What Happened During the Downfall of Númenor?

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foreign by men this doom befell on the 9th and 30th day since the passing of The Fleets then suddenly fire burst from the mineltarma and there came a Mighty Wind and a tumult of the earth and the sky reeled and the hills slid and numenor went down into the sea hey everyone joyston here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in Middle Earth today we are going to be taking a look at what happened specifically during the downfall of numenor and while I might mention a bit of the context up to the fall this video will mostly focus on the downfall of the numenor links to other relevant videos and articles will be in the description and cards so check those out for a larger understanding of these events and the context and history of numenor my friends thank you all so much for joining me today let's begin our Tale as the centuries of the second age had passed numenor gradually declined as the people longed for immortality long lived though they were this along with their growing distrust Of The Elves and the ways of tradition led to the shadow creeping over numenor the capture of Sauron by the armies of the king are farazone who had married and supplanted his cousin tarmirial the years of numenor were limited Sauron Rose from prisoner to the King's greatest advisor and as the king approached his inevitable death the shadow lengthened even more however not all embraced these new ideas of distrust for the faithful those who held to tradition those who still knew the Elven tongues and called them friends and worshiped eru and the Valar were subjected and persecuted in numenor and by this time of great Darkness they had been long removed from their ancestral home in nandunier Western numenor this minority of numenoreans lived near the great Seaport of romena in the East where the King's Men the faction that most feared death and distrusted The Elves and their ways and had a majority of the power in numenor feared if the faithful would be treacherous especially as the island Kingdom continued towards its fall are farazone with the advice of Sauron turned to the worship of melkor morgoth who had been defeated in the previous age of the world in a temple that worshiped him was built in the capital city of numenor armenelos the white tree of numenor which tarmariel's father tarpalantir portended was connected to the line of kings and if the tree fell the line would follow soon after was eventually cut and burned in the temple of morgoth lighting the first fire this fire would soon burn many men the faithful that were hunted down and burned as sacrifices to sauron's master yet whether it was for their fear of death or their desire to do evil or the pride of their power or all of these things the King's Men continue to follow are farazan and thereby sauron's will yet there were still some who held onto the light and the values that had once made the people of numenor admirable amandiel father of valendio the tall who had been the last Lord of andunier and his line were actually of an offshooting branch of the line of Kings his grandson isildor had saved a sapling of the white tree of numenor nimloth before it was burned and so the offshooting branch of the Kings retained yet an offshooting sapling of the white tree but time was running out for numenor at large and for all of its people those of good hearts and those with hearts of Darkness in 3310 Sauron convinced our farazan to raise a great Armada to assail the Valar and to rest immortality from them within these Circles of the world Tyrant assented to this taking years to build his vast Armada and Fleet all while Sauron celebrated the fall of the West some years into this a man deal babe farewell to his family offering some last words of wisdom and advice and then he went West to warn manue and plead for mercy upon men and deliverance from Sauron knowing that he would break the ban of the Valar and that he would likely not return he did warn elendiel his son to prepare ships to head for a land of Exile wherever it was and so indeed he went West and never returned but it could be that his deeds had an impact on what was yet to come before our farazan's Fleet of numenor made for the West the Valar sent many warnings against this evil great clouds shaped as eagles which blotted out the Sun and some of which had lightning beneath their cloudy Wings other lightning would strike and slay some men upon the island a bolt even struck morgoth's Temple and Shore the Dome asunder reading it in flame and Sauron stood upon the Pinnacle defying this lightning and the men saw this and called him a God and they continued to follow him our farazone pressed on even as the final warning came and smoke issued from the holy peak of minaltarma and the Earth trembled beneath their feet and the Sea roared then came our farazan's Call to Arms which elendiel and his people ignored and alendia went upon his ship along with the other ships prepared for his men and Sons awaiting a sign to leave the Bay of Romana and numenor a sign that hopefully would come from his father although amandil told him to not hope for one elendiel also avoided men who attempted to bring him to the temple to burn him finally as our farazan's Armada was ready Sauron withdrew to the innermost circle of his Temple and our fairizon prepared to leave with his men out of the West came the Eagles arrayed as if for battle and the West Was read behind them and it seemed as though they glowed lit with a flame of great Fury but our farazan and his people hardened their hearts going forth to the Doom that awaited them and the Armada set out for the West for war against the Gods they would go to valinor and through manue's prayer to eru they would be imprisoned under falling Hills in valinor while their fleets went into a chasm in the sea between numenor and the undying West on the 39th day since the passing of our farazone's Fleet in 3319 of the second age the downfall came to numenor in a time unlooked for as suddenly the peak of mineltarma burst into flame A Mighty Wind came as did a great earthquake and the skies reeled and the island was rent asunder thrown down into the sea by eru himself Tom Muriel had attempted to climb an altarama too late and the waters overtook her and though she was of a different more virtuous mind than her husband and cousin her cries were lost in the wind and the waves of the sea she was not able to save her people nor herself Sauron throughout all of this had laughed for the downfall of westernness he laughed at the trumpets of our fairizon proud and weak at the Thunder of the storm that had come to numenor and finally he laughed at his own thought thinking that he would finally be rid of the Adine the man who had stood against morgoth and the Dunedin their descendants who had troubled him much and had prevented him from destroying the elves in Middle Earth and Sauron was taken in the downfall as was his Temple for his old Master having his victory and caring not for this corporeal form yet as the island drowned and the Dark Lord with it he did lose his ability to ever take on a fair form again his dark Spirit flew back to Mordor taking his one ring with him where he Ward again as the Tyrant of Middle Earth but he was not so free from the men of the West as he had hoped whether or not amandios plea had reached the Valar and aided his family and friends the nine ships of elendiel and his sons were pushed out far away from the shores of numenor by a great wind they went East to Middle Earth and many great artifacts of numenor but not all of them went to Middle Earth with them as well elendio's four ships landed in the north while sealdor's three and denarians 2 landed in the South the men of the West would establish the kingdoms in Exile arnor and Gondor and elendio would be the first High King we will end this video with the words of elendiel as he first walked upon the shores of Middle Earth his oath ulian foreign out of the great sea to Middle Earth I am come in this place will I abide and my heirs unto the ending of the world from this tale we see the price of Pride and fear we should humble ourselves in the nature of what it means to be human and to be thankful for the gifts we are given and enjoy the time we have in this world looking outward to help others with the time that we all have left thank you all so much for watching I hope you all enjoyed this deep dive into the downfall of numenor please check out the Articles and videos in the description and cards as well as the achalabeth and the silmarillion where much of our tale is explicitly pulled from for more context and information if you enjoyed it please hit that like button and share this with a friend let me know your thoughts on the downfall in the comments below it is such an important moment in all of tolkien's works and there is an argument to be made that this is the most important moment actually in all of the history of Middle Earth as it shapes how the world of Arda and the rule of men would continue since the gift of Western asked to men had been taken away it is sorrowful and there's much we can learn from it both in and outside of the works also the new book the fall of numenor by J.R Tolkien edited by Brian Sibley is out for release a link to that is in the description below if you'd like to support the Channel please consider getting some candles from our friends mythology candles through the link in the description below and please check out our merch and patreon thanks to our Val Archer patrons and YouTube members Peter Shepard Jonathan Putin and Mark crylock Blair Scott Merton John Hume Samick B Matt's a batch Elizabeth Calvert Mass Gives Reese Jenkins Adam petrolick Anthony Harman Dorman gray Arthur Merlin DJ Vaught Dale Davis Alex Grimes and King's wild project thank you so much to all of our patrons and YouTube members Please Subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today I'll see you all again next Sunday with a video on the history of denethor Steward of Gondor you all are the best my friends thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 41,430
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Keywords: Men of the West, Numenor, Rings of Power, Lord of the Rings, Lore, Tolkien, Silmarillion, Middle-earth, Numenoreans, Elendil, Sauron, Ar-pharazon, Valinor, Iluvatar, Yoystan, Arda, Unfinished Tales, Isildur, Anarion, Amandil, Manwe, History, Arnor, Gondor, Mordor, One Ring, Annatar, Westernesse, Miriel, Palantir, Second Age, Third Age, War of the Last Alliance, War of the Ring, Aragorn, Dunedain, Edain, Morgoth, Melkor, Beleriand, Valar, Eru, Great Eagles, Meneltarma, First Age, Atlantis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Kings
Id: j5SroJYVYvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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