What Honey Did To My Blood Sugar in 30 Minutes (Shocking!)

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hello dr joe here of thedoctorjo.com and the2020forum.com when i published that video where i compared honey with table sugar using the facts and the science i got quite a lot of hate mail which was totally unexpected but that's the world we live in today now because i am in the business of truth and verification because that's what this channel is all about i decided to take things to the next level so what you're gonna see here uh is an experiment i carried out that will sort of exemplify what honey can do to your blood sugar within a short time frame so essentially what you're gonna see in this video is what manuka honey did to my blood sugar in 30 minutes flat so let's not waste any more time let's get into it so all i'm gonna do here is a simple before and after test the before is gonna be checking my blood sugar with this monitor here this is a blood sugar monitor so the reading we get is gonna be the before result and then i'm gonna take a spoonful of this manuka honey here okay manuka honey which is supposed to be the best uh honey at least one of the best anyway so and then we're gonna come back 30 minutes later to check my blood sugar again and that's gonna be the after test so uh let's get on with it so let's do the before test so i'm just gonna turn on the blood sugar monitor okay stand on now so just gonna prick myself and then squeeze out some blood okay got some blood here now apply it to the monitor okay so it's gonna read so this is my blood sugar now is 3.6 millimole per liter okay uh if you multiply that by 18 it gives you uh the milligram per deciliter reading okay i'll do that for you anyway so 3.6 this is fasting by the way i haven't had anything to eat or drink today okay so um next we're gonna do now is um add the manuka honey to water just a tablespoon full okay this is just water here okay water so gonna have a honey mixture in water so let's uh pour the honey now into oh there you go spilling over so we'll go here this is a tablespoon full of honey okay put it into the water mix just gonna mix it okay we still got some in the spoon so i'm just gonna lick that really it's gonna be so sweet okay um whoa really sweet so this is a mixture i'm gonna drink it now drunk next what time is it so the time now is 2 49 okay p.m so 2 49 p.m we're gonna be back 30 minutes later uh to see what my blood sugar is going to be it's that simple so the time now is 3 19 p.m so uh this is uh 30 minutes from when i had the uh the drink so what we're gonna do now is the after test okay so uh we turn on our machine okay so machine is turned on so next prick myself again squeeze out some blood so got some blood here apply it to the blockchain monitor so it's going to read okay it has red so what's the blood sugar now there you go unbelievable 5.8 okay 5.8 millimole per liter okay so my blood sugar has jumped from 3.6 it was earlier okay to now uh 5.8 that's quite a jump one tablespoon full of honey okay so let's see let me multiply it uh for you guys who use a milligram per deciliter 3.6 times 18 so my fasting was 64.8 okay uh milligram per deciliter that was my first thing and now what we got there uh 5.8 times 18. 104 okay so i don't want to miss words uh my blood sugar jumping from 3.6 millimole per liter to 5.8 millimole per liter which is jumping from 64 milligram per deciliter to 104. uh that's quite a jump okay i don't know if you need any more proof that honey behaves like sugar well if you were surprised at one manuka honey this is my blood sugar there well don't be by the way manuka honey is supposed to be one of the best honeys around uh usually the manuka honey you get from your supermarket shelves are authenticated before they are distributed to the retailers so you can always be sure of the quality of the manuka honey you're getting that's why i used manuka honey for this experiment and back to my story if you were surprised at the results of what madoka honey did to my blood sugar there well don't be why well is because honey does have sucrose just like table sugar honey does a free glucose which gets readily absorbed no digestion required okay so it gets readily absorbed into the bloodstream honey does have free fructose which gets readily absorbed no digestion required honey does not have any fiber just like table sugar so there is no fiber to apply the breaks on the blood sugar absorption hence you have this rapid blood sugar rise now there's one more thing to take away from this experiment and that's the fact that if for instance you have a diabetic within your household and is displaying signs and symptoms of low blood sugar and you don't have any sugar in the house and you go honey well just do what i did in that experiment get some honey dissolve it in some water give the honey mixture to the diabetic and they will recover very quickly from their low blood sugar so that's something you can take away from this experiment now in the next video i'm going to be talking about some of the issues that were raised in the first video i'm going to answer some of the questions and i'm also going to be discussing the metabolic effects of excessive honey consumption in the next video so be on the lookout for that now hopefully you got some value from this video if you did please give the video a thumbs up please like the video please share this video with your friends family and colleagues now if you've got any questions any comments regarding this experiment or anything related to honey and blood sugar rise go ahead ask and or leave your comments down below i think that's about it until next time well this is dr joe signing out
Channel: Dr Joe TV
Views: 698,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honey and blood sugar, honey effect on blood sugar, blood sugar, type 2 diabetes, low blood sugar honey
Id: nrrgOTbtT2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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