What Causes Cancer?

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I'm going to talk about causes of cancer today. I have nothing to disclose; no conflicts of interest to disclose. Specifically what I'm going to talk about, we're going to start off by, again, talking about what is cancer. I'm going to focus more on a molecular genetic perspective of what cancer is. We'll differentiate between sporadic or common forms of cancer versus inherited cancers, and then I'm going to talk to you about different types of genes that prevent and cause cancer. These are called tumor suppressor genes and oncogene, and I'll go through a few examples of those. Then we'll talk about how mutations occur in these genes that lead to cancer. We'll start off with think about what cancer is and the different sporadic versus inherited cancer. First of all, I want you to think about one word that comes to mind when you hear the word cancer. I see inevitable, which is a very interesting word to think of for cancer. Scary, growth, worst diagnosis, death, cellular chaos and aggression, adaptability, scary, another scary. Clearly, there's a lot of fear around cancer. Sneaky, that's a good one; sneaky. Metastasis when cancer spreads, death sentence. Hopefully you'll learn that cancer is not always a death sentence. The more we develop new treatments, hopefully it will become more of a chronic disease in many cases. Certainly it is life changing. That is no doubt. I'll just say from my perspective when I think about cancer, of course, I think about everything I'm going to be talking to you about today. But a common theme of all cancers is that they arise from uncontrolled cell proliferation. Cancers arise from uncontrolled cell proliferation as I said. Our organs and our tissues normally maintain what we call homeostasis. Homeostasis means that the organs and tissues maintain the same number of cells. They do this by carefully regulating processes of cell proliferation and cell death. Another term for those different ways that cells die and one way is called apoptosis, which is a programmed cell death. When the cell intentionally commit suicide because there's something not right and does not want to spread that. Our cells are carefully regulated to control the cell proliferation cell death such that the number of cells that are born exactly equal the number of cells that die. We have the exact same number of cells maintained. Now, what we're looking at here is a picture of a cell. It happens to be a fibroblast cell that is looking at it through fluorescent microscopy. What you see in the green is in the cytoplasm of the cell. There are these micro-tubules basically in the cytoskeleton of the cell. What's in red here is the DNA in the nucleus of the cell. Just to orient you there. How does a tissue maintain homeostasis? Normal cells have the safe guards to control these processes. There are growth factors, also called mitogens, and that's because they induce mitosis, which is part of the cell division process. These growth factors promote cell proliferation. Likewise, there are growth suppressors that block cell proliferation, and they are in careful balance with each other. Similarly, there are deaths signals that promote cell death and survival factors that inhibit cell death. You can see there's all these safeguards and regulatory mechanisms that are very carefully balanced to make sure that our cells divide only when they should divide, and that we have a careful balance to maintain the exact appropriate number of cells. Well, what happens when mutations disrupt these safeguards? We have too much cell proliferation, then we have the tumor formation. A tumor forms as a result of a disruption of normal tissue homeostasis. We have too much cell proliferation, and little or no cell death. The net result is too many cells. The important take-home point from this is that cancer development represents a progressive destruction, you lose those safeguards that I've talked about, and you then have these properties that allow the cell to survive, divide, move to distant sites which is metastasis, and do all the things that they shouldn't be doing. When we use the term cancer, we generally mean a particular type of disease that can affect various organ systems and tissues of the body. But as you've already learned from the first session, cancer is truly a collection of heterogeneous diseases. Theoretically, there can be as many tumor types as cell types in the body. There are around 200 different histologic cell types that have been identified in humans. Theoretically there are 200 different types of cancer. All these types of cancer share some common cell biological characteristics. At the cellular level, they have some similar characteristics and they share a similar pathogenesis or mechanism of actually developing into a cancer cell. But yet, even though they share these common characteristics, each individual's cancer is unique. With each and with molecular technologies, we're finding out just how different cancers are. No two people have the exact same version of a disease, whatever that disease is, and that is particularly true for cancer. An understanding of the molecular profile of cancer can often provide information about the prognosis, more exact diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options. What all these different types of cancer, heterogeneous collection of diseases, what they have in common is that they involve inappropriate cell proliferation. Cells are dividing when they shouldn't, and more rapidly when they shouldn't, and perhaps in different places. They move to different sites and they're growing in places where they shouldn't. How do cancer cells acquire the ability to proliferate when they shouldn't? Well, at the root cause, as I say here, cancer is a genetic disease. That doesn't mean that it's all inherited, but cancer is due to the accumulation of genetic mutations in genes that are involved in those regulatory safeguard pathways that I talked about, and so they disrupt the normal tissue homeostasis. Now we know that from early observations that have been demonstrated, that there is a lag time between the exposure to a carcinogenic agent or something that causes cancer and development of cancer. This was elucidated through many tragic events, like the atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The radium girls you may have heard about during World War II, they would paint the watch dials with luminescent paint, and they would lick the tip of the paintbrush to have very precise paint in the watch dials and many of them developed head and neck cancers. There are examples with nuclear meltdowns like Chernobyl and other places. These are all devastating situations and we learned a lot about cancer from these incidences. We learned that there is a lag time between the exposure and the actual development of cancer. We now know that what is happening during that the lag time is the accumulation of additional mutations that disrupt these normal safeguards and lead to cancer progression. I'm illustrating that here in this diagram. These circles represent cells. This this white circle out here is just a normal healthy cell that then is exposed to a carcinogen or something that induces some damage and causes a mutation, disrupts one of those normal safe guards and allows the cell to start dividing. Gives it some proliferative advantage. Well then as this cell is dividing, it can acquire additional mutations that give it an additional advantage. Then some of those cells might acquire another mutation that knocks out a different safeguard, etc, until you've knocked out enough of those safeguards in order to grow and to proliferate and form a full-blown cancer. What this is illustrating is that the process of cancer development is multi-step process. What happens during those steps is that multiple mutations are accumulating. That is illustrated here as well using an example of colon cancer. We're looking here at the interior surface of the colon. You've learned some of these terms and don't worry about the terminology too much, but we have a normal epithelium. Epithelial cells are cells that line the surfaces in our body, in the interior of the esophagus and the stomach and the GI tract, your skin, these are all epithelial cells. What we're showing here is that it's a stepwise process you first have a hyperplasia where the cell starts to divide more than they should, then they become more uncontrolled and it develops into a smaller polyp and then can develop into larger polyps and become more and more irregular until it develops into a full-blown cancer. What you can see with this dark pink part here is that this is then metastasizing, it's leaving this site and going to get into the bloodstream and start to travel to other sites. This is illustrated that at each of these steps in the cancer development process, there are additional mutations that allow the cells to progress into these further along the cancer pathway. I've talked about how cancer is a genetic disease, but yet does not mean that all cancers are inherited. The vast majority of cancers are what we call sporadic. These are common cancers that result from the accumulation of mutations in these genes that are involved in these safeguards that a person accumulates over a lifetime. It's a lot of bad luck in a way of just genetic lack of what mutations you're acquiring and if someone acquires mutations that lead to cancer development. There's a complex interaction between genetic and environmental factors that lead to cancer development. Common sporadic cancers are typically developed in an older age in your 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. Whereas inherited cancers are less common in the population overall, they account for only about 10 percent of all cancers. However, in the families where they have an inherited cancer syndrome, the cancers are very common indeed. These are due to an inherited susceptibility. There is a particular germline mutation in a gene that leads to the cancer susceptibility. What this does, it gives a tumor a head start. These individuals that have this cancer predisposition tend to develop cancers at a younger age and they are at risk for multiple cancers throughout their life. I'm Illustrating this here. Recall from that other image where I had the circles where the cells and the result, a white cell that was a normal wild-type cell. This is red cells here, are like the red cells in that diagram that have the first mutation. In this case, for a familiar inherited cancer, individuals start with one of these mutations in all the cells of their body. They have a head start in this pathway, so they keep acquiring additional mutations, but they've already kind of have a head start in that pathway. Therefore, there's a higher risk of tumor development and a risk of multiple tumors again, at a younger age because you have this head start in the pattern. Now we're going to talk more specifically about the types of genes that are involved in cancer development. What type of genes are involved in cancer development? Well, these are genes that can be divided into two broad categories. We talk about tumor suppressor genes, which as the name suggests, these are genes who the proteins that they encode inhibit cell proliferation. They suppress tumor growth. That's their normal function in the cell in our bodies is to inhibit cell proliferation and prevent tumor formation. The other category of genes are oncogenes, and these are those that promote cell proliferation. We need to promote cell proliferation for wound healing and many other thing. Certain cells need to proliferate, we just want them to proliferate at the appropriate time and only as much as we want them to and need them to. Again, tumor suppressor genes are those that inhibit cell proliferation. Oncogenes are those that promote cell proliferation. These tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes act through three major processes. The first is that they can play a role in regulating the cell cycles. That means that turning the cell cycle on, the cell is growing and dividing into two cells and those cells can divide into further cells, etc. These genes are directly promoting or inhibiting cell proliferation. The other process is controlling cell death, and there are genes that promote cell death and genes that prevent cell death. The third process that's involved with cancer development is repairing DNA damage. If damage is not repaired, mutations can accumulate and that is a bad thing that can lead to promoting cell cycle, so indirectly affects cell proliferation. Tumor formation is promoted by defects in these genes, and we'll talk in more detail about the function of these genes. I want to give you a visual example of how these genes affect cell proliferation and cancer development. I want you to consider the analogy of a car as a cell. Here's our cute little VW bug, that is our normal cell. Now, normally, we have the gas pedal and we have brakes, and we need both the gas pedal and brakes to be able to drive safely down the road. We need to move the gas down to move forward and stop when we need to stop, speed up when we need to, and slow down. When our brakes and our gas pedal are working properly, we're just fine. Oncogenes are like the gas pedal. They move us forward when we need to move forward. Tumor suppressor genes are like the brakes. So they're stopping. Once again, we have both the brakes and the gas pedal. When working properly, we're moving forward just fine in a very controlled fashion. But what happens when we lose the tumor suppressors, so we lose our gas pedal and/or our gas pedal is stuck down. Sorry, I think I missed said the wrong thing before. When our brakes are lost or our gas pedal is stuck down, in either of those cases, we go, go. The cells are growing and proliferating uncontrollably. In addition to having our gas pedal and our brakes, we also need to make sure that our cars are running smoothly. If there is a little oil leak, it might not be a big thing, but if you don't fix it, it's going to be a big thing. That is, there's another type of genes that are involved in DNA repair, and these are often called caretaker genes. This are like the mechanic. Mechanics are just making sure that everything's okay with a genome because little problems can turn into big problems. When these genes are mutated, that results in what we call the mutator phenotype because now our DNA repair systems are not working, so you're accumulating a lot more DNA damage that's not being repaired and then results in more mutations. Some of these mutations are in tumor suppressor genes and oncogene that allow cells to proliferate when they shouldn't. Let us look at how this happens in cancer. I'm going to just show you this diagrammatically. This circled here is a cell and these two blue little lines here are chromosomes. Our genes are packaged into our chromosomes here. I'm just showing you and to remind you we have two copies of every gene. This is illustrating two copies of the same chromosomes. For example, of our oncogene, remember, our oncogenes are like the gas pedal. We actually only need one of those gas pedals to get stuck down in order to cause the problem. We have two copies of the oncogene. If there is a mutation that activates or turns on one of these copies of that gene when it shouldn't be on, that's enough to start moving the cell into the tumor progression pathway. Whereas for tumor suppressor genes, again, here's the circle of our cell and the two chromosomes, and we have two copies of this tumor suppressor gene. Well, with our tumor suppressor genes, they're like the brakes and we have front brakes and rear brakes. For the brakes to go out completely, we need to lose both the front and the back. Similarly, we need to lose both copies of a tumor suppressor gene in order to completely lose the brakes on the cell cycle, and then that puts us into the tumor progression pathway. Let me just summarize some of the things that I've talked about and was a lot coming at you. So to summarize what we've talked about with tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Tumor suppressor genes inhibit cell proliferation. They can act directly to inhibit the cell cycle. There's blocking the cell from dividing directly, or they can promote cell death. Either case, they are inhibiting cell proliferation. There were also tumor suppressor genes that are involved in repairing DNA damage. For tumor suppressor genes, you are inactivating or losing both copies in the case of cancer, and that leads to unregulated cell proliferation. For oncogenes, these are genes that promote cell proliferation, and they can act directly by promoting the cell cycle. Where the tumor suppressors are inhibiting it, the oncogenes are promoting it, so they're turning it on directly so the cell start dividing. Or oncogenes can also block cell death. That is if cells are not dying when they should, the net result is accumulation of cells. In the case for oncogenes, a single copy is activated in cancer. Again, you will result in unregulated cell proliferation. A fun little factoid here, some little trivia, is that we had two very famous faculty from UCSF that won the 1990s Nobel Prize for discovering the cellular origin of oncogenes. Before this, there are many different theories of the cause of cancer from viruses and many other things. It was thought that it was something from the outside, more like an infectious agent. What doctors Bishop and Varmus showed that it actually is from in the cells that there are normal genes that become hyperactive that lead to this overproliferation. This was a very important finding that really move forward the field of cancer research. Dr. Bishop actually went on. He also received the National Medal of Science in 2003, which is very prestigious award. He served as Chancellor here at UCSF from 1998-2009, and he's still a Professor Emeritus. He's still around. Dr. Harold Varmus went on to direct the NIH from 1993-1999. Then he was the Director of the National Cancer Institute from 2010-2015, he was appointed by President Obama. We talked about how cancer is a heterogeneous collection of diseases that's caused by an accumulation of mutations in tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Although each cancer is different, we said how they share certain features. These features we call the hallmarks of cancer, and that's illustrated here. Don't worry about all the terminology, I'm just putting this up here to illustrate these different features that are shared by most cancer cells. The different hallmarks that allow the cell to grow and divide when it shouldn't and move to places and live in distance sites, etc. Actually, these hallmarks of cancer were described by doctors Hanahan and Weinberg and Dr. Doug Hanahan was here at UCSF. Dr. Hanahan and Weinberg are both very well-respected researchers and did a lot of pioneering work in cancer research. Dr. Hanahan was here for most of that and he's now running an institute in Switzerland. Now I'm just going to share with you a couple of examples of tumor suppressor genes and oncogene. I'll just put a couple of names to them. The first tumor suppressor gene I'm going to share with you is called TP53, or you might have heard of P53 as the protein that it encodes. TP53 is often called the guardian of the genome and that's because it plays a major role in maintaining the integrity of our genome. Its major role is to respond to DNA damage and help signal the pathways to repair that damage. If this gene is lost or activated, it is a major player in moving forward the tumor progression pathway. In fact, it is lost or activated in more than 50 percent of all sporadic common human tumors and it's probably much higher than that because we're discovering different ways that tumor suppressor genes can be inactivated. It's likely much higher than that. TP53 is also involved in cancer predisposition syndrome called Li-Fraumeni syndrome. In this case, there is a germline mutation of TP53 that is inherited from one generation to the next. Patients inherit one copy of this TP53 gene, it's called they have a pathogenic variant or mutation in that gene, and that gives them a very strong predisposition to many different cancers. These individuals develop cancer at a younger age, typically younger than 45. This is very devastating for these individuals. They are prone to develop bone cancers, breast cancers, brain tumors, leukemias or blood cancers, cancers of soft tissue like muscles, and several others as well. They've inherited one copy, but remember tumor suppressor genes, here we have the front brakes and the rear brakes. We need to lose both of them in order to promote tumor progression to tumor formation. These individuals have inherited one copy and when one cell loses a second copy, then that cell can start to proliferate when it shouldn't and that's why they have this predisposition to cancer. Another tumor suppressor gene you may have heard of is BRCA1. It's actually two of them, BRCA1 and BRCA2. These genes are involved with familial, hereditary breast, and ovarian cancers. They are also inherited in a dominant fashion, so it's passed on from one generation to the next, then you see cancer in every generation. These genes encode proteins that normally function to repair a very specific type of DNA damage called double-stranded breaks. If you recall that our DNA is double-stranded, we have a double-stranded helix, so there's two strands that are bound together. If there is a break that goes through both strands, that's the type of damage that these repair. This is a very dangerous type of DNA damage. This is a very important repair system. Mutations in these, again, are responsible for familial breast and ovarian cancer. Individuals are typically diagnosed less than 50 years old. These are also mutated in many sporadic breast and ovarian cancers. Individuals with breast and ovarian cancers where they don't have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation, there are other genes that work with BRCA1 and two and the similar pathway that are often mutated. It's like they have friends that they all work together, so if any one of them is disrupted, it can have a similar effect. Now, I also talked about the mechanic that the DNA repair genes. One type of DNA repair is called mismatch repair. This repair system fixes when there are mistakes with the wrong basis put in when DNA is replicated or some other process that changes a base so there's a mismatch in that base pairing. This mechanism repairs that type of damage. When you lose this repair system, you have an accumulation of these mutations across the genome. Some of those mutations will end up being in tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes and lead to cancer syndromes. In this case, this is often an early step in the development of sporadic colon cancers and germline or inherited mutations in one of these repair genes is associated with Lynch Syndrome, which is a cancer predisposition syndrome, mainly colon cancer. These individuals have very high risk for developing colon cancer as well as uterine, stomach, prostate, and other cancers. The mean age of onset is in the 40s, but these individuals with Lynch syndrome can develop cancers in as early as their 20s or even in their teens. I also want to mention an oncogene. Probably the most important oncogene is ras. Ras gets its name, it was first identified in rats in a rat sarcoma type of cancer in rats, so it was called ras after the rat sarcoma virus. There are three different ras proteins in humans that are expressed in different tissues and mutation. Remember it's an oncogene, so it's the gas pedal. A mutation in ras, and this gas pedal keeps it in its active state. It no longer turns off when it should turn off. It's like your foot on the gas pedal. If the gas pedal is stuck down, it doesn't matter whether your foot is there or not, it's stuck down. Once this ras is turned on, it doesn't matter if they're gross signals telling the cell to divide or if they're not there, it's still going to go ahead and divide. Ras is found to be mutated in about 30 percent of all human tumors. It's found in a very high percent of certain types of cancers, like pancreatic cancer is 90 percent. Pancreatic cancers have a ras mutation and 35-50 percent of sporadic colon cancers. There are no cancer predisposition or inherited cancers associated with inherited ras mutations because if you would inherit one copy of that gene, that's all you need. Probably you'd have tumors forming in utero, basically, it's not compatible with life. We've talked about sporadic versus inherited cancers and the different types of genes that cause cancer, tumor suppressor genes, and oncogenes, and their roles in cell proliferation and cell death. Now I want to talk a bit about how cancer causing mutations occur. How do mutations in these genes occur that lead to development of cancer? We talked about the genes, again, that are altered in cancer. How do mutations occur that lead to cancer? In a nutshell, they result from the accumulation of DNA damage. Now, our cells are amazingly efficient in repairing DNA damage. We are bombarded, as we'll talk about in a moment, with different types of things that cause DNA damage all the time. Can even think on your GI system and all the things that were being ingested and everything that's happening in our body and you be lying everything. It's really remarkable how the vast majority of that is repaired. But if there is a loss of a repair mechanism, those genome caretakers, those mechanics, if we lose one of those mechanics, then it's a problem. Then we have unrepaired DNA damage that can accumulate. The more damage that accumulates, the more likely it is to have mutations in critical genes. Then that leads to what is called genome instability, that you are starting to acquire more and more mutations. I'll just comment that the vast majority of our genome is called non-coding. The actual component of our genome that is encoded by genes is only two percent. Ninety eight percent of the genome is doing other things. It's turns on and off the genes and those other things that we're still learning what that all does. But it also can absorb some of the DNA damage without causing problems. But the more damage that accumulates, the more likelihood that you'll have damage that are causing mutations in these cancer-causing genes and then cancer results. Before I talk further about DNA damage, I want to briefly orient you to the structure of the DNA and remind you, the DNA double helix. You probably have all seen this type of figure before. It's a DNA double helix wrapped around. What is a DNA double helix? Well, there's actually the two strands, as I mentioned before, the two stranded helix. You can see this blue part here is a sugar phosphate backbone, and then what comes off of that backbone are these bases. These bases are adenine and thymine or T, adenine A, thymine T, Guanine G, and Cytosine C, and they pair together in a very specific way. A pairs with T and T with A, and G pairs with C and C with G. That's the only way that they pair. When we have a sequence of a gene, what we're reading is A, T, G, A, C, etc., just reading those bases along the strand of DNA. How does DNA damage occur? It can occur spontaneously or just randomly, both within ourselves and from our environment. There are alterations that can happen to our DNA bases. There are when a DNA replicates, different errors can occur. Again, most of the time these are repaired. There are by products of normal cellular metabolism like free oxygen radicals that can cause oxidative damage. Again, most of the time it's repaired, but sometimes it slips through. There are environmental causes; UV light, cigarette smoke, there are chemicals in cigarette smoke, other toxic chemicals in our environment, things that we ingest, etc, that can damage or alter our DNA. As an example of the spontaneous damage that can happen towards DNA just within ourselves every day. Here's our DNA double helix here, and showing a little more detail, showing right here is a base pair. There's one partner on the other strand over there, and here's one base. I'm blowing that up here to show you. This is that sugar phosphate backward bone I talked about, and this is the base. This is a cytosine and this is an amino group here. It's not that important, but just to show you what can happen is just spontaneously in our cells, this cytosine can become what's called deaminated or lose this amino group. Well then it's not an cytosine anymore, it becomes a.. Uracil is not normally in our DNA. Uracil is in RNA, but not normally in our DNA. This is going to make a change in the DNA sequence. This is something that is deamination or changing a cytosine tour uracil is actually quite a common occurrence, occurs to a 100 bases per cell per day. This is something that's happening to all of us all the time. Again, this is typically repaired by a particular type of repair system. To just show you how if it's not repaired, what happens. What I'm showing you here, these gold lines here are the backbone of the DNA and here are the bases. Normally we would have a G and a C. But when that C is deaminated and it changes to a U, well U does not pair with G, and then when this strand is replicated, you end up putting in an A that can pair with the U and then the next round of replication, this U is going to be changed to the partner of A in DNA, which is a T. What happens after two rounds of replication, instead of having a GC, you end up having an AT. That is a big change to the sequence The take-home message is that if there is an altered base and it's not repaired, it leads to a mutation that's maintained in the DNA. Now normally, this right here is a mismatch that would be repaired by a mismatch repair mechanism that specifically looks for these types of mismatches or this mismatch, I should say right here. That looks for this little bulge that there's a mismatch and repairs that. From our environment there are many different types of mutagens or things that cause mutations. One example is in cigarette smoke. There is a chemical that's called benzo(a)pyrene that's in tobacco smoke, that forms an adduct on our DNA. It basically distorts the structure of the DNA, and that causes major problem when the DNA is trying to replicate. Another type of damage is from UV light, and that also causes a structural damage to DNA. I told you how the bases pair from one strand to the other in a very particular way. Well, what UV light does is cause bases to pair within the same strand. Instead of paring to their partners in the complimentary strand they're binding to each other in the same strand that forms a kink in the DNA. Which again is a major problem when you try to replicate through that. There are different types of DNA repair systems that repair specific damage. Here we have our mechanic, there are different mechanics. They each have their own very specialized roles. For example, I talked about the mismatch when there was a U put in instead of the C, for example. Don't worry about the different types here. I just want to let you know that there are different types of DNA repair systems and they work very efficiently to maintain the integrity of a genome. But considering that we have three billion cells in our body and every time they're dividing, it's pretty remarkable that we actually don't all have cancer at a very young age. We really do have efficient repair systems. But of course, as someone said early on, when you think of cancer, you think inevitable, Some people will say, well, if you live long enough, you'll develop cancer. But our DNA repair systems, I do want to give a shout out to them because they do work amazingly well. These again are caretaker genes. What happens when we lose our caretakers? That is when we accumulate more DNA damage, as I've said before, and I just wanted to illustrate this for you in this graph. If we're looking at what this graph is showing on the x-axis is the number of mutations and the y-axis here is the time. We're just thinking about as cells are dividing, that there's a low background rate of mutations in our genome, and most of them don't cause us any problems at all. If there's loss of DNA repair system, then all of a sudden you have a whole lot of mutations that occur, and that's when the cell is called genetically unstable, which is a characteristic of advanced tumor cells. In fact, the mutation rate in cancer cells is typically 10-20 times higher than it is in a normal cell. Again cancer cells acquire many mutations once you lose DNA repair. Coming back to this figure that I showed earlier, if you recall this multi-step process of the tumor progression pathway, as has been mapped to colon cancer. What I'm showing you here, there's all the steps and we talked about how different mutations occur in different safeguards. We now know that there are these tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes along the way. Once you lose DNA repair, and this is thought to be an early step in the process of colon cancer development, once you lose that and you increase genome instability, then we start to accumulate all these other mutations that then lead to a full blown carcinoma. I want to summarize what I've talked about this far. I've talked about from the beginning how cancer results from genetic mutations that disrupt these normal tissue homeostasis so disrupts the processes that control the normal number of cells and tumors arise during this multi-step process of accumulation of multiple mutations. The mutations are in genes that are involved in cell proliferation, cell death, and DNA repair and it is the inactivation or loss of tumor suppressor genes and the activation so the inactivation or loss of the brakes on the cell cycle and the activation of oncogenes are sticking down the gas pedal that causes the problem and leads to tumor formation. Cancers, although they are a heterogeneous group of diseases, they all share certain hallmark features. We talked about how random DNA damage is constantly occurring due to normal cellular processes and environmental factors. Most DNA damage is repaired by specific reinforcement mechanisms, but unrepaired damage leads to mutations that are maintained in our genome. If you lose a DNA repair mechanism, that leads to the accumulation of a lot more mutations and that leads to what's called genomic instability and the potential to acquire many more mutations, including those in critical cancer genes. Genome instability is believed to be an early event in tumor progression that allows for the acquisition of all these other mutations. I know I went through a lot of information in a short period of time, so I'll be very happy to address your questions. But first I wanted to segue two sessions later in the course. Why is all of this important? Why is it important to understand the molecular basis of cancer? Well, it's important to have a more accurate diagnosis and prognosis of the disease and we will talk about diagnosis next week, as well it gives us the information. This is a huge area of research and clinically applied research is developing targeted cancer therapies. Once we know this particular gene is turned on when it shouldn't be turned on, well, maybe there's a way that we can target that to block it in the cancer cells specifically. This is a big area of research, is developing targeted cancer therapies. This leads to more precise and individualized cancer treatment, as you will learn much more about later in the course. With that, I thank you very much and I will look forward to taking your questions. That was excellent, doctor Hyland. Thank you so much for that overview. Kathy, I'm going to send this first question to you. The questions states, how does CRISPR technology factor into cancer prevention, particularly in people who are particularly susceptible, such as those who have Li-Fraumeni syndrome. Great questions. CRISPR technology or gene editing has huge potential. We're not there yet. As we know, there's some successes. We're really hopeful that this may be a way of helping in the future to correct when somebody has an inherited cancer predisposition that's very specific mutation to be able to correct that mutation. We're not there yet. But hopefully the technology will be able to be used in cases like that. As we're waiting for more questions to come through, I have a somewhat simpler question as someone who has a PhD in this specifically, how do you look at the world and how do you consider protecting yourself from DNA damage in the world? It's a great question. Well, I certainly wear my sun, as you can tell, I need it. I'm very high-risk. Just being aware of things like that. But of course, you don't want to walk around, live your life, being worried about everything, but I think just being aware. I am someone that eats very healthfully, I'm very aware of what I ingest and eat very natural foods and try to avoid processed foods and things like that. Somebody asked in the Q&A about blood based assays to detect cancer early. I just wanted to address that and say a couple of things. First of all, we'll cover on blood based assays in the final session of the course. You'll learn more about that. But I do want to connect that concept of a blood based assays to Dr. Hylands talk. For those who haven't heard of these, when we think about molecular testing for cancer, we traditionally have done that testing on the tumor itself. Someone will get a biopsy as you'll learn more about next week and then there are various tests we can do on that biopsy on that tissue specimen to learn about the molecular features of the cancer. Blood based assays are a pretty cool, fairly recent development where you can draw somebody's blood just through a standard blood draw and there are elements of the cancer that can be detected sometimes through that blood test because tumors, cancers in the body sometimes shed things into the bloodstream. You'll learn much more about that in our final session of the course. But often the things we're looking for on these molecular tests and including those blood based assays, are some of the same genetic mutations that Dr. Highland was talking about earlier that are pretty specific to different cancers. Through looking for some of those mutations through a simple blood draw, we now sometimes have the ability to figure out that somebody has cancer and even what type of cancer it is, and even what treatments might be helpful for somebody with that cancer. These blood draw assays, these tests have come a long way. The person who asked the question was asking about detecting cancer early. Right now, we're using these blood based test primarily to examine features of cancer in someone who we already know has cancer. It hasn't quite hit primetime yet to use these blood based assays to detect cancer early in a reliable way. But the research is really promising. I have a feeling that we'll be doing that in the not-too-distant future. There are already some companies working actively on this. Just wanted to address that question and I'll toss it back to you, Dr. Arora. Thanks, Dr. Brondfield. Dr. Hyland, one of the questions was in the chat, so I'll just ask that one. Is there any study on how not processed food or nutrition affects cancer? Meaning if one consumes a heavy amount of unprocessed food, does it affect cancer growth? I think that's what they're asking in the question. I don't know about the studies. I'm not up on the current literature on that, so I don't want to misspeak about anything. But in general, there are studies about nutrition and lower risk for cancers. I don't know if either Dr. Brondfield or Arora know anything more specifically about that, but I do know that just having a healthy diet with fresh vegetables and whole grains and all that are shown to reduce risks of certain types of cancer. Do you know anything more specifically? I'm happy to comment. There's not strong data out there to strongly recommend a particular diet or against other diet to prevent or treat cancer. We do, as Dr. Hyland said, generally recommend a healthy diet for people with cancer and to just minimize the chance of cancer over someone's lifetime. There are suggestions though that diet may be linked to certain types of cancer, for example, the prevalence of gastric cancer and colorectal cancer. Both gastrointestinal cancers are different in different parts of the world and the theory is that someone's diet in different parts of the world may have something to do with that. But again, in terms of general recommendations, we just recommend a generally healthy diet. Diet does not seem to be a very strong contributor to cancer risk for particular cancer types as compared to other risk factors. Making just an important part of that too is that if one were to be diagnosed with cancer, diet doesn't seem to change at all, the growth patterns of that cancer, once it has already developed in the body. But I agreed that the suggestion is the strongest with things that are originated in the GI tract. Dr. Hyland, I'll go to this question next. I think it's a question we probably all wonder about. What's the timeframe between DNA damage and mutations and full-blown cancer or the diagnosis of a cancer? He can't really say one timeframe specifically. It's going to depend on what the mutations are that occur. They've just shown for people that were exposed to radiation or somebody like that. There was a decade, seemed like a couple of decades. But for people that had large exposures, that will be a shorter timeframe than then you would just naturally acquire mutations over your whole life, where someone might develop a cancer in their 70s, someone that had an exposure might develop cancer just two decades after that exposure, or something like that. But as far as just the typical DNA damage that we're exposed to, it's really just an accumulation over a lifetime and it depends on the type of cancer. Certain cancers are more dependent, and to that point, too many details, are more dependent on certain oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes that play more of a role. If those happen to be mutated, then that cancer might develop faster in someone else. If those mutations don't happen, then it's a slower progression. I know it's a very loose way of explaining that, but it's very dependent on the type of cancer and the mutations involved. Thanks. I'm going to toss this question to Dr. Brondfield. Does Oncotype DX test score test only oncogene for breast cancer and prostate cancer? That's a great question. I have learned some about the Oncotype DX score mainly in the setting of breast and prostate cancer. I am not aware of it being used for other cancer types, but that may just be the limits of my knowledge. I'm not entirely sure but just to make sure others know what we're talking about. Oncotype DX is a gene panel that is used in breast cancer primarily to look for common mutations in breast cancer. It can tell us something about how aggressive we expect the disease to be, its responsiveness to chemotherapy. It's another example of a test that can be done on a cancer to help identify some molecular characteristics about it that really impact diagnosis and treatment. Thanks, Dr. Brondfield. Dr. Hyland, I'm going to ask you, did you want to comment on something? I see another question that's related to that. If you don't mind if I can jump forward one question to this, what I'm seeing the Q&A. Is the molecular profile of all patient tumors now routinely evaluated prior to treatment decisions, or is this done only for certain types of cancer like breast cancers? I would just want to jump in with that question because it relates to what Sam was just talking about. Sam, you can say more about this. But here at UCSF, there is the UCSF 500 Tumor Panel which is not on everybody. But it's often done on people, not just breast cancer, on many different types of cancer to give information to see, are there certain genes that are mutated, certain oncogenes, for example, that if they are mutated, it might indicate that a certain type of targeted therapy could work for that patient. Sam, do you want to say anything more about that? I think I would just echo what Dr. Hyland said, that clinically we're using broad molecular testing panels all the time in cancer now, I would say in most cases, especially if advanced cancer. We are sending these broad molecular panels. You will learn more about these molecular panels in our next week's session about how we diagnose cancers, so much more to come there. But yes, we're using it quite a lot. While I'm unmuted, I will also address a comment that I saw in the chat. In response to comments about diet and cancer, someone brought up a really important point about what's the relationship between obesity, diabetes, and cancer. I'll just answer that by saying that diabetes for sure is important in relation to cancer. Diabetes is a known risk factor for pancreatic cancer. Yes, in general, maintaining good health, avoiding obesity and reducing body mass index, and reducing one's risk for diabetes will also reduce one's risk for cancer. That is an important link and one reason why we generally recommend a healthy diet. Thanks. I'm going to ask this one next and then I'll go to the other question because it was on the chat a little earlier. I'll leave it open to either of you to answer, but there are several types of breast cancer. I've heard that a testicular cancer can be closer to one of those breast cancers than two types of breast cancer. How does that work? That comes down to the molecular profiling. We're going to have Dr. Brondfield add to this as well. But there can be certain mutations that occur and this is where cancers are more grouped by their molecular profiles sometimes. Apologies. There's another dog barking across the hall and my dog is totally triggered now, so sorry about that. If different types of cancer have a more similar molecular profile, they actually may act more similar than another cancer of that same cell type. So breast cancers might be more different molecularly. What was the example? I forgot if that was a prostate cancer or something else. If they have more of the similar molecular profile, meaning similar oncogene is turned on, similar tumor suppressor genes turned off, they'll respond to more similar treatment plans. Dr. Brondfield, do you want to say more about that? Sure. That was a great answer. I'll just add that, currently when we talk about different types of cancers, as you've heard, we usually refer to them by the organ that they originated in, so breast cancer, testicular cancer. But as Dr. Hyland described and as you'll learn more about next week. In fact, a cancer that originates in the breast, for example, can look very many different ways. It can be one of a number of sub-types of breast cancer. There are other soft tissue cancers that can start in the breast. There's a whole variety of types of cancer that can start in a particular organ. I'm not aware of one that looks particularly like testicular cancer. But testicular cancers or as cancer is very similar to them, can start outside of the testicle and other organs as well. I think the theme here is that yes, we name different cancers by the part of body that they start in. But there's all sorts of different sub-types within that, and you'll learn much more about that next week. I liked this question. There's one really good crystal ball question that I thought I would leave towards the end of our Q&A session if that's okay. But this next question, I'll ask Dr. Hyland to answer this. If a mutation occurs, does it change all of the DNA in one's body? That's a great question. The answer is no. So it depends on, mutation may occur in just one cell. There might be different mutations in different cells. But unless that mutation is in a germ cell, so in the egg or the sperm that has been inherited, produces offspring in next-generation. In that case, it is maintained and then it would be inherited in the child's DNA in all of their cells. But if a mutation occurs in you and just one of your organs cells, it is not everywhere, it's just in that cell. Thanks. I think that's a really important concept to take home because we get so many questions from people asking, does this mean that I have a genetic mutation that are my kids going to be affected by this. It's really rare for those types of mutations to cause. That's a small subset of cancers overall for the types that are once mutations that you're born with. Another question, while cancer has been around for a very long time, what do you attribute the increase in cases to in the last century? I think it would be great for an answer from both of you. Well, one thing that comes to mind is that people are living longer. The longer we live, the more likely it is that will develop cancer. So that's one part of it. Actually, Dr. Brondfield, I wanted see how you're going to respond to this, because there's certainly different things in our environment and different things that we're exposed to and whether there are truly more carcinogens that we're exposed to then in preview than a century ago, is a good question or whether it's really has more to do with that our population is aging. Yeah. As the audience might remember from Dr. Arora's talk last week, the trajectories of different cancer types are pretty variable, and in fact, lung cancer is going down. That's probably because people were in general smoking less. But why are some cancers going up or why have they gone up or spiked in recent years? You may also remember Dr. Arora showed a graph of prostate cancer, and that one went up really suddenly years ago. The biggest reason behind that is more testing for prostate cancer. Not necessarily that the number of times it's happening in the population is going up, but that we're just finding it more often. The answer, I think overall is pretty complicated and depends on the cancer type. But I think it's multifactorial. Some cancers are increasing, for example, colorectal cancer that may have to do with diet. Some are going down, lung cancer like we talked about, and some we're detecting more often because of better testing technology. So a complicated question and a really good one. All right, I leave the crystal ball question. Now thanks everyone for your great questions. We still have time, so feel free to add some more questions to the Q&A. But I think this question would be great for both of us, for Dr. Hyland and for Dr. Brondfield to answer today. If you had a crystal ball, where do you see cancer diagnosis and treatment to the next 5, 10, 15 years? Which cancer, if any, could be a 100 percent curable in the future? Dr. Brondfield, are you looking into your crystal ball? Yeah. That is a fantastic question, and there's a couple of questions in there I think. It looks like the first one is, where do we see cancer diagnosis and treatment in the next 5, 10, 15 years? The second one is, can any cancer be 100 percent curable in the future? My thoughts on that, just taking a piece at a time. Diagnosis in the next 5, 10, 15 years, as you'll learn about both next week and in the final session of the course, there are multiple new innovations in the diagnosis of cancer that have happened recently and are continuing to happen. A couple of the big innovations are better imaging techniques that take advantage of certain molecular features of cancer. We're just getting better and better at detecting even very tiny deposits of cancer in the body by imaging. That should continue to improve over time. Molecular diagnosis, as we were talking about earlier, not only through biopsies of cancer, but also from relatively straightforward blood tests. The more you can detect and the more information you get from a simple blood test, the easier things go in general, because it's a relatively non-invasive test to do. Probably more advances in that. I do think we're going to start to see early detection of cancer through blood testing, which we talked about a bit earlier, but it has not reached prime-time yet. I think that will come in the not-so-distant future. Treatment in the next 5, 10, 15 years. Treatment is just constantly evolving and we'll talk a lot more about that in two weeks from now. You'll also hear probably about some advances in treatment in the final session of the course too. I might leave that just for those sessions because it's a big question. But to summarize there's a lot of cool advances in treatment that are ongoing. Then the last part of the question, which cancer, if any, could be a 100 percent curable in the future? It's always hard in medicine to talk about a 100 percent or things that are certain. There are some cancers that we consider highly curable now and will probably become even more early curable in the future. A good example is testicular cancer, one of the most highly curable cancers out there. But it's still not 100 percent. I don't know that we'll reach 100 percent curability for a particular cancer type anytime in the near future. But I think we're just going up and up and up and getting better and better. I think that's the best answer I can give for that. Any other thought to say Dr. Hyland? Going to ask what about some leukemias and lymphomas, and with some of the new therapies for those, they're pretty done successful. Dr. Arora, perfect to answer that one. Yeah. That's absolutely what I was thinking about too. Dr. Hyland in our Leukemia and Lymphoma world we have made huge advances in the last few years, especially with immunotherapy for cancers that previously had been completely refractory to our standard therapies and even things we had on clinical trial suddenly are curable after someone has unfortunately relapsed on five lines of treatment. Now we can cure them with CAR T or by specific T-cell engages. Leukemia it's totally changed the game, and leukemia and lymphoma and in myeloma, there's been several new. You'll hear about this as well in, I believe, one of our last sessions specifically about immunotherapy, really exciting hot topic and a really cool drug that's being used. Initially started to be used in the hematology or the blood-based cancers or liquid cancers, but is also being used as well in solid organ malignancies, and we have a lot of clinical trials at UCSF. That stuff is exciting. I know that you're going to have a whole session on cancer treatments and the new breakthrough, so you'll learn a lot more about that, but I think this is an area that is just so exciting with immunotherapies coming out and more targeted therapies. When we talk about targeted therapies, just to clarify what we mean a little bit more that typical chemotherapies, we're just hitting any dividing cell, which is why people would have a lot of nausea, a lot of diarrhea, it hits GI tract and lose your hair and all the other side effects because it was just hitting every dividing cell. Targeted therapies are those that are trying to target just the cancer cells versus the non-cancer cells. The more we understand the molecular profiles of different types of cancer, and then figuring out, and not just the molecular profile, but understanding the biology underneath and why targeting one molecule will work versus targeting another molecule won't, developing better-targeted therapies, I think, is really going to help in the next decade, I'd say. Thanks, Hyland. I think we have a few additional questions, I missed one and the chats, I'll ask this to Dr. Brondfield. Does staging mean stage 4 means death is imminent compared to when someone gets diagnosed with stage 1 cancer? Great question, and we throw around this term stage or staging all the time. You will learn more about that next week in our diagnosis session, but just to answer that, stage 1 to stage 4 does not describe how close somebody is to the end of their life, it instead describes how advanced their cancer is in the body. For example, in general, a stage 1 cancer is a single tumor in one part of the body, often that can be surgically removed and potentially cured, whereas stage 4 generally means metastatic or spread beyond where the tumor started, in fact, usually to distant sites in the body that are pretty far from where the cancer started, and that is most of the time not a curable scenario. The stage really matters in terms of what the next steps in treatment are, but it doesn't describe how close someone is to the end of their life, it just describes how advanced the disease is within the body, and you'll learn more about that next week. Thanks, and I'll toss this question, I think, to Dr. Hyland, and feel free to ask Dr. Brondfield as well, but maybe both could answer, but what cancers can start from the breast other than breast cancer? Dr. Brondfield, I'll have you chime in as well, but I believe from my understanding the cancer starts from the organ that it starts in. To flip your question around a bit of cancer that's a breast cancer can move to a distant site and can be someplace else, but would still be breast cancer cells. Now, what other cancers can start from the breast? Only breast cancer can start from the breast. But if breast cancer cell move to someplace else, so you have a metastasis in the bone or a metastasis someplace else, it's actually breast cancer cells placed in that other area. But to my understanding, you can only have breast cancer start from the breast, is that correct, Dr. Brondfield? Thanks, Kathy. I'll just add one thing which is that I agree that most of the time when a tumor starts in the breast, that it is one of the more typical types of breast cancer that we see. There are unusual scenarios, some more common than others, where we're really surprised by a biopsy result from a tumor in the breast. A couple of examples. One is certain types of soft tissue cancers called sarcomas can start in the breast. There's one called a phyllodes tumor. That one when we get that result out of a breast tumor, it totally changes the approach to how we would treat that cancer that started in the breast. We don't usually even call that breast cancer because the type is so different from the typical breast cancers that we see. Another example is that rarely lymphomas can start in the breast as well, and those are examples of blood cancers that Dr. Arora treats that can start in many places in the body, but occasionally in the breast. I think the take-home message there is we may do some imaging and find a cancer or what looks like a cancer in the breast, and most of the time that's going to be a typical type of breast cancer, but sometimes there's some really rare types that can start in the breast that surprise us and are treated quite differently. Those are great examples, Dr. Brondfield. We have a fresh question in the Q&A that I think I will pass it to Dr. Brondfield. How is a distant recurrence differentiated clinically from a second primary? I think it's a great question. It is a great question. Excellent question. I'm not sure I'll answer that in other sessions, so I'm glad you asked. What we're referring to here is that let's say that someone has cancer and the cancer gets treated, and then they don't have any more cancer in the body to our knowledge, but then down the road, a cancer appears again, and the question in that scenario is always, is this a new totally different cancer or is this a part of that first cancer that maybe the treatment didn't get 100 percent of it and now it's coming back in, say a different site. The way we distinguish those scenarios is through a biopsy typically. We want to actually get a piece of that tumor, and again, you'll learn about biopsies next week, but we want to get a piece of the tumor and examine it under the microscope and potentially do some of the molecular testing that Dr. Hyland was alluding to earlier around some of these genetic mutations, and through that testing, we can usually pretty accurately identify, is this a totally new cancer or is this that same one that's just coming back? If I can piggyback on your answer to just connect with something that I said earlier when I was talking about how white people who have familial cancers are at risk for multiple tumors, they're actually at risk for multiple primary tumors, to use the terminology, because all the cells of their body have the initial mutation that pre-exposes every cell towards the tumor progression. You can have different cells acquire different mutations and develop into multiple primary tumors. You can both have metastasis and primary tumor, but when we say that people with inherited cancer syndromes are at risk for multiple tumors and multiple primary tumors, and different types of cancer. Someone might have uterine cancer and colon cancer or something like that. Thanks, Dr. Hyland. We have another question which I think is all been such great questions, I would like to ask Dr. Hyland to answer this. Can cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation increase the chance for developing other cancers down the line, and maybe add to that question, why? That's a great question, and again, I'm going to ask Dr. Brondfield to follow up. This has been a challenge with treating childhood tumors, in particular, using radiation for childhood tumors and a concern whether there'll be cancers later in life. There is some risks with radiation. I think that radiation treatments have gotten much better and very focused. There is less risk of that than in decades ago when radiation was just given in larger doses and broader areas. I don't believe that chemotherapy really will cause cancers in the future, but I'd like to hear what Dr. Brondfield says. Again, I think where we're moving now is towards very targeted treatments, both with radiation being physically more targeted, and targeted therapies that have less and less risk for future cancers. Dr. Brondfield. Thanks, Kathy. I will correct one thing and say that chemotherapy definitely is linked with secondary cancers down the road as is radiation. The way that this happens is that both of those types of treatment can impact and cause mutations in DNA just like the ones that Dr. Hyland was referring to earlier. Typically, cancers that result from prior treatment, from chemotherapy or radiation take many years to happen, usually something like a decade or longer. There are some types of chemotherapy that can cause cancer sooner than that. When that happens, it's usually a leukemia and can happen from certain types of chemotherapy within a couple of years of getting prior treatment, but these secondary cancers down the road are rare, they're not common events after chemotherapy or radiation, but they are really important things to know about in any one who has received any radiation or chemotherapy. Great. Well, I thank you, everyone, for the great questions, I'm so glad that we were able to talk back and forth after Dr. Hyland's excellent presentation. I learned a lot from our presentation, Dr. Hyland, and your slides were just really beautiful, so look forward to learning from them for years to come as well. Thanks everybody and thanks Dr. Hyland for coming. Thank you, it's a pleasure.
Channel: University of California Television (UCTV)
Views: 100,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cancer, genes, mutation, Dr. Katherine Hyland, tumor, homeostasis
Id: UlHK3Y_c5Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 7sec (4627 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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