What I wish I knew before moving to Paris

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have you ever expected one thing and gotten something completely different that's my story with Paris don't get me wrong it's beautiful it's captivating but it's also a box full of ton of unexpected Revelations and maybe not for reasons that you might think if you're new here hi I'm Tiana and for years ago I embarked on a journey packed up my stuff and moved across the world to call Paris my home I came to Paris with cliche visions of romance and beauty inspired by films and novels but like turning the pages of a book where each chapter reveals a Twist Paris has definitely had its own narrative for me looking back I definitely wish someone would have handed me a guide not to the best Instagram spots in Paris or the best places to eat around the city but to its soul to its quirks to its Unwritten rules because while Paris does of course have its postcard perfect moments it also has a raw unfiltered side if you're ready to really dive into the Paris that they don't show you in movies then stick around while I spill the tea on what it's really like to live in Paris and the 12 things that I wish I knew before I moved here so back home in the states when it came to getting dressed I would say that Comfort was my number one priority of course there are times where I like to get dressed up if I was going out to dinner with friends or the special occasion but on a day-to-day basis just for running errands and stuff I found myself wearing yoga pants leggings simple t-shirts maybe a hoodie if it was a little chilly out very basic these outfits were practical they required minimal effort and they just felt like me the thought of dressing up just to go pick up my breakfast or run errands go to the pharmacy head to the bank just seemed a bit excessive to me but in Paris it's a whole another story Parisian style isn't loud but it speaks volumes minimalist outfits neutral tones simple yet statement making accessories and a notable absence of any heavy makeup or elaborate hairstyles everyone here always seems so meticulously curated without looking like they're trying too hard or being being overdone it's a kind of Elegance that's casual in its own way but very distinctively Parisian essentially dressing in Paris is a lot less about flashy labels or designer names and more about a sense of personal style with a hint of sophistication and a respect for the occasion even if it's just a morning coffee run over time since living here my style has definitely evolved now I find myself choosing pieces that are more minimal but still sophisticated casual but elegant that blend my comfort first approach to outfits with the Parisian Elegance that we know and love today Paris has definitely made me adapt my style and helped me learn that style isn't just a reflection of you and your personality but also your surroundings as well speaking of Elegance and personal style there is one brand that has seamlessly melded with my evolved aesthetic Anna Louisa now if you guys have seen other videos on my Channel or have been following me for a while you know that I have mentioned them before but if you haven't heard of them let me share with you a little bit about this jewelry brand that's been my go-to for elevating any outfit Anna Louisa Prides themselves on creating jewelry that celebrates the beauty of everyday life but what initially attracted me to them was their commitment to sustainability in a world that's increasingly aware of environmental implications Anna Louisa stands out and ensures that every piece is crafted with the environment in mind they use recycled materials whenever possible which limits waste and ensures that each creation isn't just beautiful but is also kind to the earth and the brand doesn't just stop at sustainability they intertwine it with impeccable craftsmanship each piece feels very unique like it's been handcrafted just for you there's a timelessness to their collection and their pieces are an elegant blend of both classic and contemporary Styles it's obvious that their designs aren't just about following Trends but actually creating pieces that will last you from season to season speaking from personal experience I have acquired tons of Anna Louisa pieces over the year and they have truly become Staples in my jewelry collection I have this delicate necklace that I wear quite literally every day I've worn it on coffee dates I've worn it to work dinners even meetings it's very versatile yet very elegant and dainty and quite honestly feels like a piece of art the quality is amazing and despite me wearing it literally every day it hasn't tarnished or lost its shine another thing I love about anal Louisa is that their pieces are accessible unlike a lot of luxury jewelry Brands where you feel like you're kind of paying more for the name than the actual product itself with Anna Louisa you're genuinely investing in good quality sustainable products without burning a hole in your pocket in Paris where the lines between everyday casual and special occasion often having jewelry like Anna Louisa makes all the difference so if you're looking for jewelry that is both sustainable and elegant definitely check out Anna Louisa and Shop the link in my bio I remember when I first got to Paris and I was diving into my du lingo lessons and avidly listening to French podcasts feeling a growing confidence in my language skills I imagined myself being able to converse fluidly with parisians and I believe that I actually was starting to get a grasp of the language I figured that parisians would at least appreciate my efforts to speak French right well it turns out that speaking French actually wasn't the endgame it was just the beginning because when I actually began mingling with classmates and speaking with co-workers I realized the huge difference between the French we learn in school and the actual French that you hear on a daily basis the language that I heard on the streets of Paris was not at all what Duolingo had prepared me for it Sprinkles with tons of idioms and expressions and a million different slang words used to say the same exact thing then there are the cultural references that are embedded in everyday conversations names of artists authors poets historians or even historical events that all the locals seem to understand except me I quickly learned that the French language was intertwined with the rich French history art and societal norms and Beyond the words and expressions are the unwritten social rules for instance never ever start a conversation without a polite greeting first and then there is the art of La so while many cultures have a One Cheek kiss greeting in Paris it's two one kiss on each cheek but even that is not as straightforward as it sounds because even though lais is customary it's never done in formal settings and it's usually only done amongst friends and family but it also isn't done for super super casual encounters either and the number of kisses that you give on each cheek can vary depending on the region in France so through these experiences I've realized that mastering French isn't just about memorizing vocabulary words and perfecting your grammar it actually entails immersing yourself into the culture embracing its quirks learning all the crazy idioms and millions of French Expressions literally they have millions and only then will you truly know French imagine trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded while hopping on one foot and singing the French national anthem backwards that might be slightly easier than finding an apartment in Paris this beautiful city with its romantic Allure and historical charm draw thousands of people just like me every year looking for their own little Nook but what awaits is a boatload of challenges first there's just the sheer competition for every quaint little balcony overlooking a historic Parisian Street there are dozens if not hundreds of people vying for it then comes the age-old game of supply and demand Paris in all its Glory has very limited space space and even more people looking for a piece of that space this means Apartments get snatched up fast and if you miraculously do find a place that you like race yourself for tons of paperwork proof of income bank statements tax returns and most of the time even a French garer it's like the city wants a detailed biography of the last five generations of your family before you can rent Paris is also notorious for rental scams like fake listings and overpriced deposits every Cor Corner seems to have a scammer waiting to take advantage of you this makes the hunt for an apartment even more daunting and the search for the perfect place in Paris can often take weeks or sometimes even months but if you're wondering how to navigate your apartment search without falling into a trap definitely check out my video on how to actually rent an apartment in Paris without getting scammed trust me you'll need it when I thought of what my life in Paris would be like the dream was simple a spacious one or maybe two bedroom apartment apartment with big Windows letting in the Parisian sunlight a large kitchen to experiment with French recipes and a balcony to sip my morning Cafe but in reality let's just say Paris had other plans the numbers were a shocker for me when I first moved here some parisan apartments can be as Tiny as 9 M squared which is roughly 97 ft imagine living eating sleeping and well existing in a space that feels just a tiny bit larger than a generous walk-in closet oh and if you thought I'll just splurge and get something bigger be prepared to Shell out an exorbitant amount a decent sized one-bedroom apartment here in Paris that would be comparable to a us- sized apartment will cost you at least $1,600 per month which is 56% of the average monthly salary here in Paris the grand Visions I had of my American apartment with its sprawling living room and modern kitchen were quickly replaced by the Parisian standard tiny Studio here every square inch is Prime real estate kitchens morphed into corners and Living Spaces doubled as bedrooms most people in Paris live in tiny apartments and if not then they've opted for shared living with two or sometimes three or even four other roommates all trying to carve out their own little space in this bustling City I've definitely had to recalibrate my expectations when it comes to my idea of a living space and embrace the charm of compact living after all in Paris it's not about the size of your apartment but the the life that you live outside of it at least that's what I tell myself don't get me wrong Paris is beautiful and the charm is undeniable but before moving here I had only been exposed to the manicured streets that we see on TV the reality however is just a tad bit different take a walk around some parts of Paris and the ground looks like a mosaic of cigarette butts plastic pieces and a lot of dog poop rats have become The Unofficial mascot of busy areas like chatet and they can often be seen scurrying around not a care in the world completely unbothered by the hustle and bustle of the city around them this was definitely a far cry from the beautiful Parisian scenes I've seen in the movies but perhaps the peak of this dirty surprise came to me last year when Parisian garbage men decided to strike for weeks the streets were lined with not just architecture and trees but piles and piles of trash Paris like any big city has its moments of contrast where I idealized romance meets the harsh reality of urban life when I think of French cuisine I think of baguettes pastries cheeses wines but here's the mystery despite this seemingly indulgent diet parisians are for lack of a better term super skinny and I mean everyone I don't know if it's just the overall better quality of food and ingredients here in general or just the sheer amount of walking that you have to do on a daily basis in Paris but it's almost as if parisians have their own weight management secret now I've never considered myself to be overweight in the US and I still don't now if I'm being honest but in Paris there are moments where anything bigger than a size two feels out of place and I found myself feeling self-conscious in random moments of walking into clothing stores or just sitting at a cafe and people watching now onto the smoking it's everywhere and it seems like everyone does it it's as though lighting up a cigarette is a Parisian version of taking a breath historically smoking has deep roots in French culture it's almost a right of passage a symbol of rebellion of contemplation or even sophistication coming from years in sitting through dare classes in middle school being drilled about the evils of nicotine the casual attitude that they have here towards smoking was a bit startling and I'll admit in a moment of wanting to fit in during my first year in Paris I tried my first and last cigarette it wasn't for me and I haven't done it since but it was a right of passage and a tiny insight into the mystery that Is This Love Story between Paris and smoking there's a sort of unspoken Rhythm to Paris it's a beat that pulses through cobblestone streets and wide boulevards and the pace is break neck from the moment you step outside in Paris you can feel the energy everyone seems to be on a mission moving like clockwork and heaven forbid you break that flow in the beginning it was kind of overwhelming and each outing felt like a mental obstacle course I was juggling so much I need to walk quickly while navigating the winding streets but also projecting an air of confidence I was worried about looking lost or walking too slow I didn't want to get the attention of pickpockets or people trying to scam tourists I had to constantly look like I knew where I was going even when I didn't this constant vigilance of always feeling like I had to look over my shoulder and always having to keep up was draining Paris was supposed to be about romance and Leisure and here I was power walking like my life depended on it over time though this became a reflex now even on days when my calendar is empty and there is no urgency I still find myself rushing I often have to stop and take a deep breath and remind myself to slow down and just appreciate the beauty around me as if to compensate for the daily Rush Paris slows down at meal time meals here are a ritual it's like an art a celebration of life and Connections in the midst of the city's hustle and bustle meals feel like tranquil little islands where time is stretched restaurants here aren't about quick turnovers you aren't hurried along with your meal or urged to finish your food so that the next customers can be seated instead you're invited to linger to savor to enjoy from appetizers to desserts every course is a journey initially this shift in Pace was a bit jarring for me back home meals are often quick and functional quick bites between tasks hitting up the drive-thru after work and eating in the car on your way home and a kind of Turn and Burn mentality when you go out to eat at restaurants but here meals are a social event during my first year as an opair here in Paris meals genuinely became the highlight of my day it wasn't just the fact that I got to eat delicious homemade French cuisine but honestly the warmth of the family gathering and us all eating together we'd sit around the table exchange stories share laughs and discuss our days the kids would animatedly recount their Adventures the parents would chime in and together we just create great memories this French tradition of long meals cherishing the moment has truly become something that I really adore in these little daily gatherings I found a slice of Paris that truly has become to feel like home Paris in August is a ghost town it feels like someone took an eraser to a bustling canvas leaving behind just a quiet sketch the city's normally buzzing atmosphere becomes noticeably quieter many of the locals take their leave either heading to their rural vacation homes or Coastal getaways in the south of France there's a certain Stillness in the air here and the shift is most obvious with local businesses most of my favorite spots would put up their signs that indicated that they would be closed for the month and I'd find myself walking down streets that were previously filled with people beaming with life only to find now that all the shutters on my favorite Banger cafes and even clothing stores were closed while this initially felt a little bit weird it has honestly grown on me so much with the city less crowded in August it really really gives you a chance to appreciate Paris in a different light there was so much more room to stroll to sit by the Sun and to even notice architectural details without all of the usual distractions a city that is usually so assertive in its energy now yielded space space to wander unhurried to admire the sun without jostling shoulders and to really soak in the beauty of the hos manian architecture and today the poetic Solitude that is Paris in August is something I look forward to every year leaving behind the always sunny California for Paris was meteorologically speaking a rude awakening I traded in my golden sunsets for a color palette that was predominantly gray winter brought shorter days with sunlight that only made an appearance for a few hours the temperatures frequently hovered around the upper 30s this kind of continuous overcast weather was definitely a contrast from what I was used to in fact this city experiences way more rain than than most people would expect even more than cities like London for example but even with the cold and the rain there is a certain charm to the city rainy days definitely make the cafes more inviting and the gray backdrop of the sky make the city's color stand out more like the bright storefronts or the greens in the park it has taken some adjusting but I am slowly beginning to appreciate the different moods of Paris regardless of the weather one of the first tasks that I had for myself upon getting to France was setting up a French bank account and I quickly found out that this was just the introduction to the nightmare that is French bureaucracy opening a bank account was the first thing for example for Americans it's extremely difficult to open a bank account here there's an added layer of complexity due to International tax reporting laws and a lot of banks here just flat out deny accounts to Americans because they don't want to have to deal with filing the paperwork or following the reporting processes that are required it often felt like anytime I needed something in France for every form that I submitted there were two or three other forms waiting for me to be filled out and the process of renewing visas is a whole different chapter appointments have to be set well in advance sometimes even months earlier then there's the back and forth with the administrative offices communication most of the time turned into a waiting game many times my questions would be met with responses like or the frustratingly final while I understand that every country has its own way of doing things the intricate steps of the French system is definitely something that has taken some getting used to and quite honestly something that I still constantly find myself being frustrated with in my early days in Paris something that I looked forward to the most was the day that I would be fluent enough in French to finally become friends with the locals but I quickly realized that this might not be as easy as it sounded most French people have very tight-knit social groups they often establish these friendships since their school days and they just continue staying friends throughout their adult lives so these circles have been established for decades and they are really hard to penetrate especially in Paris a notable cultural aspect that I have noticed here is that French people typically aren't as open to forming friendships with new people and especially foreigners they also tend to see Americans as superficial and see us as being fake or overly nice not only that but a majority of French people just aren't that comfortable with their English level so it makes sense why they wouldn't really go out of their way to become friends with primarily English speakers this doesn't necessarily indicate their unwillingness to make friends but it does mean that they might be hesitant to form friendships with people who aren't fluent in French but here's the Silver Lining Paris is a global City it's very International and it's brimming with expats from all over the world many of whom are eager to meet people and form friendships so while you might not have that French best friend for your initial years you will have a diverse group of friends from a variety of different cultures in my four years in France I have definitely met a few French people who I would consider my friends but I have way more International Friends than I initially imagined I would for more insights and tips on how to navigate friendships in this beautiful city check out my video on how to make friends in Paris as a foreigner there is an undeniable alur to Paris it's often depicted in movies and tales as the epitome of romance and Beauty but the true Paris the one I got to know is much more layered it's a mix of beauty and Chaos of history and modernity of the frustratingly complex and the delightfully simple on one hand Paris can be grimy wander beyond the postcard perfect landmarks and you'll come across littered streets a sense of urgency in its pace and at times places that might not be that safe the cities hustle and bustle the endless lines of tourists and the nuances of daily life can often make it feel very overwhelming there are days when the weight of isolation especially as a foreigner trying to find my place was palpable but juxtapose this with its undeniable charm the streets though at times dirty are lined with history resonating with stories from centuries past the city's architecture its art its music everything exudes a rich cultural heritage that is hard to find anywhere else beyond the immediate sights and sounds Paris offers profound lessons in interacting with its people navigating its bureaucracy and even taking taking a walk along the sen I've learned so much about the world about different cultures and most importantly about myself these past four years have honestly been transformative the city with all of its challenges and rewards has shaped my perspective honed my resilience and enriched my experiences the initially intimidating streets became familiar and the once overwhelming crowd became a source of inspiration amid the orchestra of foreign languages I found my voice and while I started as an outsider Paris has gently yet firmly claimed a place in my heart in the grand scheme of things the messiness of Paris is what makes it beautiful and while I never imagined it initially I honestly can't picture myself being anywhere else so if you're thinking of moving to Paris be prepared for an adventure of self-discovery wrapped up in the charm of this iconic City embrace the journey dive deep into the city's Rich culture and history and don't shy away from the challenges Paris has profoundly changed my life in ways that I never would have imagined and I genuinely hope it weaves the same magic into yours thanks for watching this video and I'll see you guys in the next [Music] one
Channel: Where Tiana Travels
Views: 4,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiana marie, where tiana travels, moving to france, living in france, american in france, expat in france, moving to france from us, moving to paris, living abroad in france, things to know before moving to france, living in france as an american, what i wish i knew, important things to know before moving to france, i wish i knew before moving to france, things to know before moving to paris, what to know before moving to paris, living in paris
Id: su1fFqY5COI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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