What I Discovered After Reading the Owner's Manual

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owner's manual please who reads those [Music] take a look at this this is a binder or folder that holds all of the owner's manuals for a Toyota Tundra alright first and foremost this is the owner's manual 724 pages long right here over here you got the navigation system owner's manual 328 pages long then of course you've got the warranty and maintenance guide 76 pages long I mean take a look at this who's gonna sit down and read this from beginning to end in any one of these I mean most people are going to maybe a thumb through it real quickly when they get their car they'll maybe reference it if they were into a problem but really no one's gonna read these from beginning to end at least most people alone now with the Tesla Model 3 you don't get a physical manual but what you do get is an owner's manual that's in your car you can read that or you can get it online and instead of 700 plus pages that you have for the Toyota Tundra it's only a hundred and eighty-four pages long so why wouldn't you still read the owner's manual well I like many other people didn't bother until recently I decided it'd probably be a good idea and believe it or not I actually discovered a few new things [Music] something many people don't think about when it comes to their smaller cars like the Tesla Model 3 our load limits for both the trunk and of course this case the front so here's what the manual recommends anything in the upper portion of the trunk should not exceed 130 pounds that of course also includes this top shelf pretty sturdy and solid but as the manual states you shouldn't exceed 130 pounds now Tesla also recommends that you put all of your heaviest items in the lower portion of the trunk however that shouldn't exceed 285 pounds and of course the unique front trunk in the Tesla Model 3 otherwise known as the front should not exceed 55 pounds so as it states in the manual if you exceed any of these load limits it could cause damage to the car and one of the unique features of the Tesla Model 3 is the front trunk and this is actually a topic that's highly debated and argued about and not to mention complain about a Tesla in fact many people just wish they would make this thing open up automatically and close automatically but until Tesla does something about that if ever there is a proper way to close the front trunk now a first initial reaction is to take this thing and just slam it down shut what Tesla doesn't recommend that the other thing that people tend to want to do is to close it down here and then in one area in particular right over the Tesla logo is to push down and close it that way but Tesla also doesn't recommend that because that applies an area force over one area and that cannot not only create a crease but possibly a dent as well they also don't recommend that you push down on the very edge right here because that can also create a crease so here's a proper way to do it as it's open like this you push it down on the latch but softly you don't want to slam it down the other thing to do then at that point is to use two hands that's the best way to do it on either side of the logo you push down hard and you have a closed properly now on a side note there is an emergency release button inside the front trunk now that is important to take note of not only if someone gets trapped in there very small someone but if someone gets trapped in there they need to know that that's available but also it's important to know that Tesla recommends that if you put anything inside your front trunk make sure that wherever it is that it can't bump up against that emergency release so you don't have an accidental opening of the front one of the things you may not realize about the Tesla Model 3 is that there is no physical key to lock and unlock the doors and not to mention start the car but there are three types of keys number one an authenticated phone number two a keycard would you get two of them upon picking up the car or there is a key fob that's the third option however that's going to cost you extra about a hundred and fifty dollars at the Tesla store Tesla allows you to program up to 19 keys before they cut you off anything beyond that you're going to have to delete at least one of those keys now Tesla also recommends that you carry a backup especially if you use your phone as your primary key whether it's a key card or a fob now this next one I'm about to talk about may actually make me look a bit like a newbie because it's actually quite a simple setting it would be something you would think pretty much everyone would know about but what I find interesting is I haven't seen this discussed or talked about anywhere within the testing community of course I watch a lot of videos I read a lot of articles and again it's just something I haven't come across until that is I read the owner's manual and it's called easy entry and what that does is it allows you to adjust the seat and the steering wheel to make it easier for you to get in and out of the car alright so here's how you get to it you tap on the profile settings and you can see the whole list there my name you got my wife and you've got easy entry so you tap on that and of course I've got the settings in there but when you tap on that it allows you to set the seat where you want it it allows you to set the steering wheel I've got the steering wheel as high as I can get it to go and I've got the seat pretty high as well to get me higher off the ground to make it easier for someone who's tall like me to get out so then I go back into my own personal setting it's gonna take my seat and steering wheel back to where I need it then I go in from there and I tap driver profile settings I then tap my name and then you can see below my name on the right side is a checkbox called use easy entry you check that on for easy entry to come on when you're getting in and out of the car or you tap it off for you just keep your settings as is and not use easy entry this is how it works so I'm driving along and I get into my driveway or in this case my garage now for the sake of this video I'm going to go ahead and put it in Drive so I've got to do that you're gonna hear a bunch of warning beeps here so of course I got my foot on the brake I put it in Drive and again it's in my personal driver profile settings I put it in park see how the steering wheel goes up and my seat goes up to the setting that I need to get out of the car I get out easier for me to get out now watch what happens when I close the door the steering wheel on the seat are going to stay in the same position so when you leave the car and go run your errands you go into your house and then you come back to the car so when you get back in it's still going to be in the easy entry settings here and I'm going I'm going to keep the door open so you can see so again I'm not in a very comfortable driving position but it was more comfortable getting inside the car and all I have to do is push the brake once I do that then the settings go to where they need to be the steering wheel the seat in my personal driver profile settings now another thing I didn't know about until I read the user manual is a fact that the side mirrors have heaters in them now I live in a pretty warm climate even in the winter months so I just don't need them so the way that turned them on is you turn on the rear window defroster and then that turns on the side view mirror heaters again something pretty simple but I didn't know about because number one I just don't use them and number two I hadn't really heard about it now another thing I didn't know about the car is how the windshield defroster works I always knew that that button is what turns it on however I've never needed to use it and according to the manual and of course this is what I discovered by reading the manual is that when you touch it once it blows out cold air to the window defroster you touch it twice it turns red and that of course blows out the warm air onto the windshield and touch it a third time and it turns it off so again just one quick thing that I'm sure a lot of people knew about but also something that Tesla has done to make the process easier now that we're on the topic of climate control I want to show you something that I discovered down the road and that is how to turn the climate control on and off now to turn it on of course that's the easy part right you either push this or you push this one so I'm going to push low and you'll hear the fan turn on I've got it on a high setting so it's going to blow that fan so you can hear it now typically to turn it off and what the manual tells you to do is to tap the fan icon and then push the power button to turn it off right simple enough however there's an easier way so let me go ahead and turn that back on you can hear the fan blowing we're going to get that kind of roaring up here a bit and there you can hear the fan now an easier way to turn it off is to just press and hold the fan icon down and there you have it a lot easier than what the manual actually says I only opened the glove box pretty much in any car there's going to be a light in there and that is so you can see what's in there especially at night of a problem with ice cars is if you leave that glove box open with the light on overnight typically that can kill the battery and then you can't start your car and you have to give a jumpstart now obviously you're not gonna have to do that with a Tesla but they've still taken precautions and they put a five minute limit on how long that interior light inside the glove box will stay on [Music] so after putting the glovebox light to the 5 minute test it didn't seem to work now maybe it takes longer than that maybe it takes closer to 10 minutes I don't know maybe I didn't have the patience to see it turn off but there is another one that I would like to put to the test and based on the manual you can also manually turn on individual dome light on or off by pressing its lens if you manually turn the dome light on which I will do right here turn that dome light on it turns off when the model 3 powers off all right so let's put that to the test I am in the car the car is powered on but I did turn on that light as you saw let me go ahead and close the door I'm gonna go into the app I'm gonna lock the door the car has powered off and so has the light so it looks like that works I'm one of the cool features that a lot of people like is the fact that you can keep the climate on when you leave the car of course it will turn itself off if the battery reaches 20% or less but you get the idea however what a lot of people don't realize is that if you have the keep climate on toggled on and you're waiting for an important software update you're not going to get it but in order to get that software update you need to make sure that the keep climate on is toggled off we all know that supercharging etiquette is a bit of a problem for some people and there's really nothing we can do about it however Tesla has taken at least one step to make sure people unplug their cars and move them when they're at a supercharger so other people can charge their cars so of course you've got the idle fees if you have your car plugged in and it's fully charged they will charge you however what I didn't know until I read the owner's manual is that the idle fees are waived if you move your vehicle within five minutes of the charge being complete [Music] [Applause] believe it or not if you google getting a gas nozzle stuck in a car that's actually a thing and it happens to people so goes without saying that your charging cable can get stuck in the car and it happens to all kinds of people you know whether using the adapter like I am or whether using the unit that comes with the car or the wall connector it's even happen to people at superchargers now as I mentioned this is something that happened to me a few months back and it did a video about it but I did reference the manual to find out how to manually release this if it should get stuck so let's take a look at that all right so I've opened the back or the trunk of the Tesla Model 3 now you go to the left side and you see that light on the left side right below that light you'll see all these slots right here and right around here you see this square opening that is where you're gonna reach your finger in to find the cable so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put my finger in here I'm gonna find it and you'll see this is the rubber end right here so it's this rubber end that you will pull to pull that cable and then manually release the charging cable however before you pull this cable or a few steps you need to take first so we're going to go through that now that I've shown you where the manual release cable is inside the trunk we need to make sure we take the necessary precautions and the proper steps before we pull that cable first and foremost you've got to make sure that this is really stuck you've taken all the necessary precautions you've you've gone inside the car you've pushed unblocked you've done it for your app you push unlock nothing happens it's still stuck in here number two another indicator is that this light that's blinking green which by the way means it's charging if this is solid red then you have confirmation that the cable is stuck inside the car so here's what you need to do first and foremost you need to make sure that there's no electricity going into the car so you can either do that from the touchscreen in the car and push stop charging or you can do it from your app and also push stop charging once you've confirmed that there is no electricity going into the car you then go to that manual release cable that's in the trunk you pull that first after you pull that manual release cable you then pull the charging cable out now Tesla does highly stress that you do this all in the same order again number one make sure there's no power going into the car and number two you don't want to pull the manual release cable and the power cable or the charging cable simultaneously you need to make sure you pull the power in the manual release cable first then the charging cable because Tesla states in the manual if you don't do it properly there you run the risk of getting electric shock I mean after all we are dealing with high voltage here so you need to make sure that you do this properly and safely now I have to admit that I am embarrassed and quite honestly a shame that I haven't read the owner's manuals sooner but kind of going in it with the frame of mind of a 700 plus page manual that the Toyota Tundra has I mean who wants to sit down and read a manual of that big and then recently discovering that it's only a hundred and eighty four pages at least the Tesla Model 3 owner's manual is a hundred and eighty three hundred and eighty-four pages long so certainly not the seven hundred plus that the Toyota Tundra has and you know this is something that I'm glad I did because I discovered a few new things and I think the biggest surprise for me was the easy entry mode it's something I'd never come across before or heard of so it was kind of nice to know that I have that feature and a couple of other features that I discovered along the road were the charging cable getting stuck and the sideview mirrors those were things that I kind of discovered along the way as well but I really do highly recommend that you read the owner's manual it's not like any other as I mentioned before it's not nearly as long and it's it doesn't take that long so maybe download it on your computer sit down for a couple of hours read it maybe for supercharging you can get something cold to drink or warm depending on how cold or hot it is outside and while you're super charging read the owner's manual do yourself a favor you favor you'll learn something new and this is a highly sophisticated piece of machinery and you want to take advantage of everything that Tesla Model 3 has to offer and the only way you're going to do that is to learn everything you can about the Tesla Model 3 and the first place to start believe it or not is the owner's manual so thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up better yet you can subscribe to my channel I'm working on more and more videos along the way and really helping to maybe help people decide whether or not they want to get a Tesla Model 3 I know it's a big decision and hopefully these videos can kind of help you come to that conclusion and by the way for the rest of the month of May if you use my referral code or really any for referral code in general you will be able to take advantage of 5,000 miles of free supercharging but once June first comes along it will then go back down to 1,000 miles of free supercharging so of course be sure to put my referral code at the bottom of this video so once again thank you all so much for watching and until my next video stay positively charged
Channel: Frugal Tesla Guy
Views: 243,172
Rating: 4.8244033 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model 3 Owner's Manual
Id: BAkuPk52yo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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