What if Count Dooku & Mace Windu BOTH Turned to the Dark Side?

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what if Count Dooku and mace Wu both turned to the dark side let's explore the depths of this scenario in the video the Jedi Council is not pleased as Dooku and mace Wu stand before them both Jedi recently finished a mission on ralon to investigate the death of Jedi Master katri while a success Dooku greatly overstepped his authority and the council is concerned about his behavior we understand the quest for justice is long and difficult but there are limits one must follow in pursuing it yes yes I am aware of the protocol that must be followed as you have informed me many times and ignored them you have many times with all due respect Masters there was little time to report everything the longer we waited the more opportunities the killer would have had to cover up their evidence and what of threatening the senator Master Dooku Master Dooku acted rashly I understand but the blame is not only his on that we agree this Behavior we expected from him which is why sent you we did are you saying that I'm to blame for the situation what we are saying is that there are expectations of how a Jedi master must behave and that we expected more of both of you dismissed you two are discuss the situation the council must both Jedi March away in a huff neither one saying a word as they head to their quarters to cool off mace attempts to meditate reflect and understand the consul's decision but despite his best efforts he finds no wisdom only frustration he's a Jedi master and so is Dooku why is it his job to control him sudden a voice Echoes through his head a frustrating thing isn't it when bureaucracy and protocol take precedence BCE opens his eyes and a hooded figure stands before him he leaps to his feet and draws his lightsaber who are you state your business peace my friend I'm simply here to talk I'm in no mood to talk with anyone especially Intruders like you you are barbaric for one who prides himself in fighting for civilization unless you have information of any relevance then you have no business wasting my time uh I do though it may be information you already know laric is far from the only corrupt Senator out there look into the Senate and you shall find hundreds more just like him all stealing from their worlds selling their people and betraying the Republic they fought for is that supposed to entice me you say what every Vagabond and Street Orin can tell me and yet the Jedi Council turns a blind eye to it the Jedi have failed you Mace they failed Duku as well they are blind to their hypocrisy and weakness but there are ways to change this galaxy for the better for those willing to reach out and take it before mace can respond the the vision begins to fade and he finds himself alone in his quarters little does he know Dooku has received similar Visions to their dismay the council decides that both Jedi require a break from active duty to cool off and hopefully teach them patience they will work in the library and train the Younglings mace uses this opportunity to try and Purge these negative emotions by throwing himself into his work as he spars with other Masters and trains with the padawans he allows those negative feelings to flow through him it seems to help Ma's mood as he begins to feel better and doesn't receive any more Visions for the next few weeks however Dooku spends his time in the library when he's not sorting through the archives Palpatine discreetly begins sending classified documents that show the Senate's corruption Dooku verifies the claims Palpatine sends him in the archives and with his contacts he sees entire worlds being sold to corporations cities left to ruin at the mercy of pirates and political murder on an unprecedented scale he brings many of these issues to the Jedi begging them to investigate but they either don't believe him or the bureaucracy and protocol prevent them from launching any meaningful investigation Dooku grows increasingly frustrated with the Jedi inability to do anything he even warns them that this might be a sign of the coming dark side but rather than act they decide to once again wait and see mace hears of this and pulls Dooku aside one day whatever may come know that despite our differences I'm still ready to stand with you as am I my friend but alas we are at the mercy of the Jedi Council unfortunately the first encounter with the Sith is with neither mace nor Dooku but with The latter's Apprentice Quon who was slain by Darth Maul shortly after Dooku mysteriously vanishes from the order no one not even ma knows what happened to him no one takes the blow harder than mace although he didn't agree with everything Dooku did he knew he was one of the Jedi best and saw the corruption in the Galaxy just like him one night he begins meditating again trying to find answers to where his friend is Dooku wherever you are I need your guidance now more than ever I'm afraid your friend is not here anymore you he leaps to his feet if you hurt Dooku I will calm yourself master Jedi the count is unhe hurt in body at least my sources claim he's returned to his home planet to mourn who can blame him such a preventable death did you have something to do with it me I simply showed him the truth of this Republic I reminded him how Corruption of every kind thrives it seemed he could not handle it he fought the council to make them see it yes and now where is he all that REM Ms is for you to reshape the Galaxy tell me would you stand against these injustices or shall you turn a blind eye to all this suffering what do you have to show me Palpatine Smiles then reveals to him the things he sent Dooku from Never Getting Visions from Palpatine mace now gets them almost every day each time he shows him self the chancellor reveals more and more corruption mace can hardly believe what he sees although he knows the Republic had corruption issues the sheer scale of it is shocking you believe in Civilization behold the civilization you fight for this is not the Republic I know no but it is the one we live in the only question is are you prepared to fight for its change although he doesn't say anything Palpatine can tell his words have an impact on the Jedi Master eventually mace nods as a part of the Jedi Order mace cannot leave the temple without anyone noticing Palpatine uses his Visions to train mace in secret he uses the Jedi Master's technique VAP ad to show him how to tap into the dark side this technique allows the dark side to flow through him mace already has experience but Palpatine Alters that technique instead of channeling Darkness out he allows it to fuel him Ma's attacks become stronger and faster but also more aggressive his discipline allows him to harness this technique without making it too obvious he tests these dark side abilities against criminal gangs aside from comat bad applications Palpatine also shows him how to manipulate others with the force similar to Jedi Mind Tricks mace learns how to take control of their minds if he cannot expose the politicians directly then he will let them expose themselves however mace is careful not to make his new training appear too obvious during these missions he also uses the Intel he's gathered over the years to wage a shadow war against the corrupt Senate whether it's destroying their Holdings punishing their underlings or bringing weapons to their Rivals he also employs subtler approaches to challenge these Senators using the force to manipulate or expose their crimes but this training is interrupted by news of Anakin and Obi-Wan being captured on Geonosis according to Obi-Wan they found a massive droid army hidden on a desert Planet a rescue operation is immediately organized consisting of over 200 Jedi as mace prepares to depart he feels a vision from Palpatine go to Geonosis there you shall find your destiny those words ring through his head as they reach the petranaki arena where Anakin Obi-Wan and Padme are set to be executed while the rest of the Jedi infiltrate the stands mace decides to enter the private viewing box of Pogle the Lesser mace finds the arch duuk D Jango Fett n gunray and a fourth figure who causes the Jedi Master to pause even after so many years he still recognizes his old friend though his hair is now silver and he looks much older Dooku remains as proud and distinguished as ever as the other Jedi get into position mace walks up to him and places a lightsaber against D Jango Fett's throat despite the threat the Count's face betrays nothing and he takes a step forward all around him geonosians fly away as the Jedi make their presence known but M's attention is focused solely on Dooku aund emotions run through him at once as he regards his friend since his disappearance mace had always assumed that duu had retired and respected that decision seeing him here was in some ways a relief as he hasn't given up the fight for equality yet but any positive feelings he has in that moment are gone in the next all replaced with anger seeing him alongside Pogle the Lesser and N gunray some of the people most responsible for the suffering in the Galaxy angers mace he glares down at the count who seems almost amused suddenly the sound of metallic feet Stomps across the floor a squad of super battle droids appear and begin to fire upon mace this distracts him long enough for D Jango to power up his flamethrower seeing he's been outflanked mace leaps off the balcony to avoid the fire as Jango looks over Dooku's hand grips his shoulder I want him alive he leans back and watches the battle rage around him the Jedi though outnumbered are superb Fighters they fearlessly rush to meet the battle droids cutting dozens down in seconds their movements are a blur of blue and green it's an impressive sight and soon they clear out large sections in the center of the Arena after freeing the prisoners those that don't fall by their lightsabers are crushed or shoved aside by the force even D Jango Fett is no match for them as mace Wu Cuts him down Dooku knows that he will lose hundreds if not thousands of those droids today but that was what he expected for every hundred shots the Jedi deflects one gets through and that is all they need soon the Jedi Begin to Fall one by one to him this isn't just a battle but a microcosm for the coming War even if they somehow win this battle he has billions more droids to throw at at them soon a 100 Jedi become 20 as they are surrounded but before the droids can execute the survivors a squadron of gunships appear in an instant they descend and surround the Jedi forces while clones stream out and blast any Droid that gets too close Dooku must take cover to avoid getting hit by stray Blaster fire as he Peaks from cover he sees the Jedi leap towards the gunships mace is among the last to escape growling Dooku signals his droids to capture him as mace climbs aboard a Droid grabs at his tunic trying to pull him down he's soon joined by another and more soon a small army tugs at the Jedi Master who tries to shake them off but stumbles out Obi-Wan tries to help him but the droids mob him and pile up literally burying mace underneath them the gunships must depart before more droids arrive leaving him behind once they are gone Dooku leaps down to confront mace on the arena grounds from the pile the droids are all thrown aside with a powerful force push and mace emerges unhe hurt but burning with anger mace I can sense it within you the dark side it burns brightly at least I stand for something look who you have joined the very people you you've sworn to defeat Dooku begins to Circle mace his eyes never leaving his opponent did I or did I simply see the truth the Republic is corrupt M the Jedi are blind to the rot within it to defeat it we Must Destroy it and what did you do allied with scum like n gunr the men who have brought war and suffering to countless Worlds the war was necessary it is inevitable the only difference is we are the ones who control its outcome the Republic needed to be cleansed and if these were the people most willing to rise so be it without warning mace lunges at Dooku his lightsaber a blur of purple light Dooku Perry's their lightsabers clashing with a thunderous crack the two duelist move with blinding speed their blades creating arcs of light as they strike and Counter Strike you're stronger than before mace I can feel your anger let it fuel you join me and we can end this war I have my plans and I shall see them through the two continue to exchange blows the intensity of their duel increasing as mace feels the anger radiating from his friend he steps back and drinks it in letting it flow through him and turning it against Dooku his attacks become more aggressive his anger driving him forward Dooku while skilled is forced to retreat the power behind meses strikes pushing him back with a powerful swing mace disarms Dooku sending his lightsaber flying he stands over Dooku his lightsaber poised to strike Darth cidus taught you well but he did not teach you everything he feels a small smile tug at his face as he sees the surprise on maa's face Dooku thrusts his arm out and unleashes a torrent of lightning towards mace the Jedi Master staggers back and screams feeling the electricity coursing through him while he wries on the ground Dooku takes the opportunity to escape offworld once he is off Geonosis Dooku contacts his master I have escaped the planet along with the droid army very good my Apprentice so everything has gone according to plan not quite I had a strange encounter with Master Windu he was channeling the dark side I'm wondering how he was trained in such power then Wonder no more I trained him Dooku was not surprised to hear his master would do this what shocked him was how he readily admitted it you but the laws of the Sith say they can only be two a master and an apprentice such has always been the case since the time of Darth ban not always my own Master's Master had broken this rule when Darth plag is studed under Darth tenebrous his master kept a secret Apprentice to challenge him Darth venomous Darth tenebrous sought to find the greatest in the Galaxy who could destroy the Jedi as I do now so you seek to replace me I seek nothing pleus did not allow himself to be replaced and slew this Pretender as I said I seek to find the strongest and let this war be your game board to determine who is The Apprentice and who is The Pretender this battle begins the Clone Wars and Palpatine gets a demonstration of his two apprentices Powers both prove to be exceptionally skilled in the dark side in different ways the count is a master at lightsaber combat and harnessing the dark side he is also a far superior politician to mace on the other hand mace is a better General and harnesses the dark side to strengthen his abilities without being too obvious he is also far more charismatic and able to win the Loyalty of his soldiers he sees great potential in both of them but only one would survive to see the birth of his Empire as the Hologram Fades Dooku slams his fist against the console he did not like the idea of being tested like this but for the moment he cannot turn against Palpatine not alone instead he focuses his anger on the war effort where duk and M serve as major players although the likes of Anakin and Obi-Wan take the Limelight the two Sith apprentices remain influential in their own ways mace takes a far more active role in the war leading his troops across many battlefields and using his incredible power to shatter the enemies while Dooku remains in the shadows rallying planets sowing discontent in loyalist worlds were assassinating Rivals this means while they rarely face each other directly they find new ways to fight this war although Dooku can use his dark Powers openly mace can't and must restrain himself worlds where mace is fighting are subjected to far more brutal tactics firebombing campaigns blockades and famines are all done to push mace further into the dark side until it can no longer be hidden from the Jedi in return mace takes a harsher stance on separatist groups and worlds mace makes sure to wipe out entire Insurgent groups who join the CIS not taking any prisoners or assaulting allies of the count even if they claim neutrality on worlds allied with the CIS mace adopts Scorch Earth tactics and leaves them devastated all of this to show the count as incompetent and unable to lead the CIS this results in the Clone Wars taking a far more brutal turn as while both sides only fight for Limited goals these leaders are now fighting for annihilation on a personal level as the two witness the destruction of the other causes their hatred for one another grows both begin blaming the other for the chaos in the Galaxy the one who benefits most from this is Palpatine who sees the chaos these two are causing all it does is further undermine The credibility of the Jedi in the CIS allowing him to consolidate his power but neither Apprentice is blind to these developments both of them make their own steps to challenge Palpatine Dooku attempts to raise his Apprentice in secret from the form of Assange Ventress but that plot is discovered and he's forced to get rid of her he also tries to take strategic worlds that Palpatine needs though the chancellor ensures that Anakin Skywalker is sent there to reverse the situation meanwhile mace tries to use the Jedi to challenge Palpatine's influence he has them investigate and try to sabotage some of his plans and projects while they manage to Halt a few of them such as kidnapping four sensitive children the chancellor outmaneuvers him multiple times seeing his apprentices catching on Palpatine turns his attention to a rising star in the war effort Anakin Skywalker but as the outer rim sieges begin both sides can tell that the end is near despite that neither one of them truly understands Palpatine's plan while Palpatine makes them promises he does not answer how the other will be dealt with for Dooku this has been something that has bothered him for a long time and suspects that he has something planned shortly after the battle of Anais Dooku sends an assassin to try and kill Mace this effort fails and the Assassin flees to a nearby moon with mace in Pursuit although Obi-Wan suggests waiting for reinforcements mace insists on going alone especially as he feels a shatter point there as he lands on the moon mace spots the Bounty Hunter fleeing to an abandoned Temple he Sprints after him but by the time he arrives he sees the Assassin dead on the ground standing over his body is Count Dooku Dooku you're the one who sent me on a wild Chase what is it you want merely to talk Miss to see if you finally come to your senses you're a traitor Dooku you you abandoned the Jedi Order and Allied yourself with the likes of the Trade Federation and N gunray you brought Untold suffering to the Galaxy you've become everything you've despised mace lunges at Dooku their lightsabers clashing with a burst of Sparks the sound of their duel Echoes through the temple Ma's attacks are powerful and Relentless fueled by his anger he allows the dark side to flow fully through him and unleashes it in a scream rather than cow at this display Dooku draws himself up and parries each attack not everything I hate at least I am not a Jedi nor a hypocrite you're a coward mace you cling to the Jedi Order pretending to be righteous yet you use the dark side when it suits you enough mace throws a powerful shock wave that shatters the floors and leaves mace standing in a crater in the center of the room despite that Dooku leaps up and over the dust and land on his feet is this the best you can do mace I expected more from you Mace leaps out from the crater and moves in a series of quick thrusts their lightsabers create Arc of purple and red light mace presses the attack forcing Dooku back toward a crumbling pillar with a powerful swing mace shatters the pillar sending debris flying Dooku leaps aside barely avoiding the collapse impressive but brute strength alone will save you B spins his lightsaber in a series of Rapid strikes Dooku counters each attack but the two combatants are evenly matched neither gaining the upper hand You' become everything we fought against Dooku you betrayed the Jedi the Republic and yourself and you you betrayed your own heart you walked the line between the light and dark yet you refuse to choose mace Roars in Fury his attacks become more ferocious the force of the strike sends Dooku stumbling back seizing the moment mace presses forward driving Duku toward the crater the count begins to fall back giving ground as his age shows with a dark surge of energy Dooku Force pushes mace sending him stumbling towards the crater they Clash again their lightsabers flashing in the dim light the fight is brutal and intense each strike echoing with the weight of their words mace's anger fuels his strength while Dooku nearly Falls in with a final kick mace sends him stumbling into the pit below the count stumbles across the ground and lands at the bottom of the crater Dooku winces and tries to lift himself up but then feels a lightsaber pointed at his throat I ask you this once why did you bring me here the conflict between us is meaningless we need to join forces join forces with you after everything you've done yes you must have sensed it by now Palpatine's true intentions remain shrouded even to me we approached the end of this war and yet he only answers our questions with riddles and smiles and why should I believe you you've manipulated everyone doku what makes is this any different because M our old friendship means something to me old friendship do you mean the friendship you betrayed when you left the order I left because I saw no other way just as I sense there is no way now I search your heart and see you feel the same way you are closer to our Master than I tell me does he not seem off to you Palpatine has shown unusual favor towards Skywalker more so than you or your supposed apprentices it's troubling he claims that he hopes to turn him and he will be a powerful Ally in the New Order but tell me does he have you his Apprentice to help him with those plans no exactly Palpatine seeks to manipulate everyone for his own ends we may both be Pawns in his Grand Design if there's even a chance you're telling the truth we need to uncover Palpatine's plans but make no mistake Dooku I will not hesitate to end you if you betray me again understood a few weeks later the sky above corant is a blaze with the fires of war star Fighters zip through the chaos Capital ships exchange devastating broadsides and the whole planet seems to tremble under the onslaught amid the frenzy a pair of Jedi Starships land on the CIS Flagship the Invisible Hand to rescue Palpatine Anakin emerges from his ship first looking uncertainly at his companion mace Wu they race down the corridors dispatching battle droids along the way filling the halls with the Clash of their lightsabers and the sounds of blaster fire and explosions they reach the Chancellor's quarters inside Chancellor Palpatine sits restrained in his chair and standing before him Count Dooku turns to face the two Jedi Dooku ignites his red lightsaber the Crimson blade humming ominously mace and Anakin ignite their lightsabers before charging at Dooku although they begin throwing quick attacks Dooku defends against each move the confined space of the room makes the battle even more intense as Sparks flash against their bodies while fire lights their eyes Anakin's attacks grow more aggressive his strikes more powerful mace fights with a focus intensity tempering the dark side for now but keeping Dooku's attention Anakin sees an opening and seizes it with a powerful strike aiming to cut Dooku's hands off but mace nudges his hands out and uses the force to misdirect hand ever so slightly instead it only disarms the Sith Lord whose lightsaber falls into his hands Dooku drops to his knees as Anakin levels the lightsabers against his throat Anakin hesitates his face Twisted with conflict suddenly with a surge of force energy ma throws Dooku back slamming him against the wall no Anakin we take him alive but the chancellor we are Jedi Anakin we don't execute prison ERS Master Windu I'm giving you a direct order as Chancellor are you disobeying me no I am not I am disobeying you master cidus as they step out Palpatine's expression shifts from calm to one of dark resolve with a surge of power he breaks free from his restraints his eyes blazing with anger he draws a concealed Feld lightsaber and lunges at mace mace quickly ignites his lightsaber barely blocking Palpatine's strike the sudden assault catches both mace and anakan off guard with a powerful burst of Force lightning he sends Palpatine flying back the Sith Lord's lightsaber deactivating as he crashes against the wall I Won't Let You harm him cidus Palpatine Rises his face Twisted with rage he ignites his lightsaber again but Dooku is faster he Force pulls his own lightsaber from anan's grasp and ignites it standing ready to face his former Master Dooku we may have our differences mace but we know that Palpatine is the true enemy the room erupts into chaos as the battle resumes mace and Dooku face off against Palpatine their lightsabers clashing in A Storm of Sparks and fury even outnumbered the Sith Lord is more than a match for them defending himself quite well none of their attacks even come close to hitting Palpatine and the two start to back away Dooku tries to unleash lightning once again but this time Palpatine is ready for it and bats it aside meanwhile mace gets closer and bears down on the chancellor his purple lightsaber coming in from every angle but Palpatine seems just a little bit faster that is until one blow grazes his shoulder he cries out in pain and Dooku presses his Advantage he rushes at Palpatine forcing him back further nin help me please the young Jedi rushes forward but mace raises a hand no there is much you don't know young one but Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord how do you know that because we are his apprentices Anakin stares at the Jedi Master in shock he takes a step back and readies his own weapon all this time mace had lectured him on listening to the Jedi Code but here he was serving the dark side they were sworn to destroy you deceived me master Wu what we did we did for the Galaxy which is why we must stop him now why should I believe you a surge of power nearly sweeps them off their feet Dooku looks at Anakin feeling the power radiating off of him however unlike the two of them Anakin has not yet learned to control it sensing this Dooku pushes Palpatine back and lets mace switch in Anakin face darkens as he looks at the count taking a step forward he holds up his robotic hand and raises his lightsaber I sense your anger Anakin But be sure it's directed in the right place the chancellor is a far greater evil destroy him remember he too deceived you he wasn't the one who took my hand then allow me to make amends for It Whatever Powers you require I can teach you and I can assure the Jedi need not hear about what transpires here that was all Anakin needed to hear as he turned his lightsaber at Palpatine who's grappling with mace though Savage he's slowly being worn down by the Chancellor's Relentless attack that is until Dooku and Anakin rejoin the fight their lightsabers clashing in A Storm of Sparks in Fury Palpatine though powerful finds himself overwhelmed Anakin's raw power Ma's strength and intensity and Dooku's Mastery of the dark side combined to create an Unstoppable Force Palpatine unleashes a barrage of forc lightning but mace deflects it with his lightsaber sending the energy crackling harmlessly into the walls Dooku seizes the opportunity to strike his lightsaber carving a precise Arc through the air Anakin follows with a powerful two-handed strike that forces Palpatine to stagger back mace seeing an opening moves with blinding speed he strikes Palpatine's lightsaber disarming him Palpatine stumbles his weapon clattering to the floor Anakin and Dooku strike at their legs driving Palpatine to his knees mace raises his lightsaber for the final blow with a single decisive strike he cuts Palpatine down Palpatine collapses to the floor lifeless the room Falls silent the hum of lightsabers fading as mace Anakin and Dooku deactivate their weapons they stand amidst the wreckage the weight of their actions settling over them the battle for corusant rages on outside but within the confines of the Invisible Hand a pivotal confrontation has ended and the fate of the Galaxy is irrevocably changed suddenly a voice crackles on M's Comm Master Windu Master Windu what is going on here I believe young Skywalker just brought balance to the force that's our Theory the Star Wars universe is a Galaxy filled with exciting stories and possibilities and we love exploring them if you want to accompany us on this journey to a galaxy far far away then please like share and subscribe to our Channel
Channel: Darth Theorist
Views: 6,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Count Dooku and Mace Windu turn to dark side, Star Wars what if, Dooku and Mace dark side, Jedi to Sith, Star Wars alternate timeline, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Sith Lords, Palpatine's apprentices, Star Wars theories, Clone Wars, Jedi Order, Star Wars fan theories, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Sidious, Star Wars speculation, Galactic Empire, Star Wars deep dive, Star Wars fan content, Darth Theorist, star wars what if, mace windu, star wars theory, palpatine, star wars
Id: Ly7d7vbiPoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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