'What happened when some HUTTERITES were BORN AGAIN'

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I really like this place just maybe because it is isolated I mean that I mean it's just a peaceful that's what I like about where you can go out and your swing and relax and you don't have to worry about it somebody coming out around the street or around the corner holding a knife or a gun on you like it happens in the big cities and even in the smaller towns it's getting to be that that this is flat willow Colony in Montana the nearest town is 30 miles away it's one of 350 remote communities along the American Canadian border which are home to the Hutterites this old Protestant sect follows the teachings of Yaakov Witter a reformist who was born in Germany in the 16th century I am a horror right because I was born one I was raised as a hoarder right I grew up in this order right community and I believe that God put me here for that reason he wanted me to be alright that's why I was born out all right Oh by Oh Oh just over 400 Hutterites came to America in the 1870s since then their numbers have grown to nearly 35,000 and they are one of America's fastest growing populations the Hutterites live communally theirs is a closed society and newcomers rarely join access to the world outside is severely restricted and television is bad there are 43 utter rights at flat Willa and just three surnames the stalls the HOFers and the wormans they are nearly all related to each other Hutterites believe in living working and worshipping together but currently their basic beliefs are being challenged in a bitter dispute at flat willow by by be actually states first of all about community life Peter stated it too if it's done right it's beautiful but if it's not done right it can be painful there is a division here at flat well aware certain number of people don't really agree with what we are Radio ah what a mighty God me a Bible teaches separation and we believe that that separation is from the world that we're supposed to dress different and abstain from the world's sins well we probably put our hair all the way down and then we take right in the middle here parted this with a part half of it this way so there's a long strand in the back and then we take the front part it down in the middle here and I will turn this under and roll the back party to a bone we base our beliefs on the Bible and in a 1st Corinthians chapter 11 talks about the women being veiled wearing a head covering and that's why we wear have you ever seen a picture of Madonna mm-hmm yes I don't think very much of Madonna people can can tell a person by the way they live and the life they lead and what I kind of know of Madonna and I've read I mean you can tell are you done mm-hmm your turn we hear they feel a touch the drain I love this all right Oh custard I don't know underwear flama go off that core technology you we kind of do it to be read mostly the German language because also ain't that they come from Austria and Germany ride around in there such a the heart movement mostly rain with German Open tickets of the section roadside ago as if the fuel old remedy a English language American language I versus most school these two are languages can it's good the hinges of father we done can be height of either windy some mortgage don't touch those Hospital for all and Edie there also got to a dark condition with repeating discussed or star ecologist no psych blog when does it as right cloud or RAL Tomas or singularity for them so we live in here be every default and hunters are dry flat willow is in crisis two-thirds of the community have converted to born-again Christianity and now reject the traditional Hutterite texts and services the born-agains worship in English rather than old high german they emphasized Jesus rather than community life as the path to salvation the problem with her right life is that it hasn't changed in 400 years it's been the same it's growing deeper and deeper into tradition not spanning out and opening the horizon you know it is a very secure life in fact I think it is a false secure a false security the women are quite sheltered quite sheltered you don't really have to worry about who's paying your bills I mean your dentist Bell gets paid your doctor Bell gets paid you don't have to worry about your lights your food your there's nothing you have to worry about a high right woman will never be in power in a community she will never have like a preaching position or a position of leadership of any kind except for maybe in the kitchen there is a head cook in all Hut our communities to have had the beautiful children they have a beautiful lifestyle they have the horses they're out in the open there they're free they're really loved while their cousins their uncles their the families and we just enjoy growing up in this settings like one big family but Jetta as you grow older there's all that you know there are unanswered questions why the sometimes there's hurts and why the the pain of rejection and why the what is life for anyway all right life at its worst is probably like a concentration camp we as Hutterite young people we're kind of always searching for something we realized that there must be more to life than living in a hot iron colony most Hutterites believe that in order to get to heaven or to be saved you must live in a colony or in community and that didn't quite sound right to us we just that that just didn't sound right to us we we would read a lot about because basically the Hutterite faith is a religious faith we would be into a lot read a lot about religion and stuff and we realized that there were other people out there and if just us were going to heaven I think um in the colonies what about all the other people that live in the world that did not sound quite right and so it seemed like that we were just searching hearts the Bible teaches obey your parents in the Lord and always be obedient to him cuz there is a reference in there if you do not obey your parents you will not have a long life on this earth it will be shortened I remember my dad my uncle's used to tell me Eli you're going to hell because you don't wear the suspenders when I was a rebellious young man or certain shoes or certain types of clothes and it's all a lot of it most of it is a outward show of religion where it's all being done and it's like a drudgery you have to be obedient to the hood rules regulations and tenants in order to become a holder right if you die if you aren't you can it not be part of it not accept you you are not accepted in baptism if you are not aren't obedient they will not baptize the seeds of the dispute were sown four years ago Eli and Suzie's father the Hutterite Minister was killed in a bonfire on the colony after that died we kind of just oh I guess you could say we went wild we just tried a lot of different things we tried movies and we just tried a lot of worldly things now that might not be worldly to you but but to us things of the world things that strictly that we were taught against like for instance going to rodeos and going to shows and going to movies and drinking beer and we would run into town without asking or just do different things that Satan has a lot of ways of satisfying trying to satisfy but he usually takes a hold of you and here he doesn't let he move let you go you fall into his traps and his snares that he has and and that's the way he has it he had it all out there for us we heard that there was something going on in the little town that is near us about 25 miles away town of around up we heard that there were some people coming in and setting up a tent and that they were having revival meetings or gospel tent meetings rather and that they would be singing our boys actually went because they wanted to see the pretty girls they did not go for anything I mean they were going to go look at the girls and so we Hamden hard well should we go or shouldn't we and of course we did why not it's just another thing to do I mean we do everything else why can't we do this and we did we did go and we went to the meetings and of course the scene was very beautiful it was in a tent it was an evening studying all these were these meetings lasted about a week it was an evening setting and it was just beautiful it seemed like God wanted us in there when the evangelists came to round up to preach about Jesus Christ that he came to save us and to give us life I found the answer I find the answered I I can remember I got saved Sunday night I walked out on them Monday morning and the whole the whole world knew there was a new work I remember the week of the meetings we would hear about God and we would hear that it was Jesus is the answer it's not religion it's not doing all these things the way to the Father's heart is through His Son Jesus and through that week for about four days we would come home we would work at the place we would discuss all these things with one another we would say could it be could it be that this is what we're looking for they didn't preach that did you have to be a Mennonite Jeff to be this or that it was just the simple plan that God loves you and that through His Son Jesus he can forgive you all your sins he can he can make life worthwhile that all of a sudden instead of walking next to life and just enjoying it you can step into life and you're in God's plan and I thought oh my I just cannot believe what I was hearing and truly I truly found him and what difference has Jesus made to your life ha all the questions and all the hurt then the growing up the pain and the other why why we're here what's it all about and to to realize that they truly can fill that emptiness there are still are a few horror rides left at Black Widow who haven't joined this movement there's my family all of it none of them have joined and they don't want to either as far as I know and my brother and his wife and their little daughter and the Waldman's Mike and his wife and there's a no bachelor we don't know what his I thinking is and our uncle day for his manager he doesn't attend their meetings or anything so we feel he still wants to be able to write and Paul he doesn't attend either and I don't know I don't know about him if he is which side he's on really and grandma and grandma are right every Sunday there are two rival services at flat willow Eli preaches to the born-again Christians the Hutterites stay-at-home the importance of being born again is so vital is that not only does it give us eternal life and a home in heaven with it but he gives us this abundant life he gives us this overflowing life the six waterpots with the best quality of wine and our and the quantity is is full and running over and the very life of God Jesus Christ gives us the very life of God it's beautiful isn't it it's lovely and wonderful and I'm so glad that he saved us thank you why if you are a born-again Christian you carry on looking like a traditional Hutterite woman well right now because of the people that we live with here together we kind of in a way half to still look like this look like Hutterites but the dress that I'm wearing right now I don't believe it's just an ordinary Hutterite dress I believe that it's a modest dress and it yes I know it looks like the way the Hutterites dress but right now we kind of have to I think I'd like to take this time this morning to welcome our new addition Ruben and Miriam's little baby girl mariah joy just pray that tough we could have just another little Christian living for the Lord Jesus but we are for prayer please you know father we come together with Jesus precious name we want to honor you this morning to just worship your Lord to bow before you and give you the honor and the praise and the glory father we thank you for each one that's here this morning and Lord may we be mindful that we're here together to worship you and to praise you and to hear from heaven and to hear from your word father I just pray that you give each one of us a heart that would be open to your word and a heart that would be open to whatever you Father see I love the Hutterites services are in German very high german usually can't understand the language barrier because they're 400 years old and people change even the language has changed a little and then when i heard an english sermon on the word of god it was like a light it's just beginning to slowly open till it was in full light and god just open your mind and your eyes and the night they took jesus here on up to our guys here and cut off his ear here on top he was so upset that they took his lord and he saved here on up it just ready cut off yeah two inches or and Jesus said to know Peter that's not a good witness that's not a good testimony put the sword into your sheet and say Peter he got off that servant's ear see that and we can do the same thing what does the Bible say the Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword see we have to be real careful that we don't use this two-edged sword which is the Bible the Word of God and say hey you want Jesus you're going to help you need to be saved if you don't get safe right now you're going to have Salix in t perm hurts again Dan Savannah barber chick ID along it Salix in tyrannous Hudson's intensive and and got showered Salix in T freed fabric intensive odd and goddess kinder hasten Salix in Team Galactic I mean and for Foulke burdened and our theme right is here every week the women bake bread and cakes for the local market in Billings 80 miles away they reckon on making $2,000 a week when we go to farmers market you can't imagine how the people want this bread we're always too short actually haven't got enough let me see a farmers market bread because they know it's homemade bidding oh yes but you're tired I was the last one was a pleasant one but the two before it rains so hard and cold you can't imagine we were drenched to the skin we had like a tent and then we had a plastic over the tent but it was fun believe it it was actually fun we told everybody we talked to the Lord about stopping the rain but he wasn't changing his mind he wanted it to rain concentrate the hotter ride history even hotter odd history books way back year fifteen hundred's quote when something like this came up they did not submit to Hutterite Authority wanted to do a thing of their own a movement of their own none of a diet of peaceful death that it frightens me see it might not happen today tomorrow but there's years ahead they can get older and things like that you never know so see you're frightened for the I sign the weekly outing to Billings is the only time the women leave the colony the born-agains use the opportunity to evangelize nicely oh this is really nice Rocklin chance in Tennessee okay 50 times now we have a rhubarb custard we have apple cherry right and pump it when you guys know so much I didn't think that's hear me I had an extra one in my hand I along with the talking thank you you're welcome other Hutterite colonies only send their men folk to farmers market flat willows reputation for born-again Christianity has alienated them from their more traditional neighbors I was brought up I heard aright and I firmly believe that that's better for me that's the whole made way to live you know getting for the common good and some people compared to communism but I always still in retro there's no such a thing oh the communism you had to in a Hutterite way of life you want to because you were brought up that way do you know the flat willow colony I know something about here have you heard about them I'm division now too I mean I couldn't entry personnel we definitely know that communal living is the right way if a person lives on the outside and cries I'm not a judge I mean I don't want to judge anybody got a little how he judges have it back you you vague about us don't assume - no no no sorry what I never thought I'd go in the bottom or more startled to a bump on hope okay not have your children become born-again Christians they tell me they have and has that made a difference to their lives that's what they say that's what they can and here was a parent looking at them do you think it's made a difference to their lives I'll have to pass you up on that one your only father we come together tonight in Jesus precious name and we just want to thank you for this evening and thank you for everything you're doing in our lives and God we want to give you free reign in our lives so please father come into our hearts come into our lives do with us what you will God and we know you're a father and that you have a father heart to us Lord and we thank you for that we thank you for the healing you've done in our hearts and for everything you've done for us and what you're going to do twice a week Eli holds a prayer meeting for the born-again Christians it is followed by a free discussion of the Bible a practice unheard of amongst the Hutterites who take their old German texts literally with no interpretations how do you become born-again is it something terrifying or is it something beautiful or if someone asks you what would you say how to become born-again Ruben we all have been born once that is through the flesh and somehow we need to be born again and the only way I can see it in John chapter 4 verse 24 it says God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth so we as flesh as the way we are cannot worship God there must be another part to us that must be made alive and that's the spirit in us the spirit in man is made of life born again there's a second birth it's not our fleshly birth it's a new birth in sight in our heart our heart needs to be made new needs to be made alive and I got one more illustration take a caterpillar there's something inside that caterpillar that wants to be made free that's a butterfly and it's free you said just like a caterpillar and then a butterfly comes up but how do you get to become born again okay can you become born again just by yourself no what do you think the Bible clearly says a man can receive nothing except it be given him from above from hattie mm-hmm so if God don't call you you waste your time to try and how do you get called and you just walk out here and say well God I'm born I want to be born again he he's probably calling you already if I go outside right now and say God I want to be born again I think it's a process regardless already started calling maybe through his word and through you or somebody else tonight it is Debbie stalls birthday party she has just become engaged to Mike woman your love as a gentle Ward that likes the inner places of my heart to the sweetest guy in the whole word I lovely Mike today I had such an overwhelming love for you I can't wait for our wedding day I want to spend the rest of my life with you I love you very much I also can't wait to see you tonight yes forever Doug only the born-again Christian members of Debbie's family attend the party her Hutterite relatives decline the invitation okay now and I love adding dressing-table Deborah are you Megan are starting for a few coaches we hold hands and some fancy hugs but we won't definitely want a feel good I can't deny that he has his kids once in a while like when he leaves on a trip kisses me goodbye and when he comes home I kiss him Allah is it difficult to have a pure culture not really there are so many things to do so much to read and talk about it's very easy when you pray together it's very easy to have a few culture when you leave out that part it gets hard my idea of heaven on earth would be a marriage a beautiful marriage and children I love chilled and make love still and living in harmony being together and loving one another and also being slim that's my idea of heaven on earth they will never be recognized in the right church no more unless they come back to it see they they will never be able to intermarry with other rights anymore in it to any colony they will be accepted they can't intermarry or anything so we actually have to go join the world I guess in a marry with the world and we know what's in the world they are lara divorcing that's one thing there isn't among all right is divorcing it's it's unheard of we just know do what we don't believe it don't do it the religious dispute at flat willow now means the farm tasks on their fifteen thousand acres are divided up the Hutterite men work together in the fields the born-agains brand the cattle we've put fertilizer into our ground as love kindness joy but the Holy Spirit and God's watching over our garden what else does a plant need the sunshine for sure because if we didn't have the Sun I'm afraid nothing would grow so let's go just to Sun up here some Ray's going down and and truly we'll call it the Sun Shine there we go why are you annoying Wiseman doesn't get here pretty soon that's going to happen so hey oh hi I've been waiting for you yeah well you look pretty busy here I hope you have lots of beautiful stuff like usual twice a year the cloth salesman calls with samples it's a major event for the girls who long to break with traditional Hutterite colors we only need three yards for a dress and the minimum that we can buy is like 15 yards so we need to find about five girls to choose and decide on one color or one pattern or one design so that we can have a 15 yard minimum order you know lemon squeezy yeah yeah he's a cop yes whatever shall I see share 3.9 you know it's all three it's all 349 except for whatever's on bar sale a lot of stuff on sale what is your sales Pro okay what do we have on sale here you know guys I've got enough blue forget blue daddy I don't say that I'm gonna Betty actually I don't see why you would like this material it looks like it's got grease on it I mean I can just look at it it's beautiful second shot yeah well I don't like I mean how did I win oh it's beautiful right now but some tuneage as you can tell we can't really decide which to buy and we love to so I basically love to sort so do all of the girls and we sell all our own dresses and we love this material it's it it wears really well and it says well it washes well and we can wear it basically for two or three or four years it's just beautiful material and we just love it and I guess we're going on and the colors well we basically love teal and wine and blues or the ladies as you can tell us blue but the girls are sick of blue I'm going to pick this one I think if everybody agrees on this one no no mother ducks yeah no I think what you should wear this at your wedding they're tearing down our rules regulations and tenets and standards and when you do that there's no accountability towards each other in the community and community will not work very long that way it will be solved if it can't go on that way it just dissolves hide it under a bushel no I'm gonna let it shine hide it under a bushel no I'm gonna let it shine let it shine let it shine let it shine this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine that's the light of mine I'm gonna let it shine let it shine let it shine let it shine hide it under a bushel no I'm gonna let it shine hide it under a bushel let it shine let it shine why is Jesus important because he's God and he made heaven and us and he died for us on the cross have you got a hero no oh yeah Jesus Jesus as my lover he's my Jesus as my my totally my total lifestyle ah how could I say it Jesus is my magnificent obsession he's absolutely and consumed by him and the more I get to know him through his word and through interaction with people and and through his creation he doesn't right give you millions of dollars in the bank he doesn't solve all your problems or he doesn't make life rosy but he's there and he's a friend and he's just beautiful I'm hold the right now I'm still hold to write and we'll make nothing else out of me nobody would what you think of the the others at slap willow who have become born-again Christians I have no comment on that that's their business that's what they want to do I thank myself if you were born and raised in a church like we were all of us and then go and join a different church I think it's a shame to leave your church and you own another church why not stay in the tradition and keep up your church I would think well the bible does say that when Jesus will come he will not come to bring peace but a sword and I believe it's a two-edged sword that cuts down and it cuts into and comes out of very evenly and it hurts and it brings pain and the Bible says that the mother will be against her daughter-in-law and the daughter against her mother and the father against us
Channel: Take Heed Ministries
Views: 198,953
Rating: 4.6810508 out of 5
Keywords: Take Heed Ministries, Take Heed, Cecil Andrews
Id: ddIxHNJ38mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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