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hello my lovelies welcome back to all about Jamie and welcome to the JC back house many of you must be curious what happened to my b35 Burkin daddy Himalayan if you have watched from my previous video that I have sent him to the MS back spa and today I'm going to give you guys a full report of what went [Music] down [Music] so this is he and he has come back from the back Spar but unfortunately the stain was not sorted out by the back Spar so I took him back and I'm going to give you guys a little rundown on what actually happened so guys when I moved from my temporary home to my new home and and I realized that the bag has got a big brown stain right here I tried to clean it with a leather cleaner and it just got worse apparently the stain just spread to the whole scale and it just looked like one huge brown spot it just looked kind of like a caramel stain that I got right in the center and of course I was very miserable it's right in the front of the bag every time I walk into the back house I could definitely see the very apparent stain on the bag and it doesn't make me happy so I decided to consult The Backs bar in Ms Paris uh in the mothership I made a trip down and this is what they told me I'm just going to read from my messages good afternoon M cha The Artisans conveyed that they cannot guarantee specific outcomes for repairs due to the unique and variable nature of each case with numerous factors that may impact the final result oh my God okay what am I going to do so what asked I said then there's no point to send it to the spa then but before that they quoted me like how much it would be to send this back to the spa Clean Plus makeup plus finish all Bs precious skins reg glue handles which I don't need reg glue plus finishing side straps which I don't need total is going to be $1,240 Singapore dollars they said that after a thorough inspection our skill Artisans will make every effort to clean the bag but it is probable that stain will remain noticeable even after the cleaning process so blah blah blah blah blah they cannot promise that the stain is going to be removed okay to cut the long story short in a nutshell what they're trying to say is that they are not confident that they will be able to remove the stain and subsequently when I asked like more details and they say that they unable to put makeup due to the fragile nature of the skin so I guess it was a noo and therefore I went to pick him up and brought him home course I was really sad I'm not going to to like live with this so we decided to take matters into our own hands so anyway guys I am just going to show you in the videos what we did so I decided um that night when I brought the handbag back okay I'm sitting down because I got so tired just standing on my heels um yes so I was like okay let's try baking soda and see if you know it's uh able to improve the stain I didn't expect that it's going to completely remove the stain but at least try to improve it so it's not so annoying to my eye and every time I use it right in front there'll be this like brown stain right here I remember the time when I was wearing blue jeans like today I'm wearing a pair of blue jeans and I was traveling back from soul and I realized that my k32 Himalayan bag had like all these blue color transfer at the back of the handbag of course I was in shock because like you guys know how rare these bags are and they don't come cheap and I was like oh my God what am I going to do I decided to ask the cabin crew if they have like a white eraser you know like a pencil eraser and surprisingly they had one so what I did was throughout the flight I was slowly using the white eraser to erase the back of the handbag until it was sparkling clean I swear there was not a trace of blue on it so if you guys have like matte crocodile handbag that has got some color transfer on it you can try that it's pretty darn safe I can guarantee you that it's really pre done safe and so what I did on this stain I wasn't confident that it's going to work so what we did was to take some baking soda and then I put it onto the stain and using a white eraser cuz I think I invented this whole white eraser on Himalayan thing we started like rubbing it like how you would actually do a face scrub laterally I mean except that it's with an eraser so slowly we begin to see that is starting to fade okay this worked we didn't see like the scale peeling off I mean it's pretty like durable it didn't peel off anything it didn't ruin anything the only thing that happened was that the stain just got lighter they were right when they said natural remedy is is the best and this can be used for tooth whitening as well if you want your teeth to become less yellow so I figured out that um baking soda would work on this fragile Croc that they said they cannot do anything about so yes let's do it a few more times and see what [Music] happens after I guess we did that for about an hour hour and now it's clean again it's completely gone hooray there is no like large brown stain right here I think I'll probably do it like a few more times because I do see like that very very faint really faint can you see it it's a tiny bit faint but I tell tell you guys it was like brown this happened like last week and I just really want to share this with all of you like how we actually lighten the stain and I'm really confident that with like a few more times of doing it is actually going to disappear so yay thank God for the Eraser and the baking soda so anyway guys just to share a little bit on the last time that I sent a bag to the back Spa in Paris so of course this little bag was easy for me to just bring it in my luggage to um send it in to Paris and I wanted to send this bag in because the lock has got like this little um hole in it I don't know what is it kind of looks like it could be a burn mark or something like that so this bag is in the color blon cus which is originally really pale in color I wouldn't say that it was white but let's see if there's any part of this bag that still have the former glorious color you can see from the um interior that it is a very light cream color so that would be the closest color to the lizard l leather I think you can possibly see from the base of it because this part never sees the light light will oxidize your Handbags and which is why the base of it it was originally like this color it's a pretty light color but subsequently with oxidation throughout the years it has become this shade of I don't know like eggn egg shell egg something yeah whatever but you can see like it has has aged it's almost like went for a Sunan but you know like if you buy a bag and you just want to keep it away from the light and in the dark place I don't feel like you are actually enjoying your purchase so I do use this bag quite a lot simply because I love like color bags you know how I'm always in like wise creams and that's like my favorite color palette which is why I would often can use a bag of these palettes and I've had this pen bag for like at least more than 10 years you can see that the handles have also darkened but what I'm trying to say is that after I spent like almost $1,000 and S dollars I think it was like 700 of a EUR so I think pretty much around there I try to repair like the lock and I just sent whole back in for like a refurbishment and stuff and guess what it came back looking the same if they're going to give me like a new lock or a new leather on this lock it will probably be even lighter than this color so how would that look so I actually came back with a bag looking the same um $11,000 poorer and it didn't improve it didn't look like it went to have a facial or anything like that so I don't know what to say I just want to tell you guys that if M which is caused by humidity M cannot be saved on your hand bags on your Leathers they absolutely cannot remove Mo stains m is a living organism just don't even let that happen which is why when I moved here that was one of the things that are at the top of my list when I am building my wardrobe that every single closet has to be fitted with electric dehumidifiers because I am sick and tired of buying those you know like like the Hungry Hippo thing I think that was the ones that I was using they come in like like this tub and you put it in uh your wardrobe and then it will start to absorb water but the problem with it is it's it's expensive to have like so many of it and it really soaks up the water and the whole thing is just like all water that you have to change it ever so regularly think about protecting your handbags from mode by installing electric dehumidified uh um yeah by installing electric dehumidifiers daddy Himalayan oh you're back to your usual Glory although guys I can tell you I could still see a very very faint stain but I'm going to do that again tonight and hopefully it all goes away but it's not very very annoying it's just like really really faint so there I hope you enjoy this one and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Jamie Chua
Views: 115,283
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Keywords: jamie chua, jamie, jaime chua, jamie chua vlogs, jamie chua travel, jamie chua vlog, jamie chua luxury, jamie chua fashion, jamie chua travel vlog, luxury, fashion, socialite, bag collection, jamie chua hermes, jamie chua house tour, jamie chua house, jamie chua unboxing, jamie chua closet, jamie chua dior, jamie chua handbags, jamie chua collection, who is jamie chua, jamie chua youtube, jamie chua singapore, hermes, heart evangelista, small laude
Id: xrK34zjVb3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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