What Has No Right To Be As Difficult As It Is?

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what has no right to be as difficult as it is cancelling any type of subscription pro tip for canceling subscriptions when they ask why you're canceling just tell them you are going to prison they'll shut up and let you cancel real quick in going to prison for killing someone who asked me too many questions about canceling a subscription falling asleep staying asleep combine these two with getting up in the morning mentioned above and you have completed the cycle looking for a job when you have no connections if i could upvote this s thousand times i would over the past three years and probably a thousand applications i've only ever gotten one call and that quickly fell through but people with no qualifications but happen to know a guy hired immediately sounds like you should work on getting to know people applying for jobs having to type out your resume two times and submit your formal resume and then doing this over and over for every job you apply for please upload your cv okay now please get to the next page where you copy paste directly from the cv now fill in in this section on why you're excited by the prospect of working here so now you've been selected for a phone interview tell us everything in your cv great phone interview so now you have an in-person interview but we haven't read anything in your application so why don't you explain your cv in great detail for us dude it's two pages font size 12 with double spacing i spent six hours writing the damn thing please take two minutes to read it last time i was looking there were definitely application portals where i just got two or three steps in and just closed it due to the laborious nature of the interface i figured if that's the bar for entry it probably doesn't bode well for how the rest of the company is run ending a conversation just because you don't feel like socializing anymore my 86 yo phil lives with us and he does not know how to end the conversation i will stand up and tell him i'm headed upstairs and he talks the entire time i'm leaving the room and he makes bizarre comments and laughs and it's just weird he is just awkward at conversation sometimes damn 86 years old though maybe he just doesn't want the conversation to end because he's a bit lonely peeling stickers why can't they just come off smoothly hella the stress of trying to peel it ever so slowly to decrease chances of an annoying ass sticky residue rip only to fail when you get to the end because you got too cocky boo and then when you peel it off smoothly there's still adhesive from the sticker left on the container and all the dust sticks to it insurance and when you call someone that works there to help understand better they act like all of this legal jargon should just be common sense and you're an idiot for not knowing yep i had a pretty regular procedure done last time when i went to get a checkup that should have been covered about 100 by my insurance due to it being preventive that's what the doctor told me anyway got billed 1k at first because they coded it wrong took months of calling and sending emails to get it resolved still ended up having to pay 300 it's pretty bad when you're afraid to go to the doctor even when you have insurance because you're not sure how much it's going to end up costing and how much bull crap you're going to have to deal with unplanned surgery earlier this year going over the billing line by line with hospital out of network surgeon insurance company anaesthesiologist etc insurance rep settled on you're gonna hit you out of pocket maximum does it really matter how it happens leaving a restaurant with my family okay meal is over let's say our goodbyes and head out okay standing next to the table let's say our goodbyes and head out okay just outside the front door let's say our goodbyes and head out okay made it to the parking lot let's say our goodbyes and head out ffs just say bye and walk away why is this so hard i see you've met my grandmother mine's like welp i'm tired let's go home uhh was deleting well it'll just take a nap here then after it took 45 minutes to get her to leave the house to go to said restaurant as it would be to embarrassing to go in whatever clothes she had on printing why is the third largest install on my computer the damn print drivers ripping us off with freaking ink refills i hope the paperless revolution is hurting you [ __ ] get laser one time investment lifelong printing without issues installing a printer i don't want your 15 other garbage apps hp i just want to print my essay would you like to receive notifications of hotback to school sales by hp and receive hourly newsletters of our best products no but i'd like my ink delivered to my zip code zero one doesn't equals fifty one thousand and ten except at hp getting out of bed in the morning trying to find a good reason is just too hard guess i'll put my sweet pants on and move to the couch where i can binge watch netflix and read about how freaked up the world is on my phone getting a job with no experience and then these same companies sob and cry about how hard it is to find good employees we had a meeting at work once about how to attract younger people to factory work they asked if we had any ideas i flat out said pay them more they said well we're competitive with the market in like which market cause it's either they make eleven dollars an hour sweating their ass off here in 110 backslash f heat and absolute filth shortening their life or make 11 hr plus commission selling cars or tvs they then said well it's competitive within our field i said yay when you factor in rural alabama where 11 hr is like gold that pay doesn't fly around here you guys need to be competitive within a set mile radius of your sight area or they will go sell used cars at name local dealer for the same money working in ack and go home clean starting a serious exercise routine like you're giving your body literally what it needs to be healthy and it pays you leaving you semi-crippled four weeks if i feel this i need to start getting back in shape i have the time just not the motivation i've been dealing with a leg problem for almost two years so i'm kind of limited but hopefully that'll be solved soon i need to be doing core and arms taxes on year four of doing them myself i'm either doing it right or should be expecting a call from the eyes sometime in the future i don't do taxes yet but i see my dad do them and all i think is how the hell am i supposed to do that when i'm older cutting in a straight line with scissors i'm 21 and still somehow fail to do this 28 and i can't cut in a straight line 42 and i can't cut in a straight line either leaving a party social gathering i wish it wasn't considered rude to just freaking leave i should let you all know that i live in one of those close-knit families where everyone gets a hug goodbye or at least spoken with before leaving there is no set host bc everyone plans these things i guess at most the host would be whose house we are at finally thank you for not beating up my spanish comment i was nervous since i know reddit is known for its non-english speaking european looking communities much love especially those who can just freaking leave without being hassled pick up your phone say something in a different language look concerned and then leave works for me all the time mmn me novio me necesita adios familia opening that one jar that even the strong friend can't open i just wanted some jam hit it with a butter knife on the corner so it dents a little some of the pressure lets up when you break the seal that way corner i can see why you're having trouble getting it open getting mental health treatment without having to fight everyone on the way in a test of your determination erg this is so true last year i was having a really difficult time with some family stuff i currently live in the southeastern united states trying to find a psychologist that would even call me back was impossible i seriously hope this is a unique problem that no one ever has to deal with every counselor i've had i chose them because they were the only one that called back eight over the last 20 years or so making friends as an adult if this truth hurts me it's like i can't even understand how i easily made so many friends when i was a kid young kids don't really have the forward thinking or mental blocks that plague adults kids are pretty carefree and are unaware of a lot of things when you don't have these mental blocks or that voice inside of your head it's pretty easy to meet and make friends think of it as a weird ignorance is bliss i might be wrong but i don't feel like buying a house should be all that complicated we've just started the process of looking and i already feel overwhelmed i realize that purchasing something as large as a house should have some level of difficulty but it seems like to just too much sometimes i agree there should be high standards but it shouldn't cause the amount of stress that it does for some people certainly the experience will be different for everyone and of course depending on location slash city can make a difference i did not think this would spark as much debate as it has i also find it incredibly thoughtful how many people have expressed wanting to help i don't mean just here but in my life when i tell friends or coworkers that my fiance and i are looking everyone is quick to tell me who they used and that they will be happy to connect me with them i think it feels more daunting right now because we're not certain where or how to start but hopefully once we get that figured out it won't be as bad yes or thousand times yes i was pregnant and on a time crunch we were moving over 300 miles away and i had a week to look at houses with my husband before he left to go to germany my original mortgage broker was on vacation so the filling guy was running through the script rather fast with me and he asked do you understand it was something about escrow and i was hitting down a lot of notes but i burst into tears and told him no i just need a couple hours to go over everything and a less in the documents when i'm ready i vaguely heard him awkwardly stammering as i hung up i hope that call was recorded for training purposes i had myself a good heavy cry in my hotel room pulled myself together googled us ground by the time my husband got home from the new facility tour i had documents definitions layman's terms and a plan and i was down a box of tissues glad you eventually got help period i dream of not having the sometimes unbearable pain and all this freaking blood to clean up every time i once passed out because of that i was unable to call anyone to get me painkillers first synthetic fabrics are the easiest to clean it's plastic so the blood doesn't stay along on there the sooner you wash the blood the better it is just wash it before it dries use cold water warm water will literally cook the blood and then you can't remove it anymore what i usually do is rinse it first with a lot of water to get rid of what didn't have its chance to stay then i usually take the good old soap this isn't a joke old soaps are way better for this a solid brush i rub wet soap on the cloth and then i brush it it helps removing a lot i rinse it let it in the water for a solid 30 minutes and then rinse it again goes next in the washing machine you can also use hydrogen peroxide but it's way more difficult to find this have you been evaluated for endometriosis this is a very valid question had a gf who had it she'd be doubled over in pain stuck in bed some days best solution we found was cannabis certain strains help more than others losing weight it feels like it goes on fast and takes blood sweat and tears to come off was really convenient for the millions of years of mankind before the 1700s 1900s agricultural and industrial revolutions now in the age of artificial sugars mass production office jobs and the automobile not so much ever still kind of fat but not as fat as i was person our brains have actually made things worse for our health 25 years ago we had to talk on the phone to communicate long distance which burns calories 40 years ago it was a privilege to sit in the air conditioning meaning our bodies had to sweat it out so instead we'd enjoy the outdoors which burns calories 100 years ago a car was a privilege so we needed to either walk or ride a horse taking care of the farm animals was work which burned calories yes our diets have changed also and those bad for you foods release endorphins which makes things worse but at the end of the day we just don't move around as much one pound of fat takes 3500 calories to burn off that's 500 calories per day which is a little bit more than two bowls of life cinnamon cereal with milk according to the box right in front of me or about four miles of walking childbirth literally every human that comes into this world requires either one that their mother endure hours of unimaginable pain before literally ripping apart her genitals to allow this new human life an entrance into the world or two that their mother allow a group of strangers to slice through her abdominal muscles into her uterus to extract a baby before then undergoing many weeks of pain and physical recovery from the trauma of major surgery immilitarily being induced tomorrow good luck brave soldier finding motivation that's when the meth comes to help getting your tubes tied without having already had at least two children my wife and i aren't having kids and she doesn't want to worry about it but no doctor will even consider it and we are both in our 30s why would they refuse do they not want you to change your mind later and sue or something in which case couldn't they just have you signed something this is the most common excuse i've gotten mine don't even work properly because i have a hormonal condition that freaks them up so they are barely functional still get the but what if you change your mind every damn time 2020 agreed can we just skip to the end please the end might be the worst part killing mosquitoes freaking annoying pieces of hell city mosquitoes are highly intelligent monsters forest mosquitoes are mentally handicapped dude if you think that forest mosquito aren't bad you can go suck a fat cheeseburger because those frikas make my forest hell on freaking earth they can bite through hammocks they can bite through clothing i was trying to relax and what i thought was a mosquito proof hammock but nope i had over 20 bites on my back they are evil regardless of where they came from it should be noted my land has raul liker of stillwater on it so it's a mosquito breeding ground of hell when the dam seat belt keeps getting stuck while you're trying to put it on you be raging in your car before you've left your driveway if you keep yanking it that won't make it easier release it entirely then pull it down again i would say learning a language especially one like russian or german multiple hours a day for multiple years just to become somewhat capable i had given up on it because i wasn't getting anywhere and just wasting my time sports the guitar etc is all much easier in reality german is easier than it looks coming from english same germanic family and a lot of cognates grammar and the extra mute agenda can make it harder but i think it's a lot easier than learning russian getting unwanted apps off my phone disabling onedrive on windows 10 i don't want it on it's full all it does is [ __ ] about being full and make it where when i click on my images in my regular folder i can't see their icons disabling cortana useless pose software eating healthily finding solid nutritional information finding good and sometimes expensive ingredients finding time to cook meals yourself and avoiding bad food that your dumb monkey brain is wired to crave our stupid monkey brain and [ __ ] ape tongue causing us to crave things that rot our freaking bitty bones and upset the acid pouch resulting in fire dumps and flappy folds adulting at food sucks saving up to retire 401 k roth ira index funds and hoping nothing happens that causes you to have to wipe all that out entry-level job applications currently have a great job in it but eight years experience in my field and when i see the job postings for lower tier people the nine they ask for more than i know it's crazy they're aiming for the moon while hoping to get the stars education sheesh i'm a teacher in the us and our edu is freaked most days i believe it's beyond repair there are no educators in government making educational decisions i left my old school because they wanted to buy an act curriculum so they could teach to the test they thought if they paid up they would get better scores getting america's infrastructure overhauled and modernized high-speed trains highways bridges electric grids water delivery systems free of lead pipe etc there's broad support for it to happen but it just doesn't get done infrastructure funding shouldn't be so difficult building infrastructure like high-speed rail has every right to be difficult i think they meant the political support it gets is hard not the actual construction process saying no when a family member asks you for money my freaking god daughter her dad always sucked and her mom went off the rails after the divorce she's 18 now and on her own and hitting me up for cash i showed her one of my pay stubs a few years ago thinking it'd motivate her to try hard in high school no it motivated her to try to get me to support her saying no to someone i love who is struggling when i have the money is impossible but she spends it on bullcrap and then gets evicted if you get a new to two and evicted in the same month you deserve it
Channel: Panda Stories
Views: 12,051
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askredditfunny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit
Id: M16JKmcyuIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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