What I Eat In A Week | Balanced and Simple! | AD

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[Music] so [Music] so a for breakfast i decided to go with some pb j oats that i'd seen by simply quinoa and i love this recipe so i'll have it linked i started with the raspberry chia jam by mixing a cup of frozen raspberries until they softened i then added in a tablespoon of maple syrup along with a tablespoon of chia seeds and mixed it all up and popped it to the side to cool and thicken for the peanut butter oats i did 40 grams of oats along with 300 ml of almond milk now i like my oats a little bit more on the runnier side so you can definitely add in less milk if you like it thicker along with a tablespoon of maple syrup and peanut butter i just stirred that together until my oats was ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] heaven and a ball for a quick lunch i decided on mashing up some avocado that i had left over in the fridge in my cute little container come on how cute is that container and then i added in some tuna chunks for some extra protein along with some salt and some lemon because you can't have tuna or avo without either after a quick little mix i just popped it on top of my corn thins which is one of my favorite things ever now if you haven't tried corn thins make sure you do because they are just so so addictive and that is my quick and easy lunch for today i know i know i know it's literally like day one but i have had dinner reservations for tonight for quite a while now probably not interested you're here for the food but still my little outfit of the day wearing black trousers it's been a while but let's go and grab some dinner who doesn't love a little bit of italian now for starters i went for some burrata which was incredible as it came with this really yummy sun-dried tomato base and along with my cheeky little april spirits remains i went with the travel pasta and mom went with a margarita which was fine by me because sharing is caring [Music] of course couldn't leave without some dessert as well and their signature dessert was this lemon pie which came with a massive layer of meringue but it was so so good happy tuesday everyone let's make some broccoli so for breakfast on tuesday we decided to go with some sweet potato waffles so what i done was i pricked the potato and placed it into the microwave for about five minutes and then i scooped out the inside to mash with a fork cracked in one egg [Music] some salt some pepper and then added four tablespoons of oat flour [Music] once that was all mixed i just scooped my batter into my hot waffle iron for about 10 to 15 minutes until they were nice and golden brown [Music] whilst my waffles were cooking i decided to soft boil an egg by adding some boiling water into a pot and gently plopping in my room temperature egg for about six to seven minutes depending on your liking and then just rinsing it with some cold water once it's done oh my god they look gorgeous okay [Music] onto my plate they go [Music] can you hear how crispy they are oh my god even my avocado is perfect today what is going on then i just topped off my waffles with some avocado and my soft boiled egg and on the side had some olives tomato and rocket and honestly guys savory waffles are just as good as sweet ones so please try this recipe if you haven't already [Music] what was i expecting how can you not like potato for lunch decided to make some banana bread actually because it had been a long long while since i had last made it despite having a banana bread it fazed back a couple of months ago i pretty much stick to the same recipe every single time so i will leave it down below but i do add in a few customizations here and there such as some chia seeds some walnuts and even a little bit of chocolate chips because who doesn't like chocolate chips in their banana bread come on now before you say anything i have a very long loaf tin and i only made half the recipe which is why my banana bread looks tiny but it tasted amazing and that's fine by me i popped two slices into a bowl of soy yogurt along with some blackberries raspberries pomegranate seeds which is my favorite and some blueberries and of course topped it all off with a generous amount of peanut butter [Music] i forget how good banana bread is until i make it again so good for dinner i actually decided on having some salmon so i quickly got together a little teriyaki sauce ready to put my salmon in and let it marinate for an hour all right so salmon is over here marinating for dinner but in the meantime i'm actually snacking on what do they call these pan roasted chickpeas you know the crunchy chickpeas but i like them with raisins so i'm just snacking on them together you have to try them if you haven't the crunch for the rest of my plate i just got together a quick little salad and also boiled some mixed veggies because mixed veggies are one of my favorite things ever i could literally sit and spoon it out of that glass bowl i then also added some white rice on the side and then popped my salmon on top with some sesame seeds enjoy if you know me you know my favorite breakfast is weetabix in terms of how i make it it really depends on trial and error the less milk you use the more cakey it will be however i like mine on the runnier side but if you are trying it for the first time i'd say stick to around 150 ml of milk whether it be chocolate soy or almond or both just like i do give that a nice mix and pop it into the microwave for about two and a half to three minutes depending on your microwave so keep an eye on it and then i like to top it with some salt which sounds funny but it makes it ten times better banana date peanut butter coconut and some chia seeds and cacao nibs now i know it sounds like a whole load of toppings but trust me this combination is amazing favorite breakfast combo ever lunch came around and i was craving some pancakes so i decided to switch up a little bit and make some matcha spinach pancakes i added one cup of oats to my blender along with an egg half a banana one cup of almond milk a little bit of maple syrup a dash of vanilla a teaspoon of baking powder and i add in a scoop of this greens superfood blend but you can easily just substitute that for a handful of spinach and a teaspoon of matcha green tea powder then i just blend that all together and you're ready to make your pancakes honestly this recipe is such an easy way to sneak in some greens if you don't like eating them [Music] i then just topped off my pancakes with my usual so some maple syrup some soy yogurt berries goji berries and some coconut and peanut butter and they tasted so so good honestly this recipe is one of my absolute favorites [Music] hmm [Music] for dinner i decided to make a little stir fry so i began by chopping up some red and yellow bell peppers and then i trimmed some tender stem broccoli because i didn't have normal broccoli and usually i don't trim these but they were a bit too long for my stir-fry i chopped up some carrots and some onions as well and then started preparing my shiritaki noodles which i just washed and then added into some hot water for a few minutes in my pan which i had cooked my chicken i added some olive oil and some garlic and i threw in my onions and my veggies once they were softened i added in my chicken and then my noodles along with this really easy and yummy peanut sauce thursday's breakfast was actually really easy since it was already ready and in the fridge for me the night before i had actually prepared a carrot cake overnight oats by simply mixing half a cup of rolled oats a tablespoon of chia seeds a little bit of cinnamon a handful of raisins i also like to add in a handful of walnuts as well for the carrot cake vibes a little bit of grated carrot and half a cup of almond milk i personally like my overnight oats a little on the runny side as well which is why i add in an extra dash of almond milk but you can totally stick to half a cup if you like it a little thicker and then just give that a nice mix and pop it in the fridge ready for next [Music] morning [Music] do to all my carrot cake lovers out there you better try this for lunch on thursday i decided to make some zucchini and carrot fritters since i had some extra laying in the fridge so i just grated that up and then squeezed out all the juices using a cheesecloth [Music] i then added that to my bowl along with some salt some oregano some dried thyme then i added in one egg a little bit of crumbled feta cheese some parmesan cheese a quarter cup of ground almonds [Music] i then just pop that into the oven at 180 for around 20 to 25 minutes and they were golden [Music] [Music] brown for dinner i decided to go with a roasted veggie chicken bowl because i had to use up the veggies and i also had some leftover chicken so i just chopped up some aubergine some courgette sweet potato and some carrots added that to a bowl with some olive oil and also some balsamic vinegar some dried thyme dried mint and some cayenne pepper once that was all mixed i just popped it into my dish spread it out evenly and then threw it into the oven at 180 for around 40 to 50 minutes making sure to mix it halfway through [Music] [Music] i then topped my bowl full of veggies with some cooked sauteed kale along with the leftover chicken that i had from the night before and also some cooked and spiced barley pearls and that was dinner so easy and i also had it with some hummus on the side so it was delicious [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] just had my lovely shower putting on some of my favorite new deodorant what dude when you ask oh let me explain thank you so much tawad for sponsoring today's video oh my god guys i'm so excited because this is literally so so cute wild is a natural sustainable deodorant brand which i'm obsessed with because first of all look at how cute the packaging is there are so many colors to choose from and you can even get your name engraved on it your reusable case comes in the previous little box along with your choice of refills which are 100 biodegradable and plastic free which is just amazing wild is cruelty free and vegan and i especially love the sensitive range because ingredients include magnesium rather than baking soda which is so important especially when you have sensitive skin like mine to set it up all you have to do is make sure the case is twisted as far to the left as possible then you just pinch the little buttons on the sides and pull the lower part of the case to open it insert the refill without the cap and then click the case back in then twist the base to the right and you're ready to go there are so many fun scents to choose from and i love all of them we've got fresh cotton and sea salt which literally smells like freshly washed duvets one of my favorite things ever jasmine and mandarin blossom which will have you smelling like a pretty little flower because who doesn't want to smell like a flower come on beautiful but my personal favorite which is what i have in right now is coconut dreams because i just love coconut this was literally made for me if you want to step up your eco-friendly natural deodorant game just like i did then i will have a code on the screen for you guys which i will have up on the screen here and down in the description box below along with a link so that's a gem for twenty percent off your wire deodorant orders once again thank you so much about for sponsoring today's video so let's get on with the rest of our day for breakfast i decided to have some bagels so i just chopped it up put it in my toaster just like normal i then chopped up and sauteed some mushrooms and some spinach to top my bagels with [Music] oh that was a flop [Music] because we're making scramble now initially i was going to fry an egg but our yolk broke so had to go with some scramble instead then i just top my toasted bagels with some avocado a little bit of salt some lemon of course [Music] and then finished it all off with my mushroom and spinach can't forget my sesame seeds because we want it looking bougie and voila breakfast served how bougie do these bagels look i had a lot of work to catch up this friday so i kind of went easy with lunch and made something really quick and one of my favorites actually i just had a yogurt and fruit bowl with a little bit of seeded granola on top i also found some of the leftover raspberry chia jam so i just put some of that on top as well along with this seeded granola mix that you had some goji berries and some coconut as a little snack i had some red bell pepper with some hummus along with an apple and a cheese string now this combo makes me feel like a little kid but i absolutely love it [Music] we're trying something new today with dinner so i had previously bought these bee free pizza bases but never got around to testing them so i just made a quick little pizza for dinner i topped the base off with some passata then topped that off with some mozzarella and some cheddar cheese [Music] i then made sure to use up the remainder of the leftover chicken that i had on my pizza along with some mushrooms some olives and a little bit of sweet corn i then pop that into the oven at 180 for around 15 to 20 minutes until the crust looked nice and crispy i think i might have overestimated myself a little bit because this pizza is massive or some hot sauce you kind of can't go wrong with pizza can you no both turned out really good [Music] and just as i finished editing i realized i forgot to end the video thank you guys so much for watching this what i eat in a week i hope you guys have enjoyed it i tried something new today with the voiceover still don't know how i feel about it but let's see if you haven't already hit the like and subscribe button and i will see you guys soon with a new video bye
Channel: Ecem Gundogan
Views: 166,316
Rating: 4.9751396 out of 5
Keywords: alia zaita, chelsea trevor, chelsea trevor what i eat in a day, ecem gundogan, fernanda ramirez, full day of eating, healthy, healthy dinner ideas, healthy recipes, linda sun, morning routine, morning routines 2021 school, sanne vloet, what i eat in a day, what i eat in a day to lose weight, what i eat in a day vegan, what i eat in a day vegetarian, what i eat in a week, what i eat in a week healthy, what i eat in a week to feel good, what i eat in a week balanced, eceme, ecem
Id: SvfnSHAUbO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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