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it was like that like I curtsied as though I was [Music] like it would seem that everybody that watched this knew that it was disrespectful and judging by the comment section that seems to be a fairly unanimous viewpoint but it's also what she goes on to say next that has spurred me on to make this additional video and it's this bit here and I'm going to come back to some comments that you guys have left which I feel there are so many of them making the same point I need to go through some of them this is what she says the tell all moment I mean Americans will understand this we have Medieval Times dinner and tournament now the point here is there are so many comments from Americans you guys whether you're still in America or you're in the UK or wherever you might be that have made the same comment broadly speaking that she does not speak for you as an American and and that you understand that this was disrespectful and that the queen deserved better in fact you said as much precisely as much let's go through some of those comments um from uh Kimmer 508 here says I'm an American and I'm disgusted by this Behavior the queen deserved better and I'm sorry that she didn't get the respect she deserves and these comments go on and on there are hundreds and hundreds of them from you guys as Americans making the same point that this was as I put it in my original video the the point at which her reputation crashed through the disrespect that she showed in that fake pretend courtesy it's it second me to even think about it now the way that she did that let's look at uh Natalie Murphy's comment here yes as an American that lived in London for 20 years my first reaction was that this is The Stereotype ugly American I was Absol absolutely disgusted and ashamed well Natalie I hear you I don't take this as a British citizen here I don't take this Behavior to reflect all Americans obviously um and I hear all of the comments and this is why I wanted to make the video I wanted you all to feel heard that we don't just take this snippet uh to paint every American in the same way let's uh look at some others from Katie no Megan we American don't get it your husband's family and uh culture and tradition aren't A Relic from our medieval video games and movies when you marry someone from another country you respect their culture and traditions amazing it even needs to be said and this is someone who never thought there was value in having a monarch around um or monarchy around uh you just don't Mark your husband's culture shaking my head Katie says I hear you Katie um another one horrible disrespect respect for her husband's family lineage in general Royal or not that was exactly the moment she lost all sympathy for me as an American in her attempt to make herself a victim whatever she experienced from the moment I saw this I felt perhaps she brought it on herself um it was ignorant and deeply disrespectful and these comments go on for pages and Pages another says I lived in Europe for several years and prior to moving there I didn't understand what the monarchy meant I moved there the year Diana died and thought she was such a wonderful person that was 1997 so quite some time ago I've been obsessed with royal family ever since when I came back to the US I worked for Dyson and the dividing the company between the people who believe in the monarchy and those that didn't was pretty interesting I'm not making excuses for Megan but trying to give a different perspective from an American view for people that have never lived or experienced being in the UK um I believe that she was just ignorant to the act like I was prior to living there Fair comment another let me give you my view uh point of view as an American at first I liked her and thought it was great that an American was marrying into the British royal family I had never liked Harry as I always found his behavior disturbing such as Vegas and dressing up as a Nazi to name a few however when I saw Megan's behavior on Netflix to me it seemed like a plan slap in the face to Harry's family and to him as well since this was done in front of a camera her actions were deliberate and possibly rehearsed it's interesting you say that LP 284 87 I had that feeling as well that this seemed somewhat rehearsed and as an actress in front of cameras with lots of experience and doing something which is clearly a huge deal this Netflix series I would be surprised I'd be amazed if that was not scripted and rehearsed so what point does someone script and rehearse something such as that and still think it's a good idea unless it was deliberate I can't see any other way around it and the comment concludes This truly was Megan's Fall From Grace another comment IID not originally saw this interview but as an American I do not understand her comments and mocking of the royal family traditions Etc I believe she's a classic narcissist and overdriver and it's all about her another one says please do not lump all Americans feel this way I'm embarrassed for her and I guess I'm a royalist Doug Platt says the single scene in part three did it for me with no point of return the silly dinner and tournament remark that's um the one I just played uh the insanely exaggerated curtsy and the mocking of your majesty remark how unwashed and uncultured did she aim to portray Americans as and particularly Megan herself rest assured Doug I don't uh see all Americans in that way I clearly don't think that all Americans think and feel that way this was one of a kind to say the least and if I might just step aside for a moment I'd like to thank s who support my other channel black belt Barrister in bringing both of these channels to you in fact black belt Barrister and black belt Secrets if you're not familiar I'll link my other channel in the description below um but a short story my son went abroad recently For the First Time by himself as in he went with a school but without us us and we were a bit terrified and he was a bit terrified when he arrived there because his phone just didn't work the network provider was a bit of a pain they were a pain for me to contact because I said it's not your number even though I'm the account holder they still wouldn't talk to me at first he couldn't message us to say that that he' got there where he was and uh there was a bit of a delay so he was trying to figure out what was going on the teachers were obviously too busy we couldn't contact them so everybody was a little bit panicked and we had other parents contacting us saying what's going on and this sort of stuff is an eim for data packages in any country 150 countries I think that you can go to and so had we known about this at the time we'd have downloaded it installed it bought a data package for the country that he was going to and it would have connected seamlessly when he arrived avoiding all the extra charges I mean they charged us a fortune to actually connect him to the internet when he got there so I was quite uh put off by how much they charged but anyway all mobile mobile phone providers make their own roaming charges and fees and they can get a little bit out of control there can be some hidden fees there as well um but had we downloaded and used s it would have been an instant connection when he got there it's secure avoided all those fees and we' have had the Peace of Mind knowing that he'll just connect to the internet and be able to contact us there and then um as you can see I've got my own link s.com black belt secrets so that they know you've come from this video please do check it out it helps me if you support them because they support me in bringing these videos to you so I'm grateful to you for watching this segment and for listening to my story so check out s but now let's get back to some more of those comments Annie Bieber says as an American I found this absolutely offensive I didn't watch the Netflix mockumentary knowing that it would be uh dissected in the Press were she that disrespectful to my grandmother The Weave would be in tatters another did she just say Americans will understand this because of anything to do with Medieval Times ha bless her heart can't make a silk purse out of a so's ear skipping through a few Harry looked disappointed um I'm an American but very interesting in the royal family in British TV my daughter and I were absolutely disgusted by Megan's disrespect and now this one here is really interesting let's see after just reading the title of this video I'm sure I'm right about what he's going to say the title of the video because you can't see it on screen was the moment her reputation crashed and then goes on to say the exact moment Mega and BW it was forever is when she made fun of the UK's Royal curtsy I knew it this looks like it's an eded to come back I can't even watch it anymore it's so insulting Harry's face tells it all I totally agree this was the big one uh the Harry's face comment we're talking about this here um what Harry look Harry just looks completely and utterly ashamed in my view it's just my view this how it looks take a look for yourself this is his look afterwards and doesn't really know he's got an awkward smile here doesn't quite know what to say and clearly um this look from her to the side she knows that was the moment she's really pushing the boundaries there's almost a look of contempt on Harry's face here I'm going out on a limb it looks maybe the body language guy will tell me is this a look of contempt to me as a lay body language reading Barrister of England and Wales that looks to me like a look of contempt maybe it is let's go back to the comments um I I really felt these comments deserved a dedicated video to just look at what other people have said and thought so that you Americans you know that I hear you over here that this is not how I see all Americans views um Ellena Rose thank you for your comment says um Megan's Behavior was deliberately disrespectful I was also angered because I'm an American and I'd say the vast majority of us know the difference between a theme restaurant and the British royal family she cannot pretend ignorance especially as pictures have proven she' visited the UK as a teen quite right Ellena I think marrying into the royal family you would certainly have a good idea of how the British royal family is structured what the traditions and everything else are and that they are far away from uh scened and themed restaurants and movies and things like that um Tam says I had a huge amount of respect and admiration for Queen Elizabeth it would have been an amazing honor to have gotten to meet her as an American I would have prepared myself to know how to greet her properly and with respect I do not believe Harry wouldn't have talked to Megan about greeting her now I can vouch for this as well because as a bar of England and Wales um occasionally we get the opportunity to go down to uh where the queen is at uh service on a Sunday um we have a place called Cumberland Lodge which is near the Queen's uh private chapel and when I uh went there for some training and we went to the same Chapel as the queen um obviously we're vetted through security and you know special Branch all that sort of stuff and we are told even then we are told how to greet her majesty and she preferred your majesty to begin with and then M after that M rining with Jam Peggy Shen says I'm an American and will never forget the curtsy it was awful and so disrespectful uh Norma says that clip was cringeworthy As Americans we felt shamed by her her opinions are her own we have great respect for our friends in Britain and M Megan embarrassed many of us and that's the point of this video I get the sense that so many Americans are embarrassed by this particular clip that I I had to do this video to follow up on the previous video so that you know that you've being heard Debbie uh says as an American I would like to say no Megan that's not what I think when I think of the royal family I respect their Customs culture and country and what kind of person would ever disrespect Queen Elizabeth I hear you Debbie I completely agree with you Christina Says Megan Marco literally mocked a royal gesture that literally shows respect to the queen how dare she couldn't have put it better myself Julia says absolutely not Americans despised what she has done the lowest of the low oh yes and we saw the tension on Harry's face I think we all saw the tension on Harry's face there and these comments go on and on and on I filtered as you can see by the top here American uh because that's the one bit that has really upset a lot of people I can scroll and scroll and almost any that I stop at will say broadly the same same thing uh from Sonny here I'm an American and was absolutely appalled by the insulting and disrespectful Behavior as an American that was so uncomfortable and cringe to watch she's absolutely disrespectful and entitled and Harry looks disgusted and embarrassed um another one I totally agree as an American I find her actions appalling as an American this is beyond disgusting and disrespectful well I'm getting back to some more of these comments because I had actually stopped recording um and I rounded the video off but coming back to um splice in some more comments because I saw one or two more that I thought I have to get these in here Suzy says here I'm American 84 years old and really respected the queen I hated this scene and that really encapsulates how people feel about this so I hear you Susie another one from Pamela so hi to Pamela I know I for one owe the British people an apology when they left England I thought they were being driven out because someone was being mean to them I've defended them on other channels wow I was wrong Harry has bit off more than he can chew she's the real problem Pamela says she's destroyed his relationship with his family he needs to take accountability for his behavior as well I'm wondering in the back of my mind if he's afraid to leave her because of the kids I don't know the rules about that could a US Court decide that his daughter is a US citizen and rule that Harry could not leave and take her to the UK and goes on to ask very various other questions and all of which very valid questions another comment from my inner Magpie says for Americans the reference to Medieval Times dinner performance is really an insult it's like comparing a proper wedding to a Las Vegas wedding chapel with an Elvis impersonator again really showing what people think about this and these comments go on and on and just to add some contrast here with this one here from Orange muffin I'm an American and I really don't get the whole respect for the Royals thing many people don't many people actually in the UK think that we should abandon the whole monarchy and everything else you know not everyone is a royalist and that's absolutely fine some are absolutely entrenched in their views and some people really don't think there's a need for the monarchy however um orange muffin goes on they don't really do anything and especially not for me but Megan was definitely being disrespectful either follow the tradition or don't a firm handshake would have been acceptable in my opinion but don't half it and don't mock it it's disrespectful to the family and to her husband to mock their Traditions just like it would be for any other country's Traditions absolutely Fair Point you don't have to be a royalist and let's face it even if you married into the royal family it's not an absolute given that you should love everything about the monarchy and the Traditions but you should still respect them if you're marrying into the family surely whatever culture you marry into you should respect their tradition another one says I totally agree with you it was distasteful like just like Megan herself then Harry doesn't say a thing Americans most don't think like you and it was a BS comment absolutely agree with that I don't think every American thinks that at all they go on and on so I don't want to spend half an hour going through these but I just wanted you all to to know that I have read through these comments I have looked at these we don't uh brandish all Americans with the same thought Viewpoint just because of one small clip it um but again here I'm an American and I cringe when I saw how mocking and rude she was inexcusable I'm an American and just absolutely disgusted by her she was embarrassing and I felt bad for Harry so this is not just a case of one or two people thought this was really bad this was hundreds if not thousands upon thousands of people that thought this was really terrible so leave me your thoughts and your comments um if you've had any more thoughts and comments since watching the original and um I'll link the original in the description below but I just had to come back and do this so thank you for watching I hear you I understand your comments uh please do subscribe uh I'm really grateful to you all subscribing to my channel 120,000 subscribers now I'm very grateful do subscribe do keep watching and I'll will see you next time
Channel: BlackBeltSecrets
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Id: WCcWFPexMck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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