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hi guys it's Amanda I've got 12 crosswords who has got six of the old the crossword cache ball $3 Florida ticket and we've got six of the new which is a continuation of the ones from the other day so we've got tickets 0 up through 5 we'll start with these the odds on these are one four point one four and we've got ticket 25 up to 30 so we will start with these here all right so you need two words to win three dollars and this one gives you all the fouls and then the little money bag scratch-off it gives you a double all right we'll start off the B&Q WJ eeehm zc yg Oh each d/f px are you eighty there's a word exit I don't think there's two words on there let's see RLS and okay I think there's just the one word so I don't think that one's a winner let's try took it 26 okay if I move it little moneybags see a and I pee-yew HW JP jy qo DX and we got le these we've got League that's you know rst there's a B that one doesn't help us I don't think that one's a winner either I think you can see RS TV and I only see one word on here they was getcha that rst combination there I think twice it's looser and doesn't wear a cuz it doesn't make a difference all right 27 maybe Dave double-checking me on this side you know a chicks get us a winner soon here H X mu FC okay say no J's okay why is he where is he I don't think they gave me no GQ yes I there's a word such alright last P and D know are in let's say no V and T no K are no there's an F that doesn't help us well they don't one's a winner either I'm not having very much luck with these I just see one word on this one - all right what do we got three left of this take it 28 let's do the moneybags PQ hopefully there's a good winner in here somewhere de you J mu J and this fw I don't see okay 8x you find anything where you HL all right RB you finally gave me an arm hopefully that I hope this time there's a P I was realized I didn't catch it one Barbie alright last I and V yeah these are tough tickets let's see and do you see G why I don't think that one's a winner either I think I just got the one word not being very nice today ticket 29 I got 29 and 30 left I reached to redeem this little stack of tickets here all right VI we II [Music] let's see here nothing yet sorry di h and k I see you don't see any clamor over there that I missed on accident that's you JP there's a plea JP thought I saw a second word here hmm well we got one word so far ZB and last two letters WS oh my goodness all right em in we don't have those tyg got one word there I don't see anything I feel like this is like what am I missing something double check me on that one don't ticket 30s or the last one of this game see if we come through we're gonna bust out on this game or not all right we stir with s and B eh Oh see why JP waa nothing yet over there huh qu it's just a bad group of tickets mg the word pin alright last two letters KX okay I don't think I've got one single gunner I got one word there there's no R T d BL I think it's a bust on these this game I don't think there's anything on that one either depending on you folks to tell us if we're wrong because we can't stay in these tickets anymore all right so we will um well go down this time we'll do ticket five down through ticket one on this game this is the new Florida cross very nice the multiplier crossword so if you win you get two words it to win and if you win you get the multiplier box so you can multiply your price up to see how many does it tell you up to I think it's at five X or something like that somewhere multiplier I don't know I thought I saw that somewhere anyway all right let's get going on this game here if I didn't say so already gods and this one is for one point four one three IP all right multiplier come on we need you to come through for us we have U and Q IRB EEE and easy GA we have a word err all right Oh F ym all right JH and last two letters KS see NTC Noel and I see air and I think that's it one word alright so nothing on this one alright sounded ticket for you w b why GX JC I am HK EP heyo there's a weird couch the I don't see anything and then D is let's see our LT and I don't think this one's a winner either I got couch up here no we're no NIT Noel alright so number four nothing alright ticket three see we got PQ okay in di why are a jiff and II see me there's a word be I think it's all the CDs are you J and last you w and T sorry I don't see g.o.d s what do we get here no as I just think we have one word on this one as well well this is not looking very promising at all all right there's that three tickets to go you might end up with three dollars after this is all said and done no there's got to be something in here [Music] Arby unless I'm completely missing everything this is not a good group so far jg a gin Kewpie hmm yeah I nothing right Dave that's a Peter all right WL I see all right X a if you learned at the end of the ticket how nice there's a word you oh my gosh I'm sane okay nobody knows 80 and I don't think there's two words on here either well ticket too that's not good Wow one and zero left to go eight you know I hope that it's been a long time since I've had that age you know see if the front of the roll will do us a solid here at the end PC GS GS EJ give you you all right Bek and Z's and a there's a time of high all right let's see last two letters let me get F and B no Rd T or L so we have pi I don't see a word another word on here this is yes chants over here take it zero nothing absolutely nothing ticket zero bring it home oh but what do we get on the other six five or six of these that we did you remember like three or six dollars or something like that yeah so this is like the same group of tickets and this is not looking good either okay Jay Edie XQ there's any cuter sizing a why jee-in you don't see anything right you know TC you you you see if II I'll double check all these again as well but if you guys see something let me know because this is not looking good at all all right we got one word ice let's see our s and H no V no B that looks like a whole bunch of garbage I don't think I have any winners at all I just see ice and I don't see another word on here there's no V there's no there's no n no H I think it's all garbage yeah big fat zero ending on ticket zero I don't know I don't remember that I've had a total zero on camera I've had them before off camera but I don't know if it has it's bent and if it has it's been a long while if it has so here's all our bunch of trash some just colorful paper for the trash yeah oh I'm sorry nothing I think this is a big fat nothing but anyway just be safe I see there's a tropical storm slash hurricane coming towards Florida if you guys are down that way so just be prepared be safe thanks for watching guys sorry we didn't have anything good come out of this one today but there will be more tickets I'm trying some California ones doing here once we get over there and hopefully we'll have some more winds coming have a great rest of your week
Channel: Dave's Lotto Madness
Views: 10,434
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: ASMR LOTTO SCRATCHING, Florida Lottery, scratch off, florida lottery scratch off tickets, lottery scratchers, scratch off lottery tickets, dave's lotto madness, scratch off tickets, scratch tickets, scratchies, lottery tickets, lotto tickets, scratching lotto tickets, playing scratch off tickets, crossword lottery ticket, asmr lottery tickets, soft voice asmr, lottery asmr, ASMR, WHAT CAN WE WIN WITH THESE TICKETS, I SPENT $36 IN SCRATCH OFFS & THIS HAPPENED, cash vault
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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