What do you think about this Tiny House Truck Conversion?

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[Music] hi i'm mike welcome to my tiny home felicity arnold shooting from a mountaintop location in kelowna this video is sponsored by newtopia get 10 off your cognitive enhancing nootropics and unlock your brain's potential by going to newtopia dot com forward slash floor and use code floor 10 at checkout and increase your focus today and remember to subscribe i decided about 10 years ago to buy this truck as a tourism operation it was low kilometer you know in great condition and they have a great track record the liability of carrying 20 humans around in the back of a monster truck is not profitable these days and paying rent is also not tangible for me so the common solution was just to live in the truck i'd never been in a tiny house i just knew what i needed to survive and i looked at the footprint i had available in the total weight i'm auto body by trade so welding electrical and plumbing kind of fall together and i've had some related experience just fabricating things and customs and i did a ton of welding a ton of plasma cutting you know these are things if you had to sub it out it's going to take a lot of money and it's actually more rewarding to do it yourself it's hell in the process but looking back i don't regret any of it a few things that were difficult i mean there's a lot of things on here i just can't lift you know from tires to metal panels so you had to get creative with you know jacks blocking hydraulics you know to make things move the initial build took me about 10 months and those first 10 months were hell it was it was a lot of like all-nighters you know my performance at work for my friends did suffer i put it as a priority to get out of my rent loop and the day i moved in i didn't have a sink i didn't have running water in the truck my ex at the time we just kind of lived in this dry container and every night after work like a little more got done a little more got done right now you know running total depending on maintenance and how you look at you know replacing infrastructure i'm just north of 50 grand with this truck right now so this is a retired colorado national guard troop carrier i've converted to motorhome legally what you're looking at is a 40-foot c-can cut in half thrown on the back floating frame to allow it to flex under these adverse conditions air brakes six-wheel drive allison transmission cummins engine uh pretty much the best thing you could ask for for an overlander in north america fire truck horn because i like the sound of it compared to the stock military one i've moved my two starting batteries under the hood there's not another m9 like this that i know of this freed up space in other areas of the rig for my build just something to consider and then before that i have a new style delco alternator 24 volt as my military one kind of exploded on me last year this is a custom bumper i've built for a winch this truck's never had a winch i've never been stuck and i deemed it not required it holds a vise some blocking equipment some hoses some cables full led upgrades to all my lighting i have a barbecue on the front of my truck that doesn't come down very often actually 1400 r20 tires uh due for new tires moving forward to this next compartment this is a custom build for my generator and i'm using a 2000 watt inverter generator to charge this whole truck it does a very good job at adcc's you don't need a big generator to be honest this is my greenlee toolbox it houses a lot of other stuff it's a bit of a tankers thing to get into and a bunch of stuff's gonna fall out but that's how we roll in here i carry sockets screwdrivers electrical kits mig welder a whole bunch of generic stuff to get me out of trouble so my ladder uh they're a bit of a difficult things on overlanders a lot of guys have them pull out slide out carry them uh i still haven't found a better solution for my setup yet i'd love to have a fold down deck where this is integrated but for the moment it's just something i built um it just it's pretty basic you know no matter how i'm parked the hooks catch it does the thing you know it's a ladder this is what a new tire looks like it has tons and tons of tread uh they're made of unicorn skin because i can't seem to find another one like it in the middle of that tire i store my propane tank it works really good actually i feel safe security but where i have this that's only for the barbecue it doesn't come down very often either looking over the tail lights this racking holds my stairs um and then i normally tie my bicycle to the lock right there coming around to my little toolbox here it holds petrol diesel fuel my stinky poo hose and occasionally a bag of garbage this side looks pretty blank but at that top corner it's still winterized as my ac unit that's a window shaker it's 5000 btu it's not really enough to do the job and in the future i would like to put a split ac unit on this truck a heat pump and i do believe that's the way to go in the future on the side i have a fuel tank which is 80 gallons and right now that's going to cost about 600 to fill that's doubled since i bought the truck something considered these are still the good old days that's cheap it's gonna get worse i'm pretty happy about my pinstripe uh this is a mad max fury war rig sticker i'm not that artsy so for me to do something like that's pretty rare and i love it it's a cool tattoo for the truck moving ahead of that is my faithful old chainsaw it's been outside for five years in this location and it'll start suck and pull it's great it's just an old workhorse [Music] okay back in the cab this is largely stock in here when i first bought it i wasn't sure how to drive it they're they're basic they're very basic it's just a different kind of tractor transmission is automatic it doesn't shift like a normal automatic it's kind of more like a big red three wheeler you kind of have to tell what to do this switchbank i've added i could use three times as many switches there's always more stuff to put on switches i've got this good bluetooth cd player i'd love a good cd player this fan was a was a major improvement to my life by blowing heat down from the surrounding area also from my wood stove it's better than the stock heater it came with the seat i'm sitting in is not comfortable it's a spring seat i'm always sitting tight and if if you do like a thousand kilometers in a day it will beat the hell out of you uh it's kind of a young man's toy in those kind of kilometers the seat for the passenger is actually an air ride seat which is far more comfortable than my seat and chivalry isn't dead that's all i'm going to say it's very convenient for my build that this truck was a convertible so i had a soft top i simply wanted to not hit my head on the roof anymore of the truck so i removed the top and i built a flex seal all around the truck 32 feet of 18 inch rubber roofing double layered you know bolted every four inches all the way around to give me a flexible seal it's working pretty good it's got a couple uh injuries on it but uh it's it's fine overall in my world i'm good with it what i didn't want was a narrow little pass-through again so i've utilized this convertible nature of my truck i did cut out a bit of the back wall i removed the factory battery box that was down here and the bench seat to allow for this air ride seat which brings me back to the main heating unit this stove cost me a couple hundred bucks to build i use just a regular wire feed mig welder nothing too sophisticated i'm using a stainless steel chimney as opposed to the flimsy rusty ones you buy from home depot or home hardware the unique thing about my stove compared to anything you're gonna buy on the market is that i'm using a hot water heating system that i've built via a sidearm heat exchanger it becomes a hydronic heating system where my engine's heat is recycled and recovered and then converted to my drinkable hot water and vice versa when i heat my stove it heats my water with a circ pump heats up my antifreeze so -40 my cummins will start i don't have a place to plug it in most of the time it doesn't even have a block heater this has gotten made of a jam a few times with low batteries and i'll hang stuff over here on these hooks i used some unistrut around the top i didn't know what i wanted to build exactly nina strut allows you to be pretty flexible with your build if you come in from the rain and your boots are soaked you hang them over the stove they're dry by the morning pretty easy so this is my very tiny little bathroom and it's bigger than most builds bathrooms this is a regular rv flush toilet if you're not too concerned about the weight of your waste water these are like 200 bucks i don't have to worry about what goes in it if someone else is using the bathroom you can't break it it's it's pretty much bulletproof my toilet actually drains into a 40-gallon black tank and it lays on the floor it takes up this whole space underneath the bathroom i've left all of my plumbing inside the vehicle so all of my tanks are insulated above the floor so at minus 30 nothing freezes on my rig i have water every day i'm not running electric heaters to do that and then moving forward i've actually got a 30 by 30 shower full sized the shower is recycled from a previous build i have a 40 gallon gray tank for my shower water and all the water is heated uh via the wood stove um so again i don't use propane hot water if the stove's not on i don't have any hot water it's pretty basic some of the materials i sourced for this build were actually pretty special this truck is kind of known as the muskogen embassy all of the lumber in this truck stood as a fence in the limber lost lodge for 60 years which was the first resort in muskoka so there's a lot of really cool history here i had a lot of fun bringing this wood back from the dead hemlock is great if you can get it it's kind of like cedar it doesn't mind the water you can abuse it i can put a thumbtack on my wall anywhere and you just don't see that in new panel land builds moving forward to my kitchen my cabinets are 2 000 watt kitchen cabinets they have towel holders so it's martha stewart approved a couple years ago i had a microwave sitting here at 600 watts now it's a 2000 watt speaker over here i had some like essential oils and dishes now not so much and i wouldn't trade it back these things are ear piercing i love it i absolutely love my stereo system my rig's a little different from most the only cook top i have in here is my wood stove it gives me a lot more counter space you know you always have the option of bringing in another butane or propane device all i really use as a backup is my jetboil i mean normally that's where i make my coffee in the morning before the wood stove is hot you know keep it simple well this build's five years old now and it's seen a lot of damage a lot of beat it's it's it's beat up i'm not gonna lie so everything in here i wanna actually update and upgrade and i mean that's probably just par for the course of how long i've lived in here to do this again this would be a steel ball bearing toolbox with central locks something that could take the shock of my life and then you pull the drawers out you hide stuff in behind it like infrastructure like plumbing and electrical so word to the wise get some steer to your cabinets if your truck rides around most of my solar energy goes to refrigeration it's not efficient to use a fridge like this but it's cost efficient so these fridges run for about 250 bucks at walmart it is straight ac there's lots of people spending 1500 on fridges i don't think it's necessary this used to be a table that folded down and had a couple bar stools under it uh it's not enough you know i wanted more so i built this cabinet for 418s they're all sealed the subs are rated for 2 500 watts each they're all sharing a 5 000 watt amp this will activate any karen from a very long distance it will bring bile off from any any time of night bylaw will show up so you have to be careful i run these things i keep earplugs on my wall my favorite djs have played in here and any other cool djs that want to you know hit my aux cord hit me up this is this is the scene i carry this one poster with me this is a hobo dynasty it means a lot to me it's it's a dude living on the back of an elephant you know that's that's me that's that's my life i've got a caution rave bear sign here because you know they're around they'll mess with your stuff i think they live in this truck actually my dog he's set up on the bed today he's been named tinnitus for obvious reasons this is my high tech heavy duty fan you can reverse the direction of it and you can push air in or out of the rig and it's not hard to set up a filter behind it either if you're in dusty conditions like burning man these are component sets for alpine type rs and before i put the big system in this truck these were the only speakers i had in here and they are very accurate i absolutely love them and i enjoy watching the wiring so my crossovers are exposed during some urban exploration in new brunswick uh i found this old window laying against a barn and i decided to save it it actually it fit my space stickers from great great people on here many many memories and it's just nice to take a look and remember what you've done and who you've met so in here this is basically my bookshelf i keep just random stuff toiletries i mean i don't have a vanity in my kitchen i'm a bachelor i don't need that stuff i just need a place to store my stuff you know as i built this truck bed size the huge issue of people and i built this for queen i'm actually just using a double that gave me a lot of extra storage space around the ends for like extra blankets towels pillows and i think that's something people should be wary of is your maximum bed versus your mattress because when you got to tuck that cheat on how are you going to do that in the back corners learn the hard way underneath my bed it's it's a bit of a hounds breakfast to be honest i store stuff in bins i love my bins and looking underneath here although my wiring looks super janky and it is you know no refunds it works and when it doesn't work i scramble i repair it i keep going i just recently replaced my inverter to a beautiful multi-plus made by victron energy actually and i'm very impressed with it so far i should have started with a higher quality inverter my solar is pwm a good friend of mine donated this to my rig when my last one exploded i'm using approximately 1200 watts of solar right now i'm actually managing a 24 volt system with 12 volt batteries so currently i'm using 8 group 31 deep cycle batteries at 100 amp hours each as far as charging goes i have the options to charge either via my solar my generator or my alternator and i'm right here i can split my batteries between starting batteries and house batteries which is pretty handy when you have to rebuild your battery pack in the winter and you just flip your starting batteries you know nothing has to shut off many many sketches many sleepless nights or just ideas would pop into your head and you're like i got to write this down i got to think about this and so many torn up lists and and i think that's the key to building something like this is just get it on paper look at it criticize it scrap it revise it and by the time you hit like version 10 of something you're working on it you know version one's never gonna work i've learned a certain confidence in not knowing what's going on around me not having to plan just just being in the heat of it and uh in those misadventures you find a lot of joy i find joy helping other people when their adventures go south and i roll up and they got their arms up you know they're like what are we gonna do it's like i got a welder and some time and some power like you're like let's fix this thing i've made a lot of good friends that way and uh that's kind of kept fueling my journey with this truck if i could redo this project i would start it five years sooner to just get life going i mean gas was cheaper five years before you know like the far the further they go back the cheaper things were these are the good old days now so i mean if you're thinking of building something grand do this now because in 10 years i don't know if it's gonna be possible i would say if you're considering this lifestyle and you don't think you have the skills your doubt is unnecessary you will learn by your mistakes you'll become wise by your follies it's very important for your own confidence to fail you know to push and you'll inspire others along the way and others will lift you up as you go everyone is looking for something that will give them an edge and nootropics are a way to get that edge nootropics are supplements specifically designed to help you focus more intensely 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a great week
Channel: FLORB
Views: 130,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, tiny house, van life, van dwelling, simple living, van tour, tiny house tour, tiny house on wheels, van conversion, florb, dylan magaster, truck, truck house, truck conversion, overlander, overland, truck overland, overlanding, truck camper, overlanders, off grid, van build, tiny house build, van life build, van life tour, truck tour, tour, van conversion ideas, off grid living, camper van conversion, tiny home, tiny homes, vanlife, living in a van, diy van conversion
Id: lEq9Dwhvx4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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