What Happens if the U.S. Debt Ceiling Is Hit? | WSJ

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(cheerful music) - [Narrator] Party leaders are still debating raising the debt ceiling as the deadline to default gets closer. But they do agree on one thing. - Defaulting on our debt is not an option. - Not an option. It will have catastrophic consequences. - [Narrator] They're not exaggerating. The US Treasury uses tax revenue and debt to pay the country's bills like funding government programs, social security, and paying interest on existing debt. If it runs out of money and isn't able to pay these investors back, that's default, and that's what will happen if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling to allow the Treasury to take on more debt. - Which would cause massive upheaval in financial markets. Stock prices falling, interest rates rising, probably the dollar falling too and that could affect a wide range of your own financial life. In a worse case scenario, it could cause a whole new recession. - [Narrator] It's because US debt has become the core of the economy from Wall Street to banks to interest rates. - US Treasury borrowing is the center of gravity for almost all finance on the globe. - [Narrator] Here's why, how it works and what a default would mean for you. This is what the us debt is made out of, bonds. Well, technically they could also be a bill or a note but for our purposes, we're going to call them all bonds. And they're not just how the federal government takes out debt. Bonds can be given out by cities, banks, corporations because a bond is basically an I owe you. An investor buys say $1,000 bond. The government or business pays them interest on it in installments, and at the end of the term, their $1,000 back. And that amount of interest is based on how risky that bond seems to investors. Companies that have a long history of paying their debts, say Microsoft, pay a lower interest to bond holders. The bank, Credit Suisse, paid nearly 10% on some riskier bonds before those were wiped out when the collapsing bank was taken over. The higher the risk, the higher the reward. - Investors are always calculating what's the extra return I want for the extra risk I'm taking? A lot of investors will ask what is the return I would get if there was no risk at all? And their answer to that question has always been to look at the US Treasury Bond. The US Treasury is seen as the safest and soundest borrower on planet Earth. - [Narrator] Which is why it's considered a benchmark for all investments. - A benchmark is really the base off of which a lot of other borrowing is done. A lender will wanna have something larger than that benchmark. That's considered to be the lowest possible rate. If the US Treasury is issuing at 4%, then corporate bonds or mortgage bonds or other governments might issue it 5% or 6%. - [Narrator] You can see that benchmark treasury rate here in this chart. Now here's the 30 year mortgage rate. Here's a grouping of AAA rated considered the safest corporate bonds. They go up and down in relation to the US debt, which is always the lowest, the benchmark - It's kind of like the sun. Everything revolves around that benchmark, that US treasury rate. - [Narrator] It's more than just the rate of the bond, it's the bonds themselves that are so central. Wall Street firms, banks, companies, a lot of financial institutions keep money in US treasury bonds. - It's just always expected that the US Treasury is gonna make good on its debt. - [Narrator] Bonds could be affected two ways by this debt ceiling debate. A contentious fight could make investors worry they may not get their money back on time, and as a result, they would most likely demand a higher interest rate for their risk. The same could happen if the big three credit rating firms have the same fear and downgrade the US AAA credit rating. It's happened before. Standard and Poor's did that in 2011, citing the fight around the debt ceiling. But they were the only ones and it didn't have much of an effect back then. The worst case scenario is if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling and the US is unable to pay investors on time and actually defaults. (ringer buzzing) Then US bonds, the benchmark, would be proven unsafe investments. If the value of the bonds go down, these financial portfolios would too. Investors would demand higher interest rates for their higher risk and that would raise interest rates for everyone. - It's kind of like being hit by a meteor. When you don't have confidence that the benchmark itself is gonna be paid off, it creates uncertainty in financial markets. When there's financial chaos, very often companies lay people off. So everybody has a stake in this. - [Narrator] An analysis by Moody's looked at the different scenarios. If the default is brief and the Treasury prioritizes paying investors but not say senior social security, the already fragile economy would have a mild recession with close to a million jobs lost. If the default goes on for weeks and investors aren't paid, the economic downturn would be comparable to 2008, costing more than 7 million jobs and wiping out $10 trillion in household wealth. To avoid both scenarios, the House, Senate and White House must agree to raise the debt ceiling before the June 1st deadline. Many experts call it, - The game of chicken. - [Narrator] But a game where we all lose if they don't raise it before the clock runs out. (cheerful music)
Channel: The Wall Street Journal
Views: 508,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debt ceiling, default, american debt, debt ceiling crisis, united states debt ceiling, debt ceiling 2023, debt limit, debt ceiling deadline, interest on debt, social security, medicare, tax revenue, price of the dollar, financial news, recession, potential recession, u.s. treasury bonds, bond, municipial bond, corporate bond, treasury bond, interest rate, default on debt, default on debt ceiling, stock market, stock market news, treasury bond market, credit rating, usnews
Id: JPeddLvqQV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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