What does the Muon g-2 experiment tell us?

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In April of 2021, a group of my colleagues made  an ultra-precise measurement of the magnetic   properties of an ephemeral particle called a  muon. This long-awaited announcement could well be   crucial evidence that our understanding of  the subatomic world is incomplete. Let’s take   a deep dive into what we know and what we don’t  about this very exciting scientific measurement. So, what was the measurement? Scientists used a  fifty-foot diameter ring of very uniform magnets   to measure the magnetic properties of the  muon, which is a heavy cousin of the electron.   Basically, they were trying to measure  how strong a magnet the muon is.  I’m going to just sketch out how the  measurement worked. That’s because   Fermilab has made a series of videos  that describe this all in detail.   If you want to know how it was done, I put  a bunch of links in the video description. The key measurement is a factor called  g, short for gyromagnetic ratio, which,   if you ignore a few constants,  is basically the ratio   of the magnetic strength of a muon  compared to how much it’s spinning.   Using a version of state of the art 1930s  quantum mechanics, g should equal exactly two. Now in 1948, scientists announced a super  precise measurement of g for electrons and   found that it wasn’t exactly two. Instead, g  was equal to 2.00238 or 0.1 percent higher.  Shortly after the measurement was reported,   physicists devised a more complete  theory of quantum mechanics   that agreed with this measurement. This theory  is called quantum electrodynamics, or QED,   and I’ve made videos about that theory as  well. Again, the links are in the description. The tiny extra bit of magnetic strength comes from  an amazing source. It turns out that the strength   of the electric field close to an electron  is so strong and it contains enough energy,   that the energy converts into pairs  of matter and antimatter particles.   Those pairs then convert back  into energy very quickly.   And more than one pair appears at a time. At  a subatomic level, space near a particle like   an electron or a muon looks like a swarm of  fireflies, blinking into and out of existence. This cloud is important, because the interactions  between the electron and the cloud slightly   enhance the magnetic properties of the electron.  What scientists actually measure is a combination   of the electron and the cloud. And the cloud  is the source of that extra tenth of a percent. In the late 1950s, researchers announced  the first measurement of g for muons and   it wasn’t 2 either. It was bigger.  And the reason is the same. Since   Fermilab recent announcement was for the g  factor for muons, let’s focus on just them. Over the last five decades or  so, scientists have measured g   for muons with increasing precision. By 2006,  researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory   had measured the muon’s g to be this number  you see here, with a tiny, tiny uncertainty. Meanwhile, theorists were calculating the same  quantity and they achieved a similar number   with a similar level of precision. Their  result back in 2006 is the number here. So…the first thing you’ll notice is that both the  measurement and the theory have lots of digits and   very small uncertainties, meaning that they're  very precise. In addition, the measurement and   the theory agree with each other, digit for digit  for eight digits and disagree only in the ninth. For two things to agree disagree in the ninth  digit means that they agree to a couple parts   per billion. That’s like someone predicting the  circumference of the Earth with a precision of ten   or thirty centimeters or so – call it  slightly under a foot for Americans. This level of agreement is pretty impressive,  but all those digits can be distracting when   we’re trying to understand the recent  Fermilab measurement. So, let’s change   how I’m presenting them to make them easier  to understand. We just want to concentrate on   what fraction of the muon's g comes from that  cloud of particles surrounding it. That means   we need to get rid of the part from ordinary  quantum mechanics and we also need to divide   our multi-digit numbers by the old-school  quantum number, which I remind you is two. You can see how that works here. We take  the measured g and subtract off the 1930s   quantum prediction. Then we divide the  whole thing by the quantum prediction,   what’s left is the fraction caused by the quantum  effects of the cloud surrounding the muon. That’s a lot of words, so I can say it a bunch  easier if we remember that the gyromagnetic   ratio is written as g and the old-school  prediction is just 2. When you do that,   you get that the fraction of the gyromagnetic  ratio caused by precisely known modern physics   is simply just g minus 2, all divided by 2. For no  good reason, scientists call that quantity alpha. If we do all of that, we can rewrite our  measurement and prediction for the part of   the muon’s gyromagnetic ratio caused by  modern physics for both the experiment   and the prediction and, in the year 2006, the  numbers you see here were state of the art. We’re getting somewhere, but to  understand the scientific situation,   we need to focus on where the two disagree.   So, the easiest way to do that is to simply  mentally erase the number that are the same   in experiment and theory – after all, there is no  controversy there – and just keep the ones where   they disagree. If we do that, we’re left with the  way more manageable set of numbers we see here. Now we’re in business. We’ve shown  that data and theory are basically in   excellent agreement and we can now explore  any residual differences. And these residual   differences are important. Let’s swap to a  visual way to represent the two sets of data.   Here I show the prediction and measurement as  dots, with lines representing their uncertainties.   The first thing we notice is that the two  dots are far apart, and the uncertainties   are small compared to how far apart they  are. Basically, the lines don’t overlap. This sort of situation can  mean a couple of things.   First, the measurement or prediction can  simply be wrong. That happens all too often,   even when researchers try to make sure  that they get the numbers correctly.   The second and more interesting, explanation  is that there is some physical phenomena that   the prediction just doesn’t include. If that’s  true, then the discrepancy means a discovery   and that we need to come up with an  improved theory. That’s really exciting. What I’ve talked about so far  is the situation back in 2006.   What's happened since then? Well, theoretical  physicists have revisited the prediction and   found that it’s basically sound. They made  some tiny changes, but nothing of substance.   So, eyes turned to the measurement. Could have  the researchers at Brookhaven Lab made a mistake? Well, in 2021, researchers at  Fermilab repeated the measurement.   I don’t want to get into all of the fascinating  details because, like I said, there have been   lots of amazing videos made that already  have discussed them. I put links in the   description if you’re interested. What I want  to do is focus entirely on the bottom line. So, what’s the answer? It turns out that the  Brookhaven scientists did a good job. The Fermilab   and Brookhaven measurement agreed pretty well. And  now we’re in an exciting place. If the theoretical   calculation is sound and the measurement is  accurate, we could be looking at a discovery. Now, what do we do? Well – we can combine the  Fermilab and Brookhaven measurements into a single   experimental result. That should get both  a more accurate and precise measurement.  Okay - now we’ve come to the place where  we can start discussing the bottom line.   What does it all mean? Well, first  - let’s be honest, we don’t know.   Nobody has a definitive answer. All we know are  the possibilities. There are two big classes,   one exciting and one humbling.  Let’s start with the humbling one. On the same day that Fermilab scientists announced  their amazing measurement, a paper was published   in the prestigious journal Nature. It made a  different prediction for the gyromagnetic ratio   of the muon. Let’s take a step back and consider  how the prediction is done. Let’s briefly return   to the full theoretical number for the muon’s  gyromagnetic ratio and sort of unpack it.   Basically, it’s a series of numbers that get  smaller and smaller as you go to the right. The first 2 is handled by  old-time quantum mechanics.   The zeros mean that nothing is contributed  by effects that are 10% or 1% of what 1930s   quantum predictions cover. The second 2  says that a 0.1% size effect matters and   the first 3 says there is a contribution  from a 0.01% effect, and so it goes. When one considers what contributes to  the correction to the gyromagnetic ratio   due to the cloud of particles surrounding the  muon, it’s easy to calculate bigger effects,   like photons and electrons and antimatter  electrons. These are the things that cause   that tenth of a percent addition. But smaller  effects include the case when the muon’s electric   field creates a photon that then makes a quark and  antimatter quark. It’s a very small contribution   to the gyromagnetic ratio, and furthermore,  it’s also hard to calculate precisely.   That’s because quarks interact with quarks,  and the whole thing is pretty messy. In the   traditional calculation, physicists estimate  the result using other measurements from other   experiments. The resulting prediction gives a  discrepancy between measurements and predictions. However, the new paper published in  Nature takes a different approach.   Rather than estimate the effect to the  muon’s magnetic moment from quarks,   these researchers try to calculate it by  a brute force method called lattice QCD.   Basically, they set up a three dimensional  grid and use supercomputers to calculate   how the equations governing the strong force  predict how all of these grid points interact.   It takes a lot of computer power, but the approach  has had some success in other areas of physics. The lattice QCD calculation doesn’t agree  with the earlier theory calculations. In fact,   it agrees better with the experimental measurement  recently released by Fermilab scientists. So that could be a big letdown. Maybe there  never was a tension between data and prediction.   Maybe the early prediction was just  wrong. But it’s too soon to conclude that.   For instance, the uncertainty quoted  by the lattice QCD researchers   originates from how certain they  are of their methodology. In short,   they’re not entirely certain that they’ve  approached the problem completely correctly. Now this doesn’t mean that they made a mistake.  After all, they are excellent scientists. But   it shows you how hard it is to do calculations  involving quarks. The bottom line is we need   to be careful about drawing conclusions. Luckily,  by my count, there are about six equally talented   groups of theorists and computer professionals  in the world who can also try to reproduce the   lattice QCD calculation. It will probably take  a year for them to announce their results. So, putting aside the lattice QCD calculation for  a moment, and assuming that the new measurement   and the old way of predicting the muon’s  gyromagnetic ratio are correct, what could   explain that? Well, that’s where things can be  exciting. It means that new physics is required. What might that new physics be? Unfortunately,  the data can’t answer that. It could be that   there are low mass particles that  interact very rarely with muons.   Or it could be that there are high mass particles  that interact more frequently with muons. Such a range of possible behaviors is a bit  frustrating, but it’s similar to being in   the situation where somebody made a  measurement of an object’s density,   but people want to know how big it is and what its  mass is. Density is just mass divided by volume,   so any specific density could be a low mass object  with a small size, or a high mass object with a   big size. A density measurement alone won’t  tell you either the size or the mass. But it   would tell you that a huge mass and a small size  is forbidden by the data. So, you know something. Similarly, if the prediction and measurement  of the muon’s gyromagnetic ratio continue to   disagree, it doesn’t give us an exact prediction  of what the new possible physics will be.  So, where do we stand? Well, we stand where  scientists often stand – where we know a lot,   but not enough, and we have more and more  questions. If the discrepancy persists, we   know that there is some sort of new physics and we  have some information about what is possible. On   the other hand, if the new theoretical prediction  from lattice QCD is validated, it may be that   what we’ve found is that existing theory does a  good job predicting this property of the muon. Now you might be asking  when we’ll know the answer,   and for that you’re going to just have to wait.   The experimenters at Fermilab will be recording  something like 16 times more data than they’ve   reported so far. So, the measurement will improve,  and we’ll learn more in a year or two. And getting   other groups to reproduce the lattice QCD  calculations will take a similar amount of time. And that means we just have to  wait to see what the future brings.   But there is no question that there is  enormous interest in what the Fermilab   Muon g-2 experiment will tell us about the laws  of nature. It’s incredibly, incredibly, exciting. Okay – so this video covered a lot of  fantastic ground and was kind of a deep   dive into how frontier science is done. If you  enjoyed learning about this amazing effort,   please like and subscribe to the  channel and share on social media.   If you do, that means more people will learn  about this riveting bit of physics drama.   And who wouldn’t like that? After all,  as we all know, physics is everything.
Channel: Fermilab
Views: 155,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fermilab, Physics, g-2, Muon g-2, muons, anomalous magnetic moment, anomalous magnetic moment of muons, QED, new theory, lattice QCD, exciting physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory, BNL, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, FNAL, Don Lincoln, Ian Krass
Id: eCCGr4BqElE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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