mannequin anyways moments later Anakin would walk up to the Darth Vader and ask his old herself who he was hearing this Vader would remain silent because he was having a difficult time of processing everything that was going on but not getting a response from Vader Anakin would again escalator who he was in an extremely rage-filled tone and at this point Vader realizes that the person standing before him Anakin sky Walker his younger self was the fool who with the surrogance destroyed with his life and also killed Padme and as soon as this thought entered his mind Vader would ignite his Crimson saber and tell Anakin the following I am your fate and hearing better say this would leave Vatican puzzle because on top of everything that Vader was saying Anakin would also appeal us to the presence Vader has in the force is somehow strange but before Anakin could say or do anything else he would notice the crash then destroyed R2 and Anakin would immediately know that it was Vader who was responsible and because of this Anakin would again become fully enraged and without doing any thinking he will launch head Vader with every intention to strike Vader down and the two would begin a duel so in this duel Anakin was of course more powerful in terms of raw Force potential if Anakin had beaten Obi-Wan in the original timeline Anakin would have grown even more powerful than Sidious and would have one day destroys Darius to rule the galaxy himself which was something that Vader could never do because with his limbs a lot of Vader's powers also disappeared and his suit was also extremely limiting but Sidious had told Vader that bear was free to modify his suit however he's so fit but still waiter never made any extreme changes to his suit and he also never managed to de-throne Sidious until the very end of his life but that being said Obi-Wan whose Force potential was much lower than Anakin defeated Anakin because ultimately Anakin's arrogance failed him this was Anakin's biggest weakness that put him inside the suit but this was also a weakness that Vader had removed and of course Vader knew Anakin much better than even Obi-Wan did so this duel between Vader and Anakin would last too long it would end with Beto and Anakin locking Sabers before Vader disowns Anakin and punches him off right across his head knocking out Anakin and then has later stood over and then conscious Anakin Vader heard a ship approaching he then turned his eyes towards mustaforce Bleak sky and so a jet type Naboo Stars GIF approaching and this was of course the ship of Senator Padme Amidala the woman that Vader once said he couldn't live without the woman he killed so soon after the ship would land close to where Raider was standing and pathway Amidala would walk out but C-3PO close by and seeing Batman for the first time in 10 long years Vader would feel something other than hate and anger for once also in the 10 years since Batman's death better had even tried to bring her back to life but hola suffers towards that goal had failed and now seeing his long dead wife wither would simply say Padme but Padme of course would not recognize this voice and she would feel nothing but fear upon seeing Vader which Vader would of course sense but despite this Twitter would try to walk closer to pathway but Batman would tell Vader to get back in a frightened tone and hearing this Vader would stop and move away from the unconscious Anakin allowing Belmont rush over to Anakin and seeing this Vera would realize that even if he had somehow managed to bring Palma back to life she would never love the thing that Vader had turned himself into Padme loved Anakin not his murderer waiter would tell himself and as veterans mind was processing these thoughts he sensed a diff different familiar presence and having sensed this Vader turned around to look at balmy ship and there later so his old Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and then Batman would also see Obi-Wan and having spotted Obi-Wan inside her ship Batman would exclaim Obi-Wan putting a great degree of surprise into her tone something that Vader would take note of but anyways given everything that was happening Batman wouldn't question Obi-Wan as to why he was here instead she would simply ask Obi-Wan to help Anakin and so Obi-Wan having sex with her's presence would rush out and ignite his blue lightsaber and stand between Padme and unconscious Anakin and Darth Vader Obi-Wan would appear extremely confused because he would sense waiter's immense strength in the force and on top of this Obi-Wan would sense a similarity between Anakin and this monstrosity that was standing before him and at this point Vader would again look at Batman and tell her to take him Anakin and leave and having said that Vader would take out his red lightsaber and ignite it and this would cause Kenobi to die direct Allah's attention towards Vader and Obi-Wan but of course not try to interfere with Batman C-3PO taking away Anakin even though Kenobi went to Mustafar specifically to deal with Anakin but here the appearance of Darth Vader has of course impeded that plan where it would watch has Batman c3po2 can again and left in their ship and as he watches them leave will tell himself that this younger version of himself will not turn into a monstrosity like him later because one he wasn't dismembered by Obi-Wan and two this Anakin will have badly by his side so ultimately bear would believe that this Anakin will have the life that he always dreamed of that as for himself where I would finally accept that the helmets lost him forever because even if he somehow brings her back she would never love him dinner's mind will start dwelling on all this but breaking better straight of thought Obi-Wan would escalator who he is two years later would say the following I am what you made me and in response Obi-Wan would say I don't know you and having heard this Vader would be realized that there will be one standing before him plus not the same one that cut off his Limbs and let him to burn and on top of that Vader would also conclude that since Batman didn't bring obi-wy to most of our willingly because again like I said before Vader had taken note of Batman's surprise and it will be one showing up so here Vader does realize that Obi-Wan had not turned Batman against him instead he Vader had done that himself he killed Batman he was his loss for power that led to all of this and having accepted this better would think that Obi-Wan was right to leave him to burn and die he deserved it where it would think also side note later thinking that he should have been destroyed for what he did to pathme isn't new in the now Legends comic book Darth Vader and the lost command released in 2011 Vader sees the vision of Padme Amidala who ultimately tells Vader that it was he who killed her and their unborn child and no long after balmy tells him this later because of his guilt decides to bring down a whole building of Swords only to himself Vader does so wanting to be destroyed but fortunately or unfortunately there is rescued by Sidious who tells better that he Vader was essentially better alive for days so now coming back to our story here too weirder would come to accept that everything that happened to him and pathway was his own fault not Obi-Wan's and at this moment having accepted this where it would again look at Kenobi and deactivate his Crimson saber and drop it and seeing this Obi-Wan would still be extremely confused but what waiter would do next would do nothing to alleviate obi-war's confusion and what did Vader do well he removed his helmet revealing his miserable face and seeing mirror's face or whatever was left of it obi-wide would feel his grip on his lightsaber lose him and he would say Anakin in a confused and shocked tone Kenobi would go on to say that he doesn't understand to which Vader would say in a half human half mechanical voice that Obi-Wan never did understand him where it would then turn towards the river of lava and that was below them and then where it would tell Obi-Wan that Obi-Wan was right and that he waiter has done this to himself as a response canopy would just look at Peter not knowing what is happening or what to say as a Vader as he looked at the river of fire that was beneath him he'd hear a voice in his head that sounded like it was an amalgamation of pathway and sidious voice and this voice would tell Vader the following go to your fate and hearing this where would begin to walk towards the edge of the platform seeing this and maybe sensing what Vader was about to do Kenobi would deactivate his blue lightsaber and tell Vader who Kenobi was calling Anakin to stop and to not do it hearing this Vera would turn around to look at Kenobi again and tell him that he Vader is not Kenobi's failure that's what a game live cannot be speechless and Vader would again turn towards the fire and start walking and as he does so when he reaches the edge where would deactivate his suit and allow himself to fall into the river of fire beneath and seeing waterfall Kenobi on impulse would raise his right arm in a vain attempt to maybe save Anakin but with later still fell and cannot be stood there for a long moment trying to process everything that he just saw and now we will get back to Vader as he fell so as the fires of Mustafar engulfed him again Vader didn't scream because all the Narrows on his body were burned off long ago and with his suit now deactivated he couldn't feel anything so Vader would close his eyes and quietly sink into the lava telling himself that there is no escaping Destiny then immediately after Vader would be awoken from his sleep and he would again find himself inside his back to tank everything he saw was another nightmare and at this point one of Palpatine's red guards who were ordered to watch overweighter as he recuperated inside his back to tank well one of these rodgars would notice a crack forming audio transparent steel container that Vader was housed in
Channel: StarWarsQuill
Views: 20,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars What If, Darth Vader meets Anakin
Id: AGO95IihQgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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