What Do The IPC & Stellaron Hunters Want On Penacony [Part 1] | Honkai Star Rail Lore

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pentacon release comes with it not just a large group of new characters to P around with but multiple story lines and plots as well each person and faction all have their own motives and goals but the end game is not really clear to us at this point while it's still a bit early in patch 2.0 to really be making theories and guesses that's not really going to stop me so in this video I'm going to make some speculations as to what each faction's ultimate goals are and what they might be doing in 2.1 and Beyond before we get into that if you want to see more hongkai staral content do consider subscribing to the channel now as usual before we get into the meat and potatoes of this video I need to warn you that if you haven't played the main story yet I will be spoiling a whole bunch of things here so if you don't want to learn who appears and what they're doing then probably play the main story first and you can always come back here later also as I've mentioned these are speculations I obviously don't know what exactly will happen happen in 2.1 and Beyond so I hope you go into this understanding that it's more for fun rather than taking it too seriously finally because there are so many groups I'll really only be covering two in this video the IPC and the stellon hunters and the rest I'll cover in separate other videos let's start off with the IPC who is currently represented by aventurine in the story itself it hasn't been reveal what the IPC are doing on pentacon much like the other factions they are invited presumably to take part in the festivities if adventuring sneaky Behavior didn't tip you off they obviously have some ulterior motive I believe that there are two separate goals that is being pursued here the first is related to what the IPC wants and the other is what adventuring him wants I think they are separate for reasons I'll get into just a bit but as for what the IPC wants we can probably make a guess based on aventurin position in the IPC and pentacon history in the past pentacon was a a frontier prison established by the IPC prisoners were sent here to act as laborers working to mend a leak through which Memoria seeped into the universe as they worked here the exposure to Memoria caused them to begin sharing one unified Dreamscape and eventually all of them wish to be free at some point after this an outbreak of the fragment occurred due to an appearance of a stellon and the IPC would lose control over the planet as the prisoners eventually rested control over it amidst the chaos even Under New Management however because of the stellon the planet continued to be a chaotic place until the family decended and made pentacon into what it is today now there's more to this story but the gist of it is that pentacon once belonged to the IPC which they eventually lost to the prisoners who then lost it to the family as part of the Strategic investment Department adventuring focuses on major businesses and investment deals the IPC can pursue they essentially find potential business business opportunities that IPC can diversify into all in the pursuit of more profits what's interesting is that adventuring leads the non-performing asset liquidation team for those of you who aren't business sevy what that essentially means is that for businesses that do not perform as intended adventurine will be sent to sell off any assets the business still owns to make back as much money as they can so that they may cover their investment costs now this implies that at some point after the family gaining control of the planet the IPC perhaps invested into the development of paconi by supporting the family and this is the investment they likely wish to recoup however there is also the possibility that the IPC still considers the planet as their and with all the stuff going on they have now returned to get it back in either case I think that whatever the family has been hiding up till this point is about to be revealed to the greater Universe by the end of panoni story once this happens the holiday destination panoni has been marketed as might be less attractive and th why the IPC are there to ensure they get back their investment If This Were to ever happen now as for adventurine the reason why I think he has some other motivation outside his responsibility to the IPC is due to the exchange he has with the Mask full Sparkle Sparkle suspects that aventurine is from sagonia and aventurine further adds that he is in fact an aen or aan we don't really know what that means but she goes on to say that the seian are a notorious group known for being liers thieves and social manipulators but why is this important I mean if aventurine was only here as a representative of the IPC it wouldn't really matter where he came from or what his reputation is of course she could just be bringing this up to show how fearsome he is at his job given his background but I think there's a possibility that maybe aventurine has some relation to the prisoners who once ran the planet perhaps some of them were sigoni like him maybe he knows them personally he might have some other objective in mind perhaps to fine and free them and the IPC is just one giant smokees screen the shadow of the largest corporation in the entire universe is probably a good hiding place as everyone just assumes he's there doing things for the benefit of the IPC alone that said Sparkle also mentions that aventurine might have come to some agreement with the family that hints of the IPC not harming pentacon this makes me think that the IPC are adamant in getting their investment back either by liquidating whatever that paconi has or forcibly taking back the planet from the family so I'm inclined to believe that aventurine is working both front here to achieve what the IPC wants and to get whatever it is he wants he seems like the type of person who adamantly believes that he just can't lose and likely thinks achieving both goals isn't Beyond his abilities plus we also have to remember that topas is also likely helping him given adventuring requested for her assistance at the end of the 1.5 BX story line and why two goals can be pursued at the same time so my guess is that the IPC either wants the planet back or something of similar value to Reco their losses while aventurine is likely interested in the prisoners of the past perhaps some of which belong to the same group as he does by the end of pentacon story if aventurine gets his way he will have turned the family's Fiasco into profit for the IPC and gain information towards his own personal goals likely related to the prisoners it's on a very interesting out come but that's the guess I'll be making for now in terms of the IPC the second fraction I'll speak about in this video are the stellon hunters now because we've dealt with the stellon hunters in the past it's pretty easy to come up with ideas on why they have appeared in paconi everything they've done have always been related to Elio's script each of their actions are steps taken to ensure the script develops in the way that they want the group are kind of playing a meta game to set things up before they can actually take center stage in the past they've been known to steal stons like the one on Herta space station they've manipulated factions such as the shano alliance so that they are favorable to the main character and the nameless and in trailers we've seen them topple groups such as the jaella Brotherhood who are part of the annihilation gang well this might seem like a series of random activities and are disconnected they all relate back to Elio's script during their interrogation kka reveals that one key event to happen in the future is that nanuk the Eon of Destruction might actually achieve its goal in destroying the universe to prevent this and get the future they want they are setting up the main character as the person who will oppose nanuk the stellon stolen from herab was inserted in the main character the shano alliance ended up allying with the main character and the nameless and even the jaella Brotherhood who follow nanuk have now been removed from Power reducing Nano's power overall everything they do is for the benefit of the script now there's a couple of ideas that come to mind as to their appearance in panoni the first is that they're here to retrieve the stellon as I mentioned earlier panoni used to be affected by a stellon though we've not seen or heard of it as it's been reported that the family has taken care of it that said I do think the stellon is still in play and that it might even be what is behind the Dreamscape and how it functions perhaps it's used as an energy source or maybe it's used in some other way regardless I still think the stellon will come into play and when it does the hunters may like be scheming to obtain it alternatively they might be trying to do what they did on the xiano luu but with the family perhaps they are again trying to prop the main character up as the hero so that the family is indebted to them gaining them more allies however given the family appears as this really tight-knit group and perhaps even have some ulterior motives I kind of think that instead of gaining their allegiance perhaps the stellon hunters are trying to prevent the main character from being too involved with them perhaps they know of pentacon secret the secret so devastating that they can't risk the main character getting too involved with the family and pentacon in general due to the danger involved here the main character is sort of the Lynch pin of the stellon Hunter's plan to deal with nanuk and if they are killed everything the hunters work for up to this point might go up in smoke it's not really surprising that they might know the secret the family is trying to hide or how panoni might turn out given Elio's future seeing abilities there's also the possibility that sheipe and the family might get in the Hunter's Way somewhere down the line and allowing them to destroy themselves once the secret is revealed is exactly what the hunters want so while we know of their actions in the past and any of those could apply here since we don't know the entirety of elio script there's a possibility that the hunters are here to unearth the secret the family and panoni has in order to accelerate their demise ultimately by the end of panoni the hunters will likely try to get the stellon and strengthen their position for the Final Fight by either ensuring the family is indebted to the main character or remove them completely from the chess board they will be one step closer to achieving alio script and right now I can only imagine that it either involves the main character becoming stronger in some way or gaining new allies or nanuk is weakened that covers the two factions I wanted to talk about in this video as I mentioned earlier I'll talk about the rest in separate videos and with sparkle releasing soon more of the mass Fool's motivations and goals may be released alongside her again most of this is speculation so some element of it might turn out to be true as the story unfolds or perhaps everything I just mentioned here just becomes wrong so just keep that in mind let me know in the comments what you think what are the IPC and stellon Hunters really doing in paconi if you enjoy watching the video do consider liking and subscribing to the channel thanks so much for watching and as usual have a nice day
Channel: Central Finite Curve
Views: 12,074
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Keywords: honkai star rail, hoyoverse star rail, star rail story, star rail theory, star rail speculation, star rail lore, star rail lore theory, honkai star rail main story, honkai star rail lore, star rail explained, hsr lore, game theory, game lore, what are the stellaron hunters doing on penacony, what are the ipc doing on penacony, aventurine speculations, sam speculation, penacony theory, penacony lore, penacony 2.1 speculation, hsr aventurine, hsr sam, IPC penacony
Id: gV1Icvvxd94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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