What I eat in a day as a vegan actor | Madelaine Petsch

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but i really want to show you what i typically eat in a day what i eat in a day what i eat in a day i want to eat a day what i eat [Music] hey guys it's madeline hello it is very pink in here i just woke up and did my skincare routine that's why there is yet another pimple dot on my chin that you can kind of not see because i picked one that was skin color did not plan for it to be raining outside when i shot this video [Music] yay we're gonna talk about what i eat in a day it's like something that i'm very nervous about doing because at the end of the day it's like this is just truly what works for me i do go through phases of what i like to eat this is just like what i'm eating right now i have a plant-based diet i've been plant-based my whole life enough disclaimers let's get to the video little lady most importantly i like to start my day like every other youtuber on the planet a huge glass of water [Music] all i want to do is get back in bed and make pancakes but i really want to show you what i typically eat in a day i think it's time to do it because i have no other ideas go make some coffee how do i become a morning person let's make some coffee [Music] one of my most stunning creations all right well i just did a little bit of work on my computer and drank my coffee we're going to make breakfast and i have therapy after this which i'm very excited for hopefully it doesn't spiral me and then i'm going to go to the gym and head to work i definitely have to make like an active effort to eat healthy fats because i don't really incorporate it well into my diet and i'm not in the mood for avocado toast this morning although i do love to eat that sometimes so i'm gonna have a spoonful of coconut oil with my breakfast it's kind of disgusting but it's what my nutritionist told me to do delicious you will need some instant oatmeal this one has no added sugar a banana frozen blueberries or milk i truly just love oatmeal so much i think it's so delicious anyways you've all made oatmeal before oh i wasn't going to microwave it today [Music] okay well i usually cook it on the stove but it's already [Music] when i eat cereal i like my milk to just coat the cereal and i feel the same way about my oatmeal and then i just pour some frozen blueberries in there and put it in the microwave for a minute now i am lazy so i cut it in the peel so yummy sometimes i start my day with celery juice i did that a lot in l.a and i just haven't gotten into it here yet i'm sure i'll do an update of what i eat in a day once i've really gotten into my routine here i've only been here for like a month i just enjoy kind of the ritualistic aspect of it i'm actually going to make my salad for later right now [Music] any kind of breaded chicken burger you can also go without the breading pan [Music] so to start off i'm obsessed with lucilato kale it is my favorite kind of kale it's also referred to as dinosaur kale brand new fresh kale it's super crispy bunch of lucinato kale another boxed green like a baby kale or spinach or something like that and some balsamic vinegar break up [Music] yeah to stop i always wash my vegetables before they go in my refrigerator so it makes it easier for me to grab and go i'm not gonna get my little container this came with the house i don't usually get plastic break all of this up into tiny tiny little pieces about three-fourths of this full and then i'm just gonna grab about a handful of this drizzle and chicken burgers the plant-based burgers are actually done look at that this looks absolutely disgusting i will enjoy it later on so we're just gonna cut these up i've always been excited about salads because i'm just like i'm gonna bring that with me to work later and now for the worst part of the day [Music] oh editing this made me realize at 7 30 and i haven't had my coconut oil yet it's actually delicious it's just that texture is disgusting i'll see you when lunch time happens one outfit change and work out later hello again it's been a day and it's like 11 30 a.m i had therapy this morning i had a bit of an emotional morning but that's okay i went to the gym [Music] i do typically order my smoothie every day i know it's lazy i end up with two for some reason today i don't know why so i have my usual which is blueberry thrill with clean vegan protein chocolate the blueberry thrill is just blueberries i do no date almond butter some kind of protein i choose clean vegan protein and almond milk i think i don't believe in calorie counting if anything look at calories to make sure i'm getting enough listening to your body is so important i try not to be too hard on myself that's what i died don't you you just make my world so much better wow look at this great little spot i found this is fantastic so i think i'm going to need another bevy for the row there's a moment in time where i wish i could just ask the universe do i want a hot coffee or a cold coffee if i have my way i wouldn't drink starbucks there are drive-throughs in vancouver and that makes my life so much easier i don't know i guess you guys will see what i got hi is it possible for me to just get a 16 ounce cold brew please okay it's much later we're gonna ignore this giant pimple dot on my chin i'm about to eat my salad so i figured we'd hang out for a second it smells delicious [Music] come in i look crazy right now [Music] this is literally just what i needed i have like 15 minutes to eat this before i have to go set i didn't plan on making this of what i eat in a day on set i was gonna shoot this yesterday but then i had a bit of an emotional breakdown i only have one scene today if i was at work all day i would eat different stuff delicious i wouldn't say i'm gonna have this home screen for the rest of my life but look at how pretty it is well while we're here i did also bring myself a little booch i love kombucha i probably drink about one a day not every day but i do like drinking it a lot kombucha is healthy soda i'll see you when i eat again hello i'm home time for me to make a very quick dinner it's way too late i'm gonna make a very classic modeling dinner it's not anything that crazy do you want some cuddles come here [Music] okay i love this dinner so much it's so tasty it's fairly healthy makes me feel like i'm eating a treat it's basically like my version of vegan mac and cheese with protein pasta [Music] really i like protein pasta because it makes me feel better about my pasta addiction this is the modern table spirals made out of red lentils red lentil flour white rice and pea protein the white rice is interesting the white rice is interesting the white rice the white rice is in what the we're gonna make this and i'm gonna show you my sauce recipe as well what do you want for this you will need broccoli but also a bell pepper lily thinks this is not a side dish but i think a bell pepper is a side dish and if you follow me on instagram you know that i love bell peppers so much that i will just eat them raw pot pan heat you get the drill i think i eat at about half a buck it's kind of a lot whatever i measure by how far the bowl is half full is usually what i like to go with not half empty and that's ready to go in the hot water when it's boiled cutting board another pan for the sauce one spoon no i'm to put this in the washer i used about half a bottle of the sauce which would be 250 milliliters pasta's officially in pasta sauce we're gonna have some more ingredients now for the part broccoli this much broccoli i'm gonna cut all of the stems off and then just break it apart not too small but small enough to eat i'm literally like your crazy aunt that comes to town and is like telling you you should eat more vegetables then this bee proceeded to eat an entire bell pepper i have about 10 bell peppers in my fridge a lot of times [Music] yesterday i cut up a cantaloupe so i imagine i'll probably have that for dessert [Music] all right it's all done look at how delicious oh my god it's just really hot right now this is probably like my fourth of these waters i'm gonna fill it up right now i don't know how this combination literally tastes like straight up mac and cheese my anxiety gets worse the more i see the camera battery flash a few hours later she went for the [Music] cantaloupe foreign
Channel: Madelaine Petsch
Views: 3,896,592
Rating: 4.9583321 out of 5
Keywords: madelaine, madelainepetsch, madelaine petsch, petsch, cheryl, blossom, cherylblossom, cheryl blossom, riverdale, vegan, what I eat in a day, recipe, plantbaseddiet, plant based, vegan cooking
Id: 3hN6AA_raiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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