What Happened on the Longest 64-Day Non-Stop Flight

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How long is “really long” when it comes to flights? A trip from Dubai to LA, or Sydney to, let’s say, Houston? Or maybe the longest flight in your life was that journey from Kansas to New York when you were trapped between a snoring guy and a crying baby? In fact, the longest flight in the world lasted for … wait for it … 64 days and 22 hours! If you’ve ever been at the baggage claim of Terminal One at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, you might’ve spotted a Cessna 172 airplane with “Hacienda” written all over it. It’s not a marketing trick for a hotel that’s trying to win over tourists (even though it was back in the day) but a reminder of a truly historical flight: the longest one ever! It’s that very Cessna 172 that took off in December, 1958 and didn’t land until February of 1959! How did the pilots manage to stay in the air for so long? Where did they get the fuel from? What did they eat, and did they ever sleep? I absolutely understand your curiosity because it all sounds … well, a bit unreal, and I’ll answer all these questions in a few moments, but first, let’s see why this whole flight happened in the first place. Back in the 1950’s, the future owners of Hacienda decided to build a family hotel in Las Vegas. Judy and Warren "Doc" Bailey picked a spot on a dusty plot of land south of Vegas, pretty far away from the famous Strip with all its casinos, glamour and glitz. And, the hotel wasn’t exactly a success. They needed to find an original way to advertise themselves. Getting a huge billboard? Paying some celebrity to tell everyone how great Hacienda is? Apparently, none of the options that came to mind in this situation seemed good enough. And then suddenly they knew what they had to do. A slot machine mechanic named Bob Timm offered them a brilliant idea! He decided to set the new flight endurance record, and he needed a plane and money. The Hacienda owners granted him $100,000, which was enough to buy a plane and the necessary supplies. In exchange for that money, Bob had to paint “Hacienda” on the side of the plane. To make it look less like a promo trick, Bailey decided to turn the flight into a fundraiser for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. People were told to guess how long the plane would stay in the air, and the closest guess was even offered a $10,000 prize. The mechanic had actually made 3 attempts to beat the endurance record, but he couldn’t stay in the air for longer than 15 days. The reasons were diverse: from mechanical problems to a complete misunderstanding with his co-pilot. You know, when you’re stuck with someone in a tiny Cessna cabin for days, it’d better be someone you like. Otherwise you might ask him to step outside. So he took all of that into account and started preparation for the new flight. While Timm was still getting ready, he found out that two Dallas pilots, Jim Heath and Bill Burkhart, had just beaten the old record from 1949 of a 46-day long flight by 4 days, so his new task was to stay in the air for at least 51 days. And, Timm was hoping to break that record with the help of a co-pilot he found for the trip - John Cook, a flight mechanic with over 100-flight-hours of experience. They took off from McCarran Field in Las Vegas in the afternoon of December 4, 1958. They were flying in Las Vegas air space for the first few days so that they could land at the airport in case something went wrong. Once they realized it would all be fine, they moved towards the deserts of California and Arizona. Timm and Cook were piloting the plane in 4-hour-long shifts, and tried to sleep in between. It all went smoothly till Christmas and then New Year’s, but after a month of isolation and almost zero physical activity and sleep, it became clear they needed a good rest. At around 4 a.m. on day 36 of the flight, Cook was taking a rest and Timm was piloting the aircraft when he dozed off. It happened over a canyon in Arizona. Fortunately, the autopilot saved them from disaster and it was in charge for about an hour as the plane was moving towards the Mexican border. On day 39, the generator went out of service and they lost heat, light and autopilot. But they still didn’t plan on giving up! On day 50, which was January 23, they broke the record for the longest flight, but even then they didn’t stop because they didn’t want anyone else to beat the record any time soon. On day 60, the engine started slowly dying, and since they didn’t want to risk their lives, the crew decided to land. They did it on February 7, 1959 after 64 days, 22 hours, and 19 minutes and 150,000 miles in the air. Now let’s think this through. For the flight to be possible, there were a few major issues to think over: refueling, eating, sleeping and bathing, and keeping busy and sane. First, if you’ve ever traveled by anything that runs on fuel, be it a plane, or even your car, you know it won’t go anywhere without refueling. To break the record, the plane wasn’t supposed to land for at least 51 days, as you remember, so they had to come up with some solution to keep it up. They remodeled the aircraft and install a 95-gallon belly tank on it. It extended the total fuel capacity to 142 gallons. A tanker truck brought extra fuel twice a day. The pilot had to fly very very close to the ground and keep the same speed as the truck on the road. And then one of the pilots had to get outside the plane on a little platform they hung out the window! The platform was set up between the fuselage and the wing strut. I know how crazy dangerous it sounds, yet they did it 128 times during the flight! So the pilot grabbed a hose from the truck with a hook and a winch. They used an electric pump to fuel up. Second, two adult men obviously couldn’t go without food for 64 days. The same supply truck that brought them fuel delivered the food in a special thermos. The Hacienda hotel kitchen staff did their best to provide the pilots with only the healthiest and freshest food. They also received water, towels and laundry thanks to the same supply truck. Whoever wasn’t piloting the plane at the moment dropped a basket on a rope and lifted it back up into the cabin. Theoretically, it’s possible to go without showering or shaving for 64 days, but Timm and Cook didn’t have to do that. A sink was installed inside the plane for shaving, and showering had to be done … outside, using a quart bottle of water on a special platform. Now that must have been quite a show and a challenge! Speaking of challenges, I know what your next question is (hey, it would be my question too: how did they manage to go to the bathroom? Well, in one word: Carefully. I also would assume they might use that basket and rope food transfer system to return the um… you know, digested by-products, to the ground crew for proper disposal. Better that than say, just lobbing it out the door. But hey, I’m just guessing here. Just trying to give you’re the straight poop. They had also removed the co-pilot’s seat and replaced the swinging fuselage door with an accordion-fold door to make more room and to make it easier to enter and exit the plane in the air. They put a mattress in the freed space, but both pilots barely had any sleep. The engines were just loud day and night, so it was basically impossible to fall asleep inside the cabin. Finally, the crew of two had to keep busy so they wouldn’t go crazy in such a confined space. They had comic books to glance through, and they played games like “I spy with my little eye” and counting things. They did some limited kinds of physical exercise that they could practice in their little home. During the Holidays, Timm tied little parachutes to candy canes and dropped them down for his 6-year-old son as they were above the airfield. Fortunately, both Timm and Cook managed to stay sane and on good terms with each other. And, they didn’t lose their sense of humor. When interviewed after the flight, Cook was asked if he’d go on such a journey again. He answered he would, as long as he’d be locked “in a garbage can with the vacuum cleaner running, and have Bob serve me T-bone steaks chopped up in a thermos bottle. That is, until my psychiatrist opens for business in the morning.” After they’d landed safely, Timm went back to his slot machine mechanic job, and Cook continued working as a pilot for airlines. No one has managed to beat their record yet. Alright let’s hear from you: Whom would you take as co-pilot if you had to go on a 64-day-long flight? Let me know down in the comments! If you learned something new today, then give this video a like and share it with a friend. But – hey! – don’t go fly away just yet! We have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out. All you have to do is pick the left or right video, click on it, and enjoy! Because, you want to stay on the Bright Side of life!
Views: 835,190
Rating: 4.871563 out of 5
Keywords: longest flights, non-stop flights, planes, airplane, airports, onboard, traveling by plane, long flights, air travel, aircrafts, Hacienda, Cessna 172, flight endurance record, in the air, plane lover, longest flight in history, ad campaign, 64 day flight
Id: 3C95ttNZ5Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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