What Happens When You Boil The Ocean?

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hey guys I'm hanging out at the Oregon coast today I got my wife with me and we're here doing an experiment with ocean water as we all know ocean water is salt water the question is can you extract the salt from the water until we're about to find out the temperature of the water here today is only about 55 degrees Fahrenheit which is way too cold to go swimming but we're actually here just to get the salt water itself and according to the internet only about three and a half percent of the salt water is salt itself so that means if you were to take about one cubic mile of salt water and let all the water evaporate off you'd still be left with a hundred and twenty million tonnes of sea salt I've wanted to do an experiment for a couple years where I take salt water and just let the water evaporate and see if we can get salt left over theoretically it should work now we went down to the Super Center this morning I picked up a one gallon container when we fill this thing up with seawater should be so around eight gallons heavy now here's the crazy thing out of eight pounds of seawater only about a hundred and twenty seven grams of that is actually gonna be sea so so that's our question today how much sea salt will we get out of one gallon of seawater that's we're ready to find out guys this water is super super cold it's only like 50 to 55 Fahrenheit which is a lot closer to freezing them we want it to be oh man we're trying to get out a little bit further so we don't get all the sand turning up in it beautiful our one gallon of seawater guys how does that feel how heavy is that it looks fairly heavy that should be somewhere around 8 to 10 pounds of seawater about like a baby about like a baby a newborn baby which we may be having next year but out of that 8 pounds of sea water somewhere only around 130 grams of sea salt is actually diluted in there what did you find we caught a jellyfish you're like a baby something oh wow wow wow we did we got a jellyfish so he's right there guys can you see that we caught a little baby jellyfish we didn't even know it we were gonna let the little jellyfish go back in the ocean but we're gonna do another scoop of sea water that's what I call catching away nicely done baby let's take it in we caught 8 pounds of seawater or somewhere on there no sealife no jellyfish in this one now of course you know seawater is not drinkable because of all the salt in it by drinking salt water you'll actually kind of dehydrate yourself and your organs will start shutting down so salt as good as it is can actually be very harmful you cannot drink this water but if we boil off the water or let it evaporate we'll be left with the substance at the bottom that theoretically will be sea salt right now it looks like we got a little bit of sand in there we're gonna have to filter that off before we do anything but cool so we got our seawater from the Oregon coast let's take this back home process it and see if we can extract the salt from the salt water I have this sitting at camp here for a couple of days and that's given all the sand and any impurities the chance to settle down to the bottom there really isn't much but just to be safe I'm going to transfer this into another clear container so we have pure saltwater and then we'll fill this thing up with more salt water and take them both back home [Music] the sound stays pretty well at the bottom so it doesn't take much to transfer that over and now all we're left with is pretty clear well there's our relatively pure one gallon of seawater let's take the home and get this stuff processed and boom update guys here we are ten months later I've just had this project sitting on the shelf and today we're getting around to it so this here is the water we collected from the organ ocean looking at it it's crystal clear there's nothing on the bottom and there's hardly anything floating around inside so that's about as clear as we can get it I got a spoonful of it here let's see how it tastes it's just hot water so here's the setup today guys we've got an 8 quart pot a scale and a measuring cup and the purpose of today's experiment is to find out what will happen if we boil crystal-clear saltwater so let's go ahead and measure it out and get boiling [Music] so apparently two cups of water works out to be about 500 grams which makes sense because each cup is 250 millilitres one milliliter of water is usually one gram and that doesn't see much difference with seawater as well so theoretically we could just pour all the seawater we wanted in here take the amount of grams and that's how many milliliters we'd have you should take us up to three thousand I'm going to stop it right there we've got exactly three kilograms of saltwater which is equals to 12 cups so we got 12 cups three kilograms of crystal-clear sea water let's go ahead and throw it on the stove and boil it off [Music] so update guys it's been about an hour and a half and we have boiled off all of that ocean water there's no water left it's bone-dry in there and that crystal clear ocean has left behind a white residue what do you suppose that could be now I've set up a scale and a bowl over here we can go ahead and zero that out now we can go ahead and take a spoon and scrape out all this white residue and measure how much we've collected [Music] I'll look at that just came up in the big chunk [Music] look at that [Music] [Applause] so here we have a guys we have literally just taken the salt out of salt water and it comes out these crusty little crystals at the bottom of the pan the reason is because it's not a pure salt it's a lot of different salts in there but it is sea salt nonetheless and out of 12 cups of seawater or 3,000 grams we're able to capture exactly 100 grams of salt so if you collect your water from the Oregon coast you can probably expect that water contains about 3.3 percent salt [Music] there we go [Music] okay update guys here's what I've just done I took all that white crusty stuff and threw it in a blender and blended it up so it was more of a powder then I went down to the local grocery store and picked up a couple of glass salt shakers and transferred the white powder over screwed on the lids and just like that we now have ourselves one-and-a-half salt shakers full of real genuine sea salt how does it taste still a little bit warm from me in the oven that tastes like a really good salt in fact this would go really good on popcorn craving popcorn er real sea salts becoming very popular in the health food community and you see it popping up all over bags of chips or they're promoting that they use real sea salt to season their product now we just have to figure out how to make crack pepper okay guys let's talk about this experiment for a second we started off going to the Oregon coast where we captured a couple bucketfuls of raw seawater we let that water sit overnight in a couple containers where all the sediment went down to the bottom and we captured only the water off the top so we were left with crystal-clear seawater we brought that seawater home threw it into the pot on the stove and let it boil on high heat for about an hour and a half until all the water had evaporated the only thing that we were left with was a white crusty residue that we call sea salt so we crushed it up threw it into a couple of salt shakers so we can use it on our popcorn tonight and that's pretty much this experiment in a nutshell guys you now know how to turn ocean water into real sea salt thanks for joining me for this experiment and I'll be looking for you the next one cocky that [Music] that's awesome good save good save [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 11,186,227
Rating: 4.636559 out of 5
Keywords: how to make homemade sea salt with salt water, how to extract sea salt from salt water, using ocean water to make homemade salt, how to make sea salt, how to make homemade salt, king of random, grant thompson, the king of random, random, grant thompson king of random, thekingofrandom, experiment, tkor, homemade, science, random happens, science experiment, demonstration, science experiments, experiments, life hacks, don't try this at home, chemistry, diy
Id: gZQbQohCEW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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