What Does The Strong Nuclear Force Look Like?

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MonkeyDreemz 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2023 🗫︎ replies
the nucleus of atoms contains protons that have a positive charge we know that positive charges repel and not just a little bit but they repel each other a lot for example the two protons in the nucleus of a helium atom are repelling each other electrically with a force of about 20 pounds yeah like 20 pounds is in this Bunch but that forces from two single protons that are about a hundred thousand times smaller than an atom so this 20 pounds of force concentrated on the mass of one single proton should instantly accelerate it to around 8 000 miles per second but they don't in fact the protons of atoms are held so tightly together that's almost impossible to hit them with enough energy to make them fly apart so what is it then that's holding on to these protons and neutrons so tight in an atom the force holding them together is called the strong nuclear force the strong nuclear force is much stronger than the electromagnetic force and it attracts both proton and neutrons to each other it's the force that holds the nucleus of all atoms together when you unleash just a small portion of the energy stored in the strong nuclear force then the result is a nuclear bomb but if the nuclear force is so strong then why doesn't it just pull everything in and make one giant nucleus well it's because it's only attractive at a very short distance this is a graph of the force between two nucleons notice that at more than about 2.5 centimeters the force drops to zero that's only 2.5 times 10 to the negative 15 meters also notice that after about 0.8 femtometers the force is actually repulsive so the protons and neutrons don't just squish down to a single point because once they get too close together they actually start repelling each other so this is an interesting curve here there's this well that creates a strong binding force that holds the nucleus together but doesn't let it collapse down into a single point so what would this look like on a larger scale is there a force that holds something in one place and doesn't let it come too close together or too far apart is there anything that creates a force field that traps another object well actually yes there's a newly discovered phenomenon called polarity free magnetic repulsion I did a video on this before but let me show you my new and improved device created by Hamdi ukar and his associates Hamdi is the scientist who pioneered the discovery of this new effect and first described how it worked with mathematical Precision using classical mechanics if you just have two repelling magnets it's inherently unstable and it's impossible to perfectly balance each other without causing one of the magnets to flip this is called earnshaw's theorem you can't have a stable equilibrium with the static magnetic field but an interesting thing happens when you take a magnet on its end and spin it really fast around 10 000 RPM a second magnet will actually be attracted to it but then as it gets closer it's repelled so the result is a magnetic trap that levitates it in the air it can capture and hold on to the magnets creating a magnetic potential well notice this attraction when it's further away but then as I try to push it closer there's a resistance here and if I push down on it it goes to higher than the weight of the ball with the Magna on there or a 3.44 grams but you can see the resistive force is much higher than that I can push on it and it gets to around 5 grams here seven eight I have nine grams of force [Music] so this provided a repulsive force of nine grams if we take a look at hamdi's paper about this phenomenon we can get a plot that's very similar to the plot between two nucleons attractive and then repulsive so we have a macro scale analogy of the forces inside the nucleus of an atom and what's really cool is that there's a second magnet on this other side that can hold another Magna over here so we literally start to assemble a nucleus here we have two protons with a force holding them together in between they can't get too close together but also they're stably held at a distance with a strong binding Force now keep in mind that this is only an analogy here the forces that are holding these magnets together can be described using just the electromagnetic forces but it makes a great analogy for picturing a force that can be attractive but then also repulsive creating a stable Zone that holds particles together so let's go over how this device works and then we'll talk about how the strong nuclear force actually works and before we continue I'd like to thank the sponsor for this video better help these last few years have been difficult for everyone and one of the most important things you can do in times like this is to focus on your mental health betterhelp is the world's largest therapy service and it's a hundred percent online with better help you can tap into a network of over 25 000 licensed and experienced therapists who can help you with a wide range of 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free magnetic repulsion to get this to work you have a magnet rotating with its North and South Pole crossing the rotating plane like this but you have one of the poles of the magnet slightly out of line so that it's sticking out further than the other pole this is around seven degrees see how the magnet is tilted out of this 3D printed case a little bit so it sticks out a little bit so the South Pole of this magnet is jutting out a little bit more and then on this other side the South Pole is in a little bit more so the North Pole's sticking out a little bit by seven degrees on this side and the South Pole is sticking out by seven degrees on this side so depending on which side is sticking out more it'll cause your it'll cause your floating magnet to be attracted this way or this way so I put a little y sticker on one end of the magnet so you can see which side is facing it on this side you can see the white stickers pointing away from the rotational spin but then if I go over here it points towards it it doesn't matter which way the driving magnet is spinning it just matters which way it's tilted then once it falls into the magnetic trap neither pole is attracted to the spinning magnet and there's a Nat repulsive action that doesn't depend on the position and the orientation of the oscillating magnet with respect to the rotating magnet once it's attached in order to stay attracted to the floating magnet it has to be able to vibrate if you stop it from vibrating it gets ejected so if the driving magnet were not spinning the floating magnet would just Orient itself parallel to the magnetic field and get sucked in but if you rotate the magnet fast enough by the time it starts to move to where it was going you've already swapped the poles so it begins to chase the wrong pull so it follows the field by 180 degree phase shift called phase lag resulting in an anti-parallel alignment the this isn't possible if the field were static this effect can be seen by anyone if you have a Dremel or a drill that spins fast and some magnets that you can attach to it like I did in a previous video here but be careful since these are moving at high RPMs if you don't get it right the magnets can fly off at high speed so this is a really neat phenomenon that needs to be explored more it could have some important roles to play in the description of atoms and subatomic particles since they all have magnetic moments as well what's crazy about this is this phenomenon isn't found in textbooks anywhere because it's so new and it's not widely known so if you're a student looking for something to study that's a new phenomenon this is it I'll put a link to hamdi's paper in the description so you can learn more about it as well but the whole reason we are showing this cool Phenomenon with magnets was just to show an analogy for the strong nuclear force interestingly enough the strong nuclear force isn't even a fundamental Force it's actually just a residual force of the real fundamental Force called the strong force this is similar to how the van der waals forces are just residual forces of the electromagnetic force the strong nuclear force is just the leftover force of the strong force that holds the nucleons themselves together so the thing that holds protons and neutrons together remember that protons and neutrons are made of even smaller particles called quarks these quarks are attracted to each other through the strong force instead of positive and negative charges the strong force has a property called color charge and there aren't just two opposing charges but there are three called red green and blue charges the quarks exchange color properties through the exchange of gluons just like in the electromagnetic force they exchange photons this Force holding quarks togethers is extremely strong over a hundred times stronger than the electromagnetic force and unlike the electromagnetic force or gravity it doesn't get weaker with larger distances it gets stronger actually so that's why you never see single quarks they always come in groups of two or more the strong nuclear force comes from the fact that sometimes the color charges become unbalanced in a nucleon and this forces out a quark that instantly forms a quark anti-cork pair that can exchange gluons with a neighboring nucleon these Quark anti-quark pairs are called Nissans and they can be attractive or repulsive at close range is the Omega Meson dominates and it's repulsive but at larger distances the Rome dominates and it's attractive that's why we end up with a curve that's attractive but then repulsive now saying all this to you really fast made me realize that I probably need an entire video dedicated to just the strong force and gluons also I should mention that this Force curve looks very similar to the London dispersion forces between atoms and molecules so this could also be used as an analogy for that as well and thanks for watching another episode of the action lab I hope you enjoyed it if you learned something don't forget to subscribe if you haven't yet and thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: The Action Lab
Views: 257,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Strong Nuclear Force, strong force, the action lab, four fundamental forces, strong interaction, nuclear force, strong nuclear force, particle physics, nuclear physics
Id: Rx4lNihOT4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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