What haunts statisticians at night

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this video is sponsored by brilliant more on that later hey this is Christian and you're watching very normal a channel for teaching and talking about statistics the one topic where you could be 95% confident about something and still be wrong correlation does not equal causation even if you're not in statistics you've probably heard this phrase before it's a reminder that our pattern-seeking primate brains are not always correct two things can look related but this can be an illusion created purely out of Randomness and in other words we tend to see patterns in terms of cause and effect when I take a painkiller I expect my headache to go away when I lift weights at the gym I expect some gains when you watch a video I make you click the Subscribe button causes make effects but when you stop to really think about it it can be really hard to Define what a cause is what does it mean for one event to cause another to happen furthermore how can you formalize this in terms of a statistical model luckily for us people much smarter than me have thought about this question a lot and turned it into its own subfield of Statistics causal inference if you've been with this channel for a while you might recognize that causal inference was named one of the most influential ideas and statistics in the past 50 years and for good reason both Pharma companies and tech companies have a massive interest in distinguishing between causes and correlations the aim of causal inference is to take this idea of correlation does not equal causation and figure out when they are equal and what needs to be done or assume to make them equal but as we'll see this is no easy task in this video I'm going to tell you about what haunts statisticians at night in everyday speech the saying correlation does not equal causation refers to the idea of seeing cause and effect between two events when in fact there isn't any but what is correlation and for that matter what's causation the first thing I'll do is distinguish between these two from a statistical lens broadly speaking correlations can refer to any association between two random variables an association is a tendency we see between two random variables I'll focus on the type of correlation that most people know about Pearson's correlation coefficient and I'll denote it with the Greek letter row this type of correlation focuses on the linear association between two random variables let's say that I'm a statistics Professor very unlikely that that'll happen but bear with me I've given my class a homework assignment and I collect some data on them one of these variables is the amount of time a student works on the homework and the other variable is the score they actually get on the assignment one tendency I might see is that people who spend more time on the assignment will tend to have higher scores likewise people who barely work on it will tend to score lower this is what's called a positive Association I've only noticed that higher work duration is usually paired with high scores and lower duration with lower scores this relationship is symmetric I can also say that higher scores are associated with longer work times once I've collected this data I can use this equation to calculate the correlation between these two random variables in this case X will refer to the time spent on homework and Y will be the score they got in the numerator we have an expectation which is kind of like an average within this expectation we have a product this part here describes how far a single student deviates from the average work time and this part describes how far student score deviates from the average score so this is the product of these two deviations to show this I'll mark the averages in the middle of our scatter plot we can divide the plot into quadrants points in this region will produce positive products while points in these quadrants will make negative products by taking the average of all the products of all these points we can get a sense of these two variables tend to vary more positively together or negatively likewise if we have a similar number of products with similar magnitudes in all of the quadrants taking their average cancels everything out visually we can see that the second variable y doesn't vary in any particular direction no matter the value of the first value X giving us this diffuse plot this expectation in the numerator has a name the covariance and like it same suggests it tells us how much two variables will vary from their respective means together this denominator contains the product of the standard deviations of the two random variables by dividing by this product we standardize the covariance to be between 1 and positive 1 this helps us control for the variances and puts correlation onto a common scale correlation says nothing about how one variable affects the other only that they tend to vary from the mean in the same or opposite way on the other hand causation marks a clear distinction between the two variables a change to one variable the cause creates a change in the other variable the effect unlike correl you can't flip the relationship between the two variables the effect depends on the cause not the other way around causality is a complicated subject and it only gets more complicated in the world of Statistics where we have to deal with Randomness as well the framework that we'll use to understand causality is the counterfactual framework a counterfactual is something that happens counter to what actually happened statisticians didn't want to call it a what if scenario so they gave it a fancy name instead let's go back to my previous example causal inference gets really hairy when the cause variable is continuous so I'll simplify my example a bit instead of letting students work on the homework however long they want they can only work on it for either one or 2 hours no more and no less one group will opt in for 1 hour and the rest will opt in for 2 hours like before they'll do the homework and get some score each student has a counterfactual for the students in the 1hour group their counterfactuals are the scho score they would have gotten if they were in the 2-hour group and vice versa for the 2-hour group let's zoom in on an individual student to get a glimpse of what a cause is given a student and their counterfactual the only thing that's different between what actually happened and the counterfactual is that the student studied for an additional hour this means that any difference between the actual and the counterfactual must be due to that one extra hour of studying therefore this difference in the outcomes is the hyp thetical causal effect of studying an additional hour on this student score in reality we never see the counterfactual scores but these ideas help set up how statisticians and causal inference think of causes with this impossible to observe causal effect in mind there are other strategies to get around this and still estimate other types of causal effects one strategy is to calculate an average causal effect rather than an individual causal effect this is what AB tests and randomized clinical trials do but here's the catch the data from an AB test doesn't look much different from the data I might collect from my hypothetical homework experiment in fact they can be analyzed with the same statistical model like a linear regression but one experiment gives us causal evidence and the other one only tells us about associations just having data and a statistical model won't let you estimate causal effects you need control or you need assumptions if you don't have these you have to deal with something much worse confounders from here on out I'll be using directed asyc graphs also known as dags to visualize statistical relationships in a dag random variables are denoted by nodes the variable X will denote the independent variable the thing that we as experimenters can change I'll call this variable the exposure likewise y will represent the outcome that we're interested in an edge between these two variables indicates that there's an actual relationship between them the arrow indicates which variable affects the other if x points to Y it indicates that Y is a function of X for Simplicity we'll say that each Edge represents the presence of a linear relationship between the two variables so here's our problem I've gathered data on my students about the amount of time they spent on homework and the resulting score they got I want to know if there's a significant relationship between X and Y in other words I want to know if an edge exists here but I know that there are other factors that can influence both the time a student can spend on homework and the score that they'll get these third wheels are called confounders confounders are variables that have an association with both the exposure and the outcome we'll denote the confounder as C and for Simplicity we'll make it a binary variable for our example our confounder will be whether or not a student has friends having friends can negatively affect how much time you spend on homework but at the same time having friends can also help increase your score if you happen to be friends with someone who actually knows what they're doing the specific reasons don't matter here I'm just pointing out that the presence of friends influences both the exposure and the outcome confounders introduced two major problems the first problem is when there's actually no relationship between the exposure and outcome since the confounder is associated with both of them changes in the confounder can create illusions of association between them let's say that having friends reduces your study time but increases your score so the linear relationships might look like this within a class there's going to be a mix of people who have friends and who don't I've mocked up some code to simulate this situation in my class of 50 students half have no friends and the others have friends you can see that study time has a negative association with having friends and score has a positive Association note in the simulation that there's no relationship between study time and score here so theoretically if I try to analyze it it's more likely that I won't detect one in the form of a statistically significant P value but look what happens if I try to look at the relationship between study time and score here I'll plot both the raw data using a scatter plot and a plot of the linear regression if I didn't know any better I might be tricked into thinking there's a small but negative relation ship between these two variables and if I actually run the analysis and ignore the confounder I'll see a significant effect and I'll be checked into thinking I have a publication on my hand but what happens when we actually do account for the confounder in the analysis you'll see that the significant result disappears which is what I should see the second problem of confounders is from when there actually is a true relationship between study time and score in the same way that confounders can create illusions of association between between two variables that aren't related confounders can also pollute a relationship that's actually there if we see an increase in the outcome was it because of a change in the exposure or was it because of the confounder here's the same simulation again with small modification score actually does have a relationship with study time if you look at the relationship between them we can see that there's a more clear linear relationship between them if I were to analyze this relationship I would see that study time has an extremely significant relation ship with score but look at the estimated regression coefficient I get it's in the right direction but it's smaller than what it actually should be it's correct but not the complete picture now look what happens when I account for the confounder in the analysis the estimated effect is much more accurate and it still maintains its statistical significance it's clear from these two examples that the solution to confounding is to include them in your analyses with linear regression including confounders in the model changes how we interpret the regression coefficient for the exposure instead of just being an average change in the outcome for a unit increase in the exposure the coefficient gains an added interpretation of holding other variables constant in the model this is often phrased as controlling for other variables controlling for confounders allows us to isolate the relationship between the exposure and the outcome so if that's the solution then what stops someone from just collecting all the data they can and sticking it all in the model to isolate the association there's actually a lot of problems with that but I'll just focus on one here it sounds like the obvious solution to just stick all the confounders into the model but this makes the assumption that you know all the confounders in the first place as a famous philosopher once said well what I'm saying is that they are known knowns and that they are known unknowns but there's also unknown unknowns things we don't know that we don't know no matter how much data you collect the Spectre of unobserved confounders will always haunt your analysis we make a lot of assumptions in statistics but the assumption that you have all the confounders is a pretty strong one so much so that no self-respecting statistician will declare that a significant Association is causal in a manuscript unless they know that the data was gathered in a specific way we've already seen that confounders cause problems whether or not there is a relationship between the exposure and the outcome so one that you haven't measured or don't even know about is an even bigger problem the problem of unobserved confounders has been known for a while at one point in history lung cancer was a rare disease and then cigarettes became a thing several famous studies started to show an association between smoking and lung cancer but the smoking industry was quick to hire some intellectual big guns to convince people that it was all just a funny coincidence one of those big brains was Ronald fiser one of the granddaddies of modern statistics the spite several converging lines of evidence fer did his best to poke holes into statistical findings one of the holes he used was the unobserved confounder in this case a gene fer proposed that there was some Gene that made people more likely to smoke not only that but it also increased their odds of getting lung cancer but just like how Einstein didn't get it quite right with quantum physics Fisher was on the wrong side of history with smoking so where does that leave us how do we account for something that we haven't observed and might not even know that we need to observe are we doomed to just have spous relationships and polluted associations if we were we wouldn't be able to get new medicines to people who need them unobserved confounders will always be a problem for statisticians and analysts but knowing that they exist is a first step in figuring out how to overcome them in this video we learned about the problem of confounders and saw how they could get in the way of statisticians trying to estimate causal effects correlation does not equal causation but that's not the whole story at least in statistics if an exposure causes a change in an outcome then they're also correlated as well causation implies correlation just not the other way around instead a correlation is a hint to causation that could be researched further or leveraged for prediction if you like this video then consider subscribing to the channel if you'd like to get video straight to your inbox then subscribe to the newsletter too I don't just talk about statistics there I've also been chronicling my YouTube Journey there and things I've learned along the way to create a successful video I need to synthesize multiple skills together but I don't always know these skills ahead of time as a solo Creator I need to take the initiative and learn these skills myself I could do it the slow way through trial and error or I can speed things up with an organized platform like brilliant statistical programming requires a lot of knowledge about computers but I don't know a lot about how they work I've been taking the computer science courses on brilliant to learn more about this field from first principles I'm the type of person who learns the fastest when I can interact directly with the concepts I'm learning and Brilliant is great for this if you're interested in learning from brilliant you can get started for free for 30 days and the first 200 people who sign up at brilliant.org very normal can get 20% off an annual plan thanks again to brilliant for sponsoring this video thanks for watching I'll see you in the next [Music] 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Channel: Very Normal
Views: 73,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biostatistics, statistics
Id: SGGLkrJa9_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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