What Explains The Largest Orca Pod Ever Captured On Video? | Nature's Strangest Mysteries Solved
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Channel: Discovery UK
Views: 111,633
Rating: 4.8517075 out of 5
Keywords: discovery, channel, discovery uk, Nature's Strangest Mysteries Solved, What Explains The Largest Orca Pod Ever Captured On Video?, Orca, Killer whales, free willy fish, free willy orca, orca pods, orca megapods, killer whale megapods, Skjervøya, Orca Skjervøya, Norway orca, Norwegian orca, orca on video, Largest Orca Pod
Id: yxzvYihNih8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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