What I Love & Hate About the Maserati Granturismo

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today i'm going to tell you everything that i love and hate about my maserati gran turismo what's happening in nature people on panda here i'm out here with my maserati gran turismo it's car i've had for a while but i haven't really done a dedicated video on it and so i want to correct that today and tell you kind of my journey with this car and go over everything in detail that i love and hate about this maserati gran turismo okay first of all i've actually had this car for the better part of a year right now and despite that one of the things here that is a little bit strange is that i haven't put a ton of miles on it and actually here's the story so earlier this year i was looking for one of these you know i had a maserati grand sport and that was a really cool car i wish i still had it but there's only so many dollars and so much garage room that you can have but i thought you know why not get something a little bit more modern and really the big problem with the grand sport over the gran turismo was that the grand sport had kind of a wacky transmission had like this single clutch manumatic paddle shift transmission and while for me driving it was not a problem uh the problem really came from me loaning it out to friends family that kind of thing you know if you were local here and you wanted to drive it i'd certainly let you but the problem with it was that it kind of takes a while for people to kind of get it and so it was just becoming kind of a pain and it was actually kind of hard on the car as people were trying to learn how to drive it and you know wearing out the clutch and things like that so i thought why not get a car with a regular transmission now these gran turismos actually had a couple of transmissions the standard zf i think six-speed automatic and then there they actually made one with the f1 transmission which there are actually a fair number of examples out there but that's not what i wanted but i actually went ahead and made the switch i found this car it wasn't actually a color that i was looking for at the time but i actually liked what the previous owner did on it so i picked it up what's interesting about it is that i picked up this car had it shipped to me you know started to sync around with it and then basically the economy got shut down and the big thing with that was the dmv got shut down right and so i actually had the title couldn't do anything with it couldn't get any plates for it anything like that i did get it obviously insured but when the dmv shut down they actually said that it was okay to drive a new purchased car used car like private party drive it without plates and you would just show any law enforcement that pulled you over your bill of sale and your proof of insurance and you'd be good to go and that's all well and good because they basically extended everything you know driver's license renewals all the dmv types of paperwork and so i did that and of course got pulled over and i did show him my bill of sale and my insurance info and it was no problem and he said you know great just wanted to make sure that it wasn't stolen no big thing it was just inconvenient it wasn't a problem of complying with the law or anything like that and i just kind of figured you know i probably would not plan on driving it much especially without license plates because it just kind of sticks out it's a little bit of a bright car sticks out like a sore thumb the exhaust is a little bit loud as you might expect which i actually like but it's one of the cars that will kind of get noticed even without the plate and my other thing with it is because when i was taking it out it's very easy to get going a little quick in this so it's probably not unlikely that i might get pulled over because maybe i am pressing the speed limit just a little bit and so you kind of get pulled over potentially for cause and then you don't have a license plate i just felt like uh it's probably just not worth the aggravation for me or for the people that might pull me over so i just kind of left it at that and left the garage for the most part i did take it out a couple times you know when the weather was really nice and wanted to be able to take advantage of some open roads and i've done a little work on it to kind of bring it back to life again too because it has been sitting for a few years this car is not new we're going to start on the outside here this is actually a 2011 gran turismo s and there is a difference between the regular and the s and then the step above that which basically has the same engine as the mc i believe and the s was not necessarily super important to me but there were some performance advantages with it so in the normal uh gran turismo i think it's a four liter v8 ferrari derived and this is the 4.7 liter 450 horse motor it sounds great it pulls great i really love it and i love the sound man it's kind of ferrari running gear in a nice kind of more conservative italian body now i do love the looks of it i will say that this design has grown on me over the years it probably wasn't a design when it first came out that i was super eager to get into i mean it kind of looks a little corvette to me but it's proportions are really nice and actually what i like about it is kind of this arched back you know i paint with plastic at the rocker panel there to kind of thin up that middle edge on some of the cars that is you know i'm not sure if it's painted or a wrap or a separate carbon fiber piece or something like that but kind of thins up that middle portion and so it kind of does have a little bit of aston martin look now when i'm shopping for cars i'm usually never looking for a specific make and model i'm looking for a handful of makes or models that i like and the price point and the deal that's right for that particular car and so when i picked up this you know i was also looking at like the aston martin vantage v8s you know the earlier ones the problem with those is they had like some crazy terrible transmissions in them to be really honest so i ended up not getting that but i actually like this design better i certainly like the transmission better but it does share a little bit of that aston martin-like look to it so i kind of dug that you know it's kind of the best of both worlds now this blue here is called blue sophisticato so sophisticated and it's not a color that i was looking for and it's not a color that i was seeking out but he wanted this color and i actually really like it it doesn't scream like electric blue it's kind of like a lama blue or maybe even a little bit of a store blue it seems to have a little just a little tiny purple shift to it i really like it so he's blacked out the lights here he's blacked out the trim i put on this license plate frame to kind of match you can see down here on the fascia that's blacked out the emblems on the side blacked out even the surrounds around the windows even these fender vents right there all blacked out and even the wheels here which were originally a silver you had powder coated to black so i really liked all of that i thought that was all really good now sometimes on cars i am kind of tempted to replace these wheels but i actually really like them they're called neptune wheels and you can see there i think they look pretty good they're you know what seven spoke and then they have a little trident so it's just kind of a cool tie-in you know you got neptune's trident up there which is a theme that maserati has all over the place and i will also say here that one of the things that he did an eagle-eyed viewer spotted this he actually noticed that these headlights are from a 2011 which is what this car is but then what you'll notice here is that this front bumper has been changed to i think a 2013 or 2014 bumper and i really like that too now dimensionally there weren't a lot of differences here but what they did do is they kind of created a bigger vent on the side here and they broke up this center piece here with this kind of separate you know carbon fiber lip right there it gives the car more jowls on the side and i think makes it look a little meatier in fact the front bumper on the original ones the 2011 through 2009 just looked a little thin to me they kind of seemed more pointy a little more weak not ugly by any means but this just makes it look a little bit more of like a scoop a little bit more like there's some front spoilers on there so i really like that now i also want to go around here on the back what's funny is that on the sport they have these oval exhaust tips on the regular one they're just dual kind of quad round exhaust tips and what he did is he left these silver here which are fine but because everything else is blacked out i was almost tempted to black out these exhaust tips too but i'm kind of glad that i didn't i like the fact that they aren't hidden inside that fascia really now one of the things that i thought and this is going to be a little riser of me but i almost thought about taking some heat here a torch here and kind of bluing those edges because that kind of looks cool to me to see those blue exhaust tips they're kind of more standard on like a jdm kind of car you know and it's a little bit funny but i think the anodized blue look with the blue sophisticator here would look pretty cool so did not do that i also want to show you here that the key on this is nothing to write home about it's just a plastic flip out key this is going to seem very familiar and i actually kind of like that now i'm just going to hit unlock and i'm going to hold down the trunk button here because i want to pop this trunk because actually this is one of the things that i actually do like despite the fact that this is a gran turismo car and it's a four seater car the back seat is actually pretty decently sized this trunk is probably smaller than you think but it's still pretty generous and what you can see here is that we have a pretty big well on both sides it pretty much goes from quarter panel to quarter panel so you can get a bag of golf clubs in here and maybe even slim golf clubs you can probably get two bags in there and i have this total aftermarket trunk liner in there which i think looks pretty good but otherwise this is actually a fairly big trunk so if you wanted to go on a road trip with this put a couple of carry-on bags driving to the airport those types of things you don't really have any issue with it i will say what's kind of funny is that there is a little release down here as its emergency release and there's a cable that goes from here underneath the trunk underneath the rear seat and there's a hole right in front of the rear seat to open up this trunk in an emergency if the power goes out now i actually don't mind that but i have found that that little cable release there because the power did go out is not super reliable and i actually needed someone kind of pushing down on the trunk lid down here kind of bouncing it while i was pulling on that cable to get the trunk popped back open so that was kind of annoying and that's how you have to do it now let's talk about some of the things that i hate about it and what you can see here is that these wheels are pretty flush with these sides i actually did a video on that i put on the block sports wheel spacers i think 30 millimeter in the rear and 25 millimeter in the front and that helps push those wheels out on pretty much every maserati for whatever reason the wheels ride way more inboard on the cars than i like even on my ghibli now they look pretty flush and it kind of fills out the fenders and the quarter panels correctly but with those wheels sitting so far in it just looks a little goofy it kind of reminds me of like a train car you got this big box car and then the wheels are all skinny inboard so i really hated that the other thing that is dead here are the tpms sensors and that's because they are the original sensors so they're basically nine maybe 10 years old in here so it's no doubt that they're dead i did take it to the dealership to have some maintenance done and one that i will say is that they wanted over two thousand dollars just to replace the sensor so i went ahead and mixed that and i will order the sensors myself and probably have them put in a tire repair place and go that route but you know in terms of doing that at the dealership i was kind of appalled about how expensive they were the other thing that is a little funny about this and it's not one of the big things but i've kind of noticed that when i walked around the car is that there's a pretty big gap here between the glass and that deck lid what you can see here is it does seem like it flows pretty good but it's kind of just funny that there is probably a fingers worth of gap right here it doesn't flow smoothly into the glass so uh it's kind of a weird thing because i think a lot of cars try to keep this plane really really level again not huge and it's not something i think you'd walk up to the car and that's the first thing that you'd see but for whatever reason you know they chose not to put glass flush to the trunk lid and in other cars i remember i used to have a bmw z3 it actually had a fixed piece of the body work that was flush with the glass and then the trunk actually started a little bit down here so no big whoop but i don't like it let's head inside let me show you the interior there's a micro switch to roll down the windows a little bit when you get in and open the door and here is the interior it is this tan leather uh on this particular one the headrest is a separate piece from the seat some of those are all molded together i like the ones that are molded together they have a little bit more of a sport look if you look here in the back seat this is pretty big man i mean i've got that seat over there pushed back about as far as you would ever want and there's plenty of space here for a person to sit back here and the seats are pretty nicely contoured there are cup holders i've got a little charcoal air filter down here there are cup holders down here and a space to put your phone and all that and a nice big armrest now as you can see here is when i put the seat back it moves automatically the seat controls are on the side i'm not a big fan of that you know you can use them but it takes a little while to figure out right there you've got the seat heater control which absolutely makes no sense because you can't tell what number it's on from the seat there if we just jump in here doors are pretty long and they're pretty heavy there we go um i will say that the material quality is pretty good it's kind of funny because you would expect everything in here to be super luxury car but that's not really the case i mean everything is fine it's about right for this vintage if you look at the equivalent car the maserati quattroporte at this time it shares a lot of stuff there's nothing about this that you would get in the car and you'd be like this is super nice you know if you get in a mercedes sl or something like that of the same time period i think everything in there is going to feel just a little bit nicer quality even a little more intentional there's nothing wrong with this but to be really honest the grand sport that i had before i thought the interior was actually one of the strong suits because it just actually looked pretty cool so i kind of like that now i also will say that these seats are pretty comfortable and in some ways these are actually more comfortable than my ghibli seats for whatever reason the ghibli seats recline really far back kind of the front part of the seat sits really high in those i can get comfortable in that but actually these seats i find are a little more comfortable they're pretty hard they're pretty stiff but that's kind of what i like here now i also will say that the greenhouse is pretty wide and airy so for being in a car that's pretty small all around you get really nice visibility out the front i've got really big side windows here the b pillar there isn't great for seeing around but because the doors are so long i can kind of lean forward here and see what i need to see you know so everything about this is pretty good and then even in the back you're seeing through the rear window that's no problem either so i really love the fact that it's pretty bright now the other thing and i don't know how much this cost for luxury cars but they put an alcantara you know headliner in here which is great i mean the whole thing is covered in it and it's just one of those small things where it feels so much better than that little fuzzy cotton-like material that they put on other cars and it just gives it an air of quality so that's one of the things that between this car and my ghibli that i really really liked actually in the grand sport they actually option like a leather which i actually don't think is better to be really honest i kind of love this it makes it feel a little softer a little more inviting i'm not going to talk a ton about the head unit and whatnot here but it's aged it's a little bit old but one of the things that i do like is i've got my smartphone here and i just want to show you down here right in front of the console we have this little rubber opening and what i found is my iphone 11 pro max here fits pretty nicely in there so one of the things that i usually do is i will use the navigation on here you know use my google maps whatever i'll put it right there i'll usually put it so the speakers are facing me i'll just crank up the volume and i will use this almost like navigation so because the ridges on the side are pretty large it won't slide out side to side you know it might fall down and flop around a little bit it's not necessarily super secure but in terms of a natural place that us phone can rest in a car this is about as good as i've ever seen and i will tell you that it's probably not intended for this i mean to be honest it might have been intended for cigarettes or something along those lines but it works really well for phones just like that so that is pretty cool i actually dig that i also like the clock here on the newer ones here and the last generation of the gran turismo they actually replaced the clock with a clock that shuts out a little more i think that's actually better looking but i do like the fact that the analog clock is still there and i will also say that on this head unit here there is a jukebox feature and i think the usb port is right in here and you can put in a thumb drive with mp3s on it and then it will ask you do you want to move those to the jukebox so it has a hard drive in it and i went ahead and copied i don't know 200 300 songs or something to the head unit here and so i have my music on the jukebox here without a flash drive plugged in it's pretty great now kind of navigating through them is certainly no ipod but it is just nice to be able to go on the road not worry about radio signals or anything like that and just let it play through my own songs so that's pretty cool all right so that's the stuff i like now let's get on to some of the stuff that i don't like and some of this is actually pretty serious stuff so i'm gonna go down here between my legs welcome to the glory hole and we are in the foot well and i'm trying to show you the foot pedals here they're actually pretty nice but we have gas pedal and a brake pedal and what i want to show you is that they are on the same plane that is totally abnormal that the brake pedal and the gas pedal are on the same plane or the same level right no one is further out or in than the other ones on almost every other car that i've ever driven the brake pedal sticks out maybe an inch they're just not at the same plane and one of the reasons i think they do that is that you don't want to inadvertently press one and in fact when you want to get on the brake you want it a little closer to you so that you can make sure that you can get to the deep parts of the brake to stop a car in an emergency it doesn't really matter if you can't get to the deepest parts of the accelerator most the time but you do want to be able to get to the extreme depths of a break in case of an emergency and so that's why i think they put it closer to you as well as you don't have an inadvertent pressing of both pedals at the same time that is the drawback to this car and it's one of those things that everyone that gets in this car that hasn't driven it before i tell them about it and it still kind of spooks them because they'll catch a little bit of that brake pedal or even if they're on the getting on the brakes sometimes they'll catch just a little bit of that gas pedal so i don't really like it i almost wish that there was an aftermarket piece that you could bolt to this to raise up the brake pedal like an inch or so just to kind of get it into the kind of the normal positions or this normal arrangement of pretty much every other car so that's one of those things that i don't really like at all and again you can learn to drive with it but it's just a weird weird thing i will also say that there's just a lot about this interior that people already complained about first of all the soft touch plastic right up here feels a little rubbery it feels rubbery down here but right here it's not really that bad where it's really bad is it's right here and i can almost put my fingerprint in it but it just feels kind of gross because this area where it has dried up and gotten kind of gummy over the years i have to do something about now i actually got some goo gone and some alcohol wipes i think that's kind of the strategy for getting it off you can take everything apart set them out to be refinished but that soft touch plastic that ferrari uses for whatever reason on here it's not that bad but this is all a soft touch here you know that's just everywhere uh in these cars even on the paddles here this is all like that soft touch and just with age it just turns back into goo it's just kind of funny that it's not that bad up here but it's really bad here where i will actually touch things for the most part so that's kind of uh bad news the other thing i will say here it's not that bad in my car but you can see this front panel here uh stays the same but this top leather or i don't know if it's plastic maybe you know kind of deforms and starts pulling away i've seen some cars with a pretty big gap a gap where you could put your finger through there so this isn't that bad but it should be flush it should be kind of down here but just with time i don't know sitting in the sun contracting those kinds of things it just kind of starts pulling away and for some people it gets really ugly i've seen some people just take some plastic some like rubber and put it on this edge just to hide it a little bit you know some kind of janky things like that but it is what it is again it's not so bad that it annoys me right here but to actually fix this piece you have to take the whole steering wheel off you got to take all this stuff off transplant it into a new one so it's actually a really big job it's kind of a problem if anyone had a quick fix to that i would love to know it now the other thing is this car has wood trim everywhere i pretty much hate wood trim i don't get rid of it you know it's it's nice you know you can see the steering wheel i actually like the fact that it has the leather on the inside kind of reminds me a little bit of like the most recent chryslers it feels good in the hand because it's nice and clean and you know wipes down easily you get the wood trim up here but on a sporty car i just don't like wood i just think it's kind of antithetical to the purpose of the car i like the carbon fiber the aluminum metal what's funny is that it's just like some sort of applique you know and i would say kind of like a a wrap or you know a printing i'm not sure that it's a reward it might be you know some veneers on there but if you take all this off it's not uh light these are all like cast metal pieces that kind of plug into the dashboard or plug into the door panel here with like these pins and so when you take these off they're actually really heavy which is kind of funny because in some of the gran turismos this is like a carbon fiber and it's just a carbon fiber wrapped around aluminum so they're no lighter than the wood they just look like carbon fiber but these pieces are actually pretty heavy so it's just kind of funny that they try to make them look light and sporty when they are crazy heavy i will also say here that i don't like the plastic around the instrument gauges here so what they have done here on some of these i think on the mc this is all like carbon fiber but it's just kind of this cheap plastic it's something that you look at all the time the shape is fine it's kind of got this oval eye shape around there but it's just like this cheap plastic they could have done something in the area that you're looking at all the time now that being said i actually like the needles i like how thin they are i like that maserati blue that they put back there that's all well and good and based on the age of this car you know that's actually a pretty good gauge setup there's an lcd panel in the middle there for some of the other instrument things here but it's all right we'll also tell you there's no rear view camera for backing up that's kind of a weird thing i will also say that down here on the temperature gauge it just tends to run cool i actually wasn't sure if my refrigerant was low so i actually took it in when i had it serviced then flush the refrigerant and refill it and it actually was just fine but this car just keep it at 70 degrees inside you actually have to set it at like 65. so for whatever reason on mine i'm not sure if it's a sensor i'm just not sure if they always run that way but you have to set it to like five degrees lower than you actually want it and i actually thought the air conditioning was going out but that's really not the issue there the other thing i will say about this steering wheel here is that the controls here and here are backwards in my opinion so one of the things that i would think is that i would have my right hand do the volume controls your listeners i'm using you're like oh a little more volume but this is like forward and backwards the volume is actually over here on pretty much every other car that i've driven the volume control is on the right side here so it's a little counter-intuitive uh because i don't drive this car a lot you know when i get in here i will inadvertently hit this a lot skip songs and then it will take me a minute to figure out that the volume is on the side so i wish they were reversed there the other thing that i will say is that you do have a turn signal lever here but they don't seem to cancel this was the same issue that i had in the grand sport it's not a huge deal i don't know if my ghibli is just a chrysler product so it's no problem there but it's just one of those things where if i put it like this and turn right it seems to not self-cancel i've got to kind of hit it back down and vice versa so i'm not sure why they don't self-cancel the gran turismo's correctly i'm assuming it's just the type of hardware or wherever they buy the controls from and i'm assuming it's the same way in the quattroporte since i had a very similar experience on my grand sport as well last thing i want to do is spin around here because on the b pillar is the seatbelt and you've got to really reach for it dude there's no assistance here like in some of the bmws of the mercedes and arm to kind of push this forward for you so you do have to reach back there uh it's a little bit of a good stretching exercise but it's not super convenient to get to if you are taller and you have the seat back i'm sure it's in a better position but for me at about five foot eight it's kind of far back far back enough that every time i reach for it it's kind of a little bit of a reminder of how far back there it is so now that we have taken a look at what we get here inside i think we probably need to take it on the road and see what it's like to drive hello [Music] all right so the reason you get you know any car that isn't necessarily just totally utilitarian is because it's fun to drive in this car definitely is fun to drive and it's one of those cars that you know if you're going out and for me if you're heading west or north of here where you are heading away from a civilization away from the population then you start getting in some fun roads so we're just kind of heading out you know in that direction and we'll see if we get lucky and hit some open roads but to me because it's an automatic transmission yes if i had a pure sports car i would love a manual transmission that would be my giddy up but if i had a paddle transmission you know especially like a dual clutch plate transmission that would be pretty cool too you know and i'm calling a hardcore sports car something like you know a mid-engine car or you know a corvette or something like that that's geared more towards sport than cruising and that's the name of the car the gran turismo grand tourer so this car is not necessarily supposed to be a hardcore sports car um and it kind of lives right up to the gran turismo name it's just kind of a car you can get into again the automatic transmission is fine and it's actually very good and it's just pretty snappy and it just makes the driving experience fun now this thing really does get up and go and in fact when i first had it especially when you are used to just driving almost any other car you know this car really hauls and uh just like this guy but what's cool about it is when i hit the sport button in this car it stays in sport even when you shut the car off and turn it back on it always stays in the mode that you left it as opposed to my ghibli if you put in sport it's always going to default back to the regular mode so if you turn it off and turn it back on if you want sport mode you've got to turn it back on but this car always stays in sport which i think allows it to rev higher may shift a little sharper you know it shifts later those types of things i'm at this light here and when you get on it you do have to kind of just toe into it because as i was saying here especially when i was driving around sport uh when i first got it one of the things that you notice is that you can absolutely put the power down on the road and break the rear wheels so um a couple times you know the one time i was at a light and i wasn't really paying attention and turned and i felt like i was a little slow on you know getting on the gas and i definitely peeled out and then there were other times when i just didn't even think about it you know i'm at a light and it's not like i felt like i was delayed and i'm anxious to get going again i just give it just a little too much you know it's like in my audi a4 you can put the pedal all the way to the ground there's no way it's breaking the wheels loose at all but if you just get into this a little bit man the wheels can break free and it's kind of embarrassing one because the exhaust note on this has a ton of bar you know and it kind of like alerts everyone that you're doing that and then if you do squeal the wheels just a little bit it's also a little annoying because it just draws attention to you and it's not like i'm just trying to take off like a rightful shot or anything like that so yeah you know it's just one of those things you got to learn you know like any other car or any car that's not the same make models any other car it's just going to behave a little bit differently but when you do have 450 horsepower on the light car and you're only driving rear wheels and i think this car is probably biased you know to the front in terms of weight you know you can definitely break those wheels loose now talking about breaking wheels loose i will also say i have driven this car in wet weather and actually the day that i had my appointment scheduled at the dealership for its maintenance it was pouring down rain and so i was driving this car in the rain and what i also realized is this car sucks in inclement weather and um it really sucks on the turns now part of that is probably tire wheel combination and all that i've got nice tread on this tire left and they're all kind of the stock equipment but man in the turns you know this tail end gets a little squirrely and it's probably not unlike any other car in any turn but in the rain especially when i was taking on-ramps and off-ramps i was probably going slow enough that it was annoying to people behind me but it's super super easy to kind of kick this back in around and i was doing it just you know kind of taking normal turns now if it hadn't been raining super hard the roads were just like moist as opposed to being kind of really saturated then maybe it's not an issue but one of the things that uh you have to remember in a rear-wheel drive car especially if you're driving front-wheel drive all the time or all-wheel drive most of the time that they just behave differently and when you you know reduce the number of wheels that are driving and reducing the weight on the car and upping the power it can be a recipe for trouble if you're not careful you can definitely youtube mustangs leaving car meets if you want to see that in person inside the cabin here it is pretty well isolated from the road noise and that's probably uh it's probably a little bit of a disappointment i can open the windows i don't want to get a lot of wind noise onto the camera here but the exhaust note is pretty awesome but when i am driving and i just put the windows down kind of crank up the music it sounds pretty bitters and in some ways it's almost a little annoying to people and it's kind of funny because one day i was driving a little bit out here and there was a a new porsche 911 you know one of the kind of latest generations and i don't know exactly which model but he was in the other lane and he really wanted to stretch the car's legs and we were both you know on a closed course um kind of running the cars out a little bit and that's really where i noticed the difference the porsche had a great noise but it wasn't loud and kind of menacing almost intimidating in this car when you really start getting into the gas dude especially on sport mode where i think maybe there's that uh butterfly valve that opens up yeah late this thing is loud and it's one of those things where even when we're neck and neck you know the porsche bay is just a little more civilized it uh like said sounds good but this sounds obnoxious and i love that so you can really get on it and you know tapping the throttle is kind of a a nice party trick even at idle you know people are gonna get surprised at the bark now the transmission here creates some different engine noises than in the grand sport and in some ways in many ways i really miss what the grand sport did because when the transmission downshifted it really started to engine brake you know in the grand sport you know because it's a clutch connected to the transmission to the engine um you would definitely get those kind of the backfire burble kind of the the overrun in the exhaust as you shift down from gears as you're slowing down this doesn't do it this is much more like an automatic car you know when it shifts down it's not putting that kind of strain on the engine to engine brake really and so you just don't get that entirely you know when you're coming to a stop and it just doesn't sound quite as meaty on the uh upside on the acceleration side it does sound very similar you still get that loud exhaust note that kind of scream out of the back that's pretty awesome that's very similar but it's really more on the down uh the downshifts that the grand sport sounded way better way better uh by a long shot now you can still get a little overrun in this car but you do have to be kind of decelerating pretty quickly and it's just even still it's just it's not that pronounced it's more um intermittent i'm trying to find a place where i can just kind of give it a little stick just corolla would give me a little space here but um like i said this is just kind of an open road kind of car i you know it's not really a 0-60 car i think it'll do it in the floors but you know this isn't necessarily a drag car you know you would want something manually shifting for that you know be awesome to have one of the original generation vipers you know just uh overbuilt everything throw it in a first and you know just let 14 inches of rubber in the back grip the road and you just kind of plow forward you know those are a kind of a straight line zero to 60 car to me this is just a car where good speed you know decent handling nice comfort all around and i just love the way it looks and i love what the previous owner did you know it's funny when i took it to the dealership the guy was asking me because he assumed i did the the changes to it and i was telling him most that was done by the previous owner and he said well you must have liked it because you didn't undo it and i said oh yeah you know it's kind of it's kind of why i bought it right because of the things that he did now i don't have to do them and it's one of those things too where i am a realist that none of that is going to add value to the car to essentially paint over the rear taillights and you know powder coat rims and paint over the emblems all of that stuff is personal preference and it's not something that you get money back out when you sell the car and that's actually one of the reasons that i think i got a fair deal on this car because once you take a car away from stock you know you've got to have something of a reputation or some repute at least you know maybe the materials that you're putting in the brand of the parts you're putting in or something like that to make it you know more valuable to someone if you were to put in a reputable turbo kit or something like that into a car you know that might be okay for some people but for the most part if you take a car away from stock you're basically going to take a discount on it despite the fact that you're adding money into the car you just probably won't get it out so i not only did i like the changes but i liked what it did for the resale on it this is a car i'm not intending to sell it's just a car that i'm looking to enjoy it's not a car that uh i think has a lot of value in fact it's one of the reasons that i bought it is because the maseratis are so battered by depreciation i think you get a lot of car a lot of bang for the buck a lot of muscle a great power train uh decent amount of pizzazz and man uh just a lot of driving fun for a fraction of the cost of what it would cost you to get into other equivalent cars to be honest you know this car was cheaper than uh uh you know a new corvette not the latest but it's the c9 or whatever but kind of the previous generation so um you know i couldn't get a corvette for this price new corvette at least um you know certainly go back to the c5 or c6 and people get some of those but i just thought a great weekender i'm now familiar with this because the engine is pretty similar to what i had in the grand sport so i i have a generally good idea of what it takes to continue to maintain these and why the oil changes are very expensive and all that and i'm lucky that i also have two maseratis dealerships i also have a local independent place that i will frequent for most of my work unless it's something to do with really computers or you know emissions or something like that if i really need to have it done at the dealership but you know i'm pretty lucky that those are local as well but otherwise man this car you know over the year i've had it you know had some issues and you can see some of those videos i fixed some kind of warp trunk liners and some of that stuff just happens with age sitting out in the sun not being driven much in fact this car now nine years old when i bought it had ten thousand miles on it it now has eleven thousand three hundred so i did put a thousand plus miles on it this summer which isn't a lot um but one of the things that i thought is that you know the lower mileage would be a reason for me to purchase this one there are many cars of this age in this vintage that are 40 50 60 000 miles and i thought you know i'm just not sure it doesn't affect the age but you know some of the other things might wear out a little uh faster like the cam variators and things like that but um i felt a little bit better about buying a car of this vintage because of the lower mileage certainly no guarantee and like i said tps sensors some of those things that wear out go dead it just they are what they are but for me i like it and i also know that i can just drive it and rack up the miles on it and enjoy it and like i said not worrying about selling it or resale value or anything like that so it's kind of one of those cars that is fairly modern modern enough that i think most people can just enjoy it without having to be a tinkerer i mean if you get into the old muscle cars or something like that you're going to need all sorts of stuff there's lots of aftermarket for it but you know it's they're different enough for modern cars that you know some mechanics just might not know how to adjust the jets on carburetors or in jazz like that so man i still can't believe i've found a little bit more of an open road i think we're getting pretty close all right so the good news is i got through the border checkpoint now i'm in an unknown road here in mexico so i think we can just kind of stretch the legs a little bit i will say that the nice thing about this car is that no matter where you are in the rev band of course it just it just has a lot of power it doesn't matter if you're already doing 16 you kind of punch into it or if you are from a dead stop it's just uh it really goes man um you know by far this is the fastest car i've owned you know whether it's overtaking speed or top speed or off the line it's one of those cars where apparently i go so fast i just am on someone's butt all the time but it's it's one of those cars where i think on paper you know i would look at something like the mercedes sl500 a car i really like you know and there were sometimes when i thought about getting it because it's convertible and retractable hard time and all that but you know when you look at the specs on something like that and you look at a car like this they're not necessarily all that different on paper but then to me the mercedes is everything this is oh nice peel down there yeah all right that's pretty awesome um but then the mercedes you add in luxury it basically skews from that design point to a luxury cruiser you know nice car more mercedes than sports car and then if you take that same starting point and add in you know a little bit of harshness and violence and kind of aggressiveness then you get this car so to me you know mercedes sl500 and this car aren't all that different except i think they really do appeal to different people the looks the driving style and all that so uh that's kind of what i like about it is that it seems a little bit more me and then on top of that you know one of the things that i looked at you know they're all chromed up they try to look even though i think they're more sporty they try to look more luxurious and i guess that's kind of what maserati is known for but i really wanted something a little more blacked out a little bit um even a little bit more sporty and that's why i really liked what was available uh in this car when i got that so man mexico looks a lot like the areas i'm from yeah baby dude the numbers get the numbers move pretty quickly to be really honest i'm not even sure where i am and this car gets up to the speed limit pretty quickly but no faster no faster speed limit this car doesn't necessarily have a an electronic regulator but it's got this guy and i regulate it right to the speed limit no faster ever so in the summation i just think this is an all-around good car if i lived in a warm weather environment all year round this is a car you could daily i mean it's just one of those cars that if you take it off sport mode you could drive it to your work office it's not overly loud and obnoxious it's comfortable even on you know less than ideal pavement and you could totally do that man and i think this car has that bite that presence that a lot of people want um but for in a summer weekender car special evenings out drive out here to the country or whatever it might be it's perfect because you can really get it up and get going and so it's got the legs for a little bit of that you know dose of joyriding that a lot of people are looking for on top of that and it's a nice place to be you know like i said it's not opulent inside here but it's it's pretty comfortable so i think all round this car is just a really good balance of what i think a lot of enthusiasts are looking for you know the performance the the the look the style the you know comfort without necessarily sacrificing any one of those things to be you know something to an extreme for me it can't be my daily because uh in fact pretty soon here it's gonna be pretty ugly in terms of weather but man i have enjoyed this uh i'm definitely gonna enjoy more and hopefully god willing i'll have a this car for a long while be able to enjoy it so hopefully it'll last you know maserati reliability at all so that's it the maserati gran turismo everything i love and hate about it peter ron panda [Music] out
Channel: Peter von Panda
Views: 56,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, best, maserati granturismo mc, mc stradale, maserati granturismo review, maserati granturismo sport, maserati review, maserati gt, gran turismo, granturismo s, maserati granturismo mc review, maserati granturismo (automobile model), granturismo review, granturismo mc, aston martin, sports car, granturismo sport, top gear, straight pipes, top speed, maserati granturismo mc stradale, maserati granturismo, maserati gt mc, twin turbo, maserati gt review, richard cuico
Id: pKMj6-fyy1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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