What Did We Stumble Across? - Strange Old Coins Found Metal Detecting a 300 Year Old Farm!

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what's up guys court order here out today in the first Farm field of the Season Doug now this field is corn which is not our optimal one you do whack into some of the stalks but there's pretty open sections some of the roads are a little wider than others so hopefully we're gonna have a good day Rich Van Winkle was not able to join us today so it's just me dog tag Doug Mexican Doug Jane found Doug musket ball Matt so hopefully we're gonna kill it we got half a day till the rain starts coming in so fingers crossed for a good start back in the first thing see you guys soon later later bye [Music] all right first farm field of the season this is a corn field but the stalks are manageable we came out it's going to be an overcast day it might start raining Midway through so it's going to be a short day but basketball mats got the first fine we were still walking out from the Cars I haven't got my machine on no no we're gonna get we're gonna get them on and Matt about what did you say about three inches pretty sure Matt got himself a flat button which is a very good sign yeah this is a sign of age these flat buttons are like closing in on 200 years old Doug was it a nice screamer mat that shower it was really loud I thought it was trash but it was just because it was shallow all right well hey that's a good start to the day um you know this this cornfield is unknown this is a new one for us we don't know how it's going to be now I will say though Doug I can kind of see it a little bit through these trees is the old original Farmhouse Still Standing someone lives in it that doesn't own the farm field so if we see any activity we might go knock on the door excellent first find there man all right we're in field number two field number one was kind of barren Baron coming through near this little bushy pile of corn Rubble I had this signal pretty solid 42-43 and I thought oh that could potentially be like a wheat penny or something dug down about four or five inches I put it under this bomb can you see it and it's I saw a copper Circle so I immediately covered it looks like a matron size I it feels thin already I'll tell you oh Doug I left my flashlight in the car son of a gun it's very very reverting to rookie status well I just kind of forgot it we had a lot to do this morning I see something but I can't make out what it is yeah I can't believe it on my flashlight that stinks all right let me uh let me try to clean up a little bit and see if I see anything on it it feels very thin but this is a really good sign all right we are hovering in super close to Matt and he does not like it but that's all we can do I got to use Doug's flashlight uh man it is super slick and very very thin I don't see any detail on either side this is a farm copper by definition the other side has these two weird lines I'm sorry hitting your camera there's two weird lines that I thought maybe I hit it with the Shelf they look like they're ingrained in it I can't tell so when I get back to the car I'll get the the power on and see if I see anything at the moment it's just a super slick flat copper but it's a copper it's a copper coin it's a sign of age and this is going to be well over 20 years old which at least means the spot could turn out to be really good yeah let's keep pushing towards the house and maybe with our luck will improve cool all right dog tag dog City's got something good that could be Sterling it's just hard to get over dog with these corn stalks everywhere the titanium corn is not at the top of my terrain list that's for sure see what he's got Sterling oh do you think uh well my first guess looks like stainless steel honestly it feels heavy like my second guess only because it says stainless steel [Laughter] look at those letters yeah it's got some uh lettering h-u-p yeah pup probably owned by a quarterback why what's that mean laughs well yep it's probably not the oldest spoon we've ever found on a fork I mean yeah it wouldn't be a spoon at all but it's an interesting find I will say uh well done another sign of life you can use that later for Thanksgiving dinner Jason got another great signal yeah good at least good enough to uh attempt to live dig you can let them hear it Doug if you want yeah it sounds good but it's so loud like volume a hundred that I and you hear that way of pinpoints hear that yep usually that's not a good sign ifica it sounds like you're pretty close you moved it yep Circle it feels like it's aluminum there but what the heck is that could that be a token I don't know I mean it would be like a silver dollar size yeah it's kind of Taco didn't it yeah but it's a perfect circle like it could have been a token I don't I'm gonna open it up and see Doug but at the moment not great yeah let's take a look all right well I unbent it hoping for a token I don't see anything it's slick on both sides other than the crease from the former taco nothing on this side either Doug talking about tacos a new Taco Bell opened up near my house do you like those Dorito tacos with the Doritos I don't like Taco Bell Perry really yeah do you like Taco Bell Matt uh oh wow the only way I'd eat a Taco Bell is if they called me at court from corporate and told me they'd give me a million dollars to say I love it wow you hated that much Taco Bell all right well he's got a he's got a vendetta I guess I guess so much for our Taco Bell sponsorship Doug all right though we're gonna try a new game I'm gonna call it something like uh guess guess my beep or something like that I had like a 50 signal and it sounded a little tiny bit large I thought it might have been like a big piece of aluminum so it was in this hole I pulled it out out of the ground solid 47. now I looked at it so I won't play the game I'd be cheating I want you to take a guess what it is I only give you the clue that it's not total junk uh if you found one you'd be you'd be happy enough with it you know you wouldn't be like it's raining too high for a crota bell okay well I'd be elated if it was a Chrono Bell yeah and it sounds too big for a coin shoe Buckle frame oh you're close you're close oh a buckle yeah regular one a toilet seat buckle yeah and it has a cool curvature to it Doug you see the curvature yeah and that's not bent that's natural that's not scoliosis no no no I think it was born that way it was born that way there's medication it can take though okay but no it's got some good weight to it I think it was maybe horse attack it looks pretty solid yeah if you feel it it is it's pretty heavy it's uh yeah what do you think about 2.6 kilograms uh yeah it's not quite a full grain not quite three so I know I'll take it I mean buckles are definitely not our highest uh praised fine but it's something that shows age and activity and human activity and that's what it is and we finally Doug as we peered around oh they can't see it yet uh the house is just after those trees you can see it peeking through a little bit you might see the face you can see some of their white fence so we are getting close with a good half a mile walk this is going to be the most pretty oh no doubt about it to the house absolutely all right well that's a semi-good phone semi-good I'll guarantee that all right we're getting pretty close to the house but the cornrows are much thicker as you can see so I don't know how close we're gonna be able to get to it but I kind of found a wider row here I've been going down and got a good signal here that could be a wheat penny or could be another slick copper so uh I'm gonna dig it up I'm gonna have to do it by myself there's no way to mount this camera so hang on all right I dug one big shovel full of dirt flipped it out and my signal was still in the hole so I got the pin pointer and I thought we would look for it together here we go oh that's right there it was right on the edge looks like it might be a dime or a penny well if it's a dime it is oh wait wait no I see a weird markings on that this is something interesting I don't think this is us I think it's going to be a token or something foreign huh let me uh let me clean this up and get some better light on it it's dark today and we'll see what this is this could be something pretty good all right there's my coin and this is a weird one Matt I mean you could see all that scroll work on there and I can't make it out without the power on it it's really difficult the other side is I cleaned it though man I saw a weird design on it I'm gonna flip it towards me right there can you see that I think there's a date at the bottom yeah I think there's a date and there's an image in the middle it almost looks like like an elephant on the right and then like a guy sitting in a chair on a left I don't know what it is so I'm still not sure if it's a foreign coin or a token I'm gonna brush it down a little better and we'll come back and see if I can get an even better shot at it hang on all right here's the coin cleaned up as best I could in the field I don't really have anything with me and because I didn't bring the flashlight I'm hoping that this towel will will create some contrast for you to make it out uh this is actually a Dutch coin of King Leopold the first who reigned from 1832 to 1865 I think it was and this side it's not a date at the bottom it's actually says one cent you can see the image of the line facing to the right side of the coin and what I thought was a person on the left is actually a constitutional date stone that has 1831 carved in it now if I flip it over this is actually the front of the coin you can see the crown up at the top some of the ribbons underneath of it a bunch of squiggly lines it's hard to make out exactly what it is the date would be at the bottom and it's really hard to see but from one angle I thought it said 1834 but either way uh King Leopold the first like I said reigned 1832 to 1865 so that coin will fall somewhere into that category but what a cool find there I've never seen that image before that lion is super cool clean this up really good when I get home and add a super cool new coin to the collection awesome all right still working through the corn another row that's a little wider but right over to the side Matt called and said he has what he thinks is a button it's not a butt maybe it's a small donut I'm gonna have breakfast today let's see oh yeah 100 yeah yeah and it looks like it's a blowhole button really yeah you can see the holes in it unless not a blowhole I'm sorry uh uh the back of a two-piece button oh okay the top would have been put on crimped over the edges um it's raining heavier now see it's just the bottom piece of what I'm going to say was a two-piece button and the top would have had a cool design on it two piece buttons are always you know well represented with imagery and stuff like that so that's a pretty cool piece Matt was it a nice tone it was a nice tone but it was a lot it was it wasn't really like a great signal like a high tone or anything yeah the top piece would have been the money shot but no definitely a button and it's raining pretty hard we are in the front of the old house I mean right outside of the front door although you know 150 yards out and the corn is going to stop us from doing a super thorough hunt but this would be the best spot outside of getting inside that fence but they're not going to come outside in the rain so we're going to try to work it until the rain gets the better of us or until we just get so frustrated with corn and start throwing Stalks at each other but I had a good find there on the uh interesting button all right thanks all right it's been tough we're as close to the house as we can get but these corn stalks are difficult if you've never detected before I'm going to show you what I mean just to give you an example so you'll kind of know why typically we don't do corn fields so I am in a wider row you can see this row I'm in has a bigger Gap most of the rows are very thin like over there impossible and I knocked down a few of the stalks on each side just to show you you know in a good field or a house or anything you want to get a big swing on like this and I'm still hitting stuff but this swing is probably I don't know maybe six seven feet from left to right so as you walk not only you're overlapping your swing you're covering in front of you but you're also covering six to eight feet you know three feet on each side when you get into corn like this what happens is your detector bangs up against these stalks so a it causes falsing B you're whacking your coil and coils are not cheap and then see you're only really getting the swing in right there so if there was a signal right there I'm gonna miss it I can't get to it or I'll stay on the other side so I can only swing in a very tight area in this row impossible I wouldn't even be able to move it in the slightly wider row I can get a little swing on so it's incredibly challenging and we're not very efficient just kind of hoping something Falls in this little area totally missing anything on one side or the other typically when we get a big farm that has corn in it we kind of save it for next year because most farmers will alternate corn one year soybean the next soybean they will cut all the way down to the ground easy swinging corn they leave these three foot high stalks up all winter long helps with erosion they'll break down and the nutrients from the stalks will help the soybeans grow the following year so typically we don't do corn but it was the first Farm field of the year it was right up against the 1730s house so we thought it would be good it probably is good we just uh we're not going to know for sure because these darn stalks are just everywhere so we'll make the most of it for an hour or so it's still raining at a decent clip so uh we'll probably have a half a day anyway but let's hope for the best and we'll keep on going and I just had a signal 37-38 still trying to get used to this uh yeah it's a new machine um a 40 or higher is really what you're hoping for 37 is like a good chance it's going to at least be copper or brass it's that 29 to 35 where you get a lot of aluminum but I mean Rich gets a lot of buttons in that area I just you know it depends on how much trash you feel like digging oh a nice little one Matt yeah he's got a little cuff button it's dark today and there's just no good light for me to hold it in it's very thick too full Shank and some writing yeah I was gonna say without the flashlight now everyone can see why I bring that power on every week there is some writing on the back I think I'd see ol probably says don't even know but I do like how thick it is and this mat is probably 200 years old also these style flat buttons are like 1820s 1830s there so we are getting on some pretty good stuff the corn makes it difficult but we are eking out a pretty decent day and this will be a spot we definitely come back to next year when there's soybeans for sure yeah good job man that's fine I got an interesting one here it's a little bit bouncy high 30s I don't think it's going to be aluminum it sounds good when I pinpoint it I'm gonna dig this up I'm right in front of the house it's getting as close as I can you know staying in the cornfield but that sounds promising all right I think I do have a good one I dug down maybe about four inch plug I kind of spread it out around here swung over the tailings wasn't in there it was still in the hole so I get the pin pointer out and I kind of start going around the edge and whatnot I heard it there and I see a round Edge right there I think it's going to be a coin or a button yes it is Matt's way up there Doug is way down near the road so it's just me here let's see what it might be it's a oh it's a coin what is that I'm getting these weird coins today it's another non-us something or other fingers are dirty I don't want to smear the dirt all around what is that thing could be a token it feels thin and it feels light I don't know if that's a wreath or what all right let me get a brush clean this up and I'll come right back I'm having a pretty good day all right I cleaned it up a little bit and Matt came over I don't have the power on again so we're making do but I have no idea what the heck this thing is this is probably quarter size maybe even a tiny bit bigger than a quarter there's writing all around the rim and I'm having a hard time making out what any of the writing says more scroll work kind of like that other thing I got and I'm not even sure how to orient it so I'm just kind of moving it around so when I look at it later maybe I can figure it out I'm going to flip it over because I don't know what the heck it is but I can see a date at the bottom 1784. and then above it it says I don't even know Stu something Blobby er a stuber stuber it's got one over something oh yeah one over four at the top it must be a farthing of some sort one quarter stuver 1784 and it looks like there could be some leaves above the r and the s in stuver maybe like a holly leaf or something have to give it a real efficient cleanup later that's amazing I've never heard of the coin but that date is massive I've never seen a date so large on a coin before oh sorry whatever one stewver is and so much writing on this side and it's very very thin it's been in the ground a long time and the edges are starting to get chewed up so it's I don't know what kind of metal it's made out of but it's slowly like chipping and everything all around the edges but what a cool coin that is Matt never seen it or heard of it before but it's a one-quarter stewver from 1784 that is crazy so with 1784 we looked it up German stuber s-t-u-b-e-r uh and the pictures I saw of good undug ones the date is raised so high off the coin I think that's why this one stuck out awesome coin for me Dougie's gonna finally come up and do closer to the house so hopefully we'll all finish strong before we have to go let's keep going I'm gonna get the German silver if there's any German silver here uh Matt came over and we're both doing as close to the house as we can get and Matt got a pretty cool piece it's a buckle but one unlike one I've seen before look at that interesting shape I mean I'm sure all these the weird shaped buckles had a specific reason obviously why they were shaped like that I can see like maybe a strap going through this way and then for whatever they needed they need another strap to come down at a 45 degree angle so I'm sure it's probably off of the bridle at some place or another but from the patina on this thing I'd say it's at least 100 years old and besides that you know when was last time we used horses for farming you know right at least around our area it's been a long long time so pretty cool find man I've never seen a buckle that shape and I'm sure it probably has a specific name if we farmed more we would know it so we're just going to call it Buckle well done brother well there it is first farm field of the season and even though it was corn we still managed to get our detectors in the larger rows and find a couple of pretty cool things a small handful of flat buttons going back to the 1820s 1830s era I get the one large copper coin it was large scent size but so slick I have no idea what it could be and then two totally bizarre coins the king Leopold the first Belgian coin goes all the way back to 1830 something with the lion and the Constitutional Stone on it and then the German one-quarter stuber I think it was dated 1784. I almost wonder if could be from a Hessian Soldier because it was right around that Revolutionary War time but what an amazing coin that thing was so we will put this field on the list of comeback to next year when their soybeans planted that way we can swing a little bit better but next week we'll move on to some more easily accessible Fields including the field of a thousand holes but I can't wait to see all the things we get from that incredible place but otherwise I'm out of here I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year can't wait to see all the cool things we find in 2023 so thanks for watching everybody happy hunting and I will see you in the next one later [Music]
Channel: Quarter Hoarder
Views: 30,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metal Detecting, silver, silver coins, Garrett, Garrett AT Pro, Coin collecting, Coins, digger, Treasure, Treasure hunting, Treasure Hunter, minelab, metal detector, Gold, Gold coins, Antiques, Sterling, Sterling Silver, Digging for Treasure, Metal Detecting Video, Buried Treasure, Curse Oak Island, Equinox, Diggers, Detectorists, Finds, Relics, Artifacts, History, Nokta Makro, Banana, Explorer, Adventure, Colonial Coins, Old Coins
Id: AN_fvJtVrlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2023
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