What companies are using Golang? And how?

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it's no news that a goal has gotten more and more popular over the last few years and wisely so because of the many great features that come with the language itself however all of these features are by themselves that don't really mean anything if none of the companies out there are actually seeing the benefits of these features and are actually using the language in their tag stack lust and in today's video we'll be talking about some of the notable companies among many that are using the google programming language so that you learn exactly where the opportunities lie for gold developers what to specialize in in order to pick up first when learning go [Music] something juice welcome back here to the golang dojo the fastest and growing channel for happy go programming language and make sure to subscribe to the channel and pick up your free hair goal golang chishi's at golangdojo.com the very first company comes with no surprise is google now for those of you that have been living under the wow the girl program language actually started as one of google's projects and it is still being maintained by the same company and the project's a purpose was to solve a specific set of problems that google was facing at the time and one of those problems was the humongous set of a data that google was dealing with and the need for indexing these data sets and go is a phenomenal a built-in concurrency support that comes in handy as it encourages engineers to develop highly efficient cancun and parallel algorithms which is needed to say the very least for processing these large data sets the next company that is actively integrating go into their tech stack is uber another one of the highest paying tech companies for software developers one of the most notable her goal projects at uber it's gotta be uber's a gpu powered open source real-time analytics engine called errors adb if we go to the github repository we can see that it is implemented by over 85 of a go code site engine even though it is a go project but i'm not sure how i feel about this logo it's it's not the prettiest thing anyways it is a real-time analytics engine that allows uber to make decisions based on the huge amount of data coming in it helps uber to predict a wider supply and driver demand now in this engineering article it doesn't really explain exactly why they chose go as the language of choice for this engine in particular but my guess would be it is because of the phenomenal kind currency support as well which allows a rabbit processing of a large real-time a data set the next company that is using go to tackle her their technical problems is another fan company netflix netflix is using go to implement the next generation ev cache for better cause optimization it is a distributed data store caching using ssds to be 100 honest i'm not 100 in the loop with this particular project but from the sound of it it doesn't sound pretty similar to her brothers except that instead of using her memory it is using ssds instead for caching but feel free to comment down below if you have any insights some of the components went in particular is a win in a goal and relies heavily on the go routines and other languages primitive to handle concurrency the decision is two years ago who was a deliberate because they needed something that had a lower latency than java and is more productive for developers at the end at sea unfortunately it seems like my days as a java developer are high numbered but good that i'm already i pick it up a go next up we have a twitcher which is a amazonza company and when i was working at amazon at twitch and amazon and aws the engineers are typically interchangeable meaning that you can easily transfer yourself in between these different organizations for twitch they have their irc base hr system implemented in ego to replace their previous a python implementation so for those of you that are currently python and developers watch your back and just like i am as a java developer there's a pretty good chance that in the near future all of these ego developers will be taking all of our jobs so he'll be on the lookout this article in particular goes on to say that a farm ago 1.4 to 1.6 the garbage collector performance has increased 20 volts and going from a 1.6 to 1.7 it is an additional tenfold of speed up it goes to show that even though the golang is already an amazing programming language this is only the beginning now these are only the handpicked view of the many hair companies that are rapidly integrating go into the tech stack if you want me to make another video we're going over even more of these engineering articles talking about how these companies are applying and go in their day-to-day business so that you can learn even more of the benefits as well as the limitation of a goal and make sure to leave a comment in the comment section down below for the time being make sure to like this video subscribe to the channel and pick up your free highline q q-sheets at golangdojo.com and i'll see you ninjas in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Golang Dojo
Views: 2,884
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Keywords: golang, golang 2021, learn golang, go lang, golang in 2021, go language, golang tutorial, go programming, golang for beginners, What companies are using Golang? And how?, MOST POPULAR COMPANIES THAT USES GOLANG, fang uses golang, google golang, netflix golang, twitch golang, uber golang, companies switching to go programming language, top companies that uses golang, who uses golang?, companies using golang, who uses go programming language?, famous companies using golang
Id: SLdg6VuoNAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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