What Happened to DENNIS WILSON? Death Of A BEACH BOY

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good morning my friend you've been pretty excited already this morning haven't you you're going to play with your friend today while I go vlogging aren't you good morning ja well good morning my friends it's your old pals we're in the line how are you doing today great I hope you said great as well today we are heading off to the beach and I think when you think of the beach you probably think of one musical group the Beach Boys today we are going to do a special patreon sunglass walk we actually have a lot of those to do in the future so we're gonna do one of those today for Mary Ann geezer or man guys or however you pronounce your last name I'm sorry if I mispronounced it we are going to go see where Dennis Wilson the drummer the true beach boy of the Beach Boys grew up and we're gonna see where his life ended up falling apart at the end come join me for a sad story about a guy that everyone that knew him just seemed to love days with Jordan the lion begins now all right our first stop is basically down by the airport we've been here a long time ago a couple of years ago looks like we're gonna be doing this one today in the rain all right now we're transitioning on to the 105 which is the whole reason that the place that we're going to now does not exist and that there's a plaque there wonder why they didn't make it plural since that's the name of the band the Beach Boys well as you can see behind me there is a gigantic landmark here because in this spot was where the famous Wilson brothers - the Beach Boys house was that they grew up in I'm really happy to see this you don't often see this near a landmark you can see behind it there's the 105 freeway that's what we drove to get here and they ended up tearing down this entire neighborhood basically to build this freeway now right here was where Brian Wilson Dennis Wilson and Carl Wilson grew up their house was actually on a corner and there was a street that went through here so their house would have actually faced this way now right over here across the street from them would have been another house facing towards them and that was the home of David marks one of the first members of the Beach Boys it's a really spectacular Monument they put here all the gold records going around are the members of the band says it was in the home here of parents Murray and Audrey that Brian Dennis and Carl grew to manhood developed their musical skills during labor day weekend 1961 they with cousin Mike Love and friend Al Jardine gathered here to record a tape of their breakthrough song surfin this marked the birth of the rock group known worldwide as the Beach Boys in the beginning of a historical musical legacy that would change the recording industry the music of the Wilsons love Jardine and friend David Marx broadcast to the world an image of California as a place of Sun surf romance Brian Wilson would become a legendary producer arranger and songwriter and here you can see Brian Carl and of course Dennis now this plot of land is really important because this is where Brian got the sound Brian grew up really standoffish from everyone around him and retreated into music he was terrified of his father who was abusive Marie was horrible to the boys and Brian just retreated into music now he created and heard this amazing sound in his head in the house that was located here however the problem was he wasn't a great lyricist and he didn't really know what to write about that's where Dennis came in you see in the house that was here Dennis would have a stingray corvette that he would go out and drag race he would strap his surfboard to that car and he would go off surfin and he would actually live the life that Brian would write about eventually once they recorded surfin and surf and Safari and surf and USA and I get around all those big hits that they would have they would do a lot of those on Capitol Records in Capitol is smart enough to release their records and their songs very frequently to have them out in the mainstream but also it was really smart of them because the Beach Boys would eventually as you saw on the plaque become the face of California Los Angeles Sun so Brian ended up writing all of his lyrics about Dennis's life basically one side of the single would be a surfin or Beach song and the other side would be a car song and Dennis was pretty cool about that too because Dennis was known in this area for winning a lot of those drag races being accepted by all the surfers so he wasn't just a guy they were basing this off of he was really living the life and he was the one that you know when the Beach Boys became big he was the one that everyone really saw as you know the coolest one of the group now Dennis was not a natural musician and he didn't really want to be it wasn't like he sought out to play music Brian needed a band and Murry forced his brothers to be in the band so they got a drum set they got a bass and they got a couple of guitars and David marks their neighbor that lived over here would become one of the guitar players and they would force Denis to become the drummer so he was a self-taught drummer really didn't play properly but he could beat the heck out of the drums put a lot of his rage in there and kind of made it more rockin now while they were living here and they were forming the band Murray was always on them because Murray wanted to control the group and it was said that Denis always took Brian side there was never a time in their life that Denis was not on Brian side so anytime that Murray went after Brian Dennis would get involved and Denis would battle Murray so a lot of the stories that you hear about growing up were Dennis fighting Murray and David marks actually came back here who was showing these locations and said he can remember one day as I mentioned their houses faced each other across what would have been a road right here and he said both garage doors were open and he said Murray and Dennis were arguing and pushing each other around in the garage and he said my dad was in our garage and saw this happening and next thing you know Dennis was throwing punches at Murray and my dad had to go over there and break it up pretty crazy family life to have now a lot of the area has changed you can see it's much newer and bigger houses but he did point out in what I saw a house in the neighborhood that very similarly resembled their houses for the time so let me walk you over and show you it's actually right over here a David Marx said this house is almost identical to what both houses look like so when you see it you'll really be able to envision this was their practice base not this particular house but this is how it would have laid out so behind us where their house was you can actually get a feel for what those practices would have looked like back in that day back in early 19th so David Mark said literally this is how the house was laid out the garage would have been right there for the Wilsons and he said that window that's over there that window was in their house as well and so David said I used to go and spy on Brian working on music and like pop my head through there and say hi to him so the band became huge Brian Wilson eventually decided to quit performing with the band and then eventually just withdrew to his bed and really was inactive for quite a while so Carl and Dennis were taking over things and eventually Dennis would get heavy into drugs but he had this musical feeling inside of him that he had to get out so he was the first one out of the group to go off and make a solo record and boy what a record it's kind of been forgotten I feel like what what a beautiful record it really turned out to be is the only one he ever released he worked on a second record but he said that he put so much heart and soul into that record and it was not really received he said I found a quote where he was telling someone nobody listened to it I just don't have thick enough skin to take putting my heart out there and no one care even my brothers didn't listen to it so Dennis ended up having quite a dark time he ended up befriending Charles Manson who would then have his followers the family members come live at Dennis's house and Dennis couldn't get rid of them they were destroying his house going through all of his money and a lot of times Dennis would go stay with friends just to get away from them and in fact Charles Manson threatened his life because Dennis had felt that he was owed money and he and/or he at least said he and Charles had co-written a song ceased to exist together he changed one of the lyrics to ceased to resist and then took it into the Beach Boys they arranged it and released the song and it was called never learned not to love and when Charles Manson found that out he was furious because he said you can do whatever you want to me but you don't change my words and he showed up at one of the houses that Dennis would stay at just barged in nobody knew how he found out that even was staying there and told Dennis if he didn't give him all the money and everything he had on him right there that Charlie was going in you know in return for stealing his song he said he was going to go kidnap Dennis's son so now we're gonna head off towards the beach and I'm gonna show you a little bit more of Dennis's life towards the end it's kind of a sad ending he was so into the drugs and everything that he he really his body couldn't take it he his voice started to get shot and he would have to have Carlisle come in and sing on recordings because Dennis physically couldn't hold the note or hit the note anymore pretty sad eventually he also was banned from the Beach Boys he was fired from the Beach Boys when Donn allowed to attend performances for a long time because he was showing up drunk or wasted or was picking fights he actually got into a altercation with my club on stage which seemed to be the last straw but a lot of times he also just wouldn't show up and was undependable so let's head over to some identities final hangouts well the rain had stopped long enough for us to stop and do that first part now it's raining again alright there's the sign for 5th Street that's what we need in 1954 the Beach Boys opened their own studio called Brother Studios their record label was brother records because Carl Dennis and Brian were brothers and we are here at the location of the former location of where they opened up that studio where this yellow building is as 1450 in the address was 1454 so it'd have been right here back in 1974 the Beach Boys opened their studio and Elton John used to use brother studios also The Runaways recorded there but this was the haven for Dennis when Dennis was well Dennis had been married quite a few times and the marriage that he was going through at the time of Pacific Ocean blue was really tough on him and they had actually been married divorced and remarried again and whenever they would have fights and apparently it was a pretty tumultuous substance abuse type relationship they you know whenever they would get into a fight or anything Dennis would be sad and he would come Retreat either to his boat the harmony where we will eventually end up where it was docked or he would come here to brother and he would work on that album that I was telling you about earlier Pacific Ocean blue that was just so amazing he also did a follow-up to that that never came out called bamboo but while he was working on those sessions here the studio was starting to fall into financial trouble and Lindsey Buckingham a Fleetwood Mac was a big Beach Boys fan he decided that he might be interested in purchasing it for the band and so Fleetwood Mac were coming here hanging out quite a bit thinking about buying the studio and Dennis started hanging around and was hitting on Stevie Nicks she didn't seem to be all that interested but Christine McVie was really taken with him and Dennis started dating Christine McVie and hanging out with her and basically going and living with her when he wasn't on his boat and since Fleetwood Mac was selling a lot of records and making a lot of money she could help facilitate some of his habits because he was really blowing through money quite quickly at this time fact they said throughout the entire career the Beach Boys he never really seemed to care about money he wouldn't attend any business meetings or do anything that could financially benefit him in any way and eventually he was spending so much time with Christine McVie they were often fighting a lot of people said they thought that the studio would have been basically right about here a lot of people thought that he was really more enamored with her money and her fame and everything and the lifestyle that he could keep up with than her but he would go over when they were having fights to her house and there was one story where he had had the gardener plant a gigantic heart out of different colored roses in her front lawn and then stuck her with the bill but eventually she just kind of got tired of it and eventually just parted ways with him she said later that being with Dennis he was half little boy and half insane person the Beach Boys did eventually sell brother studios but they did not end up selling it to Fleetwood Mac it was sold to someone else and it was changed to be named crimson sound social distance seating the more benches that's a fair point so weird to see the whole world shut down like this even Santa Monica I mean there's just never a time where it's empty like this our next stop is here on Ocean Avenue Dennis's favorite bar hang out take a look at this they fenced off the whole park you can't even get to the Pan Pacific Park out there on the pier that is crazy so now we've made our way over to chez J I have logged this before if you'd like to see the inside they're actually closed right now because of the pandemic stuff if you'd like to see the inside I've logged this once before this is really cool because this is the place that the Regal Beagle from Three's Company was based off of but this was Dennis's hangout this was his local watering hole you could find him here pretty much anytime he wasn't on his boat or in the studio he used to hang out here quite a bit and actually right through the front door you could actually see his seat right on the corner I believe I kind of showed that in my other video this place is very very historical but at the time that he was 39 this was 1983 he was living a fast life he was falling apart his body was falling apart his marriage had ended for the second time and now he met another woman named Shawn love who apparently was claiming to be the illegitimate love child of Mike Love who was one of the Beach Boys she had a thing for Dennis and Dennis started to date her and what's interesting about that is bad enough that he would date someone who claimed to be the daughter of a band member but Mike Love was also his cousin now at the time Dennis and Shawn love got married so that was Dennis's fifth marriage and they were actually living across the street at this hotel at the time it was called the Santa Monica Bay motel and they were living there with most of their friends living near them and they liked this place because they said they could look out their window and see if anyone was sitting in their bar seat right here through the doorway because this usually when they're open this door is always flung open Dennis pretty much lived in that motel for the last six months of his life because he ended up not paying the bill for his boat the harmony and lost that as well did that big mural to tina-marie up there here you can see a really empty Washington Boulevard that used to call Dennis the mayor of Washington Boulevard you can see the sign says the beach is closed right here is NYX liquor this was Dennis's favorite liquor store that May said Dennis every single day walked around drinking and what he would do is he would come here actually park his car right here in the red zone with his dog and then I found a report of a guy that used to see him here all the time and said he would always pull up right here run in and he would get either a bottle of vodka and grapefruit juice or he would get what was it orange juice and something else they said he would always run in here get it and then he would immediately pour half the juice out right here on the ground and then poured the entire thing a liqueur inside the juice and walked around without the rest of the day there you can see the counter he would have gotten his liquor hat right there in the article I found where they were talking about how frequently he would come here one of the gentlemen that used to see him here said one time that he said hey Dennis I really love Pacific Ocean blue and he said Dennis got like glassy eyes like he started to tear up and said Thanks and he said are you gonna do anything else he's gonna release another solo album I loved it and he said Dennis looked at him and said it's too hard man I just can't do it it's just it's too hard to put my feelings out there for no one to care about all right we're gonna go and see where Dennis Wilson's surfing days ended the real beach boy where he ended up drowning in 1983 all right we're gonna take this public access path down to Basin C 1100 that's where Dennis was partying that last day and this is so crazy to see just kinda gives you weird vibes Dennis's music was just absolutely amazing really go give Pacific ocean blue chance a lot of people don't know how great of a musician what kind of great music was rolling around inside him fact a lot of people don't know that he co-wrote you are so beautiful Billy Preston gets all the credit for that but they said when the song came out Dennis heard it and said hey I co-wrote that also one of his greatest is a song called forever give that one a listen all right we finally made it so this was it this is the Gateway to the dock that led us to where the Harmony was docked even though Dennis didn't own it at the time he was friends with everyone out here and actually if you see where those guys are down there working missus last date was spent right where they are right over there because you can see where those gentlemen are standing that day Dennis was out here drinking with his friends off that boat and he was diving he was throwing his possessions like watch and different things off the side of the boat into the water and he was diving down to retrieve them and eventually he was doing it enough that they said that he hit his head on the part of the dock when he came up and then went down and for 15 minutes they are waiting for him to come back up he never came back up they were down there looking for him and the water was only 15 feet deep so they eventually had to call for help and they came in drugged the water down there and down at the bottom in the fetal position they found Dennis Wilson down there curled up the bottom of the ocean floor you know everybody knew Dennis probably shouldn't be out there swimming that day he was a strong guy but he was inebriated and like I said he was not in the best position in his life people had seen him for the last couple of weeks wandering around barefoot with no shirt just kind of disheveled and one of his friends said when they found him he was in his fetal was in a fetal position which is very strange because he said people that drowned usually look like they're trying to grasp for or to you know something but he said when they found him down at the bottom he was down there curled up peacefully that was the end of Dennis Wilson and he ended up after this being buried at sea so Dennis has no headstone or any memorial to come visit him at it's too bad there's not some sort of little memorial here picture or anything for him I'll walk us over here to this side and show you a different angle as to where he would have been diving and where his boat was look like online the boat was the second to the end on the right side as you walked down the dock so I'm gonna basically Ben and the waters down there all in Dennis's friend said he absolutely loved the harmony and it was really heartbreaking to see him lose it so it's probably fitting that he passed away here at the harmony I would love to know what happened to that boat wouldn't you a sad story to a great musician I've never seen that sign before tsunami evacuation route all right my friends we're gonna call it a night I hope you enjoyed that vlog Mary Ann I hope you enjoyed those your patreon sunglass vlog and go listen to pacific ocean blue think you'll love it great work of Dennis Wilson I want to thank Laurie see Rachel Han Schumacher Jennifer Swiper and Jeannette Rowe 68 for becoming my newest patrons everyone else we'll see you next time have a great night and goodbye
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 175,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, hollywood, travel advice, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, travel guide, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, los angeles, wolters world, tourist, adam the woo, beach boys, dennis wilson, marina del ray, pacific ocean blue, Brian wilson, Carl wilson, drown, surfer, surf, hawthorne, death mystery, death location, Fleetwood mac
Id: YBN824Qw_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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