What Happened to Doctor Who? - Part 1 | REWOUND

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hey there was originally an intro in this video where I edited Chris Chibnall faced into the Third Doctor's opening and it was funny and [ __ ] but then BBC because they're a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] deleted it for copyright so now I have to put in the corner with this [ __ ] disclaimer so that they don't [ __ ] copyright strike it god I hate you BBC I hate you [ __ ] just this is fair use okay for the last four years or so time and time again have had to withstand watching a new Doctor Who season crash and burn even worse than the last one did let me reiterate I used to be the world's biggest Doctor Who fan when I was a kid my identity was basically 10% Michael Jackson 5% game grumps and 85% Doctor Who I am now no longer a fan of any of these things here's a little history lesson doctor who returned the airwaves after a 16 year hiatus in 2005 home by head writer Russell T Davies in Christopher Eccleston series 1 a doctor who at the difficult task of both appeasing fans the classic series while simultaneously modernizing the show for entirely new demographic in my opinion though it's cheesy as hell and has a few weak episodes I need to be naked series 1 succeeds with the flying colors but what made it work well for starters the character of the doctor was darker and more vulnerable than ever before this was due in part to the time war a concept Davies came up with to inject this new iteration of the show with an entirely new atmosphere the doctor is the last of his species and that fact kind of bums him out you see him latch on to his companions in a way he rarely ever did in the classic series and take out his theory on the doubtless this new take on the character credit for some engaging Alby cheap-looking television a year later Eccleston was already out and David Tennant was in Tennant's doctor maintained the more dark and human elements of Eccleston's character but injected some of fun into it this along with Davey's a showrunner and Moffat as reoccurring writer made for what I considered to be the show's golden age it was fast paced but still included scenes of slow dialogue so it wouldn't feel too hectic it balanced lighter and darker tones pretty well the character of the doctor it was always a step ahead of the viewer at times he did initiate god mode and you get a glimpse of who he truly was and yes once doctor who we're talking about they're gonna be some [ __ ] episodes here and there but you got to take the rough with the smooth ask pretty much anyone and they'll probably tell you David Tennant had some of the best episodes to show it to offer under his belt and yeah I do not disagree with that he truly did eventually Moffat became showrunner and Matt Smith took up the mantle of doctor series 5 of Doctor Who was another strong one the character still felt tender and the humour was still on point the show knew not to take itself too seriously and I think that went a long way also in my opinion the episode concepts from series 3 till 5 especially mal fats worth their all-time best the villains concepts played off childlike fears that exist within all of us for instance what if there is a type of monster that could only move when you aren't looking at it what if there's a species that only exists in the dark what if there is a race of aliens that you could only remember while you're looking at them and the idea behind river songs character another time traveler that the doctor always meets out of order meaning he knew how she was gonna die before she even knew him was just fascinating like when you think about it makes sense why would the doctor keep meeting other time travelers like the master in chronological order [Music] oh you're time travelers man they should encounter each other completely out of order and yet they don't they just always meet each other in perfect sequence what a coincidence this series brought about Amy Pond who is one of the most intriguing premises of any companion in my humble opinion your media your psychiatrist but then she also wants to [ __ ] the doctor really badly I guess like holy [ __ ] she really wants to [ __ ] the doctor Laurie's right there he's just spending 2000 years waiting for you and and this is the best you can do mother-in-law mother-in-law all in all season 5 was another huge success for the show but then a year later it started the downfall of a doctor who one day Steven Moffat was walking home when he got attacked by the absorb all off of Talent the thing is Steven didn't even realize the absorb life had attached itself to him and over the next few years like a parasite it slowly sucked the writing talent out of him observable on both Doctor Who and his other show Sherlock Ceri sick was still pretty good though even if the finale made no sense but Moffitt's love of over convoluted storylines and ridiculously overblown story time was becoming more and more apparent like River is a Time Lord because she was conceived in the TARDIS and she's also Amy and Rory's secret kid who was kidnapped by eyepatch lady as a baby and then trained throughout her childhood to kill the doctor not before falling in love with him but then being kidnapped by eyepatch lady again and forced into an Apollo astronaut suit that forces her to kill him but then she doesn't kill him [Music] [Music] hello sweetie what have you done well I think I just drained my weapon systems but he's fixed and that messes with a fixed point in time so all time breaks and then the doctor shrinks himself and climbed into a robot suit of himself and then the robot suit dies instead of him and that apparently isn't messing around with the fixed point even though he's still alive but sure and then he talks to a head in the box about everything and well series 6 really makes no sense then came a series 7 and at this point the cracks pun intended we're really starting to show everything was starting to feel a little cringe ear and still even further over the top this is Doctor Who we're talking about going over the top is quite an accomplishment in series 7 we were introduced to Clara Oswald a companion who doesn't work for a plethora of reasons first of all she's introduced as a plot device first and a character second her premise is that she keeps popping up all over the place and undying and then popping up again and the doctors weirded out by that this effectively means that by the time you meet the real Clara that we end up travelling with we've already been introduced to her twice we've already seen a different version of her react to the TARDIS and do all the important companion introduction things outside okay which means this time they're all glossed over which is bad because this is the character we end up spending two-and-a-half seasons with and I don't even know who she is I knew who this was but she's dead now so it doesn't matter why didn't you just use the version of her from Victorian London that had an infinitely better introduction it also would have broken the show's boring uninspired streak of all was having the companion the humans from the current year I mean back in the classic series he travels with aliens Time Lords Scottish Highlanders future rocket scientists a robotic dog an actual robot and assassin literally trying to kill him as they traveled together it's a long list but those days are gone the doctor can travel anywhere in space and time talk to anyone he wants and yet he picks random human females who were always from exactly one or two years later in time that his last companion was okay doc also I guess Clara wants to [ __ ] the doctor to don't fall in love I did that trick quite a lot sometimes twice a day and he wants to [ __ ] her back he possible girl mystery wrapped in an enigma squeezed into a skirt there's just a little bit too in the end of series seven she goes into the doctors timeline to save him and also defeat the great intelligence and it is revealed that this is why she kept cropping up all over the place and then dying that's right she's always been there even in the classic series you just didn't see her right from the very beginning then the doctor goes into his own timeline which was previously stated that he can't do or else all collapse in on itself it's your own time stream for God's sake but he just does it anyways and then grabs her and leaves where did he go to leave exactly how did they get out after being explicitly stated that you can never get out after you've entered if I step in what happens the time wounds will tell you into a million pieces a million versions of you living and dying all over time and space but they won't be you the real you will die I don't know its off-screen thanks Steven what is her character she's a quirky nanny in Serie seven a cynical teacher in series eight and a psychopath in series 9 could you not have picked one character and stuck with it Moffat and on top of all this after series 7 the whole impossible girl storyline is just dropped forever do you not even care about the fact that you split yourself in two thousand pieces who all died horrific deaths that one time does the memory not come back to you every once in a while Donna and Martha are the best companions I won't hear any differently Moffat shyamalan process was becoming very clear around this point instead of letting intrigue and good drama speak for herself Moffat decided that his top priority was epic oh my god John Hurt is the doctor oh my god that's so epic whoa he's exploding the ships with his regeneration oh my god whoa I can't forget the catchphrases bowties er uh no I'm just a madman with the box this will be a gif on 2013 tumblr in no time and then we come to series 8 with Peter Capaldi's the doctor which no one seemed to like except kind of me yes there are a lot of weak aspects to it and yes clora sucks but in my opinion it felt like a step in the right direction everything felt just a little more grounded again and the character of the doctor was the most engaging it had been for a long time thanks in part to the fact that he was an [ __ ] again amazing I materialize the time capsule exactly around you and saved your life one second before your ship exploded but - please keep grindin you're very welcome put the gun down I like the doctor is an [ __ ] damn it what do they keep getting rid of that - just try to forget about the Forrest episode and we'll be good but then in 2015 when season 9 of Doctor Who premiered and I watched excitedly with my sonic screwdriver and custard Laden fish fingers in hand something fell off the character of the doctor had completely changed for starters whereas season 8 had betrayed the twelfth doctor as a brooding morally calculating character gotta be my pal tell me my good man hey suddenly he was Matt Smith again we've partied I have to take a while with the first class friendly Missy who'd been one of my favorite iterations of the master after her appearance in the Albion mix bag that was season 8 was suddenly a really [ __ ] annoying caricature and Clara who'd been Clara was still on the show oh no that's not a very good start to season now is it also the post-production in this season is laughable at times faking my own death my first inches alone some people say that the doctors character completely changing overnight was just character development and those people are dumb and wrong Walter White is a perfect example of character development as he gradually changes through the course of Breaking Bad this same character development this is the doctors character instantly completely changing off-screen this is Steven Moffat caving to criticism and scrapping the great concept for character he had on his hands and it's a damn shame the series does have one amazing episode that being heaven-sent the doctor is completely alone in this episode and for one hour you watch him struggle to come to terms with Clara's moffat doesn't like committing to actually killing off characters and try to break free from the weird creepy prison thing he's stuck in the episode is so beautifully directed so well-written that I honestly can't believe it's by the same person who wrote this [Music] how did the same person write these two episodes there are things I'll never know in this life not only does this episode delve deeper into the doctors determination to always come out on top that I think any other episode in the show's history but the cinematography and sound design is exemplary to just take a look at the scene when the doctor is digging and a long passage of times conveyed not through a cut or a fade but just a gradual color change not only is it haunting but it really helps add to the episodes tone of him spending so much time there that it all blends together the scene when the doctor punches his way through the diamond wall is honestly probably my favorite scene from the entire show classic and modern which amazes me because of the rest of the season this kind of [ __ ] for the most part little did I know it it was only downhill from there fast forward to 2017 and bam season 10 all right they've taken two years to get their act together maybe no the show will regain some of it again there are things I enjoy about series 10 such as Missy's character arc actually that's about it this series isn't very good I mean bill ponds is fine I guess the part where the doctor goes blind is kind of weird anything you'd think that he could just like go to a super futuristic space hospital and fix it instantly but apparently not series 10 is directed just terribly from episode to episode it almost feels straight-up amateur at times like I noticed things like this turn to crop up in series 9 like poor shot composition continuity errors and sloppy editing but like why was that in slow motion they were just talking why was that so over directed also like throughout Capaldi's tenure as the doctor whoever was editing kept he's sinking the opening titles and music from the visuals and despite thousands of complaints and years of time they could have fixed this they just never did like look at this [ __ ] someone compiled the video of just how distinct it was also they never fixed this oh wait they did fix it and then they unfixed it classic BBC but yeah in the directorial and editing department series 10 is even worse it doesn't feel like they even proof watched some of these episodes when they premiered I watched them on space and for the first few episodes of series 10 the left and right audio channels were slightly out of sync the entire time how does that even happen BBC what is going on over there also I Love You Capaldi but your regeneration sucked for some reason Steven Moffat believes that for a generation to be impactful there has to be a ten-minute speech delivered before it as if that's not the most melodramatic over-the-top thing ever [Music] silly old universe or I say that the money needs saving never be cruel never be cowardly and never every pair always try to be nice but never failed to be kind mustn't tell anyone your name [Music] children can't hurt laughs heart run fast be kind [Music] I don't know how but they managed to make the regeneration effect look significantly worse than did back in early 2010 when the show has significantly lower budget impressive man I I miss when the regenerations used to be freaky man I miss the spooky regenerations what happened to those I want those back okay those were cool and we entered the domain of series 11 you know in series 11 the doctor actually faces off the most formidable enemy that the show has ever known that being Chris Chibnall and if there's any one man who may actually succeed in his aspiration of destroying the doctor ship null is probably hid actually let's take a look at some of his episodes there's 42 where the doctor is gonna count down to stop this ship from crashing to the Sun and then Martha fixes everything in two seconds by dropping the fuel because the Sun is alive all right it's mediocre at best and a little cringy worst but I do find it interesting how vulnerable this episode depicts the doctors being then we get a chip-tastic two-parter the hungry earth and cold blood where the doctor is on a countdown to prepare this weird twenty20 village for a battle with the Silurians and then the second episode he's on a different countdown to stop humans from destroying the Silurians I'm starting to notice a pattern here yeah it's bad but it's a little bit of an improvement from the last one I get I guess again mediocre best then we get dinosaurs on a spaceship this episode is pure unfiltered garbage the doctor is on a dinosaur Laden spaceship pilot by evil Walder Frey slash the first doctor the doctor is aided by Nefertiti some sexist dude from the 20s I think and Rory's dad and there are some British robots too [Music] this is basically a randomly generated episode and reget some of those classic funny chippy jokes that we'd eventually come to know and love golf balls similarly to his prior episodes the episode is unfocused and flashy rather than actually containing of substance but at least it's entertaining did I mention they're on I can countdown just thought I'd mention that his final freelance episode for the show is the power of three which is his most entertaining episode and also his worst episode [Music] so basically a bunch of cubes appear everywhere and then everyone's like why are there cubes everywhere and then the doctor is all like why are there cubes everywhere and then they just incorporate the cubes into their everyday life as one does one a bunch of black cubes appear all around in your sleep so the doctor observes the cubes living out of Amy and Rory's house for a year this is a year of all these characters lives just just remember that anyways there are also these nurses with weird faces and stuff and they're kidnapping patients I guess and there's this blue eyes girl she's she's there but then one day the cubes start counting down my god dude my god my gun the cubes kill 1/3 of all humans gee Jesus well ok then George RR chip no but have no fear because of this moment Rory discovers a spooky secret elevator with a portal wall apparently an entire year no one has thought to lean against or touch that wall ok Chibnall so they go through the portal into the cube lair and they find the greatest villain doctor who has ever had the honor of featuring the emperor of cubes he then talks about his maniacal cube plan with them in a way that's so cliche it actually feels like a parody by the cues the human brain before this oh oh I guess he has laser eyes too - shame he only uses them once and then never again but then just as he's about to put his cube plan to kill all humans with cubes for some reason into full swing by releasing more cubes it's got into really small cubes he just leaves he just leaves no explanation no rhyme or reason he's just [ __ ] gone he's gone just the ships alternated interface like a talking a gander times death since he you know just left the doctor and his cue Blaire the doctor instantly uses his sonic screwdriver to magically fix everything and bring everyone back to life I can't make this [ __ ] up chip no how did anyone ever hire you for anything how how who were the nurses kidnapping patients why were they kidnapping patients I don't know chip will forgot about them it would seem so is you can tell this one's a masterpiece a great choice for head writer BBC that just a spot-on pic right there give yourselves a pat on the back for picking Chibnall believe it or not I was actually looking forward to season 11 initially never mind that time and time again that had rather had proved himself to be a [ __ ] idiot and never mind that Jodie Whittaker looked fringy [ __ ] in the trailers after moffets reign of terror anything seemed like it would be an improvement and then I watched it there wouldn't be much of a friends here if I didn't point out you're not in control of things you're wrong this is my plane I control everything here there are a lot of reasons that series 11 is even worse than 9 and 10 but I'll try to boil it down to a few short points one the music sucks Murray gold he used to be the show's composer penned up some of the best character themes and soundtrack music a TV show has ever had not only would it convey character an emotion but reoccurring melodies added so much more impact to certain moments [Music] and even let you know that a certain character may be thinking or grieving over another just by playing that other characters recognizable theme another example is the Cyberman motif [Music] [Applause] in the episode dark water it's unclear who the baddies are until this moment right here would harvest dead bodies [Music] now all you're staring at is a door and all you're hearing are some horns but um because of what the show set up years ago you know what it means when Clara leaves the show Nasir is nine and the doctor has forgotten about her in that stupid plot arc the doctor plays her theme on guitar [Music] and Clara says this you said memories become stories when we forget them maybe some of them become songs it's a terrible episode yes but it's a fantastic moment and it proves that Gold's music was so good that Moffat literally wrote it into his episodes then Gould left after series 10 and what were we left with [Music] what do you think ambient music that sounds like it was rejected from the spore soundtrack no character themes no reoccurring maladies no emotion no nothing just - no overarching story every season of the show before series 11 had an overarching narrative that connected the episodes bad wolf the planets disappearing the cracks in space and time in the Pandorica the weird season six one the vault which is a rehash of the Pandorica it helped make the episodic nature of the series feel like it was still leading somewhere and episode by episode we were slowly building up into something greater but in series 11 there's none of that because chip Knoll was too lazy to write a narrative I guess so we're just left with a bunch of completely disconnected stories which could theoretically work you know if they were good KaBlam is the only episode of series 11 that I like and keep in mind it is still deeply flawed 3 the acting I'll just let this one speak for itself don't keep me waiting [Music] [Music] my salad we need to cook inside it always comes out on low for it's boring you know that frog clip I just played to make fun of the series yeah believe it or not as stupid as it looks it's one of my favorite parts of the season because of just how conceptual and crazy it is the doctor is stuck in this completely abstract beings universe and this being who has taken the form of a frog doesn't understand how space and time operates in our universe so the doctor has to try to explain it and it's actually a really cool creative and stupid scene say what you will about it but it's memorable and it's not boring like everything else what happened to the creative alien designs or freaky abstract concepts or care to drama or anything 5 it's poorly directed that the shots are just flat and boring and there's really no creativity put into any of the camerawork or audio design and doctor who was obviously never Citizen Kane but there are still notable episodes that stand out for being especially well directed one of my favorite directors who's ever been on the show is Rachel Talalay did I say that right - lale Rachel Talalay Rachel Taylor however her name may be pronounced multiple examples of good directing outside had to come from her as you could probably have guessed she along with all of my other favorites are not present in series 11 so that's just great to be fair though this new intro is cool as [ __ ] like this is what I've been waiting for the intro to look like four years and we finally get it under Chip Norman that's just a slap in the face now isn't it so yeah in short this series is weak as [ __ ] but there are still a few glimmers of Hope peeking through the seams a few good lines a few decent episodes even I could go on but I'll just let Chris himself sum up my thoughts it could have been a lot better it could have been slightly better written especially the the last story well not that not only that but it was also very clichéd it was very routine running up and down corridors and silly monsters it was perhaps a little too routine Doctor Who very much what the audience is expecting is not really very challenging for them to watch but no nothing not even series 11 compares to the absolute [ __ ] show that has been gracing our TV screens every week for the past month the Rotten Tomatoes audience score for this series was originally a whopping 32% but Ron tomatoes being the unbiased objective source of information that they are decided to delete all the user reviews and not acknowledge it I don't know what I find funny the fact that they did this in general or the fact that it backfired hilariously so Ron tomatoes seeing the error of their ways deleted the user reviews again and it backfired even harder the second time 0% 0% it has since risen to 15 but I wouldn't be surprised if Rotten Tomatoes per visit again until they get a number they want [Music] originally I was going to talk about the series premiere to butterspy fall which featured the worst iteration of the master ever put to screen [Music] a weirdly distasteful part with the doctor highs from Nazis and floorboards oh did I mention the Masters in Nazi an indian nazi that would have and some wonderful grape locusts don't be ridiculous Franklin I've read the files the doctor is a man had an upgrade hi also I'd like to mention the master literally died at the end of series 10 and they offer up no explanation for how he's back like brush then they're not even trying for continuity anymore are they but to be honest the episode that aired the following week orphan 55 may have just seized the crown for the worst Doctor Who episode ever released now obviously I could have looked at any old bad episode from this series but I think this one in particular is especially emblematic of everything that's wrong with the show right now at least like [ __ ] the horns of Neyman or thyme lash or love on monsters are funny to watch because of how bad they are this episode however is just inseparable from start to finish so that being said let's dive in [Music] you [Music] to release more cubes
Channel: Verdana
Views: 297,461
Rating: 4.3540592 out of 5
Keywords: doctor who, bowlestrek, bbc, chris chibnall, jodie whittaker, series 12, series 11, pc, ruined, doctor who died, woke, 13th doctor, david tennant, matt smith, weeping angels, tardis, clara oswald, the master, gallifrey, what happened, peter capaldi, 12th doctor, regeneration, bad, fall from grace, sherlock, karen gillian, bad ratings, orphan 55, the timeless children, review, video essay, filmmaking, critique, analysis, thoughtpiece, stinkpiece, steven moffat, spyfall, nerdrotic
Id: GisFxqr9JAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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