What does a house in an Indian slum cost?

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I'd like to know what is the cost of a house here like what what about you wanna see baby baby baby rabbit baby rabbits okay sure yeah all right it's a cool place fighting yeah be careful you might kill you that that chicken was bigger than a brother I have to to UM that we find the net don't so lucky mine so where are you going when you ran into me actually I was finding a dairy yeah they're cats namaste there's uh here's your rabbit hold on alright it's alright so nice reminded me of is that the mama rabbit in there yeah wow they're so cute hello rabbit I recorded for you if you wanna hold on okay it's it's moving so hey rabbit you wanna they're albino like me hello whitey we're very fluffy had a very fluffy oh wait what do you do with these are you selling Carlos or don't I give you two now parties Yuma it's a debit oh it's just like a pet yeah and you give them to others when you have many rabbits more than three guys gotta be down a pillow nah they keep it all right Wow yeah but you know what they say about rabbits they home will be full of rabbits yeah maybe they give their uh you know colleagues in oh there's the mama very big hey mama rabbit hmm what's that what's the name why are you going there going straight for the for the milk this seems hungry hey you have some patience guys there's an opt-in is for everyone for mama rabbit Wow cool so how many people live here you live alone I'm a big money Mendes big money got a body part of I've heard two kids and a system yeah his wife is Raya and two kids and his father lives too but on the other side oh that's we have two beds so they share beds yeah okay alright and and how does it work here does anyone rent or does everyone oh they wouldn't are they owned it everybody okay so you buy it and you can okay interesting so nobody nobody would rent in this area it's only people who own all right well thank you thank you for showing showing your home thank you for the hospitality time can I ask about this dress is that his like that for special education or wedding or something right okay so so when you got married you wore this yeah only for ready it wasn't many you married life Mandy and never again one special occasion yes okay so that's why it's hanging like a mother all right that's the mother so the how this is tailor-made then or like holiday yeah there are two times if they made it or they buy it ready man okay what'd you buy OT wanna buy me tea smells okay we just reduce your children yeah I'm sorry just tell him story before I don't know kind of how it works with neighbors coming in and others property and so on so I thought it was best to kind of just have that have the family of everyone here are very very good friends football team and cricket team okay so this is a very community that all neighbors are are friendly with each other yeah because yesterday when I walked into one Street I noticed a lot of people following me and when I came into this street they stopped following me there is okay Wow the outsider don't ended up in a society they went outside just stay outside okay but this was from here actually it is another Street in this village it was another Street in the Hollywood or something follow you till the end mother yes yes later they were rowdy yeah let's go outside again huh yeah yeah hold on on video shoot these on the way if you want some but yes yes sure people absolutely hey what are you eating what's this oh it's washing powder I thought it was candy here I was thinking you were you were eating candy okay you're actually going going to the laundry wait someone's coming back he wants you to come I just outside it's better light it's interesting well it's incredible they even have satellite TV in that point yeah sure I see there they lock the door what about him does he lock his door when he's not here or is it say no so he loved the door every time okay all right all right is it very hot give is too hot to drink we say in Norway school Jesus thank you for being the best translator I've had thus far thank you the bar is pretty low on that one I'm joking every old friends letters have been good are you not drinking eww hello guys how's it going whatever is fine let's try oh yeah all right I think it's the same t-that's the woman is selling up there it's big it's actually pretty good try the transom yesterday is famouser alright we say school in Norway what do you say [Laughter] alright yes the same one same one I'd like to know what is the cost of a house here 3 to 4 next what is what what is a lock there they're trying to go through here we're blocking up it's very M the streets are so narrow so it's hard to it's hard to walk when we're having a tea party here hello guys so sorry what was that 1 3 2 for luck you said thank you thank you 300,000 also 300,000 rupees okay and then you own it what he said watches are you a watch seller this point Wow can you show me what you sell and I would like to hear where he sells it to hello how are you oh here we are clogging off the streets here we are ruining the economy of this oh please go it's so dark in here so can you ask him about the nature of business meaning is that and then he takes money from some whether some other person and buy the watches and sing them in he takes the profit okay what are the margins on one watch like happy if you sell one watch like how much profit do you have 50 to 100 okay and how like what in a good day like how many watches can you sell three to four three to four watches it is okay is it a somewhat stable business some days like he have no Sunday Monday is the best one that's the best so on a Tuesday maybe you have several sales there are many days that he came back home without selling any watches a method relies on what you say he was saying that you know he takes money from some other person and he takes on his head like not selling all the watches he was you know he he wasn't able to sell watches you know just like I said Sunday is the best did need a little bit of an investment did he have to put up the money for these watches but these watches I mean so so these were given to him that abide by the man who okay who France the money okay well very interesting to hear about his business which include lankan thank you for the hospitality and everything how much does it sell one watch for them this one is expensive how much is that three to four individuals three to four hundred rupees you see what you seen it what you like I'll buy your watch I don't like to see the never be you don't like what you see it's no charges I hope you have a very nice yeah ah okay give me a watch ten what kind of watch do you think would look good on a mother xre girl but I wanted not this one he thinks this one is good alright and this was four hundred you said all right I like it okay I'm buying it okay alright hold on oh let me see that what do I have many too many old notes sir can I see you huh was everyone everyone looking in my oh there we go okay yeah it's given thousand there we go I'm giving you a thousand all right thank you thank you for the interview and for showing us your home good luck thank you alright guys now I have a watch now I can finally tell the time this one says 7:00 so we're gonna have to sorry we don't have to reset it hello guys yep [Music]
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 673,095
Rating: 4.8593335 out of 5
Keywords: India house price, India slum, cheap India house, India property
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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