What God says about charismatic theology, prosperity gospel and continuing prophetic revelation?

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they said are you talking about modern charismatic theology and then they said were you referring to help wealth and prosperity churches and then earlier I got a question about what does the Bible say about continuing prophetic revelations so I thought we'd lump them together tonight and just look at those all together now just before we start going through this study I want you to think about what went on today in churches across this country and around the world and what goes on continuously almost all the time on Christian television and it's it's this little statement right here God told me and I want you to think about that in terms of what we're gonna study tonight but this is the context Calvary Bible Church this church is this body of local believers by conviction and and I covered this yesterday with the new member class I told them were we're also imputation Asst but we're not going to cover that tonight in other words we believe in the imputation of the justifying death of Jesus Christ that we don't earn it and we don't get it by drip that it's completely credited to us by faith that's second Corinthians 5:21 we're also creationist in other words we take the Bible literally for what God says and then I went into our views of the Scriptures and these two words inerrancy and cessationism or inerrant isten cessationists are quite connected inerrant is there are no errors historically scientifically or in moral realms anywhere in God's Word and I think all of us a hundred percent would anybody that subscribes to just the the complete high view of Scripture would would agree with that cessationists though is where we have a real challenge I don't mean a Calvary I mean in Christendom cessationism means there are no ongoing inspired prophecies now now let me clarify so you understand that our revelatory now there is the there is a gift of prophecy which speaks of the speaking forth of the Word of God not predicting the future but to proclaim and and there were prophets who didn't tell something from the future or didn't say anything that never been said before and it was first time revealed they just declared we're talking about revelatory that word revelatory means revealing truth from God that has not been revealed before and revealing it inherently with no errors so that gift for a person to be able to speak and declare never before stated truths that are utterly flawlessly presented was an apostolic gift under the inspiration of God's Spirit as they wrote the scriptures and in the churches as well as in the Old Testament there were those that had the gift of making those prophecies and that would declare God's heretofore unrevealed truth secondly we also believe that the sign working gifted healers have ceased and by that I mean not that see we still believe that that the spiritual gifts are operative as well as the supernatural work of the holy spirit to do all kinds of things around the world but we do not believe that people possess in fact it's not just we don't the bible says people no longer possess this ability to speak continuing revelation and that's number one number two that there is no one on earth alive today that can walk around in a New Testament first century way and heal anybody at will remember Paul and Peter a cloth touching Paul's body and going from his body to a far off place touching a person instantly healed them of whatever was wrong with him Peter's shadow as he would walk at the close of day as his shadow crossed people laying on cots that were with any type of sickness illness deformity whatever was wrong with him it says that they would be healed as his shadow crossed them that's the gift of healing that's how Paul could heal anybody with any sickness that that giftedness is what cessationism means no ongoing inspired prophecies that are revelatory about God's truths and for the church there's no sign working gifted healers but tied with that is this inerrancy view so let's let's go to this concept because in churches all across America on Christian television 24/7 people get up and they'll smile and they'll say to each other or to the camera God told me I just had this conversation coming home this morning with my children this afternoon with my children from church they said well at Camp this summer someone said this and that and I said you know what the Bible says God cannot lie we'd all agree on that right yes or no okay if God who cannot lie tells me something that's not true where's the problem with God or me see it's not with God we're already sure of that God who cannot lie what do we do with people that say God told me this or God told me to tell you this what if what they say isn't true it doesn't square with everything else God has said the problem can't be with God see God is not a man that he should lie as it says clearly in the scriptures nor the son of man that that that he should have all of our problems because he is perfect in eternal and infinite so what is all this about when people say God told me the question before us is has God really started speaking directly to everyone his revelation to be shared with the church because what happens is these people that that have this revelation go to a group of people and they say God told me that and immediately our consciences are smitten with I don't want to disobey God so what should I do about what they just said how do I know that God really said it see that's the conundrum that's the confusion that has come into the church and that talking about Calvary I'm talking about Christ Church so let's just look at what the scriptures say because in the Old Testament times there is a clear test for a prophet and and remember you can see that the Church of today is built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets so it's a very clear continuum we have that the Church of Jesus Christ wasn't just started off you know over there somewhere the church was built on the foundation that the apostles who were the founders of the church under Christ's guidance and the prophets who had before them late what was the foundation well this is a just in Deuteronomy one of two very interesting passages it talks about prophecy and and remember we're talking about in Aaron's inerrant prophecy we're not talking about people just saying well I have this idea people are saying God told me be very careful about that if if you say God told you then what you are saying has to be flawless because that's all God does God does not give imperfect incomplete untrue not working out prophecies God speaks the truth okay if they rise among your profit or dreamer of dreams by the way in the Old Testament remember it says in the book of Hebrews God who at sundry times and divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets how did God speak to prophets well sometimes he revealed things through dreams that's a very very Hebrews one is very important for us to understand what's going on today because the book of Hebrews says in the past God spoke in all different ways in divers manners and times pass on to our fathers by the prophets but in these last she has spoken unto us through his son so there's something God as saying changes from the Old Testament to the New Covenant okay so in the Old Testament they would dream dreams and have prophecy they give you a sign or a wonder and if that sign or wonder comes to pass of what you spoke to you saying let's go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them you shall not listen to the words of that prophecy now did you notice this this person could do a sign or wonder see we have been conditioned to believe that just because there are claims of signs and wonders one of the most amazing places is Indonesia if you want to read about signs and wonders under Christendom Indonesia unbelievable signs and wonders there there are signs and wonders that can be done in this verse by people who are not followers of the Lord who are who are false prophets and if they do the sign in wonder but they say go after another God which you have not known let us serve them you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul in other words that miracle worker can't work their miracles if God doesn't allow them to just like Satan couldn't send down fire and kill the the Sheep of job's pasture then and also Satan could not strike job's body remember we studied that back when we were doing the throne of God none of those things can happen apart from God allowing it to happen but the Lord allowed it to happen to test you to know whether you love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul so what's fascinating is we are faced with a great possibility that there are people because there have been in the past there are people who can prophesy dream and do signs and wonders but can reveal things that are not God and the Lord in the Old Covenant said that's to see whether you're going to stick with you notice what it says and they tell you things which you have not known what is that talking about what's already been revealed see the things which are revealed are what God is seeing whether or not we are going to obey you remember that the Bible is referred to in the Psalms as the Word of God that is forever settled in heaven did you know that God's revelation is settled in heaven god knows what he's going to reveal he knows what he has revealed he has revealed it at his will through his servants and that revelation is known okay then it says though so that you and I can't see what's behind there the Lord your God and fear Him and keep his Commandments and obey his voice you shall serve Him and hold fast to him but that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death that's how severe how strict it was an Old Testament number one you could do miracles but if your miracles did not stay in line with the revealed Word of God and for them to serve and love and follow God as it's been revealed they were supposed to be put to death because he has spoken in order to turn you away from the Lord your God who brought you out of the land so you should put away evil from your midst anybody saying anything other than what God has said that counters it is considered evil that's very interesting thought here's the second one Deuteronomy 18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you now this is God talking to Moses so God says I'm gonna raise up for them a prophet like you Moses from among their brethren and will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak to them all that I command him and it shall be the whoever will not hear my words which he speaks in my name I were required of him but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name which I have not commanded him you see there are there are prophets who can presume who can take advantage of their office and say stuff God didn't tell them to say in fact the whole if you want to read the whole chapter Jeremiah 23 is about these prophets they speak words that aren't from the Lord and they are dangerous and so there are not only are there false prophets that don't even know the Lord and should be killed because they're saying to follow false gods I've talked about in the Old Testament there were also true prophets that were saying things that got in town to say how do we know who's who because you see what they're speaking that they that that will not hear my words see we test things by whether or not these prophets are following what God has already said they would never go against what he's already revealed keep reading verse 21 if you say in your heart how do I know the word which the Lord has not spoken when a prophet speaks the name of the Lord if the thing does not happen or come to pass now here's another whoa this is amazing the second test of a prophet the first test is does he congruent in chapter 13 with what God has already revealed and is he telling him to follow the Lord that's already been revealed secondly if he speaks about something in the future and it doesn't come to pass if a prophet says God told me now I won't I won't say who said this but there is a man I've been to his church several times wonderful godly man and I've read his books unfortunately at one time in 1999 you know at the big y2k deal he got up in front of his church and held his hands out says I prophesy in the name of the Lord and he started into this prophecy you what he said North quake would strike California that would devastate the entire state and it would never recover a fire would sweep the United States and that all gay people homosexuals would die that's a very big prophecy and it was said in front of thousands and none of it came to pass Wow you know what it says that guy's a believer he's since died and he's in the presence of the Lord and as many people he's led the Lord he spoke presumptuously I think he thought those things I think you hope those things I think you prayed those things I don't think God said those things and we have to be very cautious because this is going on constantly all over the country and around the world and you know how confusing it is you know how confusing is for someone to identify with the true Living God and to make these outlandish prophecies that don't come true and they don't stop they just keep pumping them out because they have a following and people just say oh yeah that one didn't work in fact if you want to read on the literature and the subject one man said he's surprised this is in print charisma magazine he's surprised if more than half of his prophecies come true he said he can't believe it when more than half of them come true God's God's rate is a hundred percent if it's from God that's how the Lord works so it's just that's the old testament standard what is the new testament i mean we we go on look what paul said therefore take heed to yourselves into all the foxes this acts 20:28 this is Paul's parting words this is this is the famous time that Paul is sailing on his way to Jerusalem he's going to be you know captured and it's gonna end up he's gonna go before the the Caesar but he's on his way he stops at the port city for Ephesus which is called Meletis and this is where he charges the elders and this is that charge and he says to the elders of the flock of the great church at Ephesus that he spent three years of his life invested in and leaves Timothy behind a pastor and he says take heed to yourselves in all the fact among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers to Shepherd the Church of God which purchased with his own blood for I know this after my departure savage wolves will come in among you so these are outsiders okay from outside these savage wolves will come and also verse 30 from among yourselves men will rise up speaking perverse things now this is New Testament times when the Apostles are still alive and he says there's going to be a tax from the outside you expect those but we're gonna have insider attacks they're gonna rise up speaking perverse things twisted things things that don't line up with what ya see the test is always does the Prophet stay consistent with the revealed see the Spirit of the Prophet is supposed to be the holy spirit who already inspired the Word of God and the Holy Spirit who knows every word that he has said would never inspire a prophet to prophesy for the church something that is in discord with what he's already said and when it's perverse it's that which does not line up with the standard to draw away the disciples after themselves therefore our watch remember that for three years they do not cease to warn you night and day with tears Paul for three years warn them of false teaching the bane of the church is false teaching did you know there's so much false teaching in the Church of Jesus Christ today and people don't even know it because they don't know what the Bible says see the the distraction we've gotten into that people know more about their favorite diversions than about biblical doctrine is what Paul wept night and day warning them not to have and then he says so now brethren I commend you to God and the word of His grace what what can build us up the Word of God the word of His grace that's what protects us that's what guards us that's what we need and give you an inheritance among those that are sanctified and then Paul talks about now I left the rest of there because here's a common denominator - you will rarely find a current modern telegenic teacher of the Bible male or female that can say this find find hardly any of them that are not incredibly wealthy incredibly wealthy I'm not talking about all of us here are wealthy I mean whether you know it or not compared to 80 percent of the world nobody in this room is not wealthy I mean if you even own a watch a real one you know I mean not one that's broken from the dump I mean one that actually moves you have more than so many but something about and I don't have time not going to go through all the faults teacher things but Peter and Jude and Paul all refer to the fact that there is in the Old Testaments attitude that there's an insatiable desire for material things now let me just ask you without naming names how many nationally and internationally known Bible teachers have been known for their outlandish gold and silver and apparel think about it and a lot more and and materialism yes you yourselves know that these hands have provided for my necessities Paul actually worked physical labor and that making other people work for him and be treated like a king and a queen I mean if you want to study something studies what some of these purported internationally known teachers what they're like on airplanes how they order people around like their dogs and how they're so pompous impulses no I provide for my own necessities for those who are with me I've shown you in every way by laboring like this that you must support the weak and remember the words of our Lord it's more blessed to get than to give I'm sorry I'm reading the wrong text it's more blessed to give than to receive so New Testament false prophet warnings now look at the mode with Satan what is the mode of attack and some of us don't realize what you know we think of the devil like seances or something or you know the the people that are involved in those you know ritual you know abuse things and all that no no that that that is not his primary focus because that that drives people away it's gross you start killing and cutting and blood and all that stuff and there's only a very small segment of society that's interested in that you know most society's interests in religion they're interested in religion and so Satan had for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ now we're talking about Satan's plans he in the context here Paul is Paul the second epistle to the Corinthians is Paul's most personal epistle he's talking about his heart for ministry his calling from God and you know they really gave him a hard time and he really gave them a hard time he wrote this really harsh letter to them and all that but now his heart is going out to them and he's talking about protecting them because he he is he is realizing the what Satan's going over time in the Corinthian church and so he says watch out watch out for false apostles they say they're sent from God they're not they're deceitful workers they don't live up to what they say remember jesus said this about the Pharisees he says you you put this huge load on people and you don't even touch it with your little finger think about that think about do the the well-known televangelist people do they do what they teach what did they say you you give your seed faith money your you give your last dime to this ministry and God will bless you did they I mean you've got to read the court records what's going on with some of these ministries in California now that the IRS California IRS is starting to look in their finances and the millions and millions of dollars that they have there's nothing wrong I mean we're we're a wealthy church - but there's no individuals that are that are wealthy that that are owning possessions that are incredible affecting I used to live in Oklahoma and I remember when we we signed up for a non-profit we were grilled by the IRS I said why are you grilling us they said don't you know what Oklahoma's like everybody has a ministry only it's a ministry that they have a yacht for and they have a temp you know a jet airplane for and they have all of these extra houses and in it's all because that's the hub for this whole movement and there's just so much going on okay and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light we looked at that this morning now look at verse 15 that we didn't look at this morning therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness one of the many people in the long lines after both services this morning to talk to me they said wait a minute those books that you're talking about are filled with Scripture well I would hope that they would be because they are targetting I mean if they were filled with the Quran do you think Christians would read them no see Satan is transforming himself and his ministers transform themselves into ministers of righteousness but look what what the Lord says about them whose end will be according to their works that is not positive in fact if we went through a Jude said and and what Peter said Peter said that they are going to set the false teachers now be careful I'm not lumping I'm not saying anybody that is charismatic is whatever because there are bad non-charismatic sand there are bad charismatic sand there are good non-charismatic scenario good charismatic okay so we're not lumping everybody together I'm talking about false teachers that Paul's talking about their end will be according to their works okay God has always had the same solution and and that's what I can't emphasize enough now the spirit expressly says that in the latter times someone said how do you know we're in the latter times Hebrews tells us the book of Hebrews says God who in divers manners in time past spoke in time past unto the father's by the prophets half in the last days spoken by his son when do the last days start when Christ came that was the countdown to the end so we are in the latter times of the last days because we're after Christ came but look what Paul said is coming after the first century Church some will depart from the faith they will give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons how can a believer give heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons because they don't test all things on holdfast of what is true they just believe it because someone said it loudly or winsome ly or from a position that would appear to be authoritative rather than acts 17:11 testing did you know when Paul preached people sat there taking notes scrutinizing the Apostle Paul and after every service they'd go home and they check their old testament scriptures and check what he said to see if it's squared with what God has already said Paul Paul and if the man who wrote half the New Testament needed that scrutiny then how much more do we need that today everywhere that's the term being Bereans okay by the way what are these doctrines of demons I mean there are many Good Housekeeping magazine I don't know if there still is a good house is there still a Good Housekeeping magazine yes or no okay did you know they were notorious in the 70s for for publishing these automatic writing little articles you and automatic writing is it's it's when a person surrenders himself to a demons control they put a pen in their hand like this and they completely they empty their minds and they completely relax themselves and allow the power out there to fill them and all of a sudden they become like a printer in fact when I was in high school in hazlet I remember Bach remember Jay s Bach not Johann Sebastian but the the one that wrote Jonathan Livingston Seagull remember Bach they wrote that he confesses that's how he wrote it sold millions made millions he said he was walking down the beach Nava suddenly felt a voice that said hey I have a message and he says I will surrender myself to the message and he went into his house and he became like a printer that's automatic writing that's demonic that and in those writings come doctrines of demons do you know what the 30 year old book Jonathan Livingston Seagull it's Hinduism it's complete error it's anti God in every way that's why we would study it at school right just to to open our minds to those things but these within the church speak lies in hypocrisy they say things that they don't even believe their own consciences are seared with a hot iron and look at some of the things they do and you can see this happening in church history forbidding to marry what is one of the largest scandals of Christendom today what is costing millions of dollars yeah clergy abuse of little boys why are those clergy abusing little boys because they have been forbidden to what when did God ever say that a pastor shouldn't be married he actually says the opposite in the strictest sense first Timothy 3 says that an elder should be the husband of but one wife and have his children in subjection do you know why because if you have that wife and those children around you can find out what he's like in secret because it's reflected in them you have no wife and children nobody knows what your in secret and that's why there's a danger in forbidding them to marry and to command them to abstain from foods do you remember if you went to the public schools what Friday was what was Friday mmm why because somebody in the church was commanding people to abstain from certain foods this is all in Paul wrote this in in AD 60 and he was by the Spirit of God looking down and he says coming in the future they're gonna people departing from the faith they're gonna listen to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons they're gonna boldface ugly lie their lives are gonna be shambles and just terribly sinful and they are going to be hypocritical II telling you to do one thing and they're not doing it they are completely unconvicted of their sin they're like a branded cows seared with an iron they don't even have feeling they're gonna forbid people to marry and they're gonna command people to abstain from food and God says receive it with Thanksgiving so there's no biblical basis for this whole food and marriage abstinence stuff and then he goes on to that but this is what he says down here verse 6 instruct the Brethren in these things if you instruct the Brethren these things you'll be a good minister of Christ and look at this ministered in the words of faith and the good doctrine what was Paul what did Paul say was a solution for what was coming were they supposed to get ready yes nurture the the Saints the Brethren get them on a high diet the born-again people of the words of faith and good doctrine which you Timothy have already carefully followed and also learn to reject you know someone said to me this morning they said you know I kind of felt bad you didn't speak very nicely of one of my favorite books I said well the Bible says reject profane and old wives fables that's saying it nicely if someone writes a book that disagrees with God at best its profane old wives table tale at worse it's false doctrine you understand them and you know what Paul told Timothy to do Timothy is pastoring the church at Ephesus Timothy is a pastor according to her to Eusebius of the largest church of the ancient world fifty thousand people and that's before you could buy the compact arena and outfit it for an eighty million dollars and have everybody in air-conditioned you know comfort he was pastoring this mega church back then and he was to teach those people to reject profane and old wives fables things do you know what a profane old wives tale is something that can't be verified by the scripture there has to do with anything about God and the things of God and theology it's just speculations endless speculations Paul talks about it and exercise yourself toward godliness bodily exercise profits a little but godliness is profitable for all things having the promise of the life that now is now there is your best life now you've heard the title that book do you know what your best life now is you know what's best for the life now godliness not dreaming of everything possible you could ever have and commanding your future it's living in godliness and you know what the Bible says all that live godly in Christ Jesus will what suffer persecution you see there's a false doctrine being taught in our churches that God wants us to be rich and successful and movers and shakers and financially independent when actually God just wants us to be godly and he's already told us if you're godly you're gonna suffer for it godliness brings with it the same hatred from the world that are brought to Christ in his apostles this is a faithful saying for this and we both labor and suffer reproach here is one of the most godly people he should have been one of the most prosperous people and he was in his soul Paul was but he wasn't embody he suffered reproach because we trust in the Living God who's to say of all men especially of those who believe now watch this this is how he concludes this whole watch out for bad teaching coming these things command and teach the way to counter all of this error is to amend and teach the truth and nurture nourish people on the words of faith and good doctrine the solution God always has is his word and that's what we should do come on there we go now acts 17:11 I've already quoted that this is Paul these were more fair-minded or noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word so the the people when Paul taught when Paul ministered Paul taught the word you say what are you talking about did you know I was just reading one of these men very V just he just was writing another book and you know what he said he said I try and conclude my messages with a little sprinkling of the word and I thought the word is like salt or you know sprinkles on donut what is this what the main diet that Paul gave is he was giving the word with all readiness and so he's giving this word and these people are readily searching out the scriptures what are the Scriptures in acts 17 this is the Old Testament they are verifying that Paul didn't teach anything that didn't square with what God has already said and that's the Berean you've all heard of this the the Berean mentality okay another thing now remember I said that that if we're gonna talk about charismatic theology if we're gonna talk about health wealth and prosperity gospel if we're going to talk about continuing revelation this is a big element God said don't add to my revelation you say well where do you say that well I'll show you Jude revelation 22 but any addition to God's Word always undermines the reliability of the word and soon elevates the new revelation above God's worsen most charismatic would say that they in no way wished to lessen the Scriptures that's true this would be that the true I believe heart I'm not talking about the fringe people I'm talking about mainline charismatic s' effect someone else came to me in the line they said what are you doing picking on the people and the shallow end of the pool I said are you kidding I would never call charismatic spew on the shallow end of the pool you know what I'd call him people that are around water snakes and they're not even aware of it if you are around false teaching and people that are lessening the Scriptures I wouldn't want to be associated with that we're not talking about shallow or deep I think many Karris Mattox have a deeper expression of love for the lord then then some highly indoctrinated non-charismatic the the this is not about fervency this is about truth and what it says is I agree in no way do they wish to less in the scriptures and we clearly declare that their prophecies are not in the same level as the Bible but by their practice the net effect is the same why confusion and doctrinal errors and the opening of a new avenue for divine revelation are all happening before our eyes there is confusion what happens when someone makes a huge prophecy that all the gays are going to die next year and California's going to fall off the map and half the country is going to burn and it doesn't happen immediately people are going to God change his mind is our pastor in error I think their confusion also doctrinal errors I mean people I told you this morning this this little boy go to heaven but there's a whole curriculum to teach doctrine from that if you teach doctrine from something that's not even nailed to the scriptures you have doctrinal errors no matter how we're going to get into in fact there is a very famous I don't know if you read the news magazines but the front cover recently of Time magazine you know has said here's the next Billy Graham do you know who they picked TD jakes do you know him do you know what mr. Jakes does not believe in he does not believe in the Trinity he he is non Trinitarian he's in the Pentecostal oneness that means they don't believe in one God eternally existing in three persons which the Bible from cover to cover from the opening words of Genesis to the closing benediction of Revelation always speaks of God the Father Son and Holy Spirit the grace of God the love of Christ and a fellowship of the Spirit be with you all there's always this triune Ness about that I know Trinity the word is not in the Bible the concepts in cover to cover this guy is mr. Jakes now he pastors a mega church he is a very regular speaker in all the Christian things yet he has more in common with the Mormons than he does with us yeah he's the next Billy Graham Wow doctrinal ears the opening of the new avenue for divine revelation are all happening before our eyes what has happened is the Bible is no longer unique there are now dreams and visions and prophecies and signs that God is supposedly giving to believers did you catch that the Bible is no longer unique it's no longer the place you go you can get more the insight words are being shared and have immediate impact on those who hear them when someone says God told me and you tell someone God told me this the person's conscience is struck I mean if someone comes up to me and looks that I know that I respect that I love that I just know that they love the Lord and they come up and look me earnestly in the eye and say God told me to tell you this doesn't that strike your conscience with the necessity to respond some way so now we have the book of Philippians in the book of Romans and some words of prophecy from a recent past or prophet or a new apostle or a friend all of a sudden whether they want to do it or not we have something that is weighing on our conscience that we have to respond to because God told them to tell me you understand that what is happening before our eyes this is what's going on all over America and the world this is this is the conflict that people have they know they're supposed to love the Lord and not live by bread alone but by every word of God but now they're not sure which are the words of God am I supposed to live on Philippians and Romans or the words of my recent prophecy I just heard now here's the bottom line either God is speaking through people or he's not how do you like that for simplicity either God is speaking through these people that say the Lord told me God told me the Lord told me to tell you or he's not I mean is there anything else is there a third choice it is it possible for God to to give him perfect prophecies God who who is unchangeable all-knowing and perfect interesting thought since most believers wouldn't want to resist God they listen and try to respond to these prophecies is that how God intended it to be confusion uncertainty a never-ending stream of hard to believe utter ANSYS of which never come to pass now we already studied what God who doesn't change you know what he thinks of a prophet if God felt a prophet who said they were speaking for him in Deuteronomy 13 and Deuteronomy 18 if God felt that if someone presumed to speak for God and if they said something that was false about God or if they said something that didn't come to pass God said that they shouldn't continue living do you think he changed his mind see God has a very high view of people that represent him so only God's Word is inspired see that's the bottom line that would have been my 30 second answer about this all Scripture is inspired by God scripture is inspired Scripture you have to understand Paul wasn't inspired Paul didn't walk around and everything Paul thought everything Paul said was not perfect it was when he was writing Scripture he was inspired it's the scripture that's inspired not the person you understand that we have to realize God was inspiring his sacred scriptures and kept them flawless and made everything that's in the scripture every part of it profitable for teaching and reproof and correction for training and righteousness and that perfect scripture is what makes us adequate and equipped for every good work and by the way the word equipped speaks about our soul being mended it's the same word I've shared this yesterday with the new member class to be equipped doesn't mean that you've been to all the classes it means you're mended it means that the areas of your life that are starting to fall apart the Word of God can fix them and it makes us fix the Word of God but if there's an endless confusing stream of all of these utterances and and and prophecies and everything else that we don't know which one is which how can we be mended you see they're not like Scripture and also knowing this first that no prophecy of Scripture every single inerrant infallible prophet speaking scripture never did it of private interpretation it wasn't you know this is my special message just for me this is my my personal prophecy or whatever prophecy never came verse 21 by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved now the two greatest words about inspiration and I know it's almost time to go these two words are the two key words of inspiration inspired by the way most people get their view of inspired from the Latin which means to breathe into you know that's why we say that the painting was inspiring and they were an inspired musician that it's something like like it they just breathed into the musical piece so much that is not what inspired means it inspired in Greek is Theo Panisse das like pneumonia it's the same construction and it's God's breath out when a person was inspired by God God was behind them breathing out his word through them it did not make them perfect in fact it really didn't really even change them he just flawlessly used them as a conduit using their personality using their uniqueness but his perfect word and will and doctrine was given this one is a little different this is Theo can use das this one is the word for Roman I right here and it means it's used for sailboats and it means to be driven along by the wind does a sailboat drive itself or does the wind push it see the idea is it's the the pushing of God that put out that word and that's what the Lord wants us to know so real quickly is the Canon of Scripture closed well look what Jude said beloved when I gave all diligence right into you of the common salvation it was needful me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith very interesting the faith it's the one and only there aren't many faced I hear people say that you know the you know that many there's one faith one Lord one faith one baptism one God and Father over you all which was once for all delivered you see God there is not more coming now look how the Bible ends this is the ending of the Bible I testified everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone adds to them God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part from the Tree of Life from the holy city which are written in this book you know some people said well this is talking about messing around with revelation yeah it is but revelation is connected to every other part of the Word of God and it finishes what Genesis started and it's actually the bookend for the Bible and God says if you touch any part of this book which by the way is attached to every other part of there 808 quotes to every other part of the book if you add to any of this structure I'm going to add two plagues if you take away I'm gonna take away your part very serious God never said look for new revelations amazing prophecies what would the Lord say about such things I could read to you I'm from Tulsa you know Oral Roberts in 1987 says Jesus was 900 feet tall talking to him now I'm not being mean this is in the papers you can read his public record 900 foot high Jesus came to our Robertson he looked up he said yes Lord Lord said build me a 60-story Hospital merged together your faith healing with the best of medical science and I will give you a cure for cancer and Oral Roberts went out and blanketed the country you've probably got a letter from if you're alive back then because most people did and he raised millions of dollars to build his city of faith and you know what happened it went bankrupt only two floors of the 60 were ever finished I've been in the building it's just a big cave nothing in there you know Andy said the Lord said to me you know what Jesus said they reproach me they reproach you your work is finished you don't have to sell the hospital get rid of it would the Lord have 900 foot tall told him to build that thing and then told him not to build it and all the people invested millions of dollars lost it and it went bankrupt everything else amazing prophecies would the Lord say those things that's interesting to think about conclusion it's the Word of God that's our final authority it's not ongoing revelation and that's I have to say that universally the the Church of Jesus Christ has believed that the Canon was closed except for a few groups the montanus and a few others that believe there is ongoing revelation the vast majority of the Church of Jesus Christ has always said until modern times that this book is the final authority not ongoing revelation
Channel: DTBM
Views: 36,358
Rating: 4.7796612 out of 5
Keywords: john barnett, dtbm, q&a, q&a-20, charismatic theology, charismatic, prosperity gospel, prosperity, continued revelation, revelation
Id: AyZbP8h1Ec0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2015
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