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is the family important to you if it is not important to you it is important to God think about it God became man and how many years he spent on Earth 33 years how many years he spent in the family TR he didn't live family until he became 30 years old I don't think it is precise to say that he began saving the world at the age of 30 being in the family for him was part of the salic ACT he began the salic act with a family 30 years staying with Joseph and Mary sisters today let us reflect on some tips how to keep our family sacred as the holy family was Sac let's follow the syllabus f a m i l y f stands for forgiveness my de brothers and sisters the whole the holy family was persecuted but Joseph had no hatred in his heart and I think they had that tremendous uh Power of forgiveness in their hearts because in the first place say they practiced forgiveness in the family the act of forgiveness to the enemies even to the persecutors of Jesus was an overflow of the Forgiveness that they experience in the family if there's no forgiveness in the family you won't last why family is made of imperfect people there's no perfect husband there's no perfect wife in the first place for so many years and they grow up getting used to their own weaknesses how much more couples so it's important that you have the attitude of forgiveness and forgiveness is not possible without the grace of God and you know learn the language of the palang you know the palang have the language of for gies the purpose of for gies is to make it easy for the palang to pay and you have four Gibs so the purpose of four Gibs is really to make it easy for the debor to settle the debt so if you have an enemy or if you're in conflict with your spouse give the proper environment make it easy easy for the spouse to come to terms with you don't make it very hard some people somebody already asked for [Laughter] forgiveness my God no it takes humility to come for forgiveness do not do that okay Embrace him welcome him give him the chance probably the Forgiveness the patience and the understanding that you give to him or to her maybe the very understanding that you need from God because you too need forgiveness because you are not perfect and among Sinners among co- imperfect persons we cannot but have the attitude of patience and forgiveness because we too need patience and forgiveness from the all perfect godess letter A accommodate Jesus and Mary to the family you know why case in point wedding at Kaa at a wedding at Kaa the newly wed trouble because they ran out of wine and in those days when you ran out of [Laughter] [Applause] wine for the couple the newws were into big trouble into big embarrassment but before they realized that because Mary was there it was Mary who took the initiative of telling Jesus D they have no more more wine so if you accommodate Mary and Jesus in the family long before you realize and you feel there's a problem Mama Mary will be there ahead of you praying to God please intercede for them and when Jesus would say mama Mary will be there with a power of intercession that Jesus cannot refuse as it happened at Kaa correct letter m stands for Mission what is the mission of the family what are you family for of course to love one another but if you are just there to love one another so sometimes you just have to Define mission for the family so that you have a sense of purpose a s of apostolate so that you will allow God to use your family as his hand that touches the poor as his feet that walks to the needy allow your family to be used by God and that way your family will has will have a sense of mission letter I is a slog it is good for us to be here and this was the slogan of the Apostle um at Mount Tabor and he was transfigured and then one of the Apostles said wow it is good for us to be here let us make three tents one for you one for Moses and one for Elijah because it was so beautiful that the Apostle wanted to prolong the experience my dear brothers and sisters if each family would have it as slogan it is good for us to be here how nice the family will be United why because if that is your slogan every meeting in the family becomes a celebration every bonding of family becomes the greatest joy sometimes nowadays it's the cell phone that gets in between so dear brothers and sisters I hope that being together in the family is still the source of joy for you you know sometimes if the husband doesn't want to come home probably there's also something wrong with a wife [Laughter] probably the wife doesn't trust you because many times but how I wish my dear brothers and sisters that you have to review your priorities and you have to realize that every coming home should be a kind of reunion a reason to celebrate just as the slogan says says it is good for us to be here L stands for love some people they keep repeating love and they do not do anything love you love you to repeat love five times maybe we can do that can we do that say love five times ready go love love love love love wait wait wait wait there's something wrong with my ear but it sounds like blah blah blah can you say love please not Blah Blah Blah Love ready go love love love love love love still it sounds the same blah blah blah blah blah because only when you do it you can be understood that you are saying love and not blah blah blah do it no please little things would also [Applause] matter my love for you you don't need to be very expensive it's really the care it's really the thought something because love can die if you neglect it you water it with many little things many sweet things and it will Blossom finally letter Y end it with a yearly Retreat that bring them to confession also as a good example to their children I think to all of us deep in the heart the family is important only sometimes we tend to forget it but that's why you need this Aid the f a m i l y in order to strengthen our family and with God and marry present in our families we hope that it will mimic the Holiness of the Holy Family
Views: 2,348
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Id: CzvZoMTPrzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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