What Happened To Peace And Joy? - Pastor Caleb Burchell - Champions Church Online

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Music] oh [Music] good morning champions church good morning online come on are you ready to praise god today come on let's lift our voice and give him praise come on [Music] come on can you clap your hands come on let's lift our voice we've got everything [Music] and the world today born [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus is overcome [Applause] [Music] darkness was gone [Applause] impossible things [Applause] impossible [Applause] [Music] come on do you believe that we serve a god of the impossible come on you can make a way where there is no way [Music] [Music] forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing shall be impossible your kingdom raises unstoppables foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] impossible [Music] impossible things shall be good [Music] [Music] god we give you praise today i encourage you as we worship to remember all the good things that god has done for he is worthy of all praise [Music] you see where the future starts come on [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it's not like you know [Music] is [Music] away [Music] i know [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] away [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] good morning welcome to church what a great day what a great day to be alive and to be in church this morning we are so glad so glad that you made a decision to get out of bed and be in church this morning why don't you do something that we haven't done in a long time why don't you look at the person next to you and introduce yourself say hi tell them what your name is you know one thing that kobe has done to us it's made us feel that we're alone i want to encourage you online this morning you are not alone introduced to the person in the chat this morning they would love to know your name as well wow church is growing church is building church is going places i'm excited for the next season in our church as we continue to grow as we continue to build what's happening here at champions i'm excited to see what god is going to do i'm excited that we've got child dedications coming up again very soon sunday the 31st of october we had a great time a few weeks back dedicating children and i know that people have already put their names down for the 31st of october and if you've got children that you want to dedicate i want to encourage you put your name down for your family to be part of the next dedication service you can do that by visiting the info bar after service or heading over to our app and hitting the get involved tab and we would love for you as your family and your family to be a part of that service it's always a very special sunday when we do child dedications well have we got any men in the house this morning come on men online as well i don't want you to miss out we have got coming off our mankind conference on the 6th of november i want every single man in this room to make sure you've got your ticket a few weeks ago we had our summer nights event and that was amazing we connected we had fun we ate food and it was just a great time of connection but we want to take it to the next level with our conference you know the ladies enjoy their conference men it's time for us to rise off and raise up and move with our conference we're gonna eat together we're gonna have breakfast we're gonna have a day of fun we're gonna have a day of teaching more importantly men it's time for us to rise and learn and engage with our church build some friendships build some uh community amongst our men and really see god move in our men's ministry well i don't think i've given enough so why don't you check out the video right now to see what you can expect i want his fire in my house [Music] i want his fire in my house i want his fire in my house i want his fire in my house i want his fire in my marriage i want his fire in my finances i want his fire in my body i want his fire in my future i want his father i don't care what you want maybe you came to church because you're looking for a girlfriend but the rest of us can't be cut because we want his fire give me his fire give me his fight give me his come on man yes hey let me just add mankind is not just an event but it is a movement and yes we are looking forward to having a whole day together um you can get your tickets for the app or for the payment point now 25 pounds just for the whole day that includes your breakfast so hey guys it's going to be an amazing day there is something special when men come together so guys let me encourage you get involved don't stay away it's going to be epic anyway i get the privilege to talk about something that we're going to launch uh coming up soon and now we're very excited you know worship is such a big part of champions and i'm sure you will agree uh just being a church that it loves to worship together and um we're committed to seeing people grow we want to see our church grow we want to see the worship experience at champions grow every week um so in a few weeks time we're going to be launching uh something that is called the champions worship academy so hey maybe today you're you look on this stage and like you know i wish i wish i could play those drums i wish i could play that instrument i wish i could get involved and you know we want to do everything that we can to be responsible for what god has given us here as part of this church family and community so hey this is for you you can register today all you need to do is give us your name and the contact details because we will give you more detail once you register but um if you have a heart for worship if you love to worship and and you have a desire to play an instrument then this is a perfect opportunity it doesn't matter what age or what stage whether you're a beginner or whether you are an established musician if you have a heart for worship hey plug into champions worship academy so you can go to the app or you can stop by the info bar and you can register and myself or one of the team will be in contact with you very shortly we are excited about that so hey we're coming to our time of giving now um danny you can let us know what details thank you adam wow we are going places champions worship academy how exciting is it that we get to do this as a church how exciting is it that we get to be a part of worship every single sunday we're coming around our time has given as adams just said i want to encourage you god can't bless what you don't give he can't bless what you don't hand over this morning so i want to encourage you as we take time to give this morning i want you to take time to consider what you can bring and what can god can bless in your life maybe you're not worshipper in the sense of music like adam said but we can all worship with our finance this morning i want to encourage you we can give in our usual ways on the app online but more importantly if you're in a building i want to encourage you to get out of your seat this morning and bring something during our time as worship as we continue to worship so be blessed as you give this morning [Music] i've tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe it that you choose [Music] we don't deserve [Music] [Music] when you stand i am who you say i am [Music] all [Music] this is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who [Music] says walk comes crashing down [Music] stop breaking up [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is see [Music] oh [Music] give you thanks for what you have [Music] done we give you all the glory [Music] everyone [Music] [Music] open up your mouth [Music] oh [Music] crashing [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] come on [Music] yes [Music] you in this jesus this is your house and we honor you king of kings lord of lords we thank you for who you god you've never are us and you never will and today we want to thank you for who you are thank you jesus thank you lord come on let's lift our hands god today is a gift and we are grateful to be recipients of it god i thank you that we woke up today god i thank you that we made it to the house of god today and i just thank you right now for every person gathered here i thank you for who they are i thank you for your love towards every single one of them god wherever they have been whatever they have done whatever life has looked like up until this point god i thank you that you are for them god i thank you that you have a plan for them god i thank you that today they matter and they are significant god they're not here by accident they're not a mistake but god you knew them before the foundation of the world they may have been told that they were a mistake but the parents who birthed them were not the original source for you knew them and you had a plan for them and you had a purpose for them they're not here without anything other than purpose and destiny and we thank you for that today every precious life in this place who you love so dearly and we thank you for it in jesus name amen are you glad to be in church this morning come on [Music] well it is so good to see you today and if we've never met before my name is caleb and i have the privilege of leading champion youth which is the youth ministry of this church and uh i'm wearing some hot off the press new merch today do you like it shall i give you a little 12 faith faith over fear and um it's a real honor and a privilege to get to speak to you today and a huge hello to everybody joining us online let's hear it for everybody joining us online today we welcome you [Music] thanks for being a part of this and we're going to have a great time together in god's word are you okay to stay standing while we read the word of god together now i have to pre-warn you this is a really long reading okay so just give give your legs a little a little tap let them know they're going to be stood for quite some time i'm just preparing you in advance for what is to come romans chapter 14 and verse 17 and it says this for the kingdom of god is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit that's it that's it that's all we have time for today folks turn to the person next to you say you look good glad to be set by you and you can be seated romans chapter 14 verse 17 for the kingdom of god is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit the last time that i spoke i um talked about how we as a family recently moved house and i was waiting on some furniture to arrive and in the meantime i had bags of clothes all over the floor and things you know were a bit of a mess until i had the chance to tidy them up and a few of you since i've spoken the last time have asked me how are you getting on with your room so i thought i'd take this opportunity to update the few of you that really care about what's going on in my personal life and so the latest the latest is i ordered some some further furniture and it arrived late last week i didn't get a chance to open it until early this weekend and just to give you the back story what i'd ordered was some clothes rails and some curtain poles and i got them from the same manufacturer and so i i opened the package uh early this week and i studied what was in the box and what appeared to be in the box was half of the order and um so what appeared to be in the box was the clothes rails but not the curtain poles so i thought okay maybe they're just they're coming in two halves and so i then sent a message to the person i bought them from and said you know when can i expect the second half of the order to arrive a message quickly came back saying have you opened your parcel and i was like yes i have opened my parcel and it appears as though i've only got the the closed rails so i'm a little bit you know intrigued at this point what what what has gone wrong and then a couple minutes go by and then it hits me now these um i had to order specific sizes for these things and so my mind then went to the size that i'd actually given the guy making them and then i began to think to myself hang on a second that's like ain't nobody got windows that small i'm thinking caleb where did these measurements come from let me tell you friends i thought my curtain poles were the fixings for my clothes rails that's how small they were it turns out they were the curtain poles and i went back and i thought to myself how did it not click that 60 centimeters ain't gonna fit nobody's window this this really happens so i've got over it now i've started to laugh about it um but anyway that's that's an update right now on my bedroom for those who care um now moving on to the message i'm just kidding this is relevant this is relevant and the reason i share that with you is because there is a phrase when it comes to mistakes like that and it's the phrase measure twice cut once you ever heard that phrase before measure twice cut once get the first part of the process right and the next part of the process will follow and i want to liken that this morning to the verse of scripture that we read the really long reading from romans chapter 14. we're going to go back to it and the apostle paul who wrote the book of romans he writes this for the kingdom of god it's not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit he he starts this verse with for the kingdom of god and oftentimes this concept of the kingdom of god is is quite mystical to us but he ends it by saying in the holy spirit and and somebody once said that the the work of the holy spirit is the presence of the kingdom of god in other words when the holy spirit is working the kingdom of god is present says the kingdom of god is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit i want to make an observation from that scripture this morning to say this two-thirds two-thirds of the kingdom of god of which god is the king god is the king of his kingdom two-thirds of god's kingdom is an emotional state think about that for a moment two-thirds of the kingdom of god is an emotional state and the title of my question the title of my message rather is a question that i want to pose to you today what happened to peace and joy what happened to peace and joy i want to ask you today how is your peace and joy how is your peace and your joy for the kingdom of god is one-third righteousness and two-thirds an emotional state which is peace and joy how is your peace and joy are they absent or are they present if you're anything like me they are not as present as i would like them to be and here's here's here's how i want to connect this all the way back to my curtain pole fiasco i believe that the the former is actually connected to the latter that there's something to be said about the first part that actually impacts the second part if you see romans 14 and verse 17 like a process if you can understand and get right the first part of the process then the second part of the process will follow and i want to suggest to you and i today that the reason peace and joy may be absent in your life is because an acceptance of righteousness isn't present in your life for the kingdom of god is a matter of righteousness peace and joy and if peace and joy are lacking maybe it's because you haven't fully accepted righteousness the term righteousness it speaks of being made right with god let's look at a key scripture where this this can be found 2 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 21 paul the same author of the book of romans also wrote two corinthians of course inspired by god as he did so and he wrote this god made him who is him him is jesus who had no sin he was perfect there was no wrong in jesus there was no imperfection in jesus jesus was without floor he made jesus who had no sin to become sin for you and me so that in him we might become the righteousness of god let's go over that again god made jesus who was without sin to become sin for you and me and in doing so you and i became the righteousness of god god came from heaven to earth and in doing so the greatest exchange in history took place and you want to know what that exchange was the exchange was when jesus took your sin and gave you his righteousness jesus came to die a death you and i should have died you know why we're so grateful in worship because it should have been us on that cross it should have been you and i dying the most horrific kind of death but jesus said no i'm gonna step in and i'm gonna take your place a sinless god is going to take on the sin of humanity and having lived a life you and i could never live a perfect one he died to death you and i should have died a sin as one in order that we might become right with god so now when you accept what jesus has done for you god doesn't see you for your sin because jesus became your sin you became his righteousness which means now when god looks at you he sees his son and let me ask you this has god ever been mad at jesus has god ever been disappointed with jesus has god ever been anything less than proud of jesus so it is with you when god looks at you he's pleased with you when god looks at you he's proud of you when god looks at you he's not mad at you he's in love with you he became sin so that i might become righteous now here's oftentimes how we treat righteousness okay this past week um my mom pastor jillian celebrated her birthday on wednesday this coming week we have two more birthdays in the family my nephew noah who's going to be 12 and my nan who's going to be 90 all on the same day so that's worth applauding for i think um and and so you know i've got gifts for them for their birthday and i want to imagine something for a mom we'll pick on noah he's the youngest um let's say on tuesday when his birthday rolls around i give him a gift and he's so happy with the gift he loves the gift i sometimes tease them about the gifts that i'm going to buy them which they're never grateful for um but then what it ends up being they're grateful for and so let's imagine i give it to him he's happy he's grateful he loves the gift and then a couple days go by and and i hear that noah's you know not made the best decision you know could have made a better decision could have made a better choice and so i decided i'm gonna i'm gonna take the gift back and i say to him listen noah i'm gonna need you to make better decisions and if you make better decisions then i'll consider giving you the gift back now your reaction is who on earth would do such a thing it's it's unheard of at worst uncommon and yet we don't say it but we think it and i know that we think it because i think it and you and i are the same we're humans uh that's how often times we think god works yeah you're righteous but you know if if you make a decision that you know could have been better i'm just gonna have to i'm just gonna take the righteousness back for a little while just just give me a couple days to be mad at you for the decision that you made and if you can pick it up son you know maybe i'll give you back now we never verbalize that we never say that but oftentimes that's what we think because we we connect our missing the mark to how god sees us so if i'm doing better he thinks better of me but if i'm doing less he thinks less of me and so when you and i do things that just generally disappoint ourselves we assume well god's disappointed and we go into hiding from god we try and avoid god because we're like we i i did something dumb so i'm just you know when i when i pick it up then i'll talk to god again and god's like hang on a second i'm not like you i don't have conditions my love is an unconditional love that means when you're living right i love you and when you're not living right i still love you when you're thinking right i still love you and when your thought process you would die if it was to appear on the big screen i still love you when you're acting right i still love you and when you're acting wrong i still love you that's that's righteousness it's not a gift to be given and then taken away it's when you accept jesus it's you're now righteous you are permanently righteous here's another way we treat the righteousness of god like an olympic medal oh i i'm righteous because i want it you didn't win righteousness you received righteousness he won it for you and here's the best thing about being given something you didn't win you can't lose it here's the best thing about being given something you didn't earn you can't unearn it because if you unearned it that means you had to earn it in the first place but righteousness isn't something you earned is something you received it's not like you can keep it but if we find out you were doing drugs we're gonna take it back righteousness is not like that righteousness is here you receive it by faith in jesus and now it's yours it's yours it's it's not a gift with conditions it's not a gift um that's like a medal that you win um and you can keep it if you behave no it's a it's a gift it's a gift jesus and i told the keys to come up at this point but don't come up at this point um there's a scripture in matthew 11 we'll throw it up in a second but jesus is um is a dressing group of people and amongst that group of people there are those who have become accustomed to this thing called religion and it was it was a thing then and it's a thing now and one of the ways we miss out on peace and joy is we um we we miss righteousness and another way that we miss out on peace and joy is that we mistake the teachings of jesus and i'll show you how we'll throw up that scripture jesus is speaking to a group of people and he says this are you tired worn out burned out on religion come to me get away with me and you'll recover your life i'll show you how to take a real rest walk with me and work with me watch how i do it learn i love this word the unforced rhythms of grace i won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly you'll learn to live freely and lightly when you keep company with me jesus says another translation of this verse says for my yoke is easy and my burden is light the word yoke refers to the teachings of jesus and jesus is saying my yoke my teachings are easy another translation says easy to carry and my burden is light now think about this jesus is wanting to appeal to those who have been caught up in the web known as religion and religion is me focused it's what can i do to attain the love of god if i do right think right act right behave right maybe god will be pleased with me but what happens is the weight of that becomes unbearable it becomes a heavy burden that will eventually kill you because what you realize is i cannot reach this level i cannot get to that level that's why he who knew no sin became sin that's why he who was in heaven came to earth you see the direction from here to here so that you wouldn't have to try and get from here to here so that man didn't have to try and reach god god came to man and he says here's the difference between me and religion my yoke is easy my teachings are not going to you my teachings are not going to burden you for the rest of your life and i want to say this to you today if you've encountered the teachings of jesus and you feel heavier and more burdened you have not encountered the teachings of jesus now let me say this the teachings of jesus will be heavy if the focus is on self but the teachings of jesus will be light when the focus is not on self but it's on savior and that's where i'm with you on this we get it wrong sometimes because we read things like love your enemies and we go that's a weight i cannot carry and jesus is in heaven going exactly you can't by yourself go back to that other scripture if you walk with me and work with me and watch how i do it oh so now loving my enemies becomes more doable because the focus is not on self it's on savior as i walk with him work with him and watch how he does it if there's anyone who who we can look at when it comes to loving your enemies is jesus and jesus is showing if you if you keep company with me i'll show you how but what we do is we make it about self which is religion so we go love my enemies no how do i but we've taken jesus out of the equation so when we read the teachings of jesus we actually should come away going i feel light i i don't feel burdened i don't feel this unbearable weight upon my shoulders i actually feel like with the help of the holy spirit we could do this thing and so and so we have to be careful that we don't make it about us but that we make it about him and him working in us and through us and and so peace and joy is absent in our lives when we when we misunderstand righteousness peace and joy is absent in our lives when we misunderstand when we misunderstand the teachings of jesus and peace and joy are absent in our lives when we miss the theme of everything john 11. uh keys you can come now take that off for a moment sorry john 11 is a story that many will be familiar with it's a story of lazarus and lazarus has two sisters mary and martha and mary and martha are friends of jesus you'll find prior to this story in the bible jesus at the home of mary and martha so mary and martha have had some air time with jesus mary and martha have have been up close and personal with the son of god and so you can believe that his nature and his character has become apparent to them and it comes to a point in their lives where their brother lazarus is sick now if you know the story lazarus gets sicker and sicker he will end up dying but jesus will arrive on the scene and raise him from the dead but mary and martha who were friends of jesus knew jesus had spent time with jesus got to see his character and his nature up close and personal had a brief window had a brief window to get jesus attention now they had to think about this our brother is dying but we know jesus and if anyone can do anything about lazarus it's it's him so we're gonna send him a message now i want you to think about this for a moment okay think about this for a moment you have one opportunity to appeal to jesus maybe on your behalf maybe on the behalf of somebody else but let's just say you're in the position of mary and martha either you are dying or somebody you know is dying and you get to send a note to jesus think about this for a moment what what goes on the note here's here's what i'm gonna suggest goes on a lot of notes jesus um so and so they're really sick and they need you um you know the thing about so and so is like they've they've been in church a long time and so um you know does that they give they give they give weekly always tithed always brought their offerings they volunteer they volunteer they jesus this this person really loves you this person really loves you jesus so i'm asking for you to do something for them now i'm not i'm not making the light of any of those things all of those things are important but they're not the main thing we get a we get insight into into a family that knew jesus in person like they had sat with jesus in the flesh and listen listen to the note they sent to jesus john chapter 11 and verse 3 the sister sent word to jesus lord the one you love is sick full stop that was it listen to the appeal that mary and martha made we've got one shot at this we've got one note we've got one go at this what what what is going to move jesus the most and you know what they decided it's not our love for him it's his love for me it's it's not that we love him although we do but the thing that's going to move him most is the fact that he loves us and here's where we miss peace and joy is because we make life and the theme of our lives our love for god and here's the problem with our love for god it's a bit like a roller coaster well one day i love him one day i'm reading my bible one day i'm praying taking all the things off my list and then the next day i oversleep i don't pray as long and so what happens is it has a knock-on effect with my peace and my joy because my peace and my joy are connected to my love for god and my love for god i love him and that never changes but my behaviors are a little bit inconsistent and so my peace and my joy become like this roller coaster ride and jesus never wanted your peace and your joy to be like a roller coaster ride he wanted peace and joy to be a permanent part of your life he wanted you to experience peace enjoy all of the days of your life and you know how you'll do that you know how you'll experience it is when you tie them not to your love for him but to his love for you because today he loves me and tomorrow he loves me and when you do that silly thing he knew you were going to do that silly thing and he still loved you and still went to the cross knowing all that you were going to do and so when i realize i'm righteous and it's not something i earn so i can't honor it and when when i realize that the purpose of the teachings of jesus are not meant to be fulfilled by myself but that i have a savior who lives on the inside of me who's encouraging me to walk with him and talk with him and watch his example and when i then realized that the theme of my life is not my love for god but it's god's permanent unconditional life love for me don't you think that peace and joy are going to be a lot more prominent in our life what happened to peace and joy i think what happened is we missed righteousness i think what happened was we misinterpreted the scriptures of the bible and i think what happened is we made our life about our love for god and not his love for us all of those things waiver all of those things are inconsistent but when we make this life about him when we make the theme of our lives him and when we fall short we don't avoid god but we just come back to him and go you knew i was gonna do that didn't you and yet you love me so i guess we can keep going oh i did it again but you knew i was gonna do that and you still love me so i guess we can keep going and i'm gonna keep company with you and i'm gonna walk with you and i'm gonna work with you and i'm gonna watch how you do it we can keep going and so my hope and my prayer for every single one of us myself included is that i would embrace a kingdom that is built on righteousness peace and joy righteousness peace and joy come on let's stand our feet all over this place right now if you need an outpouring of peace and joy in your life just stretch out your hands god i pray that today you would remind us that you are the source of all peace and all joy god that you would remind us it is not by good deeds it is not by our efforts it is not by our impeccable performance that we attain peace and joy but it is your righteousness that we so freely received we received it freely but it cost you everything but i thank you that the righteousness you give is our permanent gift and i thank you god as we are reminded of that today god we receive peace and joy that does not waver with seasons it does not waver with our with our temperament it does not waver with who we are it is a permanent state that peace and joy can be our portion all the days of our lives and not every day is going to be amazing and not every season is going to be perfect but even in the worst of times we can know your peace and we can know your joy so right now we just receive it god i declare joy i declare joy is entering god the hearts of people where joy has been absent for far too long father god where sorrow has occupied too much space in the name of righteousness we kick it out and we say joy take residence in that life and god right now i pray for peace and father we cancel anxiety and we cancel depression that is anchored in the realization that we are not enough but friend we were never meant to be enough you were never meant to be enough jesus is enough for you and when you realize it you can have peace you can have joy you can have peace and you can have joy because you are the righteousness of god you are the righteousness of god you are the righteousness of god come on i want us to sing that song right now then sings [Music] [Music] your is is my oh [Music] if you want an anthem for your life let it be that then sings my soul how great your love how great your love right now if you've never experienced the love of god and you've never accepted what jesus did for you when he went to the cross and became your sin so that you could become his righteousness then i want to give you an opportunity right now to receive it you don't have to earn it you can never deserve it you just simply in a moment have to receive it and i just want to give you that opportunity right here right now i'm not going to ask for heads to be bad and eyes to be closed because i want you with with with boldness and acceptance just right now wherever you are on the count of three just to raise a hand and say i accept jesus i accept what you've done for me i accept who you are i accept how good you've been i'm not i'm not good enough and i never will be good enough but you are enough and i today i want to receive your love so if that is you on the count of three and then we're going to sing that song again today's your day receive accept the great exchange you may have walked in to hear a sinner but you're going out righteous and it's by simple acceptance of who he is and what he's done for you on the count of three one if that is you today you know who you are number two you know the decision that you need to make number three just raise a hand all over this place if today you need to accept jesus and what he's done for you hands are going up all over this building you know who you are come on keep those hands raised and let's applaud those who are coming to jesus come on we're going to pray this prayer then we're going to sing this song all together let's repeat this as a church family out loud dear jesus i give you my life i'm not worthy but you are worthy today i make the theme of my life your love for me your forgiveness towards me and i thank you that today i will never be the same again in jesus name come on let's declare it one more time then six then six is [Music] [Applause] how great your love is this is [Music] [Applause] come on just your voice [Music] my soul [Music] is [Music] [Music] because i tell you what happens in a moment like this you fight the love of god because you think this is a natural [Music] you don't know what i've done you don't know where i've been you don't know the mistakes that i've made and it feels unnatural because no other love compares to this love and you're lifting your hands but you're like i know me and i shouldn't be receiving this love but you know the thing about jesus the best thing about jesus he knows you more than you know yourself and yet he loves you more than anyone if you have a best friend maybe you don't have a best friend if you have a best friend you may know that man i can you know i can tell my best friend stuff secrets that nobody else knows you know and hopefully they'll they'll still like me but even with best friends there may be stuff you you don't tell but jesus knows that's why he's the greatest friend because he knows and he loves you anyway and so we're going to sing this one more time and i just want to i just want to say this it's okay to receive it's okay to lift your hands and you can fight it all you want but just let it happen just let his love wash over you right now that's the that's the whole idea you cannot earn it you cannot deserve it this peace and this joy is phenomenal because it's unlike any other peace and joy and it's not with conditions you just got to receive it so right now we're going to sing it just one last time and i just want you to receive it come on just receive it fight through the discomfort yes fight through the awkwardness fight through the feelings that i don't deserve this [Music] just sing about his love receive his love do the same right now come on [Music] [Music] come is [Music] you love me now [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus who feels set free who feels liberated in this place who feels the joy has come back the peace has come back thank you pastor caleb why don't you join me in thanking him and honoring him thank you for the time that you put into that message for us today the comeback is on joy is back peace is back thank you how many feel like life can be so much different if we take on that message and we apply it on monday through to next sunday and we really apply it to our lives you know that's what sundays is about taking the word that somebody has worked on through the week to prepare for me and you they've prepared a meal that we can take home we can digest and we can see through to the other side the life can be so much better who's thankful the church on a sunday i'm so thankful that we get to do this that we get to be here we get to be together you know if you made a decision today for jesus you made a decision to accept jesus into your life we want to celebrate you this morning we want to celebrate with you this morning it is the greatest decision you can ever make and we want to help you on this journey of christianity we want to help you in every way that we can and one of the ways that we want to help is to get this bible and brochure into your hand he's going to help you on these next steps of becoming a christian this journey that you're about to embark on and you can get this by visiting our info points after service if you're in the building you can also request it via our app you can request it there and we would love to get this into your hands as soon as possible to help you on this journey i want to introduce you to something else that's going to help you and that is our first steps class now if you're new to faith or new to this church and you want to know more about this journey of christianity what this life is all about what it means this decision that you've made this first steps class is for you it's going to help you or if you're new to this church and you want to learn what our church is about the culture of this house and what we stand for this class is also for you it happens on the first two mondays of every month now next one is coming up in a week or so time because it's soon going to be october and you can enroll onto that class again by visiting our info points or via the app you can join up there and we would love to see you as part of our next class is that okay wow i'm so excited for the fact that we get to do church midweek as well and we can do church every single week midweek by getting involved in our prayer our corporate prayer and men this week is our opportunity to pray on wednesday morning 7 a.m it's my personal invitation to you men i would love to see as many of us there 7 a.m followed by coffee after it's a great time for us to pray together as men but also just to hang out and connect as men before we go about our day before we go to work or back home to take the kids to school it's just great to have a time together and ladies your opportunity is on thursday morning 9 30 a.m i know that you have a great time there also praying together and being together and just being ladies who knows what they do man but i hear it's a great morning for the women just to connect with each other in the same way and then we don't want you to do life alone in this church we don't want you to go sunday to sunday to sunday without having something that you can connect into in the midweek and this week life groups are back i want to encourage you if you're not part of a life group make sure you sign up to a life group it's your family within the larger family of the church it's your opportunity to connect with like-minded people make some new friends make some new connections you know the way that we grow in life is through our friendships and through our connections and through relationship and that is a big part of our church relationship and we want to invite you to be part of this family through our life group so make sure you're signing up to one again you can do that through the app on the get involved tab or you can go out to our info bars and say i want to be part of a life group and our promise to you is that we will get you into one as soon as we possibly can how cool is that well it's been a great sunday i'm so glad that you made the decision to be in church today don't rush off home don't rush up home the coffee shop is open we want you to stay and connect with us make some new friends make some conversations and then we'll see you midweek [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Champions Church UK
Views: 276
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Church Online, Champions Church, champions, church, Netherton, Dudley, Birmingham, West Midlands, UK, Caleb Burchell, What Happened To Peace And Joy, peace and joy, peace, joy
Id: FOb-bjahw08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 48sec (4668 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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