What HAPPENED To Asap Bari?

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live certain things yeah you you went out and you did you feel me without thinking you out of thought about it or you did for real some people could take this [ __ ] and some people can't but you don't understand you came from a place where [ __ ] always doubted you at first and then when it comes to like 10 years later [ __ ] is doing the same [ __ ] you did ASAP boy was born on December 23 1991 in Harlem New York with his real name being Jabari Shelton raised by both of his parents David Shelton and Natasha Wallace Growing Up In Harlem for Jabari he was seen as an outcast by many people there he was into different things like fashion skateboarding and just chilling with his group of friends and this is where about 2006 a couple of these guys would come up with the group Collective called ASAP Mob started by Bari himself ASAP yams ASAP Kim and ASAP ills and just a year later its most prominent member ASAP Rocky will join the group too thanks to ASAP Baron introducing him to ASAP yams and the group at his Peak would consist of 22 different members with the most notable people being ASAP yams ASAP Rocky ASAP bori and ASAP Ferg and even though majority of the people in the group were rappers and it was seen as a rap group ASAP boring was one of the main fashion designers in that group and he would be in charge of a lot of creative duties and would collaborative different artists most notable being the head of Asa Rocky's clothing merchandise while he was on tour hey here we got the goofiest [ __ ] I know what he said his name is dirty Flacco or some [ __ ] the label ASAP stands for always strive and prosper which to be honest only a few of them did but by 2011 Barney would get his big break when kamani Chandler also known as ASA K would come up with the streetwear brand called v-long due to the major success that ASAP Mob was having in music while being honest it was just ASAP Rocky and ASAP Ferg carrying especially with his long-lived ASAP project with songs like effing problems and Goldie would collaborate with ASAP K which will help him become part of the brand too and from this moment this would be the start of v-long they will launch their first Vino collection in 2014 with it being featured in the ASAP Rocky music video called Riot Rave with this being marketed through ASAP Rocky who at the time was one of the most fashionable popular artists out was a genius move and to help put v-lone in the Limelight Bari will also get recognized for being featured in complexes 25 under 25 for his contribution and unique streetwear fashion sensibility and the elongated VM print is the face of the brand and would become a stable design of all the t-shirts hoodies hats jackets headwear anything you could think of the trademark V was going to be on it the aesthetic of the brand brings a spooky Vibe and Taps into the youth outcasts weirdos rejects of the culture the meaning V loan itself stands for you live alone and you die alone given that punk rebellious feel to it they will also introduce the clothing brand at a papa shot in Paris fashion week and all their stocks sold out in a couple of hours all this because of ASAP Rocky and the crazy fan base that he had that cared about his fashion sensibility vlon was built strictly off of Rocky's influence though everything seemed to be going good for v-long boring ASAP K will have a falling out which will lead to him leaving the group and just basically leaving Bari in charge to be alone by himself once he became in charge he would get the support of Edison Chen who will be the main hottest designer of the v-lone clothing lineups and playing a significant role to best pieces and drops that vlone ever had in April 2016 being learned how to pop up in a large Warehouse in Los Angeles where they introduce a very limited and exclusive vloan apparel which attracted various different groups of people such as skateboard enthusiasts rappers and other streetwear enthusiasts the brand V loan would feature different styles at this point such as things like bright camo mix printed shorts sweatpants hoodies anything that consists of the v-long logo being readably with this most arguably iconic design t-shirts with thick orange black letters spelling friends Sprout across the front of it which was an exclusive piece off the vlona off-white collection and a lot of the t-shirts were being retailed at the price of 237 dollars to 372 dollars respectively and of course they all sold out within hours the peak of villain's success would be by the end of 2016 where they started teasing the Air Force One Nike collab the shoe was made with premium leather with belongs orange and black color schemes and they made several pop-up appearances in New York Tokyo and Los Angeles due to this boom in popularity vilon Air Force One were the hottest collaborations of 2017 with their shoes selling for over two thousand dollars back then and still today considered a Holy Grail even now resellers have upped the price to over twenty thousand dollars what the villain brand would make its way to Paris Fashion Week in 2017 and would take a huge leap from it even popular rapper Little People be featured in it too and it seemed like everything with ASAP Bary was going extremely well [Music] the relationship between Ian Connor and ASAP Barty is a weird one to say the least they first met in 2015 at a supreme store where Ian quote-unquote trying to [ __ ] on Bari I'm guessing he meant like he tried to stun a woman who got better fashion out of the two but after that interaction they became cool and Ian himself would say that he looked up the bar and had a high appreciation for him I met him in a shoot like just like randomly just see him you know he might be of a kid like me you know just running in the stores every day not buying nothing just running up on [ __ ] he ran up on me and supreme and like try to [ __ ] on me one day and I was like what like I forgot about that that [ __ ] was just dumb funny to me and then ever since they were just kind of cool Bari will also introduce Cardi's music to Ian Connor too even though Ian Connor and cardi was already cool he didn't know that he made music until Barry started playing his music around him but the relationship between the two would take a sour left turn when Ian Connor was accused of some sexual accusations which led to the demise of the relationship between ASAP Barney and Conor himself with them having to Twitter back and forth and Theophilus London joining in some people were surprised about the beef that was brewing up between the two but to a lot of fans they also already seen this coming from a minute ago leading up to this moment they were subliminally diss each other on Twitter crop each other out of pictures that they had together and it seemed like Bari was getting jealous of Ian Connor's growing Fame not just on the internet but also the relationships he was developing too such as becoming Kanye West's head Consulting him a virtual developing a good relationship and just simply being seen as competition position and the peak moment of their beef that was brewing up between the two would escalate at a Paris pop-up shop from Virgil's off-white and it all started when Ian Connor went over to Sucker Punch Theophilus London which then triggered ASAP Bary to come over and try to fight Ian Connor and at first when he tried to get a hit off he couldn't because people was holding them back but then when the tension died down they both went outside and that's when sabari Sucker Punch and Connor right in the middle of the street after the whole situation they both had a back and forth on Twitter where ASAP bar will talk about how much of a pervert that he is which I'm not gonna lie it aged extremely badly especially considering with the events in his life that would transpire but the relationship between the two would never recover and still to this ongoing day they'll still take jobs at each other which I will touch on a little bit later too after this whole situation though it seemed like everything in bari's life was going right his brand vlone reached New Heights he had a Nike deal endorsement his newly arched Nemesis and Conor was going through his downfall and it seemed like overall there was no stopping Bari except himself but on July 12 2017 everything in boy's life would change a video was surfaced online where ASAP Barton was seen demanding sexual favors from a female in a hotel room and she pleaded back no she didn't want to do it and then he replies back you slept with my assistant now you're gonna sleep with me then he follows up by demanding oral relations from her and she again please no she didn't want to do it and this is where Barney gets mad so he pulls the blanket from the lady exposing her new body all in front of 10 other ASAP members and then he proceeds to follow her into the bathroom and then she again begs and pleased for him to stop as she starts crying out of fear Bari gets more frustrated than kicks her out of the hotel room and on the way out while she has no clothes on he smacks on the buttocks where then she proceeds to go to the hotel manager to call the police he wasn't arrested immediately but the whole situation was being investigated and once people saw this online and all the scrutiny and backlash that ASAP bar he was getting he came out publicly saying that the video was fake though he did later say that video was between his friends and it got resolved but in November 2017 the woman in that video that he assaulted suedom for over 1 million dollars and then on May 18 2018 he was arrested for the charge where about six to seven months later he would plead guilty just to avoid a possible prison sentence but he also had to pay the victim a bag too he did at first initially try to counter sue the female when she sued him for over a million dollars because he accused her of defamation and Distortion but that was quickly thrown out and with him pleading guilty it was clear as day that he was guilty of the charge in the wake of all these allegations everybody distanced himself from ASAP bar and his life and reputation would take a turn for the worse starting off with Nike part in ways will be long even though the last collab was extremely successful and they was in the talks of doing more and basically majority of the ASAP Mob cut ties with him too most notably people like ASAP Ferg Playboy cardi and ASAP Rocky with Rocky even dissing him at complexcon where he changed the lyrics up in telephone calls with it original he legit to then saying ASAP Bari he a [ __ ] [Music] direct [ __ ] [ __ ] all this [ __ ] man look that [ __ ] work I go well that [ __ ] work that [ __ ] went that [ __ ] and their relationship would never be the same again too even as recent as 2022 SM Barney would still be distant ASAP Rocky by saying he was burnt out and even Kanye West would reveal when he went to Virgil's funeral that it hurt him when he saw ASAP Bari sitting on one side of the funeral while ASAP Rocky was sitting on the other side because they don't get along when there was hype about ASAP Rocky possibly dropping a new album Bari was quick to hate on it and trash it and I don't think the relationship will ever recover between the two and with Virgil passing away you would think the two would make amends with each other but clearly more than likely that would never happen Spanish five dollars [ __ ] with the dirty kitchen [ __ ] with this [ __ ] song this [ __ ] [ __ ] with pork and he's a vegan I do want to add on that ASAP Rocky and Bari did make up after bar was going through his situation with the female even in the next year in 2018 when ASAP Rocky had a pop-up shot for his album release testing Bari did show up to support him and when bari's mom passed away he did throw a party to celebrate her life and ASAP Rocky did show up to support him and Bari even outed ASAP Riley who was another member in that ASAP group who testified on ASAP Rocky for shooting at him and Bari would even call him a snitch so Barney and Rocky did have their good moments together but it seemed on and off for a moment that would be cool and the next they would be beefing and for the most part nowadays that's where the relationship seems to be at now despite everything going downhill for ASAP bar the alone itself would still be extremely successful it would even have a successful runway show in 2018 amidst all the allegations and controversy 2019 and 2020 he will move his brand and collaborate with some of the biggest artists in the world such as Gods like NBA youngboy nav pop smoke juice world and the weekend even taking up back with some of his peers like Kanye West and Playboy cardi at this point right now [ __ ] [ __ ] Your Birthday [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about your birthday [ __ ] Cartier AKA Jordan [ __ ] I will say one of the celebrities that stuck through with ASAP Bari and was always by his side was Kanye West he always shows love to Bari and even bought him a new Maybach when Bari crashes other one this [ __ ] yay bought me a new [ __ ] Maybach yo I crashed my Maybach two days ago if you know me you know I crashed my Maybank to I crashed my car two days ago bro this [ __ ] bought me a new Maybach truck bro and he even defended barring when he was accused of the allegations that he was going through there's no way I would have the number one record in the world without this man here he broke me out of my pretentious rich [ __ ] shell Barry challenged me when no one else did and when he got in trouble I was scared to say that he was my friend just like I did XXX and that was something on my part I let the perception and robots control me that's the true sunken Place Barry I appreciate your perspective and vision you brought me closer to Rocky too Jedi's never let perception and cancel culture get between them in October 2022 bealone would announce that their part in ways with ASAP Bari out of the blue and many fans of the fashion culture were shocked by this only due to the fact that it didn't happen sooner because many people thought ASAP Bari was the sole owner of the loan but the brand would come out and say on Instagram if Elon is a stamp for creators who Stand Tall thriving on individuality caring less about Conformity that has long governed the fashion doubt of society create your own stylish rules set your own Trend embrace your own moral in which you can express yourself creatively without limitations in the new era of v-long our brand will Embrace distinctive creatives who Define the norm and Inspire the willing and closing we will not partake any irrational Behavior Associated or related to Jabari Shelton he has no authority to style himself as Mr V loan use or license V loan this behavior is contrary to our Collective like I just said this was a shock to many fans because it came out of the blue and out of nowhere and many people were under the impression that ASAP Bari owned Velo entirely himself but apparently that wasn't the case now I actually don't know who owns V loan or who was the person who kicked them out but people are speculating that it was ASAP K even though he left years ago back in 2014 but he was still doing his own V long drops too but ASAP bar was calling them fake but hey that whole situation is weird but it does look like ASAP bar is really kicked out of vloom because now if you go to to his website or his Instagram he got a new clothing brand called endless denim where he's selling hoodies jeans long sleeve shirts for a crazy amount but regardless they're still all selling out Ian Connor would take the Twitter to throw ASAP Barty after he got kicked out of vloan by saying how the F you get kicked out of your own stuff one enemy out the way who won't next he will follow it up by tweeting him again dissing him and just basically cloning ASAP Brian's whole downfall from v-long he even accused him a blackballing him which I thought was kind of weird cause I feel like they're both in the same position where a lot of people don't want to mess with them or any Brands doing any endorsement deals with their fashion ideas while Ian Connor think he got the one up on ASAP bar throughout this whole situation in reality both of these guys careers were ruined by their horniness and devious sexual acts that they had towards women whether they like it or not both of these guys are seen in the same boat as two unoriginal predators that captivated the music and fashion industry I'm not gonna really try to [ __ ] on ASAP boy because a lot of people are already do and I know he's been through a lot with his mom and dad both dying in the most recent couple of years but the downfall he had is probably the most saddest and craziest one I've seen from having a Nike deal and being the face of a popular streetwear brand to just six years later being kicked off while nobody have your back it's crazy hardly anybody in the ASAP Mob messes with him anymore a lot of his Die Hard streetwear Enthusiast fans left them years ago and now that he's kicked off a v-loan a lot of rappers probably don't see him as a use anymore to push their music but I hope everything in Barney's life is going well I don't wish death on him or don't hate him even though he did do a shitty thing and everybody that hates him I don't blame you just like everybody that hates Ian Connor is well deserved but let's not forget ASAP bar did some legendary [ __ ] without him we probably wouldn't have an ASAP Rocky or a little Uzi or public party Dynamic since he did introduce them two together Lil Wayne who played the first time who played cardi the Rocky and Uzi oh wow those the first two people ever played cardi two Uzi had that [ __ ] and I knew cardi had that [ __ ] and I said the uzi light and you [ __ ] with this he said hell yeah who it is and lastly Velo probably wouldn't be revered the way that it is I know ASAP Rocky's influence really pushed it to the mainstream but Barney really took the Baton and ran with it subjecting itself to mainstream streetwear and music culture and inspiring a whole new generation of the youth but these are my thoughts and depends on this video about ASAP Bari do y'all think that he's a streetwear fashion Legend I know throughout the years he's been accused of biting people's style and being unoriginal which I didn't really touch on on this video but then there every fashion designer is the same way all of them are influenced and mix it up with a little spin of their style too I know people like to really put emphasis that ASAP Bari does this because they don't like him but everybody in the games doing the same thing but yeah y'all let me know and which brand do you prefer more Ian Connor sicko or ASAP Barnes endless denim y'all let me know down below be sure to like the video comment share subscribe have a nice day
Channel: Relivelli
Views: 46,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asap rocky, asap bari, vlone, ian connor, playboi carti
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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