What Does Each Strive Character Theme Mean?

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let's talk about fighting game law believe it or not every fighting game has some form of story as to why the characters are finding each other some games are relatively simple with matches taking place in a tournament for a prize pot we have other things being added to spice up the setting generally some sort of evil shadowy organization pulling the strings to mess with the contestants and then the world or something but anime games they're uh they're different a few months ago somebody asked me to make a video about gilly gear law no problem i thought to myself how complicated could it really be this might be harder than i thought if only there was something i interacted with literally every single day that i could examine and extract the meaning out of that gives us insights into these characters which the story mode wasn't able to oh yeah the songs have lyrics now these [ __ ] blazing still my heart is lazy i don't need a new one in the previous gilly gear games the characters used to have their own individual themes that would play but they were primarily instrumentals songs with lyrics were generally saved for special events or just hyped tracks in exiled but with the transition to strive daisuke went you know what [ __ ] it every character is not only going to get their own unique theme but they're all going to have lyrics that center around the characters and we're going to put our [ __ ] heart and soul into it and they're going to slap and you can't stop me and now we're here i really like basically all of these tracks with some minor exceptions but i do have to say that some tracks here have more law in them than others so if it feels like we're skimming over your favorite character's theme i do apologize lord knows i'm gonna have to do my main dirty so i feel your pain so without further ado let's get this started the first time i heard find your one way me and my friends all have the exact same reaction yeah that's definitely a soul theme the song is sung as if saul's negotiating with someone who's stolen something from him and he's aiming to try and get it back it shows his dominating aura and stand off his nature while still making sure to present him as someone who's fair soul won't hurt you unless you hurt him first and he'd rather just be left to do his own things [Music] the only other line of major interest in this song is i'll take the wasteland but i won't be alone up until strive saul spent most of his time wandering the ruined earth as a bounty hunter so he's used to being alone this line could refer to two different events in the exod story saw was taking care of sin kai's child and maybe through this his bond with kai sin and dizzy has grown stronger and he knows no matter what happens he'll have somewhere to go where he won't have to be alone alternatively this line could be referring to arya soul's significant other through jaco who's traveling with seoul at the start of strive story after hundreds of years maybe he's just happy to be with his wife again who can say despite being the most vanilla character you can get in guilty gear kai has a lot to do with law and events into the entirety of the guilty gear franchise for context kai was the best knight in the holy order when humanity was at war with the gears through the events of gilligan xx he meets his wife dizzy and they have a song called sin dizzy is a gear which makes sin half again now this man just spent years killing his wife's race and now he's not only married to a gear but he has a gay child roar of the spark is basically about that kai's entire world view has been flipped on its head after meeting dizzy and on reflection he's feeling pretty depressed about it but he decides to stand strong and face the world but he helped create a move forward with this newfound knowledge to make things better for everyone else [Music] will be [Applause] he's taking his role as king seriously he's moving past the scars he's taken he's ready to lead people into a brighter more peaceful future [Music] may is one of the members of the jellyfish pirates a crew of orphan girls run by johnny since he basically adopted all of them he sees them as his children and most of them see him as their dad most of them you may not know this but mei has a massive crush on johnny basically all of the events she partakes in during the guilty gear timeline have something to do with her wanting to impress or protect johnny she knows it's weird that she's got feelings for her surrogate father the first verse and pre-chorus even sound like her trying to take advice from other people to get over johnny [Music] no matter how big it is [Music] by the time we reach the first chorus she's being true to her feeling knowing that they're here to stay and there's nothing that she can do about [Music] verse 2 emphasizes this mole literally ending with the line i can't live without that precious one it's a love song there's not much more to say about it apart from the fact that it's [ __ ] weird like what [Music] axel is a person who's able to manipulate time due to uh guilty gate [ __ ] and he accidentally slipped from the 1990s to way in the future when guilty gear is set before the events of exiled axel wasn't able to freely control his abilities and would slip in and out of time but he's not too phased about all of it he's always been a pretty relaxed guy who tends to try and avoid conflict and just vibes with people whenever possible like listen to this and tell me it's a guy's thing about how he said that he can't see his partner [Music] is [Music] the song does have a neat narrative arc to it as well in the first verse actually talking about how his days are different from others due to time moving differently he repeats the line it's like my time is frozen still which can be taken as him feeling disconnected from the world around him or you could take it literally as it's him being trapped in a frozen piece of time if we do decide to take that line literally however the bridge before the final chorus shows his axel breaking out of his frozen time and learning to finally take control of his powers [Music] [Music] also the chorus is hidden telling us his wi-fi password and i won't be taking any criticism on that chip chips had a pretty hard life being addicted to drugs and leftover on the streets an assassin was sent to kill him after he failed to pay his debt instead of killing him the assassin taught him how to be a ninja and now he's the love of the president of a kingdom we know today the majority of chip's song is about his mentality and how he faces problems the [Music] summarizes the lines strong pretty nicely [ __ ] sucks it's gonna suck for a long time you can roll over and die or you can give it your all until you get taken out don't give up fight like a tiger be free till you die bet you didn't think pretend can add any character apart from boston huh armor-clad faith is a scathing critique on the condition of zepp before pot helped lead a revolution to overthrow the dictatorship [Applause] jesus christ man what the [ __ ] from this part's backstory is fleshed out even more he's the way he is now because of the people who oppressed him and he led the revolution because he couldn't take it anymore the other line that shines a light onto pot is in the post chorus [Music] while this could be referring to the events that happened in exile where he lost a bed band in rambler fall i think it might be better to see it as his doubts about what he's doing he might not be seen as a hero of a savior but a clown who tried to do something impossible even so he had to try something or else everyone was dead good job pot fouls oh boy okay so this one is extremely complicated the song is somewhat of a mess coherently a lot of the things being said in the verse are hard to hear as if they're being mumbled or whispered to there's also several points in which more than one voice is singing the lyrics as if they're in conflict going through his brain or soul faust is kind of going through it in stride so a lot of this seems to be reflecting the conflicts he's going through he's a miracle healer who saved the lives of countless people but before that he was a psycho murderer who lost it after the death of one of his patients he's upset that he can't save everyone the song jumps around in a chaotic manner even getting eerily cheery at some point as if he's trying to mimic how he was in xx and xrd until eventually we hit the bridge where there's a sense of clarity [Music] i [Music] told me [Music] after this is the final chorus and all of the voices begin to start agreeing and singing in harmony with each other apart from that i don't know man there seems to be a lot that i can't decipher maybe when he says messiah will not come he's referring to himself or referring to how he's run away to sort things out or maybe he's just not a believer in god i think that's part of the reason though a lot of the things about current foster somewhat unknown so having his fiend be a chaotic mess fits extremely well melia rage milia was trained to be an assassin since she was a child by the assassins guild mainly zado who was their leader at the time she didn't want this lifestyle however and because of that she grew to resent not only the assassins that trained her but herself millie's theme looks at the internal conflict that she has with her life and what she has become due to the hands of others the last line of each verse asks the question relating back to millie's appearance [Music] it's important to note the second verse is an extra song with the lead which could be merely as demons personified the song mostly tackles the issues of milia learning to love herself despite her past and attempting to move on it could be noted as well that she may be referring to zato in several lines zapto 1 zarto was the leader of the assassin guild after slayer in the events of xx he [ __ ] died but was resurrected in exile this is important to note as it caused zion to lose all of his emotions thus making him a basically empty shell of a man the song is pretty heavy with the intro being muffled and almost immediately being overtaken by the first verse there's something zado is reaching for but he can't get to it he's trapped in an abyss where nothing can escape from the future the past the present none of it has any cohesion everything becomes a blurry mess in his mind and he feels literally nothing day after day and he's struggling to find a reason to go on it all feels extremely out of reach and he can't see why he should keep going is [Music] when he doesn't know what to do he just recoils inwards letting eddie lash out for him and drowning everything in darkness the whole song is basically another internal struggle for his desire to feel again and struggling to find a point to go on now there's a few tracks in strive to do something pretty clever that could only really be done in a fighting game xander's theme is really like really long so long in fact that it's impossible for players to hear the entirety of it in a normal match but if you take the time to just sit and listen to the theme you get this absolutely beautiful verse [Music] [Music] how can i remember those moments me [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] chills dude zaro can actually feel things when he's around millie the song is basically him struggling to hold on to the hope to feel something and eventually he finds it he makes it out of that dark pit he's stuck in and he finds milia he promises to be the shadow that's always with her and he's finally found a purpose by giving zado the time he needs to go through his issues we're able to finally resolve this problem [ __ ] this one's so good dude ramlathal valentine bramleyful also has a problem with understanding her emotions in the place in the world as a valentine she's basically a machine and was originally designed to feel nothing this leaves her confused about humanity and the events in exxon had her figuring out what her place was in the world and has her going through the entirety emotional arc of loving to learn things like her dog and cheeseburgers the track goes through the learning process of hers starting out baron and void of instruments with the first lines being sung in different languages as the song goes on more instruments are added and things become more clear and uniform the first verse is just filled with emotions as if rambling is learning about them for the first time after the first chorus the song gets faster and more chaotic as if learning more things are causing her to become more and more confused the world isn't like what she was programmed to believe it's completely different after some deliberation she realizes that the world is perfect as it is messy and confusing she's happy being a part of it the song ends with this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the world can be painful and confusing but it's made of love and she understands that now and she wants to show it to people how beautiful [Music] oh man leo's a pretty bombastic character i sure hope his theme really plays into the parts of the character we've all gotten to know and love oh leia was one of the kings of illyria the kingdom that kai is also a king of he was part of the holy order and fought alongside saul and kai in the crusades hellfire is about how he's led countless men to their deaths and has [ __ ] survivors guild it's basically an extended panic attack in the form of a song there's lines where leo is trying to reason with himself that he had to do it and he should live on for the other people that died due to his actions he literally asked for forgiveness several times hoping you will make him feel better does it work [ __ ] no he sees himself as a coward a shepherd leading lambs to the slaughter and nothing he says helps him rationalize it out so what does he do he goes back in bringing all your the song shows us why leo is fighting in this game he came to that fight in your match to die he's running at you with as much hunger and bunga as possible because it'll be so much easier for you to take him out that way he becomes so much more powerful when he lets his guard down because he's fine with dying [ __ ] dude leo's deep dagor now naggle's kind of complicated because he has two separate themes and they explore very different topics his main theme what do you fight for and his arcade boss theme crawl let's start with the main theme nago is a honorable vampire samurai he's a follower of dandy isn't like all good men are and thus has a strong sense of style and dignity which he carries into combat what do you fight for represents the vampiric side of nargo unlike slayer he isn't easily able to access blood whenever he needs it meaning he has to seek it out until he cannot deny his first any longer he still likes to keep his honor about him however preferring to fight his opponents in an honest combat and taking their blood that way the song also references to his mortality when hell freezes over sayonara is basically a joke about how he can't die because you know vampire nago is simply trying to find his place in the world but his need for blood makes that harder for him he's asking himself what he fights for and the answer is to feast and stay alive now crawl is about how life [ __ ] sucks [Music] in the story nago became the servant of happy chaos and he resents him greatly for it he was literally locked underground for several hundred years for [ __ ] sake he's allowed to be pretty pissed off about it because of this he doesn't get to choose his own destiny and he has to listen to happy chaos commands for the entirety of strive sorry he hates this and wants to rebel against it the thing he wishes for more than anything right now is a peaceful a normal life he could roll over and let chaos do whatever he wants without any restraint but then he'd just be a pawn and he doesn't want that so he's gonna use every bit of his strength to resist to fight back he's going to crawl [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] all that faith that is [Music] geo is part of the american defense force her role in the story of stribe is to make sure the president doesn't die her song is about how she doesn't want to be involved with what's happening she's got a job to do and she's here to do it it's nothing personal just forget she was ever there and move on with your life honestly the fact that she doesn't want to be part of anything might explain why her theme is pretty different from everyone else's while most of the themes in the game go for a heavier rock aesthetic jio's theme just sounds like the beastie boys that's it i wish i had more to say about it but apart from the possible horny posting in the song she literally just tells you politely to [ __ ] off [Music] you know a lot of these songs are about people's beliefs their past their mentality i wonder what angie has to say for himself i went to a fair with a really cute girl and it was like a date and we danced and we had emoji we stayed really late but it was just those two and i [ __ ] love her dude she changed my life and i didn't sell her [Music] now technically the song could be interpreted in other ways but [ __ ] you okay it's cute to think he's singing about baiken it also gives this line a really cute meaning [Music] [Applause] [Music] baikon has been through a lot of [ __ ] over the course of the gilly gear story but angie made a promise and he intends to keep it he will carry her heart with him wherever he goes if only he had the balls to tell her [Music] eno has been the main antagonist of the guilty gear series since xx having the ability to travel through time similar to axel she attempts to stop the blank future by alterating a pest and splitting the world into different timelines if you're wondering why i'm not going over the entire law of guilty gear blame this [ __ ] eno's theme is basically the reverse of axel she's able to control her powers from the start but instead of being optimistic about the future she's pretty pessimistic about everything she's able to see the loveliness of the world she sees everything but she doesn't feel like any of it matters if she can't change the future she doesn't know if reaching her goal is even possible and if it does happen then what she wins and that's it she knows she doesn't have anywhere to go back to she says herself her memories can't be trusted [Music] [Music] in the end of the song eno just hopes that even if she does fail her death will be the catalyst to a bright new future [Music] i got a job to do i'm gonna do it look at me i'm such a cool character wow gold loose's theme is about even though he's the secretary of absolute defense he's just another pawn in the system taking orders from those higher up than he is the chorus has the lines bark and bark reoccur several times this could be a reflection of the people above him barking orders at him that he has to follow or how he sees himself as a guard dog for the american government it seems to mirror potemkin's fear instead of having somebody learn to lead a revolution and fear they may be seen as a clown for doing it it's someone who's part of the system that resents it but doesn't have the balls to take action himself who knows maybe he'll lead a revolution one day and actually do something to impact strive's story [ __ ] this is an anime intro what jacko's theme is just a bunch of things that make her happy and how she wants to pursue these things to live out a happy life presumably with seoul i think it might be her planning things to show or do with soul since they've been separated for so long but uh i'm gonna be honest guys i'm having a really hard time trying to figure out this one like it feels like the lyrics have nothing to do with anything like what does all of this mean [Music] is i just want to feel like [Applause] happy chaos is a complicated character i'm sure his female have a lot to talk about [Music] [Applause] you've got to be [ __ ] with me happy chaos is a model and doesn't really care about anything the fact he doesn't care about anything means that everything to him is amazing by having no connections to the material world he's able to view humanity through fresh eyes and he's happy because of it [Music] mirror of the world starts with the mantra of light a popular suture used in japanese buddhism this is able to show baikon's heavy ties to her nationality as a japanese woman who had everything taken from her she is bitter and seeks revenge she wanders the earth as a lone samurai attempting to vanquish the gaze but times have changed the world has changed and she needs to change with it at the start of the song baikon sees herself as a relic of the past wanting to be rid of all anger and frustration she has she turns that hatred inwards not sure how to release it she attempt to shun herself away from everyone else literally asked why would anyone leave me alone after what was probably some reflection through the instrumental everything cuts out and there's a sense of clarity yeah i have red i wonder what i would tell them yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god she's singing about angie he [ __ ] did it let's go let's [ __ ] go yeah by gaining a comrade angie she's able to get rid of her vacations and learns to move past them she aims to become a mirror of the world she wants to reflect back onto people the kindness and support that they've given her she moved to a be a better person and it's all thanks to the people who loved and stayed with her how cute [Music] testaments theme is weird testament was originally the child of cliff but died and was resurrected as a gear they were controlled by justice to fight them justice was defeated and testament regained control of themselves and they began wandering the world looking until eventually they found dizzy and swears to protect her due to how she was treated by some villagers so what's testament's theme about well uh i'm pretty sure it's about testament finally finding a purpose by wandering the world and seeing as much as they can flying through the darkness to see what tomorrow has in store they've accepted who they are and they're going to make the most of it by exploring this beautiful world however it could also be them singing about dizzy and cliff which would make sense if we didn't have lines where the pronouns that they're talking about keep switching which makes me think it's about themselves because they're agenda but if it is then testimony what the [ __ ] you talking about honestly testament in arcade mode is just passing through and checking out the site so let's say that's what their theme is about too and that's all of them at least for now there's a lot of personal interpretation in music so just know that most of these are how i personally feel about these songs i could be right but i probably didn't get them all a hundred percent correct i'm sure that hasn't stopped some people from rushing to the comments to tell me how i'm wrong but jokes on you [ __ ] you're helping me with the algorithm let me know what you think about the songs in the comments below or on my stream where i'm playing strive right now come join thanks for watching and i'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: GekkoSquirrel
Views: 872,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guilty Gear, Strive, Guilty Gear Strive, Themes, Songs, Music, Meaning, Themes meanings, Sol, KY, May, Axl, Chipp, Potemkin, Pot, Faust, Millia, Zato, Zato=1, Ramlethal, Ram, Leo, Whitefang, Nago, Nagoriyuki, Gio, Giovanna, Anji, I-No, Gold Lewis, Jack-O, Happy Chaos, Baiken, Testament, Find your one way, Roar of the spark, Disaster of passion, Play the hero, Society, Armor-Clad Faith, Alone Infection, Love the Sub Human Self, Vanish Into Dark, Necessary Discrepancy, Hellfire, Crawl, Mirror Of The World
Id: 4VzRhScn0rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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