What If All People Flushed at the Same Time

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[Music] consider this when you flush your toilet you don't even give a second thought to what happens to sewage water in the pipe or how fast it travels or where it goes but if you ever do then you should hope that there will never come a day when everyone in the world flushes at the exact same moment but let's talk about a less grand example first say if you live in a separate house with two bathrooms then flushing both of them at the same time won't do any harm at all now that's boring let's upscale you live in a big apartment building with centralized sewage system in older buildings especially outside the u.s. you can still find this kind of drawer that opens up on a really huge vertical pipe or soil pipe that's where all the waste goes when you and your down and upstairs neighbors flush may sound gross but you can even hear the wastewater rushing past you when someone above presses the button so imagine that the whole column just decided to flush at the exact same moment there's a powerful waterfall occurring right in front of you and it's good if it's just water but people normally flush not just for the fun of it so there's also toilet paper and other less savory substances so it all rushes down at high speed and eventually gets into the general sewage system of the city the pipes down below are much wider so they could keep up with the flow but even so the average diameter of the largest pipe which is the one that goes straight to the waste recycling station is about 10 feet that sounds like a lot but it depends on the instant flow I'll get there so anyway twelve stories of unanimous flushes what happens first is probably howling and that's kind of scary the thing is that all this waste in water create a pressure that most pipes would not be able to withstand so you'd be lucky if the pipe in front of you didn't burst right in your face hey don't picture this if the pipe handles it though it will still howl like crazy from all the strain but when the waste reaches the wider sewage pipes it will go further without much trouble the piping will become gradually bigger in diameter because obviously it collects not only the waste from your building but from all your neighborhood and the further it goes the more soil pipes it services like I mentioned earlier the largest pipe is the central one or several if you're in a big city right before the waste disposal and recycling plant it will need a really serious inflow to get clogged and I mean the whole city level of serious now imagine there's a town of 300,000 people let's call it flushing Tainui uhm ik its government invented a new holiday called flushing ttan flush day on this day every citizen should honor the gift of civilization that is a sewage system and press the flush button at the exact same moment the whole town is getting ready for the celebration colors are flying bands are playing and the large clock at the central square counts down the last seconds before the big flush three two one go everyone happily presses the button and the water starts flowing remember the howling I mentioned well in a town of this population it will probably not happen with many people living in their own homes with separate sewage systems but it doesn't mean nothing will happen at all quite the contrary at first there will be absolute silence then a kind of tremor perhaps as the sewer system beneath the town tries to cope with the enormous flow just to put it in perspective when flush ejects about three and a half gallons of water so that's 1 million fifty thousand gallons of water for the whole flushing t'n same as one and a half Olympic swimming pools then if you're lucky enough to be the resident you'll see the wastewater rising back in your toilet and fast you turn to the wash ball and the bathtub and get even more jittery the foul-smelling stuff Rises there too bubbling you run into the kitchen awaiting a disaster and you're right all the dishes you left for washing later are already half covered in the let's call it dark water you call the local plumber but the line is busy everyone is apparently having the same problem as you not knowing what to do you go to the window and oh oh you see the manhole lids have burst from their places and the stuff from the sewer starts overflowing the streets at the same time you hear more bubbling from behind you and you're afraid to turn around but you have to this sight is unpleasant to say the least the washing machine you left plugged in and ready has overflown too and to add insult to injury there were clothes left in it by by my favorite t-shirt the floor is rapidly getting covered in sewage water and you have no other choice but to quickly slip on your mud boots and jump out the window of your house outside although the air is fresher the odor is still nauseating you wade through the ever-rising dark water along with the other residents of the town seeking a higher ground to wait out the worst of it the whole town gathers on the highest hill there are manholes here too but the sewage waters don't overflow here because it's too high thankfully people are glaring at the government officials who proposed the idea in the first place but everyone understands it's their own fault to you and the others watch your town flooded with wastewater until it finally subsides which takes about an hour after that you grimly plod back down to count the losses and get to the cleaning the flushing today has been officially canceled from now on okay that's one moderately populated town for you but what if we take it even further and make it a world flush day the TV and radio all across the globe count down the seconds before the huge event day or night doesn't matter we assume everyone has been waiting for this and is prepared to press the button and there it is the water merely rushes down the pipes only to you guessed it get back to you but since the stakes are much higher now the backlash will probably be a lot more intense you'd better stay away from anything connected to the sewage system because the flow is going to become a spray if you don't fall back at once you're gonna take a really stinky shower but don't even think about running outside in the first minutes after the big flush it's not gonna be safe the manhole covers will pop into the air like soda bottle caps and the whole city will look as if it's full of foul-smelling geysers well maybe not but we don't know for sure right yet the worst is still to come the wastewater recycling facilities won't be able to cope with the stress and the pipes there will burst to remember that 10-foot wide pipe I mentioned earlier when it bursts it will literally explode upward raining down lumps of earth and water be sure to stay as far as you can from their willya next the flood will continue and it will probably turn into an absolute stinky tsunami oh people will try to get as high as possible to save themselves from the smelly disaster mountainous regions will become the safest on the planet people will hide on the peaks and in the hills until the worst ends flatlands dwellers won't be so lucky though taking the brunt of the damage upon themselves houses will float and people will have to hang on for dear life the flow will get steadily stronger but in about a half an hour it will start to subside it's hard to imagine the amount of trouble it will have caused but you can say for sure that it will cost a lot to everyone in the world recycling facilities and sewer pipe works will have to be repaired before anyone can use their bathrooms again and that's not to mention the repairs necessary to restore the houses parks and whatever got in the way of the flush flood all in all the picture is as unpleasant as it sounds and smells well I don't think that world flush day is a good idea after all do you so let's just flush that idea right now hey if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend and here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy just click to the left or right and remember stay on the bright side of life outside of law
Views: 687,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flush the toilet youtube, how it works, how toilets work, flush toilet, what if, how sewage system works, what if everyone flushed at the same time, how toilet works animation, how toilet flush works, how a toilet works video, flush toilet cartoon, toilet flush experiment, toilets, never do this, brightside, bright side video, bright side, sewage waters, scary scenarios, scary what if scenarios, flushing toilet
Id: Z1RfCt80hGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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